Do I know you? (Alison and winter)

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A few hours went by and the doctor came out to jake. "Her leg is broken in three places, her shoulder is badly bruise and wrist. We put her leg in a cast and her wrist in a brace. She need to rest in a bed for a few weeks before she can use crutches. It has to be propped and here is her medicine. Now I called a taxi who will take you home tomorrow. She will wake soon with the sedative wearing off" he walk away
Emma lay in bed slowly waking her wrist I a brace and leg prop up in cast and her shoulder with ice on it. She slowly open her eyes. "J jake?" She whisper whimper
"Yeah. I'm right here,"he says looking up from in the corner. He looked her over again and winced at the sight."Emma I am so so sorry. This is all my fault.."
Emma shook her head tears fell. "No it not. It my fault. I shouldn't of tried to climb over but I panicked last time I was stuck was in the car flip over. I was scared I should of waited for someone to hear me scream. Where lizzy?" She was scared of her
"She's gone. Don't worry about her,"he sighs taking her good wrist and holding her hand."How do you feel?"
"Did you guys break up? Is it my fault? I'm so sorry jakey I tried being nice and friendly I tried I swear" Emma whisper held his hand. "I feel okay. The sedative make me feel weird and tired. You know what I dream of? Unicorns dancing" she giggle to make him laugh
Jake patted her stomach softly and laughed a little at her answer."It wasn't your fault. It was coming soon enough. She's kind of a bitch,"he laughs looking at her.
Emma chuckle and smile. "Still I'm sorry it happen this way" she stroke his hand with her thumb. "When can we go home? Brownie must miss us"
"A cab can take us home tomorrow,"he says sighing."It'll be okay though, I'll be there the entire time with you."
She froze held his hand. "Promise the driver won't be drunk or texting" she whisper looking in his eyes scared. "Don't leave me please"
"I promise. And I won't leave your side no matter what,"he says sighing and laying his head on her stomach."Now get some sleep. You're tired. I'll be right here the entire time."
She stroke his hair gently. "You sleep well" she stroke his hair and fell asleep.
Jake falls asleep soon after Emma did and slept peacefully for a few hours until he woke up while a nurse started taking her blood.
Emma was asleep her face facing him hair in front of her face. She held his hand sleeping her other bad wrist on her stomach and a melted ice pack on shoulder.
Jake stood up and moved to the other side so the nurse could get to Emma, but he kept a hold of her hand and moved the hair out of her face as she slept.
Emma slowly woke felt the nurse take her blood. She open her eyes grip jake hand scared.
"You have to relax or they'll have to do it again,"he says softly squeezing her hand back. He kissed her hand gently and wait until they finished taking her blood and asked if they needed anything.
She nodded and held his hand staying still. She shook her head not needing anything. She look at jake. "Will you hold me? I had a dream you use to when we were kids during storms cause I'm scared or them"
He chuckled and nodded a bit,"Yeah I use to hold you all the time when we were younger and you were scared or mad." He scoots her over and lifts her into his lap careful of her leg and shoulder and wrist.
She smile and snuggle in his lap. "I'm glad I have you" she whisper
"Me too,"he says chuckling as she started to fall back asleep. He let her sleep and watched her smiling
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