digimon anybody?

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I think it's pretty great if we steer it the right way.

I think a wider age range like 12 to 20 is plausible.
I agree with crow a slightly wider range is probably a good idea, so you can feel free to make yours a tad older if you like :3
I guess you're never too old for cuddly little animal men.

Or Renamon.

At this rate I'll be the token kiddo

And I do like being the token kiddo
Everyones picking such serious digimon and here I am... Wanting to go with Starmon and SuperStarmon. >_>
I'm with you, picking cute Digimon too. The Sistermons just brighten up my day with their sweet little smiles~. I was actually just considering Cho-Hakkaimon but that wouldn't fit the Sistermon motif at all.

If we're going to have secondary Digimon at some point I might consider a Monzaemon-based path, starting with Numemon most probably heading to the Lilithmon route. WaruMonzaemon could be something akin to SkullGreymon.

Ah yes, speaking in regards to potential 'Secondary Digimon' plans, is it canon to change an series-established Adult(Champion) Digimon to a Child(Rookie), an a series-established Perfect(Ultimate) Digimon into an Adult(Champion)? I was thinking of changing Numemon to Rookie and Monzaemon to Champion.
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Ah yes, speaking in regards to potential 'Secondary Digimon' plans, is it alright to change an series-established Adult(Champion) Digimon to a Child(Rookie), an a series-established Perfect(Ultimate) Digimon into an Adult(Champion)? I was thinking of changing Numemon to Rookie and Monzaemon to Champion.
@Crow I agree, it's crazy to think that Numemon is a champion level digimon. He's always seemed rookie level to me.
you can always do the starmon @GlassTrinity xD
you'll have to come up with a rookie and mega for em though
Pickmon comes to mind for Rookie.

Considering how CursedDawn and I have semi-planned for the Sistermons to look over the krew as ordered by Gankoomon, maybe the Starmon could be a levelled-down disguised Gankoomon who is ensuring that the Sistermons do their best in their job, and it will only be revealed in-story when Starmon acquires Mega Evolution, leaving the Sistermons in shock. It is in a Starmon's nature to ensure that their underlings perform well in orders, after all.

Or does @CursedDawn believe that Gankoomon is too broken?

@Crow I agree, it's crazy to think that Numemon is a champion level digimon. He's always seemed rookie level to me.
Yeah, I know it's supposed to be 'failed evolution', but....

On another note, it sometimes gets confusing for me when switching between Japanese terms and English terms, especially with 'Ultimate'.
Alrighty, I guess I'll list my buddy. It's time to duel! Stand up my Vanguard!


Sistermon Blanc


Sistermon Blanc Awakened


Seems to use lances as opposed to arrows.



Holy shit what happened to you Blanc you look like that thing from Digimon

Junomon Hysteric Mode

Potential Secondary Digimon
(if we go with the 'lose our Digimon and get new ones to help us get our old pals back' path, which if used in official canon, is known as selling toys. So yeah, let's call this the 'selling toys' route. You know, like Transformers.)


Achieved bad evolution during baby stages. That sucks.


Weaker than and three quarters the height of a regular Monzaemon due to prematurity, but makes a better teddy bear to hug when you're feeling down.


Cho Hakkaimon



Unlikely to use in RP

Alrighty, I guess I'll list my buddy. It's time to duel! Stand up my Vanguard!


Sistermon Blanc


Sistermon Blanc Awakened


Seems to use lances as opposed to arrows.



Holy shit what happened to you Blanc you look like that thing from Digimon

Junomon Hysteric Mode

Potential Secondary Digimon
(if we go with the 'lose our Digimon and get new ones to help us get our old pals back' path, which if used in official canon, is known as selling toys. So yeah, let's call this the 'selling toys' route. You know, like Transformers.)


Achieved bad evolution during baby stages. That sucks.


Weaker than and three quarters the height of a regular Monzaemon due to prematurity, but makes a better teddy bear to hug when you're feeling down.


Cho Hakkaimon



Unlikely to use in RP


Nice but I like serious digimon as opposed to cute and cuddly maybe my secondary will be cute and cuddly and seems like this rp will have a more serious tone I never thought renamon was a cute cuddly digimon she was serious
Okay... I have so many questions when it comes to the Digivolution lines of the Digimon you picked. I know that the Sistermon have an awakened mode, but as far as I know they don't do further than that. I also just checked everything I could and nothing lists anything further for them, so did you just add Angewomon to keep the line going? Then we come to the next thing which is Angewomons Digivolution. Junomon is not one of them. So.... what gives? Or did you use the site Wikimon? Because I think the gm told us not to.

Much of the same things go for the next line of Digimon you have up so I just want to ask. Are we just throwing cannon evolution lines out the window or are we just going to not care all that much ?
Because I will give you that sistermon looks like it could become angewomon
Actually yeah I follow Wikimon. I've always preferred it to the other Digimon Wiki. It's kind of stubby on the Animation Department though, which is why I cross-reference both Wikis.

In game canons and some extent of card canons, Digivolution is shown to be more like a web than a straight lines. That's the plus side to Digimon RPs over Pokemon RPs - heavy freedom over mook-choices and mook growth routes.

I don't really follow canonically-established Digivolution lines when it comes to RPs unless it's pretty close to a motif, such as the Renamon family, the Hackmon line, the three main stages of Starmon or the Dianamon line. Like... contributing to the large web that is Digivolution. I believe that we are allowed to construct non-canon Evolutionary lines in this Roleplay, as displayed by the GM and the brainstorming of others.

Sistermon Blanc does not evolve into Angewomon in canon. However, Angewomon is the only canon Junomon prevolution.

But let's see what the GM says.
If that is the case I will be using a lot of time searching around XD
wow sheesh sorry guys i was in class and couldn't answer xD
I'm fine with adjusting numemon their entire family has always been shown to be tragically weak regardless of level, Monzaemon is a bit more iffy as it's relative power hasn't by any means been shown to be consistent, though i suppose it's ok for the rp to adjust him as well.
@Arcandum the vast majority of digimon have incomplete digivolution lines or listed ones that don't seem to make much sense (like digitamamon digivolving from an ogremon and to titamon) so it's perfectly reasonable, especially for an rp, to make our own links (provided it makes sense) for example mine, Impmon has no clear relationship to Sistermon Noir besides being virus types, however Sistermon Noir is notably similar to BelleStarmon, virus types who are largely human in appearance wearing black and fighting with twin pistols (LadyDevimon is pretty much the only option for ultimate level that fits well enough) and in the case of both Sistermon as you pointed out they have no (listed) digivolutions at all, so having their awakened mode as another level isn't so odd

@Crow I was gonna message you today about that relationship cus I have another thing going on with mine since Sistermon Noir is a champion level unlike blanc, I was gonna suggest their relationship be in the past but still there so they would know each other but it wouldn't be recent because how I wrote mine was they met after my impmon originally hit champion level and worked for Gankoomon for a time but later split up when they weren't needed anymore, noir would then later reach mega but end up giving up her extra data (and thus her access to her digivolutions) to help her brother Beelzemon (the best digimon in the universe) so she'd have to start over again from rookie (which fits neatly with a digimon story as tamers start with rookies with few exceptions)
Also I was considering switching my impmon to Beelzemon instead of bellestarmon since i've been playing with him in the new digimon game and he's the best ever but you seemed happy about having a relationship going on there >3>
Okay then. I'm fine with it, it just felt very random :P I will still stick with Betamon and its line as the only other Digimon I wanted would be anything that turns into Plesiomon and I couldn't find a line that would have that make sense.

Another thing. About when will you be able to get a OCC thing up and going ?
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