
  • Thread starter camolot the creator
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i took the rifle and put my eye to the scope. "where? by the command bunker?" i grimaced. even from here, now that i had seen him, i could sense him among the many Dark Duohumans clustered in the area: Tranz, leader of INFINYTUM. he appeared to be giving orders to a group of Dark Duohumans, and as i watched, they all nodded in unison and left in a hurry. Tranz remained outside for a moment before returning to the interior of the bunker.

"it's Tranz." i handed the rifle back to Knight. "i don't think we need to worry too much about him; as long as it's not an attack on the artillery, he won't leave the bunker, and his sixth sense is terrible; it's bad enough that he wouldn't sense us if we were standing at the entrance to his little center of command." i pulled my rifle off of my back and paced it in front of me. "all it means is that we have to be a little more careful. here," i said, then handed Knight a small earpiece. "stick this in your ear; each of us will sound off when we're done. that-" i pointed to a trench to the west of the cannons, "-will be our RV."
with that done, i picked up the rifle and brought it to my shoulder, putting my eye to the scope. i scanned one of the artillery units for a moment before locating the main hydraulic line. "Knight, line up your shot. in the unlikely event that i miss, i'm going to need you to get the shot in." i carefully adjusted my aim for drop and wind, making sure that the bullet would pass straight through the center of the pipe, slicing it in half and making it look like a mechanical failure. i waited a moment for the unit to prepare to fire; then, just as the pilot pressed the firing buttons, i gently squeezed the trigger of the rifle, which bucked in my hands as a single empty cartridge ejected from the side of the rifle.
i looked on as the unit's left knee joint buckled and it went toppling to the ground, landing just as the artillery round in it's cannons chamber went off, creating a huge explosion of dust and shrapnel right in the center of the compound.

i quickly jumped up, shouldering the rifle as i did so. "hit confirmed. move!" i jumped off the ridge, landing at it's base without a sound, then crouch-ran the few hundred feet from where we had been to the anti-orbital cannons, which were arrayed at the edge of the position. though it was difficult to see in this dust, i located the center cannon and it's electrical conduits hatch, quickly popping the hatch open with my hands, wincing a little at the sound of wrenching metal as i broke the lock holding it shut. there were several power lines inside the cavity, but they were clearly labelled and i had no trouble finding the firing power and cutting open it's sheath of rubber with a small knife.

"Jack reporting; objective completed, retreating from the area. had to take out a tango, but no alarms raised, over."

i unbuckled the explosives from around my waist, then slung them into the cavity before rewiring the firing conduit to run power through the brick of C-12 and short circuiting the warning alarm that would have alerted the pilot to a problem with the power line. i quickly double checked my work then, noticing that my smoke screen of dust was fading a little, wrapped up what i was doing and sealed the hatch again as best i could. with that, i put my finger to a small button on my earpiece and spoke.

"Creator reporting; objective completed. headed towards the RV, over."

i moved around the cannon, keeping low to the ground to avoid being seen before running face-first into an INFINYTUM soldier. he stumbled back for a moment, before he made eye contact with me. before he could shout the alarm, i swept his legs out from underneath him, then punching him in the jaw, the corner of my mouth twitching as i felt the bone give under my fist. i rolled the body under the low clearance of the cannon, then checked around for any more before negotiating the remaining distance to the trench.
Knight put the ear peace in and lined up his shot, but there was no need. Creator was an excellent marksmen. The knee went out and bang they had cover. All three of them had in that instant flash stepped to there location.

