Elements Divided

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Xer nodded.
"The only issue is, what will this Godzilla creature do once it has its infant..? Would it look for those who seperate do it? And what of this Ronin being?"

The juvenile placed his foot on Rhododactylus' chest and pushed her off. Making a load roar for help, it began to back off. It's dorsal fins lit up to release its extremely pathetic form of the atomic breath attack. The sky, began to glow very brightly. A large figure seemed to descend from the clouds, covered in thorny crystals. Ronin looked down across the frozen lake, ignoring the small city that was not far from here, to gaze at the juvenile.

Prince turned; and lowered his head, growling. He began making challenges at Ronin, keep his head low so that he could pounce on Ronin; though it would be a futile gesture since he was roughly 10 meters tall against Ronin's 60 meters.

So. You're the one that's been probing my head. I figured out how to block you. Do you happen to know the temperature of the sun? It's quite the glorious display of...energy. This world will be vaporized instantly and be a dead void in which I can hone my powers and go home. But you all will being dead by then. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted....

Ronin raised his arms, striking a pose a did he were atlas holding the world up. Small rifts began to open; extremely small. Great strain appeared on the beasts face as it attempted to open the dimensional portal inside the sun. Dispute it's immense power, it lacked the skill to use it to its full effect.
Out of frustration, Ronin let out an ear shattering roar, causing all that were near to have bleeding ear drums.
Then there was a sound; he sound of sky being torn apart by sonic booms.
Four fighter jets flew through the clouds, striking Ronin directly in the forehead with very powerful missiles; the payload diverted the creatures attention and the portal closed.

The glacier overlooking the frozen ocean had activity as well; a gigantic thud and an explosion of ice as Kiryu landed. The chrome finish on its metal glistening in the bleak and snowy environment...
It appeared Xer's question would have to wait. This was unexpected. Had Ronin followed the juvenile's cries? Or was it in Kay's head without her realizing it? Regardless, now they had to take action.

Fortunately, the army arrived, Kiryu along with them. "It was about time," she sighed in relief, glad Ronin hadn't come any earlier. "Rhoda! Go!"

The Familiar stood by the juvenile, trying to speak with him if possible. She suggested perhaps working together for now. Prince didn't want to duel Ronin to the death, did he?

As this happened, Kay began to chant a spell, a rather long one. A powerful spell was needed for a powerful foe, after all. It was up to the army, Rhododactylos, and perhaps the juvenile to hold Ronin off for now. She could only hope they could do it.
Kiryu stayed back however- pelting Ronin with round after round. Raising his hand, Ronin created a psychic barrier, absorbing the kinetic energy of the explosive bullets.
Kiryu let out a metallic roar, pounding it's fist into its palm.
Ronin answered back- then noticed the juvenile.
With a flick of his fingers, the Prince was telekeneticly thrown back, his tail hitting Kay and likely doubling her over. The poor juvenile's leg bone was horribly broken with the bone jutting from the skin.

The juvenile continued to make cries for help- and Kiryu lowered its weapons, awkwardly standing and glaring at Ronin. Ronin roared, preparing his next attack, when the ice in the far distance began to crack.
The juvenile grew silent, and began to pick itself up, attempting to crawl away.
The cracks got larger, and fastest moved to Ronin.

Kiryu jumped back to life, firing it's wrist cannons again; but this time at the ice cap. The layers of ice weakened and then gave way.
Ronin initially scoffed at Kiryu for missing; but when he figured out the cyborg wasn't missing, it was too late.

A gigantic, charcoal object burst from the opening of the ice that had revealed ocean water bellow. At first, it landed on its arms, but it's fury and speed allowed it to throw itself upwards, successfully hesdbutting Ronin. As it completely got out of the ice and stood defensively in front of the juvenile, it was clear as day Godzilla. Only it was silent and had its back slightly hunched, arms ajar. For once Godzilla was on the defensive, which was extremely unique.
One of the circling jets slowed down and began a landing sequence in the distance, having seen Kay and the group.
Izana Sighs and looks at Ronin and the finally arrived AMF before once again sbifting to a Full Size dragon, Still immensely smaller then Seer but, Upon Ronin's Appearance, He determines its the right time to summon his Uncle.

