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"See, there's a reason I'm named after my great-grandfather. At first, it was purely because I looked like him, but apparently I act like him too. Go figure," beamed Dax smugly, enjoying the sight of Morgana showing panic and genuine fear in her face. It was one thing beating some elves, but a giant? They were ridiculously difficult to defeat. Her magic wasn't really enough to counter them.

With her red eyes glowing in disgust, she refused to get on her knees, simply staying where she stood with a fierce scowl. "Kill me, and I'll inflict a curse on each of your living children. If I die, they'll be cursed. Do you want your daughter to turn into an ogre? How about that Jax boy? Do you want him to become a monster when he turns 16? Kill me, kill my husband, and I'll do so much worse to you. Don't tempt me, little boy."
"Morgana, don't act invincible. We know about sealing a witch." Edward smirked. "We could seal you up, your powers would be useless." Holding his sword, glaring at her.

Apollo growled, clutching his sword tightly, glaring at Dax. "...Dax Drakon...You son of a bitch! You're here again, working to steal everything from me yet again! I'll fucking kill you! I'll fucking kill you and feed your kids to the dogs!"
"Apollo, calm down, dear. Is yelling really going to resolve anything?" The witch sighed, her eyes narrowing at the elves around her. So they knew about sealing, did they? She had to admit she was impressed-- and she was at least a little curious to see if it worked. Maybe on some normal witch, but the first one to have existed? Admittedly, she was prepared to see if it worked.

"Oh go on then, you've twisted my arm. Seal my powers," she purred, her eyes glowing again in preparation to use her magic. "I mean, I've already done the curses, darling. I suppose we'll see if it's worked when they're older, won't we? That said, I suppose I won't get the chance to see if the curses worked. You're all going to kill me."

"We sealed your powers, idiot, it won't work," tutted Dax, confidently folding his arms. He hoped the sealing had worked, of course. He had to have faith that the elves knew what the were doing. "Just kill them, what are you waiting for?!"
The giant swung his long sword, cutting them both in half. After he did that he stomped on the dead bloodied body all while yelling about how much he hated the two.

Deep in the cave, Anders covered his children's ears. He didn't want them to hear what was going on, but he was more than happy to hear those bastards die. They stole everything from them. Literally everything from them. Now they were dead, and the world was all theirs.
"Stop, I wanna hear," grimaced Enzo in a rare moment of talkativeness, pushing his father's hands from his ears. He wasn't really interested in the sound of death, or the cheers that erupted afterwards. He was more interested in the giant and hearing if he was still alive. It may seem naive to worry about a giant, but he'd heard that Apollo was a giant slayer - for all Enzo knew, he could have brought down the giant he'd become so fascinated with. However, hearing him stomp about made the usually reserved boy beam in delight.

"I want to talk to t-the giant, Papa. He was nice. I... Can he come back with us? I wanna show him my teddies and stuff and... and he helped us, he can celebrate with us too, right?
"I...Uh...Where would he sleep, darling?" Asked the rabbit, looking down at his son surprised. He was never usually this excited about anyone. "He's huge, baby, he'd smash our castle." He cooed, moving to tickle his tummy. "Besides, he doesn't like to leave his cave, that' why we're here. He didn't want to come to our castle."

"I don't want him to smash my dollies." Mumbled Bella, whimpered as she tugged on her long ears. "I'd be sad"

"Don't worry he won't. He's a nice guy. Okay?" Cooed the rabbit before wincing at a few pains. "Ugh...Th babies will be here soon, maybe even tomorrow." He told his kids, rubbing his stomach.
Perhaps he should have been more excited about the new babies arriving, but the boy couldn't care less about that. He was far more interested in the giant. For some reason, he was clearly intrigued in the huge creature, and hearing that he wouldn't really get to see him again was far from what he wanted to hear. Even Dax reappearing again and scooping his children into his arms didn't make the boy smile.