Knight set his explosives, the charge was easy to place. Knight stepped away only to hear a dark duohuman squad pass in his path then stop. Knight reached for his earprice.
"Objective complete, small squad of enemy troops in my path requesting covering fire. Please respond" knight drew Espin from her sheath. Careful not to make a sound and he waited for back up.
i skidded to a stop and put my finger to my earpiece. "keep a low profile, Knight, and try to find a way around them while we figure out a way to draw them off."
i thought over my equipment and abilities. none of my current weapons would cause a distraction noticeable enough to draw them away from Knight, and the equipment i was carrying in my pocket universe was devoted either to science or to combat, not to mention my abilities. i attempted to devise something that i could build or use in a pinch, but everything i came up with either wouldn't work or would take far too long to build. i needed something untraceable that could make a large sound-
i smacked myself on the forehead and pressed a finger to my earpiece.
"hey, Jack. still got that collection of fireworks?"
"does the Pope have religion?"
i rubbed my eyebrows with my opposite hand.
"too much?" Jack said.
i shook my head, then continued. "i'm gonna need something loud that preferably doesn't leave a smoke trail."
"I've got my personal bottle rockets; not loud enough to attract wide attention, but enough to cause a distraction."
"do it."
there was a short pause, then my head twitched as i detected a faint whizzing sound, followed by a large BANG! to the northeast of Knight's position. cautiously, aware of the fact that i might be seen with the dust cover fading, wall-ran up the side of a tall menhir, gripping the top and swinging myself up on top, shouldering my rifle and looking on through its scope as the Dark Duohumans quickly left in the direction of the explosion, leaving one behind, obviously a female from her armor style. i put my finger to my earpiece.
"Knight, one tango remaining. knock her out and bring her to the RV for evac; Elexion would be pissed if he found out that we had a chance to capture a Dark Duohuman and let it slip."
"Roger" knight said as he quietly resheathed Espin. He snuck behind her and tapped her sholder. She quickly turned to look look at knight.
"Good night" knight said as he punched her in her left temple. She came crashing down, he checked for a pulse. She was alive, just unconscious.

Knight sighed with relief. He thought he had accidentally killed her. He was so unuse to taking prisoners. Knight picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He noticed creator and flash steped to his location.
"Objective complete" he said as he looked at creator with a sly smile then said "fire in th hole"
i grinned at Knight, then touched my earpiece once more. "this is Creator; cruiser Theta, you are clear to begin orbital MAC barrage."
a slightly static-laced voice came in over the radio. "Creator, this is the cruiser Theta. our offensive angle is locked in, and we are prepared to being run as soon as you give the ID code and the order."
"Read you loud and clear, Theta; my ID is four-two-one-three-alpha. Begin MAC run at your discretion. Good hunting, captain."
with that i cut off the transmission. i looked towards the sky and could barely make out a single large, winged, four-engined craft entering the atmosphere and aiming the huge cannon attached to it's underside at the coordinates of the INFINYTUM compound. the anti-orbital guns swiveled on their bases, locked on and ready to fire. there was a short hum as power was routed to the firing relays, then a huge WHUMP as the explosive packs concealed in the bellies of each cannon went off simultaneously, destroying or melting the cannons and throwing up a screen of dust, through which the blue explosions of MAC rounds hitting their targets were just visible. as the shock-waves hit one after another, the menhir beneath me shifted slightly but held stoically against the shock-waves. then, the MAC barrage ended; the Theta, it's job complete, began to ascend back into a stable orbit. i listened as the targeting officers on the Theta relayed hit data to me, which i repeated to Knight.
"twenty-two MAC rounds fired. Seven direct hits on artillery units, three to the command bunker, six to a squad of heavy vehicles, two into a large contingent of soldiers and the final two into INFINYTUM's auto-targeting systems. Theta reports that they've also seen HU troops and vehicles moving in, and have intercepted a general order to retreat from this planet issued by Tranz." i smiled as i drew my finger away from my ear. "all in all, a decent job." i glanced at the figure draped over Knight's shoulder. "and we bagged a Dark Duohuman to boot." i slid down the stone, then leaned against it's base. "today is a good day." i muttered to myself, then, louder, "we can see Elexion now, and he'll give us the info we need."
Knight turned to watch the explosion, he grinned as the MAC cannons exploded. Creator begain to tell knight the specifics of the cannon fire he listened then creator said "we can see elexion now and he'll give us the info we need."