"mulvulgein, Please assist us in taking on Ronin." Saying it verbally, Eith all necessary conviction, Even if he is uncertain if any more than the name could be heard by Seer.

"there we go. If we can distract Ronin with Philosophy until my unle arrives we'll have a fighting chance. Don't let him into your head either."

Looking to Ronin, He inquires, Mental bariers Strong and up. "If you roast the planet, What happens to you and any family you have? You may be Kaiju, But you're still a living, breathing person with feelings, Dreams, Fears. What happens if you assure the world burns with you?"
When I'm done, the only thing left would be myself and that thing you call Godzilla. Out of his element he is nothing. I shall become a god
He said, his voice ringing out through Izana. His mental barriers prevented Ronin from doing any damage- but he would not be silenced.
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Hit by the tail, Kay flew back as well, not expecting the blow. Rhododactylos turned to Kay, not sure whether to attack or stay back and defend. The mage told her familiar to not worry about it and just try to help in the fight. With a nod, the large horse darted around Ronin, firing off lightning bolts at him. She focused on evasion and trying to bother him, letting Kiryu get in the heavy blows. It seemed Godzilla would be helping as well, for now.

As Izana called for Mulvulgein, Kay noticed a jet beginning to land and tried waving it over. Though it had seen them, it didn't hurt to make sure.
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Ahh, As Full of yourself as the rumors would have it I see. NO ONE can become a God by wiping every last creature out. You yourself are mortal as well. If you wipe out the planet, you and Godzilla would Indeed be left behind, But dead. No Food left to you, No animals. If the Heat and radiation didn't kill you first, the lack of anything for nutrition would eventually starve you both out of existance. Not entirely a Good way to die, I would imagine.
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I breathe the cosmos; I do not need sustenance. Now do me a favor and DIE

An orange bolt of corona energy rolled to hit Izana- but Godzilla blocked it, taking the hit full on and exposing muscle tissue underneath the leviathan's shoulder.
Izana, being near the juvenile had become the likeliest to outlive everyone else- he had Godzilla as a relative bodyguard at the time since he was near the juvenile.
Letting out a short roar of pain, Godzilla still stood defiantly to protect the youngling, who was attempting to stand on its broken leg.

Kiryu stopped attacking, a few panels on its chest opening up. The processors had calculated that Ronin wouldn't pay attention- to many things were attacking him. Granted, everything hitting him wasn't necessarily hurting him, just diverting his attention from his powers.

Ronin opened his maw and let out another Corona beam that arced across Godzilla's torso and scorched off huge sections of hide, the air permeating with the smell of burnt skin and meat. Despite having had several opportunities to attack, Godzilla still stood to the best of its ability to guard the juvenile- not retaliating in the slightest.

I am glad I evolved beyond such- weakness. Patheti-

Three hours of orange-gold lightning erupted from Kiryu's chest cannon, burying Ronin into the ice. For the brief moments Ronin had to pick itself up, Godzilla turned and nudged the Juvenile back a little further with careful attention to being gentle. Godzilla merely snarled at Izana and Kay, but figured them to not be a threat.

But now that the infant was safer, the fight was on.

Letting out an ear piercing roar, Godzilla flexed its arm muscles, sending its claws across the ice sheets as if to signify its return to the battlefield. Ronin's psychic messages transcended silly things like 'comprehension' and 'language', and he was going to pay for that weakness comment.
With Godzilla taking the initiative, Rhododactylos felt the need to back off. She didn't need to get in the crossfire of 3 Kaiju. She darted back towards the juvenile and Kay, deciding to act as transport should any stray attacks fly their way. For now, they'd have to count on Kiryu's and Godzilla's power.

(Mind if I bring in Bagan?)
Ronin stood, only to get blasted back down by atomic breath.
Kiryu stood valiantly over the hillside, keeping its distance.
Ronin raised a hand, throwing Godzilla back with a psychic push. Godzilla stumbled, and jumped in front of a stray corona beam to protect the juvenile again.

