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It will be tomorrow before the Tid Bits Section is complete. Sorry guys I'm getting slammed by a migraine and I don't wanna post this stuff until I have it laid out just right - cause the way it is right now is sorta confusing lol.

I will see you guys tomorrow will be lurking while at work and will be home round 5 pm central time.

Xeno-Biologist / Apothecary: Dr. Morton Stray


Race: Velosian - Age: 773 (yup) - Sexual Preference: Asexual

• Old Occupation
Dr. Stray has spent his most of his life researching, analysing and cataloguing all life across the universe, and has a secretive plan to eventually find a cure to death itself. He spent time with various scientific organizations in several galaxies, but was kicked out of many of them due to his unorthodox view on life and death.

• Appearence
Morton is certainly an odd looking individual. His voice, which sounds like that of a man in his late 50's, seems to exhibit a noticeable British accent, as well as metallic undertones due to his mask. One could almost mistake him for a robot, which wouldn't be far from the truth, as 60% of his composition is mechanical. He attempts to hide the more unsightly parts of his augmented body, such as the back of his head, with a hooded jacket. Morton's exo-skeletal armour is his greatest invention (see below), and prevents him from dying of non-violent causes. Yet no piece of this armour can ever be removed without killing him, as his frail body lacks immunity to even the simplest of bacteria. Morton's mask resembles those once worn by plague doctors during the Black Plague.

-- Likes - Peace and quiet, studying life forms, concocting potions/poisons, observing scientific anomalies.
-- Dislikes - Overly-ambitious people, people who choose happiness over knowledge, loud noises.
In spite of his appearance, the first thing anyone would note about Morton's personality is that he's extremely soft-spoken, courteous and polite. Moreover, he tends to be helpful, altruistic, and obedient in groups. Since losing his own team of scientists to a plague (see below) he lacks the will to lead others, and takes a passive role in team scenarios. He sometimes considers himself more of a philosopher than a scientist, and tends to find himself lost in thought, contemplating the purpose of everything. He has concluded that, in and of itself, life is worthless, and that sentient lifeforms must ascend their being in order to find fulfilment. Whether that means death... or fully combining sentient life with machines. His disliking of those with too much ambition is rather hypocritical of him (see below).

-- Powers: Telekinesis of minor objects. His laboratory workspace often involves random tools, substances and datapads floating around him rather than on a desk. He sometimes uses this ability with tiny syringe darts, through which he can inject poison into unsuspecting victims from up to 10 feet away.
--Abilities: Highly acute senses, vast bank of knowledge (especially pertaining to xeno-biology and magic-related chemistry).

-Weapon of Choice: TOXICLAWS, the gloves of Dr. Stray extend into sharp claws. When he wishes, a scratch from these claws can administer a deadly neurotoxin. This toxin can be set to either paralyse, subdue or kill an individual. Of course, this only works on biological targets.


-- Strength: ✪
✪ Strikes swiftly.
-- Defense: ✪✪✪✪✪ Exo-skeletal armour.
-- Magic: ✪ Minor magical capabilities.
-- Lifeforce: -- Isn't likely to survive any hit that penetrates his armour.
-- Agility: ✪ Far from being nimble.
-- Mindset: ✪✪✪✪✪✪ Has wandered the universe for hundreds of years.

• HISTORIA (his defining aspect)
Velosians are a human-like species located in the star system of a distant galaxy, virtually unknown to the rest of the universe. Their civilization had only just begun to explore space when the Velosian home planet, Velos, was ravaged by a terrible disease. The plague had originated from another world, its structure was absolutely foreign to their immune systems and medicine, hundreds of thousands lost their lives to the disease with each passing day. It was capable of spreading through contact, food, blood, water and even managed to infect the air. The entire planet was becoming inhospitable, and its inhabitants didn't have the resources to go off searching for a new one. In a last ditch effort, the Velosian government tasked their most accomplished scientist, Dr. Stray, and a team of biologists to find a way to survive the disease. Morton dared to be the first test subject, a decision which should have killed him. He underwent numerous cybernetic augmentations and received a power core made from an impossibly rare substance, Maxignium Primus. Once the project was complete he no longer needed to eat, drink or breathe, and whatever little was left of his former organic self was sealed away behind a powerful exo-skeleton. The disease had been beaten. It seemed miraculous... but it was too perfect to be true.