Knight took a double take and said " in the misted of all that fun, you know blowing things up and all, I forgot why we were here." He then gave creator a thumbs up and gave him another sly smile "but I remember now though thanks."
The soldier flash steeped near me. "Oh yea your here too." The soldier just looked at me with a blank expression. he blinked and said "ok"
I looked back at creator and said "so what do we do with her?" Knight gestured to the girl on his back.
"Let's torcher her for answers, water boarding, I vote water boarding!" Espin yelled
Knight looked at creator and said with a serious face and tone "Espin votes water boarding."
i crossed my arms and glared at Espin. "there will be no torturing here. besides..." i grinned a little. "we don't have the restraints to hold her under the water." i shook my head a little. "anyway, she isn't a true Dark Duohuman; rather, she's something that HU refers to as a 'Thrall'. these Thralls exist in an almost constant trance, due to the fact that they were mentally forced into being a Dark Duohuman by a true Dark. because of this, Thralls can be mentally reset to their neutral state, at which point they will once more regain control over their own actions, though their time as a Thrall is only half-remembered as a hazy dream. this can be done in one of two ways: first, the reset can be triggered by inserting the idea that something is wrong with the conscious mind into the subconscious, which forces the subconscious to reboot the entire mind to an earlier-and more stable- state. second, the mind can be forced into a hard reset by routing a Neutral or Light Duohuman's power directly through their body, sort of like an electrical shock. to avoid damage, the mind will reset to match the power wavelength, turning them from Dark to Neutral." i rubbed my hands together, generating small tongues of flame. "the first takes time and concentration; for the sake of simplicity, i'm going to attempt the second." i gestured to a relatively flat stone nearby. "set her down here; trust me when i say that you do NOT want to be making physical contact with her when i attempt this."
Knight could feel Espin's disappointment
"No torcher" she said then knight felt her notice, for lack of a better term, the flames and she instantly got excited again. "oh nice flames does inserting your power in her involve barbecue I love the taste of humans, but I've never had duohumans. Yea we'll eat good tonight!"

Knight rubbed his temples and said to Espin " no we aren't, just shut up for a second." The head ache was already bad, but Espin's constant talking was making it worse. He could feel her disappointment.

Knight stepped back from the girls body and looked at creator. Do it, light then looked at the soldier. "what's your name again?" The soldier looked at knight and opened his mouth to speak but knight cut him off. "No don't tell me your josh, no bob, Greg, mike" Espin wispered to knight "jack"
Knight said "I've got it its jack, see I knew your name."
Jack crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
i looked up. "Knight, i remind you that as another Duohuman, Jack can detect the dialogue between you and Espin. no fooling." i turned my attention back to the Dark Duohuman on the rock in front of me, then took a breath in and rubbed my hands together again, creating a small aura of sparks. "now, uh, i have to warn you, i am... not sure what, exactly, is going to happen; i came up with this method while punching a Dark Duohuman in the face, and it has never been tried in either controlled laboratory conditions or chaotic battlefield conditions, so i have no idea whether it's going to cure her or create a blast on the level of an antimatter weapon." i glanced at Knight. "so, really good, or exceptionally bad; either way, you might want to stand back..." with that, i touched my power-charged hands to the unconscious Duohuman.
okay. reality is flexible, or at least flexible enough that nearly anything can happen. however, there are several things that violate the laws of physics and reality; Duohumans sharing power is one of them. Each Duohuman has his or her own power wavelength; these wavelengths cannot mix, and if they did they would generate a field that would flip probability on its head. things that would happen with regularity, such as an object with mass being attracted towards another object that possesses enough mass to generate gravitational force, would occur rarely or not at all, while things that don't ever happen in reality, such as mass repelling mass instead of attracting it, would happen regularly, if not most or all of the time. the laws of physics and thermodynamics would violate themselves continually, and the omniverse would be a perpetual mess. fortunately for the omniverse, the field generated by this particular experiment of mine was limited to the Thrall and myself.
i more of felt instead of saw her genetic code being subtly rewritten, power levels shifting and rising, structures changing and abilities shifting. i was divided over whether i should allow the effect to continue on it's chaotic path or stop it in it's tracks before it caused any real damage, or converted our mass directly to energy, or turned us into jello, or a trillion, billion other completely improbable or impossible things that the field could do to us. thankfully, before any real damage was done, the field collapsed, it's job complete. the sudden disappearance of this reality-defying force created a shockwave that cracked the stone and sent me flying backwards into another menhir, which cracked in half upon contact with me.
"they don't make realities like they used to..." i said, slurring my words slightly, then passed out from the combination of energy drain and sudden physical damage. just before i sank into darkness, i sluggishly considered with my last spurt of conscious thought that i might have changed physics permanently in this universe before i succumbed to the dark.
Knight watched as creator bent and changed the laws of physics. All though knight couldn't see it, he felt creator rewrite her DNA, and he became concerned. Last time knight tried, well let's just say the subject didn't end well. But creator managed to pull through.
"They don't make realitys like they use to..." Creator said as he collapsed. Knight looked at jack and said "no need to worry he's just unconscious, useing power like that is very taxing on a body if it has never been used before." Knight looked at the girl, he could sense something was different. It was almost like her very soul had stopped screaming. Knight picked both creator and the girl and threw them both on eather side of his shoulders. He stould up and looked at jack and said "where is elexion?"
Jack looked directly at Knight. "you might want to put Creator down; he'll only be out for a minute or so, and he'll join us when he wakes." For a moment, he considered that the laws of physics had just been changed, which may affect when, if at all, Creator would awaken, but he dismissed the idea. Creator had taken and given worse, Jack had seen it, and this wouldn't put him down for long. "I'm well aware of your experience with this sort of thing, but this was completely different from what you did, and I doubt that the aftereffects will be the same." Jack turned towards the east, pointing in the direction of the HU line. "Elexion is that way, about seven clicks or so from our current position, located at the outpost established on this planet, which is serving as a command post for this battle." he lowered his arm. "we believe that INFINYTUM attacked this outpost for the Ancient artifacts buried underneath it, some of which might actually be able to assist you in your goal. Come on, let's go." Jack hunched for a moment, then sped off towards the location he had indicated. If Knight didn't keep up, it wasn't any skin off Jack's back; truth be told, he didn't much care for someone who pretended not to know his name, especially since he had assisted Knight several times in the past and Knight had ample opportunity to hear or learn it.

