Demons {With Sen}

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Akio's eyes widened. "Uh..." He looked to Bailey. "What do you think?"

Bailey walked up to the group. "You can call me Bailey," he said cheerfully. "And I think that's a wonderful idea."

Akio sighed. "Ok." He pointed at Bailey. "No powers. Whatsoever." Bailey put his hands up. "Ok ok. Fine..."
Tiger and Dragon looked at each other, sharing a look. No one said anything about restrictions, so that must mean...

Dragon picked up her staff, fashioned out of pink coral, and named 'Otohime's Hairpin'. It stood at least one hundred and fifty centimetres tall, and it looked like a pink snake spiraling up the staff and curling around a huge white pearl. Around her waist secured a set of metal fans, used for defence. The tips were lined with sharp pin like knives, which were rarely used for slashing, Dragon prefered to throw them. She flexed her wings, inside they were soft and smooth, but outside they were rock hard. She had spent years training them, using the iron rocks outside her brother's forge as a target. Now she can truly be a 'wall', there was nothing that was going to go past her today. Curling her tail around her staff, she held it in front of her, whispering spells to it. She reached for something inside her robes, and drew out a white, machine looking bracelet. Handing it to Tiger, she watched as he put it on, the machine unraveling into a large, futuristic hand cannon, equipped with a large set of claws at the end that could act like fingers. "It's been a while since I used this baby," he said, grinning. He clenched his hand, the claws doing the same. "You may be better with a sword, Akio, but can you beat me when it comes to ranged?"
Bailey chuckled and looked to Akio. "Can I at least link our minds?" He asked. "Fine," Akio grumbled. "But you know what I want." Bailey smirked and snapped his fingers. In Akio's hands, appeared another sword. It was the same type, but with no etching. Akio swung both swords around, to get the feel of them. Then he began to enchant them.

Bailey looked to the two. "Would you mind if I connected our minds?"
Dragon looked at Bailey curiously, "Telepathically? You won't be able to see our innermost thoughts, right?" Tiger and Dragon shuddered, they never kept secrets from each other, but some of these secrets were so dark and ugly, it was best no one else saw or heard their thoughts.
"Of course not. It's just a light spell so we can talk without him knowing," Bailey said reassuringly.

Akio suddenly laughed. "Ok, I'll do this just for fun." He whispered something again, then swung the swords. They left a trail of rainbow sparks.
They looked at each other and shrugged. "Why not?" said Dragon, bowing to him. "You must know quite a lot of magic to do a spell like that, Bailey."
Bailey chuckled softly. "My being is... Complicated. But come here," he said. He closed his eyes for a second.

Akio watched them curiously, thinking.
Tiger and Dragon slowly approached him cautiously. "I know this will seem rude but, what are you?" asked Dragon.
Bailey smiled. "I... Am an archangel. Fallen one, anyway." He touched both of their heads. Hi.

Akio chuckled, shaking his head. Bailey always like to be dramatic.
An archangel? That means we're cousin species! thought Dragon. She giggled, this was fun. She'd never talked through telepathy, people have talked to her through minds, but she had never mastered the spell herself, so she couldn't reply.
Bailey grinned. I guess so. So, what can you do?

Akio watched them, wondering what they were talking about. While he waited, he warmed up. He practiced strokes with his swords.
What can I do? I play with the elements. Whips like fire, spheres of lightning, swords made from the metals in the earth...I have a few tricks up my sleeve. And I'm a summoner, I can call some small dragonlings to help us out. Dragon looked around the room. This place is a little too small for my familiar, so I'll just stick to the basics. Actually, I guess I can call on one it's heads...

Tiger looked at Bailey in the eye. I can multiply my bullets, this machine gives me a bit of energy, so I can do more than I can normally. I can do a bit of magic as well, with this I can create balls of energy that contain some of my bullets. I can redirect it behind him and shoot at the same time as I do. Doesn't really make sense when it's not in action, eh? He laughed. I've got a few homing bullets, a few shock waves. And let's see, a few lasers.
Bailey thought about it. Interesting. Well, Akio said I can't use powers so I'll stick to my sword. You might want to use second hand or not used as much weapons because Akio's swords are diamond and they will cut through a lot of things.
Alright. Dragon took up a defensive stance, staff held by the tail in front, her fans hidden in her sleeves.

Tiger took the same stance as Dragon, except leaning more forward, preparing himself to rush at him, or behind.
Akio crouched, a small smile on his face. He had his sword out in front of him.

Bailey grinned. "Hey Akio," he called. "You only said powers." From behind, two brilliant golden wings spread.
Smiling as he watched Bailey's wings open up, bathing Dragon and himself in golden light. Tiger vanished and dashed backwards, opening his clawed hand, he threw a ball of blue light towards Akio. It flew behind him and hovered there, waiting for a command. With his pistol in his other hand, he fired at Akio, bullets multiplying to create eight bullets instead of two. Behind Akio, the blue ball mimicked Tiger, spewing out eight bullets before vanishing.

Dragon also dashed back, and began drawing a rather large circle behind Tiger and Bailey.
Akio disappeared, and the bullets didn't hit him at all. Bailey took off, flying above. He watched carefully, looking for any signs of Akio.

Akio looked to the ball and raised an eyebrow. Having ducked, he began to make his way towards Dragon.
Tiger fiddled with the hand cannon for a second, before firing a homing, holographic like bullet from it's barrel. He knew Akio was going to go invisible, so he set it to aim for anyone who wasn't allied to them, but he made sure the bullet wouldn't head towards the spectators. Watching the blue bullet take a sharp turn and heading towards Dragon, she wrapped her tough wings around herself, creating an impenetrable cocoon, leaving a small gap for a finger to slip out and write the finishing runes.
Akio slashed the bullet, narrowing his eyes. He slashed at her fingers, not wanting to hurt her wings with his diamond swords.
"Eep!" Dragon pulled back her finger. But it was okay, her rune was complete. All she needed to do now was a a drop of blood. Reaching for one of the fans, she plucked out a small knife and pricked her index finger, letting a drop fall into the mark on the ground. The single drop of blood ran down the circle, joining up the runes and began to glow red.
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