It didn't take long to realise that this highly advanced technology could not be replicated without far more Maxignium Primus... and so Dr. Stray was forced to live on, as he watched each and every member of his species perish around him. Within months, Morton was the very last Velosian alive. With all of his intellect, he managed to save himself from one of the worst diseases the universe has ever seen, but being so caught up with saving himself, he was unable to develop a way to save everyone he ever cared about.

After spending 50 years wandering alone in the ruins of his former civilization, searching for any sign of hope, it also became clear that his invention had granted him the unholy gift of immortality (Velosians naturally have the same lifespan as humans). It was as if fate had decided to make a mockery of him, and force him to continue living despite his insurmountable guilt. 150 years after that, a human exploration vessel discovered Velos, and Morton, the only (somewhat) living thing on its dead surface, who joined them. He spent every waking minute of the next 50 years creating an antidote for the disease that had destroyed his home world. The cure he resultantly created was far more effective than he could have hoped, but it wasn't nearly enough to cure the terrible guilt his past had left him with.

He spent the next 473 years exploring every corner of the universe, cataloguing life forms, researching various elements, and stockpiling an increasing amount of knowledge. Curing the disease wasn't enough, he sought all of this information to eventually learn how to cure death itself. More specifically, he sought the element from which his power source was made from, Maxignium Primus. Granting immortality to all sentient life in the universe was the only way he felt he could redeem himself... and when Poe's father offered him the location of a planet which held the source of Maxignium Primus, he was ready to do anything. In return, Mr. Wysse sent him to apply for a position in Poe's "secret" crew and relay information of his whereabouts to his father. He is capable of communicating with him through an extremely secure and virtually undetectable comm-channel.
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Ironic that your character suffers the same way... ARE ACTUALLY A SPACE ELF FROM THE FUTURE??
Lol Maaayyyybbbeee! Lol But no yeah I have chronic Migraines everyoe in my family get's them lol. They call us the weather readers, though I don't think this one is due to a storm. Will read over your new app tomorrow morning prolly from work.
Will read over your new app tomorrow morning prolly from work.
Take your time, don't stress yourself out over the RP, if you're not feeling up to writing it's perfectly understandable :P. (<--I'm not actually trying to sound like your mother, I swear)
Sorry if this is really bad but I finished. I'm better at writing stories than descriptions >~<​

Maeve Zardone [pronounced: may-ve zard-own] ​- Gunner

Age: Appears to be in the early twenties but is actually 638 | Heterosexual | Race: Mendalorian

Old Occupation: Mae has been running around her fair share of space pirates. She drifts from ship to ship looking for her next big score. She has never been truly loyal to any captain unless they have earned her respect but, if she does become loyal she would be one of the most useful assets to the team.

Mae has golden, almost orange, eyes that seem to look right through anyone. Her skin is a rather fair complexion for her race that is normally either slightly darker or slightly paler. Also like most of her race, her hair is naturally a bright green color. On her planet they consume a fruit that heightens the senses but it also permanently dyes the hair green. As for her physical condition, she is rather slim with a small frame that can squeeze into almost anything. More often than not she is seen wearing her gas mask to cover the lower half of her face. Because of her mistrust in most people and the fact that her face could be recognizable she wears it at all times. The only exception is when she is sleeping or has someone around that she trusts with her life. Normally she is dressed in the least amount of clothes as possible and tries to keep it that way. More notably it is common for her to wear clothes that show her stomach, such as a crop top.

-- Likes: Money | Entertainment | Weapons | Exploration
-- Dislikes: Wasting time | Fools who waste their lives | Being captured | Cold environments
Mae is the type of person who likes to take the time to figure things out rather than rush in headstrong. She would carefully plan out her method of attack for guaranteed success in her head before every move. She also has a very reserved persona around strangers or people she generally does not like. After Mae gets to know some her more sarcastic side comes out. It can be anywhere from being brutally honest to just making snarky comments. Along with that is her becoming a more optimistic person.