It took a few minutes to reach the outpost since Jack wasn't exactly trying to break any land-speed records. The outpost was composed of a few three story buildings, surrounded by a wall of gray steel with a few defensive weapons that had obviously been recently, and temporarily, attached. Jack stopped at the gate, then passed through the open doors, stepping aside to make way for a huge tank leaving the compound. He glanced around a moment to orient himself; he had only been here once, and even then only for a few minutes before he had been sent out to intercept Creator and Knight, but he remembered where the command position was. He approached the first building to his right, a five story structure of concrete and glass typical of HU outposts. If he remembered correctly, these buildings were standard structures for outposts, constructed in individual interlocking floors on Osrisis, then loaded onto ships and dropped individually on their destination planet, were heavy equipment was used to assemble the buildings by stacking one floor on top of another to reach the desired height. He stepped inside the ground floor, weaving his way between equipment racks filled with ordinance, military crates and soldiers to the elevator at the far side of the lobby, were he pressed the button to summon the elevator. When it arrived a second later, he stepped into the cylindrical car and reluctantly waited for Knight, holding the doors open for him.
Knight put down creator but held on to the girl. He figured she'd be confused when she woke up, knight could help explain her situation. He felt bad leaving creator behind. However that wouldn't stop him. Knight quickly scribbled on a post it note he had summoned from another universe payback, and left it on creators chest. Knight then realized that jack was gone.
"He really should wear a bell" knight thought aloud and he raced to catch up with jack. He could feel his power and knight followed. When he finally caught up jack was waiting impatiently at a elevator door he was holding open. Knight stopped and said to him "thanks". Knight walked threw the elevator to elexion.
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sore pretty much summed up the entirety of my being. everything hurt, more pain then i had felt in longer than i cared to remember. i grunted, then opened my eyes and realized that i was leaning against the cracked menhir, though not in the same position that i had been in. i assumed that Knight had attempted to move me at the beginning of my bout of unconsciousness, and that Jack had immediately discouraged him, following which Knight had set me down and the two had continued with the girl in tow. judging from the depth of Knight's footprints, he was carrying more than his typical weight when he left.
i stood up and groaned; while the transference, which i suspected had modified the nameless Duohuman, had not taken nearly as much out of me as it had Knight when he attempted something marginally similar quite a few years ago, it had taken quite a bit of power and energy, enough that i felt as though i had taken on an army. as an afterthought, i vaguely considered that i wished to be present when the girl awoke, in order to see my creation, as it were, in all her glory. i checked over my equipment, then, satisfied that i was only down one explosives belt, braced myself before dashing in the general direction of the outpost, based on the stream of ships that i could see even from here.
i arrived in a minute or so; i guessed that i wasn't that far behind, because the footprints outside the outpost gate from Knight and Jack were recent and hadn't yet been crossed by much more than a single vehicle and a couple of sets of singular footprints. the gate was open, so i simply walked right in, only to be stopped momentarily by a soldier wearing an emblem of the HU Armed Forces, Marine branch.
"sir, Jack radioed to inform me to relay his location." he pointed at a four-story building at the center of the outpost, which, now that i payed attention to it, had the AMS Orion, Elexion's fighter-class ship, parked on it's roof. "they're on the top floor, in the room marked 'central command'."
"thank you, soldier. i'm assuming you're going with the force that's moving out to hunt down the remaining INFIN forces on this planet, correct?" the soldier nodded, and i shook his hand. "good hunting, then."
"thank you, sir." the soldier turned and left, and i looked toward the building, considering my modus operandi for this particular task.
a building like this one would only have one elevator, which Jack and Knight would have taken, and would take far to long to return to ground level. there would also be a flight of stairs, but they were too slow, and the same went for the fire escape that was probably attached to the rear of the building. i supposed that i could run up the face of the structure, but i seemed to recall that that was typically how Elexion made entrances, and i didn't want to filch his style; not this time, anyway. then, i noticed a fighter about to leave, and a balcony wrapping around the outside of the fourth floor, and an idea came to me.
about fifteen seconds and a quick talk with the pilot later, i was standing on top of the fighter while it rose to the level of the balcony. the entrance was glorious, as i reached the level of the command center with my arms crossed before me, coat flapping in the wind.
"i'm back, *itches." i said, then hopped down to the balcony before turning and saluting to the pilot, who then nodded and flew off on his appointed mission. the soldiers in HU had learned long ago to indulge my eccentric pass-times and urges.
i turned again, then walked straight through the open doors to the command center, where Jack, Elexion and Knight awaited me.
Knight had the feeling that jack didn't like him. The entire ride up knight could feel jacks glare, and when he turned to him jack quickly turned to look at at the door. Of corse the music didn't help, AcunaMatata was playing. Knight coughed and said "long elevator". He was releved when the doors opened to elexion talking to a soldier
"Hello!" Knight exclaimed
i stepped in just as Knight and Jack entered the opposite side of the room. Jack hung back at the entrance of the elevator, glaring intermittently at Knight's back in what i assumed to be anger over Knight's unintentional insult, a potential source of hilarity for some time to come, if i sat back and watched. Elexion was in the center of the room, giving orders to a series of tech specialists operating holographic displays, who then relayed his orders out to the rest of the HU forces. it was something like watching an artist with his brushes; Elexion saw the way things must be, the way the lines must be drawn, and he did it, always managing to add the perfect color or use the perfect brush, and the already weakened INFINYTUM forces didn't stand a ghost of a chance. Elexion always fascinated me: the first part of the equation, the rough edge, always the quickest to crush his opponents. ten thousand years of work in the making.
Elexion glanced at me, then gave a final series of commands and extricated himself from the tangle of electronic equipment and holographic displays, carefully avoiding touching anything with his long, armored coat. that not a single object was overturned or accidental button pressed was nothing short of astounding, given the incredible density of holographic displays. after only a few seconds, Elexion stepped out of the collection of displays and turned to us, crossing his arms.
"so. what do you need?" he said.
i smiled. "i'm a little amazed that you don't already know." i pointed to the sword at Knight's side. "Knight picked up a sentient sword from a hostile that we defeated recently, and i suggested that he consult with you, given your past knowledge."
Elexion walked up to Knight, then crouched and examined the sword. he traced the lettering. "checked this against the language databases?"
i nodded. "yeah, came up dry. the language is an amalgam of various languages, only a couple of which we actually recognized. Ancient, obviously, and an alternate variation of Egyptian and maybe a letter of Iceobaran, but everything else had no viable matches in the databases."
"hmm." Elexion seemed to be considering something. then, he seemed to make a decision and stood up straight, arms crossed. "i haven't encountered many sentient weapons, let alone swords; they're rare enough for the most part that few beings wield them, and i haven't seen many outside of HU." he sighed. "really, the person to consult would be-"
"i know, i know, but Knight wanted your opinion first."
Elexion nodded, then turned to Knight. "well, generally to produce sentient weapons, you need a mildly impressive facility with a large array of equipment and tools. if you have everything you need to make one, you can do it one of two ways: imbuing the weapon with a personality, either already existing or tailor made, or exposing the weapon to powerful beings for extended periods of time. the latter takes years, and is generally out of the question if you need to mass produce, like what i believe is happening if they gave this sword to an expendable soldier. the former, however, can be done on a large scale, but the only civilization to do that was..."
i tensed a little. "the Ancients."
Elexion nodded. "these people, whoever they are, may have found a surviving Ancient weapons production facility. if they have, they might become a serious threat, a threat that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible." one of the specialists manning the holographic displays called to Elexion, and he half turned, then pivoted back to us for a moment. "i hope that answers your questions. Jack?" Jack approached silently from the back. "accompany Creator, Knight and their..." Elexion glanced at the female Duohuman still draped over Knight's shoulder. "guest... to any location they wish to visit here in the outpost. i'll contact you with further orders at a later date." with that, Elexion slipped back into the maze of holographic displays and military infrastructure, a look of relief evident on his face. i watched him for a second more, then turned to Jack.
"could you lead us to a containment chamber of some sort? i want to be sure that, if my little experiment went awry, we have at least some chance of damage control before any of us have to take her out."
"yes, sir." he then turned and left towards the elevators. briefly i considered informing Knight of what was going on, but then decided against it; i would see how it panned out in the short term, then solve it if it became a problem.
The Ancients, a race of advanced beings that died out long ago. Or so was popular rumor among most of HU and the Alliance. Knight knew of these Ancients. All Knight did know for a fact is the fact they used soul magic and used sentient weapons.

