Demons {With Sen}

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Akio watched it for a second, then grinned and drew another line through the runes. He seemed to have a lot of fun destroying her runes.
Dragon sighed and tucked her wings away. "I knew you were going to do that, so I altered it! I was going to summon the fire one, but I guess poison is okay," with a wave of her hand a huge shadowy head appeared. It's neck was twice the size of a tree trunk, with glowing purple eyes and sharp visible teeth. Everything else was clad in shadow. Opening it's mouth, it released a poisonous mist that slowed its victims into the air before throwing its head at Akio, intending to headbutt him. It's shadowy tail snakes through the ground, wrapping itself around Tiger and leaving an antidote mark. Without warning it lashed out at Bailey, doing the same to his leg.
"You know what, I just realized that this is becoming increasingly unfair," Akio grumbled, right before being headbutted.

Bailey didn't react. After seeing what it did to Tiger, he knew it wouldn't do anything to harm him. He watched Akio carefully, chuckling at his comment.
The dragon groaned and rolled over, shaking it's head before rearing up again. It opened it's mouth and spewed toxic sludge everywhere, puddles of purple ooze bubbled in random spots. Dragon flew up and sat on the dragon's head, talking in it's language into the dragon's ear.

On the other side of the Akio, Tiger was readying a laser beam, making sure to configure his settings, he waited for it to charge. It was powerful, no doubt, but it took a while for it to get ready.
Keep him on the defensive, Bailey ordered. You've seen what he can do while attacking. He suddenly dived, having spotted Akio.

Akio saw Bailey and his reflexes were fast. He spun around, both of his swords becoming a deadly whirl of blades.

Bailey reared up, before he could be hit. His eyes flickered to Dragon, then to the head.
Dragon commanded the dragon to move towards Akio, and it slowly dragged the magical circle below it as it moved. Nearing Akio, it wrapped itself around the battle between Bailey and Akio. Making a rasping noise, it breathed out slowing gas. Tiger climbed onto the dragon's back, walking along its spine, waiting for the right chance to use his laser.
Akio glanced to each of them, deciding who he needed to get to first. He knew Dragon was much more dangerous with her magic, but that damn head was in the way. Bailey was in the air, so he couldn't get to him. That left Tiger.

Actually, lets just go at him all at once. Bailey looked at them. Now?
Now. Both of their thoughts echoed. Tiger aimed his arm cannon at Akio, the power gauge on his weapon read 'max'. The cannon collected a huge amount of magical energy and exploded, firing a long range, powerful super hot beam that emitted heat. Dragon had drawn a symbol on the dragon's back, waving her coral staff, she uttered words to the pearl. The dragon disappeared, but instead was replaced with towers of rocks spiraling towards Akio - a rock city.
Akio sighed and didn't move, knowing he could do nothing. He winced and closed his eyes before they hit though.

Bailey threw his sword, aimed directly at Akio.
The walls stopped half a metre away from Akio, leaving four walls behind and trapping him in. Tiger was still firing his laser, making sure to hold it properly so the heat wouldn't burn up his face.
Akio was pretty much deleted.

Bailey chuckled and floated down lazily. When he landed, he folded his wings in and they seemed to disappear.
Tiger hopped on one of the rocks and watched as his cannon retracted back into a bracelet. Dragon floated over to join him, erasing all of the rocks except the one they were sitting on. He felt guilty, maybe he should have went on him easy, but the chance to redeem himself was higher priority.
The battle ended, and Akio, with the help of Bailey, slowly came back together. "That was unfair," He muttered, and Bailey laughed. "Worth it, though."

Akio rolled his eyes and said something to him in another language. Bailey laughed again at that. He looked to Tiger and Dragon. "It was a pleasure fighting with you," He said.
Tiger and Dragon bowed. "No, it was ours," said Dragon, moving her staff so her tail could hold it. Tiger sighed and gave the bracelet back to Dragon.
Bailey also bowed. When he straightened, he looked to Akio. "I need to talk to you," he said. Akio gave a nod and they both headed out.
Tiger and Dragon walked off together, Tiger was still pretty upset for his previous loss, even though he was 'redeemed'. Dragon, on the other hand, was more concerned about filling her stomach with food, using too much magic was tiring.
After a while, Akio headed for the food court. He looked obviously upset, but the reason was unknown. He tried not to bump into Tiger or Dragon, fearing they would ask.
Tiger and Dragon headed off towards the cafeteria and waited in line. After eating, Dragon decided she would take a shower and invite Tiger to watch a movie with her, and probably invite Akio - if it'd make him feel better after a loss. Dragon left the food counter with a generous bowl of curry and a dragon fruit salad. Tiger left with two bowls, he was a heavy eater, not that it was surprising; he had to feed the tiger inside of him as well.

"Two stomachs to fill, one bowl for the each of us," said Tiger, chuckling as he popped a spoonful of curry into his mouth. "Oof, that's hot."

"Do you think Akio would want to watch a movie with us?" asked Dragon, poking at her dragon fruit salad. She speared one with a fork and chew it slowly. She liked dragon fruit, for obvious reasons, most people said it had no flavour, but to her it tasted like the sweetest honey, melting into her mouth.

"Maybe. Hey, do you think it's a good idea to take Akio for a visit to the Thundercloud?"

Dragon raised an eyebrow. "Taking humans back isn't a good idea, Tiger."

Tiger shook his head, maybe it was a bad idea after all. He had thought about taking Akio with him during the summer break to the Thundercloud, his home. A giant paradise in the sky where the Thunder Clan roamed and walked on clouds, buildings so beautiful and a special cloud where the Hanging Gardens grew. He wanted Akio to see the Summer Palace, a large building where you could see miles and miles away, experience what it was like to be among the clouds.
As soon as Akio saw the two, he went invisible. He didn't want to talk to them at the moment. But it wasn't because of the fight. He had been talking to Bailey about leaving the school. He could barely tolerate it. He wanted to go with Bailey, fighting with him. But Bailey had refused. Akio had thought that Bailey would understand his situation, but apparently not.
Dragon had finished her salad, and was thinking about Akio and bringing him to the Thundercloud. Tiger, who was sitting beside her, had just choked down two bowls of curry. He pointed at her untouched one, "You going to eat that?" Dragon shook her head, and jumped back as his hand shot out and began attacking it with a spoon.

"Woah, slow down there," she said, giggling.

"I can't help it, beef is good, okay?" He said, his mouth full of curry.

"You know, I think he'll let us bring Akio. For a day, maybe," she said thoughtfully. "We've done what he wanted, attend this school and all. I think he'll let us bring a friend over," she added. She would love to see his reaction, assuming he'd never seen anything other than the ordinary in this world, being on a floating cloud fortress must be something Akio can only do in his imagination.
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