-- Abilities: Very acrobatic and able to contort her body as she pleases as well as excellent tracking capabilities.
-- Powers: Suggestive manipulation of those with a weak mind
[think jedi mind tricks]
-- Weapon of Choice: 2 Colt XSE
These babies are her pride and joy right here. She takes the utmost care in their maintenance and will never allow anyone to touch them without her permission. These guns are one of the only things she has actually purchased herself. Besides that she keeps a small knife strapped to her thigh.

-- Strength:Not very muscular but still strong enough to defend herself in certain situations.
-- Defense:
✪✪ Not very sturdy but can take more blows than she looks.
-- Magic:
✪✪✪ Gets better with more concentration but the recovery time lengthens.
-- Lifeforce:
Can only go on for but so long.
-- Agility:
✪✪✪✪ Not only is she the fastest silent killer around but she is also extremely nimble and flexible.
-- Mindset:
✪✪✪✪ Very perceptive and quick to figure things out.

Mae was born on Mendalora, a planet filled with jungles and wildlife. The people lived in a hot climate so they wore very little clothing, which she soon became accustomed to throughout her life. Her parents, like most on that world, raised her to hunt and survive in the jungles. There, most of her training took place to make her into what she is today. Around the time that she became just over four hundred years old she took off to see the rest of what the galaxy had to offer. She was still considered to be a youngling going off by herself but her parents had no choice but to let her go. Once she got out there she joined a small pirate crew where she learned the ways of salvaging and trade. After a while that crew died in a mission gone wrong so she moved on to bigger and better things, along with all the loot they had obtained. It wasn't long until she spent most of the money so she had to join another crew, this time a much larger crew, and stayed with them until she got bored or found it time to rob them. Thus her life continued on this way in a chain of stealing and deceitfulness.
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I got the name from a random name generator so it honestly could be something else. I wouldn't know but thanks :)
I got the name from a random name generator so it honestly could be something else. I wouldn't know but thanks :)
Oh srry, I thought you'd know because of the reference you made to jedi. Mandalorians are a race from starwars, they also treasure their weaponry above all else and are born fighters. Guess it's just a coincidence ^.^ You don't have to change it if you don't want to :P, it really doesn't matter so much.
That's funny. I love star wars but I didn't know that, not an avid fan as you can see. Still it is quite interesting that happened. I'll leave it as it is~
Home reading profiles and then reading the IC sorry it took me a lil bit to get home -.-; traffic man... traffic
(My last character was quite Earthly, so I made this one VERY outlandish... I won't blame you if you don't accept him :P((also I probably won't be using this character as much, but I think he might make things interesting...)))

Xeno-Biologist / Apothecary: Dr. Morton Stray

View attachment 75096

Race: Velosian - Age: 773 (yup) - Sexual Preference: Asexual

• Old Occupation
Dr. Stray has spent his most of his life researching, analysing and cataloguing all life across the universe, and has a secretive plan to eventually find a cure to death itself. He spent time with various scientific organizations in several galaxies, but was kicked out of many of them due to his unorthodox view on life and death.

• Appearence
Morton is certainly an odd looking individual. His voice, which sounds like that of a man in his 60's, seems to exhibit a noticeable British accent, as well as metallic undertones due to his mask. One could almost mistake him for a robot, which wouldn't be far from the truth, as 40% of his composition is mechanical. He attempts to hide the more unsightly parts of his augmented body, such as the back of his head, with a hooded jacket. Morton's exo-skeletal armour is his greatest invention (see below), and prevents him from dying of non-violent causes. Yet no piece of this armour can ever be removed without killing him, as his frail body lacks immunity to even the simplest of bacteria. Morton's mask resembles those once worn by plague doctors during the Black Plague.

