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"Yeah-- I didn't fucking prep you, you know? I don't need this. I'm the future King of the whole goddamn world. I don't need no prepping," the larger man tutted from underneath him, though it didn't stop him nodding encouragingly and smiling up at his lover. He did look cutely eager, an expression he didn't really wear the last time they made love. He'd been on top; there was more expectation on him to perform and lead the way. Now, just because he was on bottom didn't mean he couldn't intervene and make stuff happen, but he owed it to Anders to let him have the chance to lead-- so the encouraging nods were in aid to help him know what he was doing felt good and he could cope with it. He as happy to spend the next few minutes just hanging off whatever Anders did, being a receiver of the pleasure and not selfishly dominating. It was a mark of how much he loved Anders that he was happy to be in this position for him - nobody else would even get Dax into the bedroom scene.
Looking down at how eager he looked, Andy couldn't help but giggle. Leaning in to peck him, he pulled his fingers away. "Okay, be ready." He whispered, before beginning their night a bliss. That night was much like the other one. Perfect. However they had to be quiet, so Andy gaged Dax. He didn't want anyone hearing them, and thankfully they were quiet.

Anders woke up the next morning feeling satisfied and obviously happy. He purred as he cuddled into Dax, whispering softly to wake him up. "Dax~ Dax, wake up." The rabbit reached to play in his blonde hair as the dragon slept.
Last time they had had sex, they hadn't really had the chance to sleep it off. Dax had gone straight downstairs for dinner. This time, however, after a few hours rest, he found himself stirring awake and immediately groaning at how sore everything felt. Not that it took away one bit from how satisfied he also was, turning his eyes onto Anders with a sleepy smile.

"Mornin'," he drawled tiredly, forcing his eyes open as he moved to play with the other's hair. "...Last night was great, you know. I just wanna lounge in bed all day with you. It sucks we can't do that."
"Ugh, most definitely." Whined the boy as he sat up, cracking his back. That sleepy grin hadn't left his face yet as his delicate hand went to comb through his long frosty colored hair. "We have a world to conquer." He whispered, before turning to his lover and leaning in to capture those sweet lips once more. "Mhmm. Okay, you have a busy day planned~" Grinned Anders as he hopped out of bed, ready to start their day.

"You'll be accompanying father to a meeting. Since you are in direct line to become King, you'll have to be at your first meeting. And more excitedly, they'll be talking battle talk~! Some stupid witch country wants to go to war with us. We'll beat them no problem. At the meeting, when they ask what you suggest they do, you say we should turn into our dragon form, fly to the lands, and burn everything to the ground. This would please father, and please the council, they really do hate those backstabbing witches." Grinned the rabbit, as he hurried to pull out the nicest kimono Dax owned.

"Those councilmen will love what you have to say, and I'm sure they'll tell dad that they think you'll make a fine King, which will speed up the process. Remember, Dad's been King for over a hundred years now. He's pretty tired and ready to simply live the rest of his life as a husband and father." Finding a gorgeous kimono, he moved to help him get dressed. "I know you hate kimonos but this is a war meeting. You'll have to be wearing traditional dragon clothes. Besides, it'll please the council. They're all old dragons. They'll probably give you shit about your hair, but don't let that discourage you." He told him smiling up at him happily once the other was all dressed in his kimono. "...You look handsome. Like a King." He giggled happily.
As usual, Dax fell silent as his brother took charge, letting him reel off all the various things Dax needed to do and say in the meeting. This was their dynamic: Anders told him what to do, the real brain-box behind everything, and Dax did it. But that wasn't to say the dragon was useless in the partnership. Sure, his younger brother made the plans, told him what to say-- but if Dax wasn't as charming as he was, the plans wouldn't succeed. He was the face of it, and he needed to be charming and suave and be a superb actor. He was just as vital in the operation for world domination as his brother was.

Besides, if he hadn't blackmailed half the royals in other kingdoms, he wouldn't have their support. Clearly, he had his own moments of brilliance too.