Corbin came sprinting from her jet up to Kay and Izana- but something was off. Her face was filled with rage- but for seemingly no reason.
"What's the situation?", Corbin said in a snappy tone to Kay.

Ah. Colonel. Is that your machine on the hill? You know it is a failure because it lacks free will...

Suddenly, Corbin did a very non-Corbin thing. She snarled, bit her lip and yelled into her throat mic.
Kiryu had a tactical advantage by remaining on a hill, but with no restrictions the Godzilla DNA would take hold
and it would put itself in harms way in exchange for a higher damage output without considering loss of life.
"LETS SEE IF THATS WEAK WILL POWER!", she said, gritting her teeth.

Godzilla was having difficulty standing, but took off into a charge only to be blocked by a psychic wall.

This infant is all you care about. I'll simply kill it to prove this point
Ronin released an arc of Corona beam only for the beam to be blocked by Kiryu.
The cyborg fell forward before turning and letting out the mechanized Godzilla roar. Godzilla looked at Kiryu, stood back up and it beside the mech. Two Godzillas were better than one.
Attempting to divert their attention, Ronin fired again at the youngling, which Godzilla absorbed. A huge hole was left in Godzilla's sternum- but this time the beast didn't stumble.

Corbin began visible shaking, gritting her teeth and shaking her head from an awful headache at the exact same time as...well, when Godzilla began to glow. His dorsal fins erupted in blue atomic energy that dazzled the eyes- before changing to a firey orange. His pupils disappeared, becoming orange radioactive conduits.

Ronin raised his hand to create a psychic barrier- which fully materialized in a solid state with crystals around the edges. That's when Godzilla released the orange atomic ray- surprisingly the barrier held the energy...for two seconds.

The barrier shattered and Ronin was sent back hundreds of yards, being struck into an ice cap and jammed inside. The beam bored through Ronin's left side, robbing the cosmic monster of its left hand's fingers, leaving only a trail of ash behind.

Godzilla advanced with new found fury along with Kiryu. Kiryu dodged a fist, ducking bellow Ronin and delivering a seismic punch to the saurians jaw. Kiryu lept backwards to fire off some rounds at it- only for Godzilla to jump in the way.

The two locked hands, Godzilla easily pushing Ronin further and further into the hill. Ronin's scrawny, defined arms were nothing compared to the gigantic, bulging muscle masses that Godzilla packed around. Ronin channeled psychic energy into his hands- forcing Godzilla back. Unable to combat the psychic powers with his arms, Godzilla committed to a savage, but appropriate, attack.

The kaiju lept forward, and sunk it's teeth into Ronin's neck. Godzilla clamped down with and ungodly amount of force, and pulled Ronin's body towards him. Ronin was too dumbfounded to fight back- Godzilla took his opportunity to grab the cosmic terror by the left shoulder crystal and the thigh...
Then, Godzilla accomplished its best feat yet.

Letting out a bellowing victory roar, Godzilla hoisted Ronin above its body, and tossed Ronin headfirst into the ice.
Ronin stumbled back up, his jaw clearly broken.
Panting, the creature sent an army of crystal needles into Godzilla, pushing him back.

Ronin snapped around to find Kiryu- and suddenly had gigantic blades rammed through his neck. Blood coated the cyborg's forearm as it gushed from the space kaiju's jugular.
Ronin psychicly shoved Kiryu off- and Kiryu responded by delivering a skull cracking headbutt.

Ronin grabbed his head, looked up to attack Kiryu and a large black dragon landed on his snout. The Seer began tearing out Ronin's eyes, and flew off as Godzilla bouldozered over its space doppelgänger from behind.

With Kiryu and Godzilla working together, it seemed the battle was a pushover.

The juvenile stepped on its broken leg, and cried in pain...Kiryu snapped up and used its jets to get to the infant faster than Godzilla...almost as a form of maternal instinct. Godzilla responded with a roar, seeing the cyborg get close to the juvenile was not exactly the best thing for a raging death dealer to see.

