Draken Hunger

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Eragon smiled and ran a hand along Saphira's tail as it swept by. He was glad that Elias had agreed so easily ~Much easier than you were.~ Eshkell smirked at his thought pattern and also turned back to her own memories reviewing the incident Eragon made light of now. She'd given him and Saphira a literal Run for their money when they'd first met her. She sighed however and stood to make her way over to Shinerai and started to groom his feathers along side him. ~But still how are we to continue our journey west if we have a couple of fledglings with us?~

Eragon nodded to her silent words and sighed as well. "Elias. There is there any other way west besides flying through the Eldnek province?" He seemed concerned but would stand and walking to the back wall whispered the words in ancient tongue for Glowing Trace and began to drawn on the stone. It was a rough estimation of Elias' home territory and swept towards the mountain range were Eldnek stood. He then drew two long longs south and north of the city they'd come across not but a weeks travel north from their current position.

"We have tried flying further south but the mountains climb higher and higher the farther south we go, and to the north the higher you climb the colder it gets in the air. We must first find our way past this city of Eldnek." Eshkell suddenly spoke up "Are you sure your parents went into this city?" Her words were solem… almost grave.
Elias did not know what Eragon wanted by another path around Eldnek...not that Elias was absolutely certain of one. He had never ventured outside his little safe haven before, so navigational skills weren't exactly his finest point. Elias stared at the strange display of...what was this? He was drawing...with LIGHT! What was this sorcery? Elias, unable to finish his train of thought, merely gaped at the magical display for a while. He couldn't focus on anything else.

"Buh...uh...how are you doing that..." was all he managed to get out at the moment. This display of...was it magic?-was stupefying, and it held his attention for a while until his train of thought finally got back on track. He wanted to know any way around Eldnek...Elias thought to himself quietly as he considered the possibilities.

"Well...I don't know much outside this valley, but...I know there's a tight mountain passageway headed west along the southern border of the valley. From what I can tell, it'd pass just south of Eldnek, but my parents told me never to take that path because it was dangerous...." Speaking of his parents, Eshkell seemed strangely interested in where they went. "W-well, it's the only town around here that I know of, so they would have to go that way, I'd think..."
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Eragon nodded in agreement and pleased with Elias for agreeing to train. "First I must talk with Eshkell in Private perhaps you should leave little Slypha here with us and go tend to your farm for a bit?" Eragon was politely suggesting, "Of course Slypha is a baby dragon and she needs alot of rest Sapphira here slept so much at first I nearly thought i'd get away with keeping her from my family." He laughed heartily and watched as Eshkell moved about to Shinerai's second wing. A grumbled pause was given and the two seemed to exchange a silent debate before turning to look at the boys and see what they would decide.

Shin had bet that Elias would not leave Slypha here, Eshkell figured if the boy was smart he'd realized Eragon was his new Master his life had just changed by a simple acceptance alone. Regardless of the young boys replies she was also more curious to just what Eragon wanted to discuss with her in private. Of course if the baby dragon was left here... the boy would know all that went said in his absense anyways so what was the point? What Eragon testing him already? ~Sheesh Master you are rough if that is your aim...~ She nestled her face down into Shin's feathers and took a deep breath of their windy scent. She sighed a great heave of air and smiled brightly at him "You smell wonderful!" she whispered and Shin replied with a laughing chortle.
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