-- Likes - Peace and quiet, studying life forms, concocting potions/poisons, observing scientific anomalies.
-- Dislikes - Overly-ambitious people, people who choose happiness over knowledge, loud noises.
In spite of his appearance, the first thing anyone would note about Morton's personality is that he's extremely soft-spoken, courteous and polite. Moreover, he tends to be helpful, altruistic, and obedient in groups. Since losing his own team of scientists to a plague (see below) he lacks the will to lead others, and takes a passive role in team scenarios. He sometimes considers himself more of a philosopher than a scientist, and tends to find himself lost in thought, contemplating the purpose of everything. He has concluded that, in and of itself, life is worthless, and that sentient lifeforms must ascend their being in order to find fulfilment. Whether that means death... or fully combining sentient life with machines. His disliking of those with too much ambition is rather hypocritical of him (see below).

-- Powers: Telekinesis of minor objects. His laboratory workspace often involves random tools, substances and datapads floating around him rather than on a desk. He sometimes uses this ability with tiny syringe darts, through which he can inject poison into unsuspecting victims from up to 10 feet away.
--Abilities: Highly acute senses, vast bank of knowledge (especially pertaining to xeno-biology and magic-related chemistry).

-Weapon of Choice: TOXICLAWS, the gloves of Dr. Stray extend into sharp claws. When he wishes, a scratch from these claws can administer a deadly neurotoxin. This toxin can be set to either paralyse, subdue or kill an individual. Of course, this only works on biological targets.

-- Strength: ✪
✪ Strikes swiftly.
-- Defense: ✪✪✪✪✪ Exo-skeletal armour.
-- Magic: ✪ Minor magical capabilities.
-- Lifeforce: -- Isn't likely to survive any hit that penetrates his armour.
-- Agility: ✪ Far from being nimble.
-- Mindset: ✪✪✪✪✪✪ Has wandered the universe for hundreds of years.

• HISTORIA (his defining aspect)
Velosians are a human-like species located in the star system of a distant galaxy, virtually unknown to the rest of the universe. Their civilization had only just begun to explore space when the Velosian home planet, Velos, was ravaged by a terrible disease. The plague had originated from another world, its structure was absolutely foreign to their immune systems and medicine, hundreds of thousands lost their lives to the disease with each passing day. It was capable of spreading through contact, food, blood, water and even managed to infect the air. The entire planet was becoming inhospitable, and its inhabitants didn't have the resources to go off searching for a new one. In a last ditch effort, the Velosian government tasked their most accomplished scientist, Dr. Stray, and a team of biologists to find a way to survive the disease. Morton dared to be the first test subject, a decision which should have killed him. He underwent numerous cybernetic augmentations and received a power core made from an impossibly rare substance, Maxignium Primus. Once the project was complete he no longer needed to eat, drink or breathe, and whatever little was left of his former organic self was sealed away behind a powerful exo-skeleton. The disease had been beaten. It seemed miraculous... but it was too perfect to be true.

It didn't take long to realise that this highly advanced technology could not be replicated without far more Maxignium Primus... and so Dr. Stray was forced to live on, as he watched each and every member of his species perish around him. Within months, Morton was the very last Velosian alive. With all of his intellect, he managed to save himself from one of the worst diseases the universe has ever seen, but being so caught up with saving himself, he was unable to develop a way to save everyone he ever cared about.

After spending 50 years wandering alone in the ruins of his former civilization, searching for any sign of hope, it also became clear that his invention had granted him the unholy gift of immortality (Velosians naturally have the same lifespan as humans). It was as if fate had decided to make a mockery of him, and force him to continue living despite his insurmountable guilt. 150 years after that, a human exploration vessel discovered Velos, and Morton, the only (somewhat) living thing on its dead surface, who joined them. He spent every waking minute of the next 50 years creating an antidote for the disease that had destroyed his home world. The cure he resultantly created was far more effective than he could have hoped, but it wasn't nearly enough to cure the terrible guilt his past had left him with.