"Ugh, what's wrong with grumpy?" He murmured curiously, setting Enzo down as the child grumpily stomped to the corner. "I mean, I did just pull off the feat of the fucking millennia, and my son doesn't care? That's nice-- are you alright, And? Seriously, you aren't having the kids here, fuck right off. Wait until we're back at the castle, okay? Don't stress me out. Let us have a party before you decide to spring more kids on me, hm~?"
"Oi, tell them in there. They come when they want." Chuckled the rabbit, before looking at Enzo. "...He wanted to have the giant come with us. For some reason, he's intrigued by him. Like how Jax loves that show, what's it called?"

"Spice Rangers!" Jax huffed, stomping his little foot. "How could you forget, Papa! Spice Rangers is the coolest show ever! I love Red Spice, he's the leader!"

"Right, right. Spice Rangers. Yeah, that's how Enzo feels about the giant. He asked if he could come with us. He couldn't fit in our castle." Cackled the rabbit, trying to stand up, but it took a lot of time.
"You should get used to this, you've had kids before, right? And I want more. I missed out on you having morning sickness in the first few months, right? I have to see you threw up all over the place, Anders, I need a good laugh," the man teased as he moved to help the other, paying little notice to his son's fascination with the giant. He was a child, and children grew intrigued by difference; it was natural.

He clearly underestimated Enzo's fascination, though. The boy rushed ahead of them, just to spend a few moments with the giant before he had to leave. Spotting the dead bodies and the blood didn't faze him too much, instead tugging hard on the giant's leg in an effort to get his attention, before shouting as loud as he could up to him.

"H-Hi! Do... Do you wanna come back to celebrate? I... y-you can sleep outside, I... I can bring you blankets?"
The giant, whose name was Fegvir, barely felt any tugging on his leg. But he did hear a little voice. Looking down at the small bunny, he arched his brow. Why was the little Prince inviting him to the castle? Picking up the child gently to place him in the palm of his hand, he looked down at him, smiling softly. "...I'm far too old to be moving around. I like staying in my cave, lad. But you can visit me whenever you want." His voice still shook the cave even as he spoke gently.

When Anders and the other caught up, Anders nearly had a heart attack from seeing his baby so high off the ground. "O-Oh...Enzo, baby! Come down! Let's get home!" He called
"But you can have fun w-with us all and I... my Papa won't let me visit, he says that this land is barren, whatever that means. You're the last giant and that's lonely and I like you," the boy defiantly grimaced, wobbling a little in the other's palm as he stood up. Looking down at his family was a little nerve-racking, and it made him feel queasy being so high off the ground, but he stood as stably as he could manage.

"You can't come, even for an hour? I... My parents are celebrating and... and it'd suck if you weren't there."
"...Tell you what...I'll come, and I'll visit you once a year. I can't move around too much, I'm an old man. I'm not full of energy and youth like you are." Chuckled the giant, slowly putting the little rabbit back down on the ground. When Enzo was sat down, Anders quickly grabbed him, making sure he was okay.

"Oh sweetie, let's not go up that hight again, okay? You made Papa scared." He cooed to his four-year-old, stroking his hair down with a smile.
"Oh, leave the boy be, Anders. Honestly, you're so boring when you're pregnant," snorted Dax, hiding how relieved he was with smiles, ruffling his son's hair with a wink. As far as he was concerned, the triplets were his. They had barely known Zayde, so it wasn't hard to convince them that Dax was their real father; a man that had gone away for a little while but returned to be with them. He considered them his children, as he did the ones that followed soon after-- even Morgana and Apollo's child. As soon as he laid eyes on the little girl, he fell in love and refused to acknowledge her true parentage. He and Anders were her parents.

Being King again brought with it tons of responsibilities. Being a father brought new ones that he hadn't realised would be so challenging. The late nights and lack of sleep, the crying and tantrums... it was something he wasn't used to, but he wasn't going to change it for the world. He adored the parenting role.

Apophis had done the same thing, of course. He became a good father and loved parenting. The difference was that Dax hadn't become lenient to the kingdoms he controlled. To them, he was the same asshole that fucked with their lives. To his children, and to Anders, though? He was soft and fun and perfect. Was it any surprise that they went on to have a few more kids? Dax was a natural, Anders was a rabbit... it was bound to happen.

