Demons {With Sen}

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Bailey shot a glance over to Rooster and chuckled. People these days. Then he looked back to Akio, and with a wave of his hand he somehow managed to splash some really cold water onto his face. That ought to wake him up, he thought. And it did. Akio shot upright, gasping. His eyes were wide, and he kind of looked like a fish.
Tiger groaned and leaned forward, stretching and expanding his back like a cat. "My head still hurts," he mumbled. His hair was a mess, his clothes were crumpled. His ears twitched as he adjusted to the morning sounds. His feline tail was limp and motionless. He hauled himself up and stretched again, groaning as his back cracked. "Well, since we're here, might have breakfast."

Dragon and Snake got up, leaving the last of the concoction on the table. "We'll go get some food for us, you guys stay here," said Snake, before looping her arm around Dragon and walking off with her towards the kitchen.
Bailey nodded to Dragon and sat back in his chair, watching Akio. He chuckled softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap," Akio groaned, then slumped back onto the table. "How do people do this..." His head hurt, and he felt that if he ate anything he would just throw it back up. He didn't want to feel something like this again.
Dragon and Snake returned with a platter of toasted cheese sandwiches. "You probably have had enough of our type of food, so I brought something a bit...normal," said Dragon, smiling. Snake also had a jug of juice, and poured some into some cups, handing each cup to every person present.
Bailey smiled at the girls, taking a cup and a toasted sandwich. They were nice. However, he laughed when Akio put the cup down on the table and said he wasn't hungry. "Hangovers," Bailey chuckled. "Gotta love them."
Tiger whimpered. He didn't feel too good. Even the drink the girls made him was working slowly. He watched as his body started to glow, and he sighed. Not this again. From where Tiger sat was now occupied by a fully grown white tiger, who was pawing the seat he was lying on. Dragon sighed and sat closer to him, stroking the fur on his back. She grabbed a sandwich for herself and one for him, ripping it in half before placing it gently on his large, furry paws. With a subtle nod of thanks, he picked it up with his teeth, throwing his head back and chewing on the bread and cheese.
Bailey raised an eyebrow at Tiger. "Huh." Akio groaned, sitting up as slowly as he possibly could. His head began swimming as soon as he did. He stopped, trying to refocus. It was hard, but he managed. Slowly, snail like, he turned his head towards Tiger and his eyes widened in shock. "Wha...?" Where did Tiger go? And why were there two of him? "Is it just me, or is your twin standing right next to you?" Akio asked, confused.
Dragon jumped to Akio and clamped his mouth shut, turning around and looking Tiger in the eye. "He didn't say anything!"