Knight followed jack to the door of the containment chamber. Jack opened it and knight walked in. It was an all white square room plated with analite. Knight set her down turned to creator and jack and asked "do we wake her up or do we stay and wait?"
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"no, nothing short of the firing of a Howitzer will wake her before she's done. this is more than sleep; after the amount of power i routed through her, her body's shut down for repairs and won't be back online for at least an hour, give or take a few minutes. really, i'm a little surprised that i didn't fry her nervous system, but she seems to have channeled the power well enough to have survived, not to mention..." i brought my right hand to my mouth, supporting my right arm with my left, a pose i often assumed when thinking. after a moment, i let my arms fall to my sides as i addressed Knight again. "i want to be here when she wakes, but you can go find some food. if you do, bring me back some saltine crackers and thousand island dressing, would you?" i stopped as the earpiece still in my ear crackled to life, the signal interfered with by the many layers of analite, steel and concrete that surrounded the chamber, then smiled. "scratch that, Elexion just gave us free reign of the resources here, including the armory and the garage, among other things. go to town, i'll wait here." i indicated a corner, then sat cross-legged in it, facing the center of the room. "seal the door on your way out, would you? i'm... not exactly sure how stable she's gonna be, or how much power she's going to release once she wakes up." with that, i set to watching the female for any twitches or changes in body language that would indicate consciousness.
Knight scratched his head with his right hand. "Ok I'll see you in an hour." Knight said as he lefted the containment chamber. He made sure to look the door. A soldier walked by knight. He called her over, she stopped and turned and said "yes sir, what do you need?"
"What I must ask you is a question of dire importantance" knight said and she nodded. "Where is the food?" Knight asked.