"I look ridiculous," he sighed, pulling at the kimono with a petulant frown. "I hate these fucking traditions. The day I just grabbed some scissors and chopped my hair off was the day I felt most powerful. Now I feel like I'm taking a step back-- I get it, it's to please those old traditionalists, but... god, I hate it. When we're in charge, I'm gonna burn this fucking thing, I swear."
"But I think you look like such a handsome man~" Andy cooed, with a soft smile on his lips. "Alright...The meeting should be starting soon." He whispered, moving to hug him. As he hugged him, his hands sneakily went down to squeeze his bottom playfully. "Be good~" He purred in his ear, before pulling away, going to get himself ready for his own plans. Of course, he had his own things to do, in order to get Dax on top

A year passed like that. Anders making the plans, and Dax doing them perfectly. Of course, he continued to get more dirt on royals, making others fear him. It was perfect. Most of the other royals feared Dax. And soon, he became King. World domination was so close. With other fearing him, it would be a sinch. Anders couldn't have been prouder. His lover did everything so perfectly, he was so charming, and everyone believed that Dax would be the best King Valien ever had. Since the first Dax, the one that Dax himself was named after.

Anders worked in the shadows still. He still came up with the plans, wrote Dax speeches, and had plenty of laws that were now enforced. While Dax had no care in the Kingdom, Anders did, and the laws he enforced granted him total control of his Kingdom. Not just his but he was already in control of Escaflowne, Kehsia, Elvira, Hyokatu, and Motanius. They controlled most of the damn world, and it was fucking great. No one even knew that Anders was the one running anything, and that's how he liked it.

One afternoon, he and Dax were on a trip to Motanius. The Kingdom of fae people, otherwise known as fairies. Since they were their most recent country they took over, they wanted to go and check things out. Anders wanted to see just what needed to be done. He needed to put fear in the people, so they wouldn't dare try to overthrow him. He would show pictures of what happened to the Witches Kingdom to scare them. They did end up burning the witches country to the ground. It was nothing but dust now. Sitting in the carriage with his lover, the rabbit read over the speech he wrote for his lover.
Dax had complete faith in whatever Anders told him to do, and he was confident that the plan would go swimmingly. A year on, and that much was proven. World domination hadn't yet been achieved, but it was so close that both teenagers could practically taste it. Dax was... King. He'd always dreamt about that when he was a little boy, when he wouldn't talk to anyone. While they hoped he was thinking about normal little boy things, like sports and training, he was always thinking about how useless his siblings were and how he hoped to be King; to be feared and to have total dominance over them all... and he had that.

He controlled a couple of kingdoms now, with Anders-- even if his brother was still behind the shadows. Dax had to pretend like he was the sole ruler, when all he wanted to do was bring his brother onto the stage beside him and live his life with him,happily. He loved the boy so much and he hated having to hide all those feelings... but Anders said it wasn't time to tell everyone yet, or to take his place at his side. If Anders said it wasn't time, then it wasn't time yet.

Besides, Dax was clearly coping perfectly, not letting how he felt get in the way too much. Now 18, he was an adult; a man, really, just as ruthless and as beautiful as he'd been when he was 17. He had Incy and Ally's kingdom, having happily kicked them off their thrones with little remorse. He had taken the throne from Filipe and Avery, grinning as he burned their beloved library to the ground. All that hurt Hope-- but nothing hurt her more than when he took Kehsia. In fact, it was that that stopped her talking to her sons completely, and it was six months since he last heard or seen from her.

But he had Anders. Nobody else even mattered to him.

Silently glancing at said teen, Dax's eyes lit up as he watched the rabbit read the speech, smiling more and more when he realised just how beautifully evil his brother was; how evil and devious they were together. They were perfect.

