Dwindling Glory - Lament of the Fallen OOC

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Awesome Postie, @Navras

@Kisara your turn to post now. xD. I'd rather not pass on Leon, as he is still important in this.
Thank you kindly~

I do hope Kisara posts soon though... things are really getting nice and exciting now!
@Navras if you're okay with reading or at least skipping some intimate M/M stuff, I have a spinoff story for Dwindling Glory that reveals a lot of things. ;)
Lay it on me. I'm not bothered by any of the M/M things, and was a bit curious as to Alex and what's his face's relationship.
Well, that was insightful. And well written too, well done.

Makes me want to post more. Damn it -_-
Thank you. :D. Would you mind providing constructive feedback?

Also. I'm planning on writing another spinoff story about what happened in the two-year interim between Never Regret and Lament of the Fallen. xD.

Feel free on writing a character exploration story, @Navras, but we do have to wait for @Kisara
I can't really offer any constructive criticism, not really. It's a different style from how I would write, if only a little bit, but it's over all a style that I approve of. My only suggestion would be to tone down speech some during... eh... intimate moments, that's only because I prefer to keep my writing more realistic and in reality, people tend not to talk as much as that. Not unheard of, mind you, and everyone is different - but I mostly write based off of my own experiences, and in my experience speech isn't the thing on people's minds when they're in the shower together usually.

That being said, that I write based off of my own experiences generally, that's why I can't give too much constructive criticism outside of general mechanics. My writing is too personal in style for most other people.

As for an exploration story, how do you mean exactly? If you're talking about something like that short bit you wrote, I don't think I can do that for Ezeckial. The vast majority of that character's life was a cycle in Hell, and so I'd only be able to maybe write that cycle out in more detail. Before that, he was free on the earth with Lucifer and the gang and before that in Heaven. History-wise, this character is rather simplistic.

And yes, that's one way to explore a character. You could likewise create an "AU" so to speak where he was able to leave the Pit much earlier than he actually did. How would he react to the human world? What relationships would he develop? It's more so a 'character study' in that you try and explore how the character would react to these kinds of situations.

*stares intently @Kisara*
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FINALLY POSTED!! Sorry for the delay! I hope that postie was okay... With Alex being out cold, I wasn't 100% sure where to go with it, other than getting out the house :P
@DawnsLight I'm going to have Alice try and take Jillian to the house's panic room which is arguably the safest place to be right now. You have a choice whether to go along with it or to argue and stay upstairs instead. Remember, you're already under a lot of suspicion, though, to be fair, Alex is out like a light.

@Kisara Check your conversations. :D. There's something I want to talk to you about. Gabriel will not agree with Leon about the Hand of Thoth. The house is well-warded and there's a panic room, and the vast majority of the Hand is comprised of sceptics and non-believers. Introducing the supernatural to the Hand would be a fatal error since it would cause dissent in the ranks and the Hand is the one thing keeping military control of the Canadian border funded.

@Navras Ezeckial grossly underestimated how fast the Angels will get to the house. They, or at least the one that was in the area at the unsheathing of the Athame are about to arrive. Oh. Also. Just to clarify, no one knows of how the Athames were forged because that knowledge was sealed away by Azrael for the sake of peace. Otherwise, the Great Conflict will only grow more and more severe and could potentially shake and destroy the very foundations of the Celestial Sphere.
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Awww shit, An angel on the door step just as Ezeckial stepped in. Things are gettin' tense and mysterious all of the sudden!

Just gotta wait for @DawnsLight to post and then I can again~
I recommend going to my blog everyone and looking up the rules of magic, particularly the number of circles that can be used by mages. *whistles innocently*
Ooh. Also. @Kisara that post was perfectly fine. It gave me a lot to work with.
Twas a nice post indeed~

Also, Gabriel is the name of Alex's dad right?
FINALLY! Sorry for taking so long y'all! Life and everything. But there we go! Jillian wanted to stay and fight... but let's face it, she's a little traumatized and exhausted and scared out of her freaking wits as the sole human involved in all of this. So she's being a little cowardly.

Oh Jilli ;_; Maybe you'll get to ride in as the cavalry again?
@Kisara I'll be posting later on today. I'm going to post before you because what happens next involves a lot of Leon and should give you a fair amount to play with.
Pardon me for the Dhampir seeming to be a Deus Ex Machina at this point in the story, but this is all lead-up to what happens next. I postied, by the way.

@Kisara your turn to postie! :D
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