Not that he forgot about the eldest of the bunch. He made sure to dedicate time with them all. He trained with Jax, he found antique dolls for Bella, and he tried to find something Enzo enjoyed... but Enzo's hobbies were difficult to take part in. Enzo was a typical teenager. While his brother trained and while his sister enjoyed her girly sorts of things, he would be found in bed with some servant girl. He lazed about all day and, when he was forced to get out of bed, he was usually found flirting with some cute girl he'd taken notice of.

Although, when he wasn't doing that, he was visiting the giant. They had a bond that Dax didn't understand, but didn't try to stop either. It was nice to see Enzo doing something other than having sex and sleeping, anyway.

Though, he had put a stop to the visit today: his children's 16th birthday. Though, from the fact neither of the triplets had turned up to the family breakfast, you wouldn't think it. Dax had the dining room decorated with balloons, had presents waiting for them all to open (with more ready to open at their birthday party later) and yet none of the children had come down yet. Eventually growing tired of waiting, he smiled at all their other children and motioned them to eat. It wasn't fair to make them wait.

"...Are they all just sleeping?" He mumbled towards Anders, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, we were never this lazy as teenagers. We were taking over the fucking world. They don't realise how lucky they are-- I'll wait two more minutes, and then I'm going to get mad."
For the next ten plus years, Anders life had been nothing short of perfect. He was the loving Papa to his children and the perfect Queen to his husband. This was the life he had dreamed of having. And it had finally come true. Life wasn't anything less the just...Splendid. Sure, he didn't like the lack of sleep, the terrible tantrums and the nights his children got sick. But he would never change it. He was happy that he was a parent. He was more than thrilled.

Altogether, the two had ten kids. Yup, ten children, their eldest being sixteen and the youngest being only two years old. And he adored all of his children. The last three that was born was the first dragons of the bunch. All of them, except Morgana and Apollo's child, were rabbits. But Anders was happy to see some dragons in the family again. They were adorable when they were born.

Anders often worried about Enzo though. The way he slept around, and just would sleep the day away. He wanted his son to do something fun. And sure he was friends with that giant and all, but he needed more than just that. He needed an actual life.

Currently trying to feed the youngest three, he glanced up at his husband. "...They're teens, I guess...That's what normal teens do. We weren't exactly, hey! Zac you can not set your food on fire!" He squeaked, watching one of the newest triplets set his food on fire. He finally figured out how to make fire just last week, and has been setting everything on fire. Quickly putting it out, Anders scowled at his son. "Bad boy. Baby, why don't you go up and get them? I have to feed these three."
It was clear that Dax was hesitant. He'd walked in dozens of times on Enzo being... intimate with someone, so he wasn't prepared to do that again. Jax was a safer option, but he was so moody these days with the hormones coursing through him. Bella seemed the safest bet, really. If he went to her, he was sure that she would wake her brothers up and bring them all down. She was his first daughter, he had a special bond with her.

Eventually deciding to do that, he gave Zac a small warning to behave -albeit with a playful smile- and wandered to fetch his daughter, knocking on her door. He knew better than to just wander in, in case she was already awake and dressing.

"...Do you want to come downstairs, Bel? We have a breakfast planned, and presents, and-- your Papa was up all night wrapping everything for you and your brothers."
"D-Don't come in here!" She screeched, looking in the mirror horrified at what she became. Before Morgana's death, Morgana cursed the children, and she said she turn Bella into an ogre. Well...She did. Bell was looking in the mirror horrified. She was fine all the way up into she got into the shower. The moment water touched her, she turned into a hideous ogre. Hurrying, she tried to dry herself off, wondering what in the hell was happening to her. "D-Daddy...Daddy, I'm so ugly!" She cried, whimpering as she covered her face.

But after she dried off, she reverted back to her normal looking self. She had no idea why this was happening to her, she barely even remembered Morgana, but she was scared. She didn't even realize she reverted back as she sat on in front of the mirror, covering her face crying.
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Dax hadn't had much experience dealing with teenage girls. He had had his sisters when he was growing up, but Avery was hardly the sort of girl to cry about being ugly, and he barely spent time with Azula. He did know that teenage girls tended to have insecurities at some point, and he wasn't really prepared to let his daughter just suffer with that without even attempting to comfort her, especially on her birthday.

