Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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It's not that Seyn wanted to keep him here or anything if he really wanted to leave. She just wanted to know why he suddenly wanted to abandon this wealth of new knowledge and go home when he seemed so excited about it before. "Why?" She asked, "Why does Carter want to go home?"
"Carter go family, Carter go home."
He being to get increasingly agitated, slapping his elbows.
"Seyn go Perfect Companion, Carter go family."
"Ah, I see," Seyn immediately stood aside, "You miss your home, huh? I guess I can understand that. I don't think I've seen my own home in seven Earth years." She looked up at the ceiling, as if she'd see her planet floating over her head instead of the plaster-like covering. "Very well," She said finally, "I'll do whatever I can to help you get home." She looked down at Carter. "Do you have a ship?" She asked, "Did you land here or crash?"
His eyes slightly move apart, and he nods.
"Ship. Ship damaged, explosion."
He throws his arms out.
"Big Boom!"
Seyn chuckled a bit, then nodded. "I don't know much about engineering when it comes to other planets' ships, but I'll help you where I can." She reached down and pulled out her comm. "Kate, I'm going to help our friend, Carter fix his ship," She said, "I don't know how long it will take, but it seems he's only here by accident."
"H-hay guys." Ken whispers shakily threw a transmitter. With any luck someone would be in range to here it... Other than one of the companions that is. "The test subjects seem to have adapted faster than initially thought and at least three of them managed to break out. I am in the panic room... If anyone can get here *bang* that would be helpful. They knocked the *thud* power out so you will have to crank the pulley manually. They are hidden by the door plate, just *crash* move it to the side or cut your way in and you should find the crank for the main entrance. The other ones are on emergency power if you can hurry it will still run." he waited a few seconds only to hear static, "Anyone read?" Again only static... they might have heard him and the receiver is malfunctioning or he is simply out of range for the small communicators to track. Either one of those would be fine, they would heat him but if they were too far away... He would be screwed. *clank clank clank* he sighed, these nightmares were tearing the place apart. At least three of them were looking for him... Hopefully not all ten got out but with the power down only time would tell.
"Come on, Carter," Seyn said, putting away her comm, "Take me to your ship and we'll see what we can do."
Carter nods, then maneuvers around the human.
"Thank Seyn."
He follows the path he entered by, leaving the school. He takes note to avoid the playground on the way out, eyeing the toys there warily.
Seyn followed Carter, glancing at the playground before quickly looking away. The blood that streaked down the slide and gathered in a pool at the bottom made her stomach curn unpleasantly.
Carter pauses once away from the school, looking around this confusing earth planet with it's weird elevation. He starts off in one direction, then comes back and heads another way. Soon, he's completely lost. Pleadingly, he refers to Seyn.
"Dude. Where my Spaceship?"
"You don't know where you left it!?" Seyn said, disbelieving.
Kate looked towards the perfect companion. "Are you ready to go?" She asked as Seyn left. She opened the door, motioning to a jeep right outside. Picking up her comm, she heard Seyn. "Kate, I'm going to help our friend, Carter fix his ship, I don't know how long it will take, but it seems he's only here by accident."
"Okay. Just be careful." Clipping her comm to her ear, she opened the door and let 18460-DK sit down before she jumped into the driver's seat herself. Turning on the ignition, another voice came through the comm. His voice urgent, Kate took a deep breath. "I'm heading your direction." She replied, hoping he'd hear. She stepped on the gas and started towards the base, leaving the other jeep for Seyn.

((My alerts messed up and I didn't receive anything saying there were new posts :facepalm: Sorry))
((No worries.))

He raises his hands in defeat, turning in a full circle.
Seyn shook her head hopelessly. "Are you sure it's near the school?" She asked him, "Near here?"
Carter shrugs, honestly having no clue.
"Ship in flat. Flat. Earth curvy."
Kate pulled into the front of the base, rifle in hand. "18460-DK, stay right behind me." She turned off the ignition and got out of the jeep, turning her comm on. "Anyone read? Outside base. No power. Anyone inside, do you copy?"
((OMMFG stupid computer died on me and now i have tonrestart the hole Fing think XD))

She nods and trys to get into t car and after her 10th try she finly go into the jeep. what could you say she was short. it was not a very long drive and she was thinking about why the people were on the ground. as countined to wonder the car stoped to some peace she didnt know but it looked dead to her. dead what dose that mean she though. as Kate talked she nods and stayed behind her still woundering "Kate why were thoush people on the ground were they tried of playing tag or Hid and go Seek?" she asked her sotfly
By now Ken thought he was a goner, but someone came back, whether they knew about the attack or not he didn't know but one way or another Kate showed up. "U-U-U-Uh, Yup, yeah, yes." He studded quickly into the devise while he fumbled with it creating a crackling sound over the com. "Ok, three or more of them have gotten out. Two of them were the small weak ones but the third is 'Jumbo', (at least they nicknamed him that). To get threw the first door you need to remove the panel on the side. You will have to cut threw I will fix it later. Their should be a crank behind it which is most likely rusty, I never bothered to oil it so you might need some extra leverage or some help. *BANG*" He cringed to the sound of Jumbo trying to break down the reinforced steel door. It probably could too, only would take it maybe five minutes if his math was right, which it always was. "I have maybe five minutes at most before Jumbo gets in here. The rest of the doors should be on emergency power, it will only be on for a minute and twenty seconds. After that you will have to go threw air vents. *BANG*. The two smaller ones that broke out do not have any powerful attacks but can easily kill you if they get you from the back. Also more might have broken out, at max ten are running around."
Seyn sighed, filled with a bit of regret. "If you don't know where your ship is, than there's nothing we can do," She told Carter bluntly, "You'll just have to come with me back to base, and we'll see if we can find it using the something there." Honestly, she hated it when things got complicated like this. She almost wished there was an officer here to give her orders. Of course, there weren't many people who held the authority to order the Perfect Companion Hunters, let alone ones who had the guts to set foot in the field. Perfect Companions were so dangerous that the destruction of them had become a top priority. To get in the way of a hunt was a very serious crime since it could result in the death of many.
Carter shakes his head, pointing in a random direction, hoping he would get lucky enough to point in the one degree out of three hundred his spaceship crashed in.
"No, no, Base. Ship, go!"
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