"...I know the speech, Anders. I memorised it. Just... let's relax," he huffed, leaning in to caress his cheek with his hand. "Let's make out-- or have sex. We can do it real quick?"
His eyes lit up with desire, but he gently removed his hand from his cheek with a soft cackle. "As much as I'd love to, we can't. I don't want to crumple your clothes. You have to look perfect for this speech. And that's a very nice suit." Dax no longer wore kimonos since he hated them so badly. And besides, he was King, he could do what he wanted. "And I'm just making sure this speech is perfect. I want them to fear you, but be inspired by you as well, so they join the armies like all the other countries did. No one would want to go to war with us now that we have so many countries under our belt."

Dax neatly folded the paper on his lap, looking up at his lover, nothing but proudness in his eyes. "You are so powerful, you know that right. There are huge posters of you everywhere. I heard little boys talking about how they wanted to be you when they grew up, and I heard little girls saying they wanted to be your bride. Everyone looks up to you, and you can't be stopped." He whispered with a grin. "You have total control of everything you...You are exactly what you wanted to be since we've been kids." Taking his hands on his own, his eyes teared up a bit from how happy he was.

"...When we have total world dominance, I want you to marry me. And I...I want the biggest and grandest wedding in history." He told him with a happy grin. Of course, he was hurt his mother no longer spoke to them but...He had Dax. And he was going to live their dream no matter what. This was their dream and it was happening. Glancing out the window, he saw the grande city of fairies in the distance. "We should be there in twenty minutes."
"Don't you dare get emotional on me. You're the man behind the plans, Anders. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. I owe all this to you and... once we get it all, we'll have the biggest damn wedding on the planet. Of course, people will have a lot to say about it. We're brothers, of course they'll make some rude comments, so we could... oh, we could set them on fire and use them as candles on our wedding day, it'd be romantic and hilarious. We'll have to hire a few bands to drown our their screams-- or we could sew their mouths together, that'd work too," he began to murmur, unable to really help himself as he pulled his lover onto his lap to bask in the feeling of holding him close like this.

"Marrying you would complete everything, Anders. I love how far we've come, but it wouldn't be complete without you being my husband. We could have our family there too. We'd just have to, you know, tie them down and gag them to stop them ruining our ceremony-- but they should come and see what true power looks like together~"
"...We have no family anymore, Dax." Anders sighed, looking down as he pressed his hands to his chest. "They are no longer our family. They've disowned us. At least that's what it feels like. But I don't care, when we're older and ready we'll create our own family. There is no use for them anymore." Mumbled the rabbit sadly. He missed his family of course, but they were all so angry with them. Why? Because they've achieved greatness and they hadn't? They should be happy for them! They are doing what no other dragon-no what no other being had ever done before! Conquer the world. Everyone else is happy, but their family!

Sighing, he leaned his head on his shoulder. "...I love you, and all I need is you. You are my only family, Dax. The only family I want and need in my life." Now sighing out of frustration, he looked up a bit flustered. "..You put me on your lap to turn me on, didn't you." He groaned, rowing his hips to feel the slight bulge in Dax's pants. Looking out the window, he knew they didn't have too much time until they arrived at the city. "...Quickly then." He whispered, before gripping Dax's cheeks happily as he kissed him passionately.

However as the two made out, bandits were overhead, following the carriage. The bandits had no idea that Dax was int here. All they knew was that was a fancy carriage, and they needed money. So the bandit dropped from the cheeks, cutting the reigns of their horses before swinging open the carriage door. The boy was obviously poor, and came from nothing, and was a fox hybrid. "Give me all your money, and no one gets hurt!" He yelled.

Anders jumped a bit, turning to look at the boy, who couldn't have been older than sixteen.
Despite how well loved and respected Dax was -out of fear, mostly-, he had had one serious attempt on his life in the past year. A young servant in his castle in Kehsia decided he had had enough and tried to slice the man's throat as he slept. Of course, it didn't work and he was shortly killed for the attempt, but it was just one serious event. On the whole, Dax never found himself in these situations, where his life was potentially in danger. He didn't realise that this was pure coincidence; that the bandits had no idea that they'd targeted the royal carriage. He assumed that was their plan all along--

But he didn't panic. Instead, he sat back casually with a slow smile on his face, keeping Dax on his lap.

