Demons {With Sen}

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Bailey laughed softly, wrapping his wings around the twins. "I'm sure we can handle it."

"Did you have any desert?" Akio asked. Surely she had some desert. He wasn't thinking clearly anymore.
Tiger fell backwards onto some carefully placed pillows. "No- no more. Holy shit, I'm seeing stars," he hiccuped. The bottle of Thunder Brew he was holding was swiped by Ox, who began drinking it from the bottle. Rooster laughed and pointed unsteadily at Tiger, "Y-you lose! Ha! Can't even tolerate this shit!" And with that he fell forward, missing his bowl of food by an inch and began snoozing.

Dragon, Snake and Horse stared at the men, and all three of them took another sip of Spark Sake. Snake nudged her sister with her elbow. "You're going to help me with the hangover medicine, right?" Dragon nodded and laughed.
Bailey glanced to Rooster and Tiger. He raised an eyebrow. "Well..." He certainly could hold his liquor down better. At that thought, he took another sip. He wondered how many more sips he would need before he would become like them.

Akio went to take another sip, but stopped. Then took the cup and drained the entire thing.
Dragon and Snake sat together sharing a slice of cake, while the twins ate jelly. All of the men were knocked out by now, with the exception of Wolf and Ox, who were sipping their drinks in the corner. Rabbit had fallen asleep, her arm around her stomach, and Sheep was still stuffing food in her mouth. Boar hadn't contributed much, apart from staring at Bailey. "H-he's pretty..." she whispered to herself.
Bailey yawned, the empty glass bottle sitting on the table. His scar seemed to be more prominent. His eyes were glowing slightly, but glazed over at the same time. "Anybody up for some fun?"

Akio was slumped over his food, passed out. He had only passed out after maybe three or four drinks, but that was enough.
As the hours slowly rolled by, eventually Ox and Wolf blacked out, sitting there motionless. The twins had fallen asleep in each other's arms and the two serpent sat off in one corner whispering to each other. Sheep had joined the dancers with Cat and talked to the locals, who were still partying. Horse was still sitting where he was before, painfully kneeling on his robotic body, reading a book and sipping his drink once in a while. Boar scooched closer to Bailey, still looking at him rather shyly - turning away whenever he looked in her direction.
Bailey sighed after a while with everyone passed out, having nothing to do. He summoned another bottle of angelic alcohol and decided to join them.
Dragon was discussing her feelings about Tiger to Snake, who listened to her every word. Snake was the Zodiac most closest to her, she told her everything and she gave her advice and in return she did the same thing back. Throughout the whole explanation Snake did not stop her, but instead sat quietly and listened to her. "It's okay, Dragon. I have someone I feel that way to too."

Dragon's eyes widened, "No way! Who?" Snake giggled and leaned in closer, telling her details that no one else should know about.
Bailey tried his hardest not to listen on to the two, but he was drunk and did it anyway. He let out a soft groan, his head slumping onto the table but he was still awake and listening.
Dragon and Snake yawned, they were tired. They curled up together and whispered insignificant things to each other, waiting for the other person to sleep.
Bailey finally passed out, now in the same state as all the other guys. It had been a long time since he'd gotten this drunk.
The party continued on without them, Cat approached the sleeping Zodiacs and the guests but fled at the stench of alcohol. When they woke up it would probably be the early morning.
Bailey woke first. He let out a groan, for a moment wondering where the hell he was. Then he knew, and he cursed himself multiple times for getting himself into that vulnerable state. He needed to be vigilant, as there were plenty of things that could take an unwary archangel and use it's powers. He sat up, getting dizzy before he closed his eyes and simply willed the hangover effects to disappear. It was a simple spell he had learned when he had first tasted alcohol. He did not want to feel another hangover, ever.

When that was done, he opened his eyes and looked around. All the other Zodiacs were asleep, and Akio even more so. With a small sigh, he leaned back on his chair and waited for them to wake. He'd probably get rid of their hangovers for them, as a gift. Then he noticed the bottle of glowing liquid still on the table. He grabbed it, capped the lid and then it disappeared. Hopefully no one had tried it. He didn't want to be cleaning up any more dead bodies for the week.
The twins and Horse woke up first, mumbling their greetings before walking towards their homes, rubbing the sleep eyes and yawning. Dragon and Snake were next, they smiled at Bailey and waved before grabbing a cup and began mixing a concoction to rid the men of their hangovers. Boar's eyes snapped open, and she sat up, suddenly self-concious when she spotted the archangel. "O-oh, you're still here..." she looked away and spotted Akio's sleeping body. Blushing furiously she got up, bowed farewell and dashed away. Where Wolf was sitting was now air, he probably left a while ago without being detected, like he always did. Ox was still snoozing, the bottle of liquer still clutched in his hand. Rabbit crawled to a sitting position and said her greetings to the awakened members, and Bailey, before stumbling away. Sheep, Tiger and Rooster were still knocked out, twitching every now and then.
Bailey sighed as he watched the Zodiac's leave, thinking of their ancestors. He compared the first to each of their descendants, chuckling quietly to himself at a few. He acknowledged each greeting with a nod. Eventually he got up and walked over to the still sleeping ones and began to shake them awake.
Tiger instantly woke up at his touch and growled, snapping at Bailey's hand. "Hands off, angel man." He did not like being touched, especially when he was asleep. Sleeping made him feel so vulnerable and helpless, and he was grateful about the sensitivity of his skin, which helped him react to anything that made contact to his skin when he was sleeping to avoid ambushes. It took years for him to get used to and dismiss Dragon's touch, whenever they spent the night together. Other than her, his brain triggered an alarm system, making him wake easier.

Rooster pushed the archangel away and yawned, "A few more minutes," he mumbled, moving his wings to cover his face and block the sunlight.
Bailey ignored Tiger, half expecting some of them to react like that. When Rooster spoke, he chuckled. "Just a few?" He shook him again, and this time a bit harder before moving on to Sheep.
Tiger sat up groggily and recieved the cup of hangover cure and downed it, shaking his head and he lightly punched his forehead. Rooster had wrapped his wings around himself, creating a feathery egg and rocked himself back to sleep. As Bailey shook Sheep awake, she opemed one eye and peeked at the archangel before closing it with a sigh. "Is it morning already?"
"Yup. You going to get up or not?" Bailey asked her. He glanced to Rooster and sighed, shoving him lightly. Then he walked over to Akio and shook him lightly. "Just five more minutes," Akio mumbled, his eyes not opening.
Rooster opened his makeshift egg just a crack to accept the cup of medicine, before rolling away. It got a few looks but hey, that's what happens when you get drunk.
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