But it was too late, Tiger had heard one of his most hated words - 'twin'. All those memories he tried to keep locked away stirred, he growled, he was content with life now; being with Akio and Dragon, but why did he have to use that word?! Without thinking about the consequences he pounced on the young boy, knocking Dragon out of the way and pinning Akio down, baring his teeth and snarling.
Akio was confused when Dragon clamped a hand over his mouth, wondering what he'd said wrong. However, when Tiger pounced on him his eyes widened with fear and yet he was still dizzy. He barely tried to fight, having no energy and utterly confused as to why Tiger was reacting this way. What had he said? Nothing bad, he thought. Then why was Tiger like this? He groaned slightly, his vision going blurry. He really didn't want to do this right now, especially with a hangover.
Tiger's mind screamed to punch him, but his animal body reacted differently. Instead of punching him it began to 'dig' his chest, treating his body like a piece of earth and performing the motion of 'digging a hole'. Dragon hit the cat lightly on the head and scolded him. "Don't do that! He didn't mean it!" After a while, when all of his anger was vented, he walked off, growling under this breath.
Akio yelped in pain, but he couldn't even get the heavy tiger off him. Eventually, he stopped trying to fight and closed his eyes. His head was hurting again. Everything was blurry. When Tiger got off him, Akio gasped for breath and slowly sat up, but found he was too dizzy and sat back down again. "What did I say?"
Dragon watched Tiger walk away with her pointed ears tilted downwards, a sad look on her face. He was probably heading back the Thundercloud to get himself cleaned up. She looked at Akio and sighed. "Don't mention the word 'twin' around him. He's got a bad relationship with his own brother. It's a long story. He tells me it reminds him of his brother, stirs up the memories he'd rather forget." Dragon picked up the forgotten cup of medicine for the men's hangovers and handed it to Akio, "It tastes a bit foul, but trust me, it works."
"Oh," Akio mumbled softly. He hadn't meant to provoke Tiger. Sighing softly, his head slumped. Great. He didn't know what he was going to do when he saw Tiger again. Most likely apologize, but he didn't even know if Tiger would want to talk to him again. He hadn't meant it. "Sorry." Though he was slightly curious. Tiger had a brother? Why did they have a bad relationship? What did his brother look like? What happened to Tiger's parents? Of course, Akio would never ask such private questions. He was only the tag along. That thought brought up other thoughts from yesterday. Or, more likely, the day before. A frown formed on his face, wondering just how far they would let him tag along. With a small sigh, he took the cup from Dragon. "Thanks," he mumbled. He quickly downed the drink, cringing at the taste. Yuck. But at least he was thinking clearer. He blinked, his vision clearing, and looked up at Dragon. "I am never drinking again."
Dragon laughed, "I don't like drinking as well. But sometimes there are things you have to throw away for the moment. You eat some breakfast, I'll go reserve that demon hunting mission I was talking about yesterday night." She got up and patted herself down before skipping down one of the streets towards a bigger building in the distance. Snake moved up to sit next to Akio, "Do you like it here, Akio?" she asked as she reached for a sandwich and bit down half of it in one go, her fangs visible for a fraction of a second as she opened her maw.
"Oh okay," Akio mumbled. He ate quietly, lost in his own thoughts and didn't notice Snake for a second. When she spoke, he jumped. Looking up at her, he sighed softly. "Somewhat," he mumbled in reply. No not really. He wished he was back at the school so he didn't have to feel so left out, and could continue on being invisible to the rest of the school. He didn't like all this attention.
Snake smiled at him, trying not to show her fangs. "What do you like about our country?" She finished the sandwich she was holding and grabbed another one, intending on feeding her empty stomach. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she prepared herself for the next question. "What do you like about us?"
"It's nice and open and everyone is nice," Akio replied. Well, at least most people. He wasn't too sure about Wolf. He watched her eat, not feeling particularly hungry. "A lot of things. You're all so nice and happy," Akio smiled, but was slightly jealous. Of course they were. He could never have a happy life himself, because of various reasons.
Snake smiled sadly, "We may look happy. But we're not. Especially the females." She curled up, pulling her knees up to her chest before continuing. "The female Zodiac is born bestowed with the gifts of magic, the males have it too, but not as much power as us, they learn much slower. But this gift comes with a price, you see, the more we use the more of our lives we use. Our lifespan is far longer than a humans but we also use a lot of magic, with jobs like hunting demons and wars sprouting all over the place it's hard to restrict magic." Snake twirled her hair with her hand, staring at nothing in particular. "The males of this Generation have suffered tremendously too, suffering from physical pain, loneliness and abandonment. We're only happy when we're together - live and well." She patted Akio's head, "You're lucky not be a Zodiac. This is a curse. We are destined to live this way for many years, and more children will go through the same troubles as us after we die. And we cannot commit suicide to free ourselves either, an dishonorable way of dying like that will only take us to Hell."
Akio frowned as he listened, knowing he was being told something important. He piped up at the end. "I don't believe in Hell." Thy popped out of his mouth in a moment of randomness. His eyes widened, realizing it was a bad thing to say.
Snake smiled. "Most humans don't." That was all she said, she couldn't expect everyone to believe in what they did. Dragon and Wolf were possibly the only ones out of the Zodiac who could get annoyed or angry when their beliefs were not shared. But Snake didn't blame them, Wolf and Dragon were both raised in a traditional way, Wolf's parents were old-school, teaching him the old ways of living and tradition. Since Dragon was the leader, it was expected that she believe in Heaven and Hell. "I heard Hell isn't that bad of a place."
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