"...Money. Is that all you care about? You target the royal carriage and all you want is a few hundred gold coins for your trouble? You have the King and his most beloved adviser stuck in a carriage, unaided. You have all the power and yet you don't ask for more? How disappointing. I'd ask for a lot more than just money if I were in your position. You clearly aren't thinking big enough. Ask for... oh, I don't know. Diamonds, jewels, power."
"....Royals?" He questioned, blinking as he looked at the carriage. The boy was dirt poor and hungry like hell. His hunger keeps him so occupied that he hasn't heard much about Dax. Well, sure he's heard about Dax The Great Conquerer, which is what they were calling Dax, but...He didn't know what he looked like. He had no idea this was the man who was on the path of having the whole world in his hands.

And Anders recognized that this boy was oblivious to who he was attacking. It was so amusing that he laughed before covering his mouth. "Love, he...He has no idea who you are, isn't that something." Laughed the rabbit as he cuddled close, rubbing his chest. "Poor people are so entertaining, aren't they. And look, he's a fox. How adorable. Aren't your kind thieves? Well...It fits since you are trying to steal from us."

"Hey! Shut up, some of us ain't bad! Just...Just gimme your damn money! I don't care who Y'all are, Y'all land is going to be taken anyone, didn't you hear that Dax The Great Conquerer is taking over the world? So just gimme your money! Your title means nothing!"

Andy laughed again, his little nose twitching cutely. "Aww, I think I heard his stomach growl just now. You must really be hungry. How does that feel? I've never been hungry before, have you, Dax?" He asked, purposely dragging out his name.

"...Huh?" The fox looked at Dax, all color leaving his face. That couldn't be...The real Dax could it?
"You know, I should be offended that you have no idea who I am. Anders here tells me that they have posters of my face everywhere. I mean, I'm gorgeous, of course there are posters of me. But now I see the penny has dropped, at last," he laughed, resting back a little more to fully take in the strange hybrid in front of him. He was poor and evidently desperate if he was attacking a royal carriage like this. He ought to be killed on the spot for even talking to Dax and Anders the way he was, let alone threatening them... but Dax didn't kill him. At least, he didn't do so immediately.

"What's your name?" He asked calmly, even though he'd reached out to grab the boy by the arm to ensure he didn't run off as fast as his legs could carry him. "I want to know your name-- but first, you apologise for telling my partner here to shut up. That's very rude, you know."
The fox's tail was now between his legs as he trembled in fear. Deep blue eyes were swamped with terror as he stared at Dax. "...I-I-I'm s-so-sorry! I...I di-didn't know!" Whimpered the boy, lowering his head in shame. "I-I'm s-so hun-hun-hungry." Stammering over his worlds, he lost all ability to speak correctly.

"He asked for your name boy, we don't have all day. Now we have to walk to the city, you spooked our horses and cut their reigns. Not to mention you've scared our driver...He probably went to try and get the horses back." Sighed the rabbit irritably now that he realized that they would have to walk.

"...I-I'm...T-Todd." Mumbled the fox as he looked at the ground, far too scared to meet their eyes.
"'Boy'? You do realise he's probably around your age, right? Our age, really. But you're right, he does look incredibly young, doesn't he? Probably because he's nothing but skin and bones, and we've never gone a second feeling true hunger. Gosh, look at him. The poor are hilarious, aren't they?" Taunted Dax openly as he slid out of the carriage, deciding not to get too angry about it. Getting angry wasn't going to change the fact they had to walk - it would just get him all stressed out, and he'd prefer to avoid that.

