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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Zerdu growled slightly in his sleep as something started moving around him, yet he didn't wake up. His tongue was occasionally slipping out of his mouth in a subconscious attempt to understand what was on top of him. Then the thing spoke.
"Mhr?" He grumbled at the noise, as he eyes opened. It took him several seconds before he remembered what had happened last night, and before his mind comprehended what she had said. "What can I say?" He asked sleepily. "Would be a bit stupid to just have saved some people from sickness, only to leave you here to catch... whatever you catch from cold." His mind was still not completely awake, but it was getting there. "And I wouldn't waste an opportunity to have something like you warm me for a night." He said, as he gently wrapped his tail around her, pulling her slightly closer to leach of more of her heat.
"I wouldn't really catch anything, it would have just been very uncomfortable for me. But I thank you for keeping me warm. It was a nice gesture." She allowed the corners of her lips to raise into a small smile.

As his tail wrapped around her, she tensed almost imperceptibly, but relaxed after a minute. Slowly she allowed her wings to fold up, letting in the cold of the early morning, causing her to cuddle up closer to him. The bite of the early morning frost nipped at her nose and fingers before she pressed both to him. Once she realized just how cold it was she draped her wings about them like a blanket once more.
"Well, it was almost as much for me as for you. If I hadn't, I'd probably not wake up until the sun really started warming up. And I don't try to hurt people. With emphasis on try. As it seems I haven't succeeded as well as I thought..." He said, his tone dropping to a sad one as he spoke. "But I suppose we all make mistakes. Little to do about it now anyways. And I suppose my plan won't work out then." He was split between his stealing and the hope of returning home at some point, yet inflicting death on strangers was not something he would do. Which also meant he had a much smaller chance of getting home again...
The angel stretched out a bit and let her large glorious wings fan out to soak up the warm sun. She glanced up at him curiously. "What led you to the life of crime anyways? What is so horrible that you can't find a normal job and settle down?"
"To put it simply... Humans and elves doesn't like my kind too much. As you've probably noticed, there aren't a whole lot of Lizardkin walking around town here, or most other towns. That's because we usually stay in our own villages and towns, together with the rest of our tribes. So in the few times some of us leave, we usually have trouble finding work. And mates." He sighed slightly. "So, in other words, I don't, because the people here doesn't like me." He was obviously not happy to talk about the topic, as it brought back memories.
The angel glanced at him curiously. "If your kind don't often leave your villages then why did you? You seem to yearn for your home, so why don't you just return? It would be much easier for you." She instantly thought of her long time home in Heaven and a yearning to return pulled at her heart. She wished so strongly to return, and she envied this creature who was so close to his home, while she was so far away. The golden gates faded from her mind as she came back to the present.
"It's very simple. I was banished. I found a trinket that released a demon into our town, so I was banished. And unless I can gather a large sum of money or get a mark on my body from our gods, I'm not allowed to return." He sighed heavily, and his tail went limp around her. "I thought I had found a lucky trinket. Shows how wrong I was." He went quiet for a few moments. "And when I tried to find a job in one of the nearby human or elven towns, I was almost chased away. In the beginning, they claimed they were afraid I'd bring some diseases from the swamps. But after a while, they stopped even pretending." He sighed again. "And so, I started stealing. It wasn't even hard, the pinkskins apparently aren't as acrobatic and such as me, meaning they never expected someone to climb in their windows. But I suppose that is all in the past now..."
The angel stared at him sympathetically. "It is hard to be banished from ones home. To be cast out by the ones we love the most.... I know how you must feel. I too was banished from my home, but I can never return. Not until the end of the world. But I can assist you in getting home yourself. How much money do you require to return home?" She asked resolutely.
"I need about... one and a half village worth of gold, and some shinies for, I mean gems! Some large gems for the... Uh... Ahrz. The governors, or whatever they're called in common. And so far, I have one sack of gold coins. Meaning I'm not even close." He said with a deep sigh. "But I guess I'm still closer than you. Unless the world ends before I make enough money, that is." He said with a grin, as his tail tightened playfully around her.
She smiled back at him and plucked a leaf from the ground near them. "I suppose so... But maybe this could help..." She held out the leaf to him and laid it in his hand. The leaf was now heavy and gold. She smiled sheepishly. "It's a skill every angel was born with, but we are very limited on how often we can do it. It takes a lot of energy to do anything much bigger than this, but maybe over time I could help you. I have no other uses for this, and I don't need the gold because I don't require material possessions."
He simply stared at the gold-leaf in his hand for a few seconds. "Bdh... Ahz..." He tried forming words for a bit, and failed. Yet after a few more tries, he succeeded. "You're a literal gold-mine, aren't you?" He asked, as he hugged her. "If you can make something like this or bigger, I'll be home in just a month, if I can find the gems!" Never had he thought anyone could just make gold of something else. And even less had be believed he'd find that kind of person.
She laughed when he hugged her. "Something like that, but I prefer not to be thought of as a possession such as a gold mine is. I would be happy to help you though. I would be glad to know that you could make it home soon."
"Hey, no, I didn't mean it like that! I meant it like a compliment! Like that you're beautiful! And If you're happy to help, then who am I to turn down such an offer! And heck, when we've made enough, I'll damn well bring you home to show you!" He said excitedly, still holding her tightly. All he had to do then was to keep her around for a month or so, and he'd finally get to come home once more.
She kissed him on the cheek and smiled excitedly. "I would be honored to see your home Zerdu. I hope to have you back soon. Now, in the terms of gems, what kind do you need and how many?" Adaire was genuinely wanting and willing to help him.
He blushed slightly at the kiss, before he started explaining about the gems. "Well, I need at least four different ones, preferably of decent size. A ruby, a blue topaz, a emerald and a amethyst. Each one represents one of the gods, you see. And since I doubt I'll get marked, I need the gems to honor them. I've seen plenty of little gems on the stuff I've stolen over time, and gathered some of it. But its not enough of any of them. And I'm guessing you can't make those too, can you?" He asked, with a mock-hopeful voice.
"I wish I could if only to help you, but maybe I can make enough gold for you to buy them? It's always with a try. In my current state though, I can barely do what I just did. I really need a bit of rest before I start doing this. It's a precision art and I have to have all of my power." She curled up close to him and pulled her legs up to her chest.
"Gold can get you a long way in this world. So it'll just take a bit more time. But I'll get home." He said, before adjusting himself slightly under her. "Until then though, I don't mind you resting on me like this." He pulled her slightly closer. "Means I don't have to move out into the sun. Means I can just be lazy here instead. Always the better option." He grinned slightly at her.
She smiled sleepily at him. "Just wake me up in a few hours...." She yawned and cuddled closer to him, putting her head under his chin in the hollow of his shoulder.

Not even five minutes later she was fast asleep.
"Unless I'm asleep as well, I will." He said as she made herself comfortable. He couldn't help but to smile to himself. Not only had he now met a woman who wasn't repulsed by him, or fearing him, but one that was sleeping in his arms and making gold for him.

He drifted of to sleep as well, still holding her and still smiling.
The angel began to kick slightly in her sleep and whimper softly. She was having a bad dream, the worst. She was being cast from heaven. She was covered in a cold sweat, and she just wanted it to end