Walking in easily, he moved to sit on the bed with his brow arched. He had no idea what had just happened to her, after all. He assumed she was just going through some silly little tantrum.

"What is it, huh? Have you run out of makeup or something? I told you, you don't need that muck on, you're fine without it," he sighed, moving to push her hair from her face. "Just go wake your brothers and come downstairs, can you? You can stay in your pyjamas if you want, it's your birthday. I'll allow it~"
"But Daddy, look at m-!" She began looking back in the mirror to see she was completely fine. Her eyes widen and she stood up, looking into the mirror harder as if the ogre she just was would magically appear. "But...But I was just green and hideous! Daddy, I was I swear!" She whimpered looking back at him. Maybe she had just imagined everything. It had to be stress. Pulling on her white bunny ears, she nodded, before going to wake Enzo up first. He was the closest to her.

However, her own thoughts swirled around the ogre she thought she saw. She knew it was herself when she looked in the mirror...But what happened to her. How...How could she turn into a beast and then back normal? Shaking it from her head, she knocked on the door before opening it. "Hopefully you're not sleeping with someone, come on Enzo."
Unlike his sister who had been awake and taken a shower, Enzo was predictably wrapped up under all the covers. He didn't have anyone with him, but he wasn't happy to get out of bed, out of the warmth, and have his sleep disturbed. He was quite content just sleeping underneath all the blankets for a few more hours-- but he knew his sister wouldn't go until he got up.

It was a good thing nobody had shared his bed with him last night because his changes took place the moment the clock struck midnight. He'd been asleep at that point, sleeping all the way through his changes that, unlike his sister's, were permanent. She could avoid water and be fine; his was for all to see at any point. Yet, as he stumbled into the bathroom, he barely noticed how softer his footsteps were, or how his straight hips had been replaced by curves, or how his firm chest was clearly no longer there. Call it naivety or sheer exhaustion, but he didn't notice the fact he'd changed.

Not that that was the only change. Even as he stood washing his hands, he was... growing. He had never been the tallest, thanks to his rabbit genes. He was average height, perhaps, but now he was spurting upwards, barely even noticing until the tips of his ears pricked up and hit the ceiling. He was suddenly well over 6'0", almost 7'0" in fact, and it was the height that scared him.

Not the fact he'd turned into a woman.

"F-Fucking-- Shit. Shit," he mumbled, barely noticing his lighter voice as he moved to swing open his bedroom door, the fact his sister didn't stop calling for him becoming grating. Glaring down at the much shorter girl, he -or rather, she- sneered down at her angrily. "What the fuck do you want, Bella? Seriously, I told you, I'm coming. I just-- grew overnight. I... Guess I was due a growth spurt, but I'm fucking huge."

Bella was staring at him...Well now her in complete shock. She was still waiting for her brother to just magically come up from under sheets, and when he didn't she was stuck looking at this strange girl. Pulling on her own ears, something she did when she was anxious or nervous, she backed away fearfully. "Daddy!" She screeched. Anytime anything was wrong, she screamed for Dax. She had been like that since she was a little girl. "D-Daddy! Help!" She looked back at Enzo and whimpered. "What...What's going on?! Are you...Are you seriously Enzo?! No...No this isn't really, Enzo didn't turn into a girl, and I didn't turn into an ogre, this is all a dream...A terrible, terrible dream that I'm going to wake up from." She whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut in an attempt to wake herself up from this nightmare.

"What is all the ruckus for, why don't you three come down for breakfast...Wait where are your brothers?" Anders asked as he walked into the grand room. He had finished feeding the triplets, and they were playing in the playroom. Go find your brothers, Bella. Ugh, and I told Enzo to stop bringing his whores into the castle." Anders grimaced. Anders was often rude to Enzo's 'whores', and that's who he thought this girl was. "...Why are you so tall? I've never seen a rabbit this tall."