"What should we do with little Todd, Anders? You're my adviser. You should advise," he purred, tilting his lover's head up to offer him a peck on the forehead. "Seriously though, I don't want to waste my energy killing him right now."
"...Hmm, well I'm far too angry to think of anything else." Grumbled the bunny as he got out the carriage frustrated. Not only would they be late for the speech but this boy interrupted him possibly having sex with Dax in the carriage. So yeah, he as pretty pissed. "Well...He does seem kind of good with a sword...And he's probably familiar with the area. Well, Todd, lead us to the city then I want to go the quickest way. And the cleanest. Dax can't get dirty."

"I-I can d-d-do that!" The fox told them, before instructing them to follow them, trying to quiet down his grumbling stomach. He was starving but food had to wait. He had to serve the royals right now.

"Hmm...So you've been poor all your life? Oh, that's just terrible...I really can't picture it, must be awful." Mumbled the Prince. He lived a more than privileged life so of course, he couldn't relate.

"...I...I get by." He mumbled as he quickly walked past trees ad bushes. "...If I may, y-your highness, um...I'd...I'd like to serve you...Like...Be apart of th-the army."

"Sorry, no thieves." Smirked Anders, not caring if the boy had real talent.
"Oh hush, look at you. You have arms like twigs and you're basically skeletal compared to the soldiers in my armies. But I need a new personal servant. I have thousands, of course, but I have one who works like an assistant to me, who's always around to pass messages to other servants. See, my old assistant didn't put ice in Anders' iced tea so he had to go. We dropped him off the roof of our castle. Made an awful mess on the patio, but I don't clean, so I don't care. You could fill that role, if you're brave enough," he began slowly, trailing behind the fox whilst constantly winking and nudging Anders. The two were the most powerful men on the whole entire planet; Dax was feared and had the world at his feet, almost.

But... he was also just 18 and totally, completely in love with Anders. He wanted to fool around with him whenever they had the chance, and right now, he just wanted to scoop him up and make out behind a tree. He couldn't do that, of course, so he had to settle on suggestive winks and purrs.

"No, it's settled. You'll be my assistant. It's a role most servants would die for-- and most have died doing it. But you're all so indispensable that it doesn't matter to me. Now, this is Anders, my brother and... the most important person in my life. If you have to respect one person, it's him. I won't hear a bad word said against him or I'll skin you alive. Understand?"
"U-Understood." Todd nodded, not entirely wanting to take the role, but he had no choice. He just couldn't mess up. Hell, if forgetting ice meant death, then he really couldn't make any mistakes. Which is why e didn't even question why they were making out in the carriage if they were brothers.

Finally, they reached the fairy Kingdom, and Anders was fixing Dax hair. "You look perfect. Here's the speech." He whispered, taking out the folded piece of paper from his back pocket. "...Todd, go book us a room in an inn. A really nice Inn, the best one in town and the best room."

Todd nodded and Anders handed him a bag full of gold coins.
Watching Todd walk off hurriedly, Dax took a moment to himself to relax, smiling down at his brother as he took a look at the notes in his hand. They were written perfectly, but it all just seemed to blur into one for him; the word becoming incoherent and illegible.

"...I don't think I can do this," he began slowly, showing his vulnerability to his brother - only Anders got to saw that side to Dax, of course. "I feel sick, I don't feel right, Anders. What if I throw up? What if I faint?"
"Hey," Anders whispered, cupping his face and looking into his eyes. This happened sometimes, where Dax doubted himself, and as always Anders was ready to give him that slight nudge forward. "Of course you can, Dax. You are Dax Drakon. You see that? He questioned gesturing to the massive billboard with Dax's face on it saying 'The Great Uniter Dax Drakon'. "That's who you are. You are uniting the world, showing everyone how great you are. You are making the world a better place. You are unstoppable, and you are perfect." He whispered proudly, stroking his cheek, before letting go.

"Now, you can give this speech, easily. Why? Because you are Dax. And the world is yours. No matter what you say, they will eat it up, because you are saying it. And you've done this. You gave a speech in front of Orcs, so I know you can handle a few fairies." Purred the rabbit as he moved to fix his tie a bit. "...You are magnificent."