Not skipping a beat she said "yes that is very important, it is that way" she pointed to the right toward a sign. "How you missed that is beyond me." She said,
"Maybe I was overtaken by the fact you are b-e-a-utifull" knight said with a wink.
"I'm wearing a helmet" she said
"Maybe I have X-ray vision." He said with another wink.
"Well in that case" she said and punched knight in the face.

Jack spoke "you know I could have told you where it is."
Knight jumped and said "damn you need a bell"
Jack replied in a confused voice "what?"
"Nothing!" Knight said quickly and turned to the soldier next to him and asked "did you hear anything?"
She stood to attention and said "sir!" Jack sighed and put his hands in his head.

"Anyway" Knight said "what's your name?"
She turned and began to walk away "Brenda" and she left. Knight began to walk to the cafeteria. On the way he made a call to one of his squads to come. He began to think that he should mention it to creator or elexion but he was distracted by one thing, food.

Knight ate his fill with jack in silence, knight now knew that he had done something to piss him off, oh well if it became an issue knight would ask. After they were done eating knight got creators food, and he grabbed a burger for the sleeping duohuman and walked to the containment chamber. He opened the door and said "dinner is served"
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i raised my hand and caught the burger in the air, then took a bite out of it, all the while maintaining examination of the still-unconscious female. "you forgot the fries and the toy, Knight. sloppy." i sighed a little, took another bite of the burger, swallowed it, then continued."she hasn't moved much since you left; a twitch here or there, but not much more. i don't think it'll be much longer now, i think her body's entering the final diagnostic runs before it reboots her nervous system." i blinked. "never realized how similar Duohuman biology was to computing equipment. self-repairing computer equipment, anyway..." i ate the rest of the burger. "i think it's safe to say she'll be out a little while yet. mind if i head to the garage while you watch her? since Elexion opened up the resources of this place, everything is ripe for the taking, and i want to see what my options are."
Knight nodded "I will watch the girl" knight the gave Creator his familiar sly smile. Knight then placed his hands in his eye socket and pulled out one of his eyes. Knight then placed it on her forehead.
"I'll keep an eye on her"
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