Corbin was now hypervenalating, having trouble breathing due to her extreme anger which was only building; but she couldn't tell from what.
Izana watches all of this, Looking to Seer upon his arrival, feeling a familial connection of sorts, though he doesn't quite know what it is, He figures its likely thr same thing that Godzilla and the prince feel for each other. Having been protected by a Kaiju, Izana would indeed have a story for thr ages, even if its a small skirmish in the grand scheme of the world. as Izana watces Seer fly away, theres a sort of emptiness he had forgotton about after meeting his adoptive family. a Feeling of lonelyness, of rejection and failure. All feelings Izana uses to fuel the fire. His sapphire eyes burning brightly he looks to Corbin. "Please calm down Ma'am. We have Kiryu, Godzilla, Seer, thr dragon leader, and myself to fight. And yes, I'm Izana. We're not in bad shape." He bows, realizing his lower rank.
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"Well, we found a juvenile Godzilla and evacuated the town, but with Ronin coming here anyway it seems that was for naught. But in any case, Corbin, what's wrong? You are far too worked up," Kay asked after her quick overview of what had happened.

Corbin seemed to be hurt in some way, but Kay couldn't see how. She put her hands on Corbin's shoulders. "Are you alright?" she asked, though it was obviously a no, regardless of what Corbin answered. "I shall heal you if you need it, but I can't cure this anger you're feeling. So please, tell me what is the matter."
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Kiryu turned to the now enraged Godzilla and its body language, it too was angry.
Godzilla released its orange atomic breath attack- and Kiryu gripped the monster's mouth shut with surprising agility. Struggling, Godzilla flailed his arms around before pushing Kiryu off of it.
The Prince let out another cry in pain due to his leg, and both Kiryu and Godzilla snapped their heads at the sound- then proceeded to go back to fighting. Anytime either would turn their back to the Prince, the would begin roaring and take a defensive posture.

Corbin's face was red- and upon touching her shoulder, Corbin's body was hot. Extremely, hot. She grit her teeth- appearing to be in pain from the amount of rage that was searing through her.

But...Kiryu ignored the command. The cyborg's eyes donned a red hue and it continued to fight, ignoring Corbin's orders.


Corbin looked up, and raised her hand, assumingly to flip off the rising Ronin should it be the last thing she ever did, and instead lobbed an aqua blue fireball at the creature. The fireball struck the cosmic kaiju inbetween the eyes, and encited a similar reaction as the missiles had- Ronin closed his eyes, shook his head and lost concentration.
However the portal was open. Everyone's clothes began to catch fire. Godzilla called out in pain, and Kiryu snapped back to reality.

Turning on its jet packs and aiming them horizontally, Kiryu blasted off into a charge and tore out both of its wrist blades. The cyborg jammed the blades through Ronin's midsection, and then sent thousands of gigawatts and volts through Ronin's torso.
The portal stayed open- everyone's hair was on fire now. The ice around ronin had turned to a small lake now-
But then the portal collapsed as Ronin used his psychic powers to push Kiryu away- except, Ronin was now unconscious.

Floating above all of them, were hundreds- no, thousands, of different portals and dimensional rifts.
Kiryu went flying backwards as a second Ronin strode from a portal.

Pardon my younger self's rudimentary plan. I'll mentor him to make a better one. Enjoy the time you have bought yourself. It will not change destiny

With that, the second Ronin began levitating, and with a flick of his wrist, was psychicly holding Ronin above the ground also.

"INCOMING!", a pilot yelled trough Corbin's microphone. A gigantic machine fell through the portal. Kiryu dashed forward, blocking the main vehicle from crushing the group, however, all three were knocks completely unconscious...

The sound of distant voices seemed to ring in everyone's ears as bright lights shone through their eyelids...
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Kay immediately let go of Corbin upon touching her. "Wh-what the..."

The portal could not be closed it seemed. Corbin, somehow, fired off a fireball at Ronin, though it was ineffective. ...Strange.