He spent the next 473 years exploring every corner of the universe, cataloguing life forms, researching various elements, and stockpiling an increasing amount of knowledge. Curing the disease wasn't enough, he sought all of this information to eventually learn how to cure death itself. More specifically, he sought the element from which his power source was made from, Maxignium Primus. Granting immortality to all sentient life in the universe was the only way he felt he could redeem himself... (POE.ETIC I NEED EXXTRA APPROVAL FOR THIS NEXT PART) and when Poe's father offered him the location of a planet which held the source of Maxignium Primus, he was ready to do anything. In return, Mr. Wysse sent him to apply for a position in Poe's "secret" crew and relay information of his whereabouts to his father. He is capable of communicating with him through an extremely secure and virtually undetectable comm-channel.
APPROVED! However Know this - limitation of your communications will be controlled by the GXS ^.^ So when trying to contact Poe's dad sometimes you will find yourself unable to do so. The GXS is all nifty like that mwhahaha
Sorry if this is really bad but I finished. I'm better at writing stories than descriptions >~<​

Maeve Zardone [pronounced: may-ve zard-own] ​- Gunner

Age: Appears to be in the early twenties but is actually 638 | Heterosexual | Race: Mendalorian

Old Occupation: Mae has been running around her fair share of space pirates. She drifts from ship to ship looking for her next big score. She has never been truly loyal to any captain unless they have earned her respect but, if she does become loyal she would be one of the most useful assets to the team.

Mae has golden, almost orange, eyes that seem to look right through anyone. Her skin is a rather fair complexion for her race that is normally either slightly darker or slightly paler. Also like most of her race, her hair is naturally a bright green color. On her planet they consume a fruit that heightens the senses but it also permanently dyes the hair green. As for her physical condition, she is rather slim with a small frame that can squeeze into almost anything. More often than not she is seen wearing her gas mask to cover the lower half of her face. Because of her mistrust in most people and the fact that her face could be recognizable she wears it at all times. The only exception is when she is sleeping or has someone around that she trusts with her life. Normally she is dressed in the least amount of clothes as possible and tries to keep it that way. More notably it is common for her to wear clothes that show her stomach, such as a crop top.

-- Likes: Money | Entertainment | Weapons | Exploration
-- Dislikes: Wasting time | Fools who waste their lives | Being captured | Cold environments
Mae is the type of person who likes to take the time to figure things out rather than rush in headstrong. She would carefully plan out her method of attack for guaranteed success in her head before every move. She also has a very reserved persona around strangers or people she generally does not like. After Mae gets to know some her more sarcastic side comes out. It can be anywhere from being brutally honest to just making snarky comments. Along with that is her becoming a more optimistic person.

-- Abilities: Very acrobatic and able to contort her body as she pleases as well as excellent tracking capabilities.
-- Powers: Suggestive manipulation of those with a weak mind
[think jedi mind tricks]
-- Weapon of Choice: 2 Colt XSE
These babies are her pride and joy right here. She takes the utmost care in their maintenance and will never allow anyone to touch them without her permission. These guns are one of the only things she has actually purchased herself. Besides that she keeps a small knife strapped to her thigh.

-- Strength:Not very muscular but still strong enough to defend herself in certain situations.
-- Defense:
✪✪ Not very sturdy but can take more blows than she looks.
-- Magic:
✪✪✪ Gets better with more concentration but the recovery time lengthens.
-- Lifeforce:
Can only go on for but so long.
-- Agility:
✪✪✪✪ Not only is she the fastest silent killer around but she is also extremely nimble and flexible.
-- Mindset:
✪✪✪✪ Very perceptive and quick to figure things out.

Mae was born on Mendalora, a planet filled with jungles and wildlife. The people lived in a hot climate so they wore very little clothing, which she soon became accustomed to throughout her life. Her parents, like most on that world, raised her to hunt and survive in the jungles. There, most of her training took place to make her into what she is today. Around the time that she became just over four hundred years old she took off to see the rest of what the galaxy had to offer. She was still considered to be a youngling going off by herself but her parents had no choice but to let her go. Once she got out there she joined a small pirate crew where she learned the ways of salvaging and trade. After a while that crew died in a mission gone wrong so she moved on to bigger and better things, along with all the loot they had obtained. It wasn't long until she spent most of the money so she had to join another crew, this time a much larger crew, and stayed with them until she got bored or found it time to rob them. Thus her life continued on this way in a chain of stealing and deceitfulness.
APPROVED! awesome character too !
I finished editing Poe. :)
-when you've literally forgot there was already an IC- WOOPS ^^; my bad.
Not at first, after you have joined though I would liek us to stay in order. So far our post order is . ..

POE RUTH RAYLEX then you if you post next
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