But she didn't have much time to think about it as everything started catching fire.

"Vesisulun!" Kay shouted, a large tide of water surrounding and collapsing onto them. The fires were put at bay for now. For now, an unfilled sphere of water would surround them.

She no longer had any idea what was going on. Two Ronins? All of these portals? She couldn't do anything about it, so she kept the barrier up and hoped for the best.
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"-I don't care if it's dangerous or not...-it for two weeks! They might not ever wake up if we do-"

A gentle hand was resting on Kay's shoulder, her eyes suddenly forced awake. Her veins felt as if they had fire flowing through them- her heart beating through the roof.
"What are you talking abou- aah!" she cried as her body heated up, her heartbeat uncontrollable. She quickly turned around and hopped backwards, drawing Thanatos.

Calm down...calm down...agh...

"What...has happened...?" she panted.
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"We left your gear for you on the gernie as a sign of good faith. We fell through the portal, too. I'm nurse Ramos and this is Do-"
"Doctor Eldeen. I spiked your veins with adrenaline to wake you up. The burning will subside in a minute once the fluid is completely dissolved"

She was no longer in the outside area of the ice glaciers and frozen lakes- she was in some sort of white room. She would have no idea of identifying it as a hospital, but Izana was on top of three seperate stretchers to fit his large body and Corbin was in a different one- but with restraints on her hands, torso and legs. Her face had fresh blood on it, though, not hers.

In the far corner of the room was Prince, who actually seemed somewhat at ease. The juvenile Godzilla had some sort of stint on its leg and was hobbling, but was doing just fine. It had a muzzle on its mouth, however, and some people in strange suits labeled "HAZMAT" were walking around the creature, holding strange clicking devices.

"Now", Doctor Eldeen said clearing his throat.
"Do you know what a human skeleton looks like?"
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Izana groans on the stretchers, suffering from minor Amnesia that will likely pass soon. (that way I buy myself time to read. Hah.) Looking around, he tries to get up and over to the others, before falling off of the stretchers, yelping sharply on impact with the cold ground of the hospital. "too....Much....White.....Could do with a touch of Blue here and there...." he comments on the aesthetics, though more so trying to cheer the others up a bit. They indeed had achieved a tremendous victory, but he feels as if he hasn't done anything to deserve it. "Doctors, How soon will everyone be alright? Once everyones Okay, I will wish to request a leave of absense from you guys to go catch up with my adoptive family, so that I can return to you guys as an ally or friend, depending on your viewpoints now unbridaled by my nagging feeling of neglecting them." He caughs a bit, a small flame leaving his mouth, but not lasting long and it dissipates almost as fast as it were created. "We saved the world, as it were, but, By the looks of it, more is yet to come. we have to get you home, We have to stop the Kaiju at any cost, and we, or at least I, have a civil war to end...." He sighs a little, trying to get off the floor, having strained one of his wings in the fallfrom the stretchers, which is noticable due to how open he is keeping it now, Hoping he didn't break it. "All of you are welcome to come too, but Kiryu may make them Nervous..."

at this point, the dragon clutches his head, groaning from the pain and aching he is experiencing. "I hope you all made it out of the fight okay. you're all wonderful people, you don't deserve this...."
"Pardon me- but who do you think we are?" The nurse asked, confused.
"We've never seen you before in our lives"

Some men in strange armor entered the room- very similar to Jerome's, yet also drastically different enough to prove that they weren't of the same universe.
"How are our guest, doc?"
"Lieutenant, not now. They just woke up"
The soldier grumbled and left, and the secondary soldier left also.
"You're on the Adams Air Force Base Crawler. Except we aren't on Adams Air Force base anymore- so I guess it's just The Crawler"
Izana struggles to get up, looking at them. "Forgive me....I thought you were those that participated in the fight against Ronin with me.....My mistake...." He groans, trying to get up still, sore, stiff, and indeed injured. "I suppose you're going to want to lock me up again, huh?" He sighs, expecting the same suspicion as he was met with when he stumbled upon the AMF for the first time.
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