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I am not sure what I should do with Sophia. Still intending to not have her wander into the club room, as a more gradual introduction was requested. I am tempted to at least do a post with her hanging around somewhere in the meantime, to establish that she does, in fact, exist.
Thats a good idea. Perhaps Sophia has a meeting with the student counsel prez?
I was thinking more hanging around on the roof, but that could work too. Transfer student and all.
I was thinking more hanging around on the roof, but that could work too. Transfer student and all.
Do you feel like expanding on the Griffes funding you'r orginization sub plot or would you rather just meet for the first time now / want to start a pm or do you just want to post?
Well, right now, I'm probably going to go to sleep. I've been up too late to really put a good coherent post together. I'm fine with discussing things here or a PM, though it would be a while before I could properly respond.
@Thomas McTavish

How worried should Trau be about the people who just revealed an ability to see her? XD
In Arthur's case, not very until she causes him or someone who benefits him trouble. When she becomes a hindrance to his progress she will be... removed.
Everyone but Felix and Sophia is present. I wanted Arize to see Akira's next action, but I think this is all good.
@Thomas McTavish

How worried should Trau be about the people who just revealed an ability to see her? XD
Short Version:
Sort of Potentially Genuinely Worried.

Long Version:
Hyper-condensed Ehbverse chuunibyou explanation - Hospitaller and the Throne of Heaven

'The Throne of Heaven' refers to a Heavenly Construct that grants the appeals and wishes of prayers done by mortal men. In the context of Miracles, it is a system by which the reality of the Mortal World is altered through the power of a Divine Construct. According to teachings, the Throne of Heaven is continually monitoring humanity, and is said to be responsible for blessings or particularly good luck. Though people most often appeal to the Throne of Heaven by communicating their appeals through prayer when they are faced with difficulty. Requests to the Throne of Heaven can be amplified by invoking the name of an Angel or Saint who can directly communicate with the Throne of Heaven. Also having knowledge of the 'Antioch Format' - principles of Language and Format for prayers recognized at the Council of Nicaea - also further amplifies the clarity of the request. Fundamentally, a Prayer is a Human's Spirit Appealing to the Throne of Heaven to change reality in the Mortal Plain.

Hospitaller's own soul is a Divine Construct itself. During the Crusades, the Papacy of Rome promised salvation to those who took up arms to Crusade in the Holy Land. A portion of those souls would be involved with the Knights Hospitaller. The souls of those people involved with the are the basis of what made Hospitaller's own soul. This soul, being made up of so many entities that now reside in Heaven, are able to directly appeal to the Throne of Heaven. Meaning Hospitaller's own prayers, possessing many direct conduits to the Throne of Heaven, can potentially invoke reality changes on the level of 'Acts of God' in the Mortal Plain.

For example, in the Rite of Exorcism - a prayer utilized to cast out demons. A trained clergymen is typically required in order to see it done correctly. Since the right of exorcism is a prayer, it is also an appeal to the Throne of Heaven. Hospitaller's effectiveness in invoking this particular prayer should be magnitudes beyond what a clergyman can do. To speak it colorfully, having a 'True Hospitaller' invoke the right of exorcism to get rid of one spirit would be like slamming an asteroid into a planet in order to deal with a single cockroach.

Mercifully, This Hopitaller isn't aware of this particular ability. The current Hospitaller is a fragment of a true angel bound inside a physical body. She isn't quite aware of her connection with the Throne of Heaven at the start of the story, thus her relay efficiency is sorely cut down. Overall, Hospitaller's circumstances make her very 'watered down', but she would still be something to be genuinely concerned about if a targeted character saw the whole picture behind the girl with the tiara bolted on her head.
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I'm posting these for reference. Need to keep track of kitty cats

Pair 1
??? & ???
Tsubasa & Shuu

Pair 2
4 Kitties & Sphinx
??? & ???

Pair 3
??? & ???
??? & ???
Short Version:
Sort of Potentially Genuinely Worried.

Long Version:
Hyper-condensed Ehbverse chuunibyou explanation - Hospitaller and the Throne of Heaven

'The Throne of Heaven' refers to a Heavenly Construct that grants the appeals and wishes of prayers done by mortal men. In the context of Miracles, it is a system by which the reality of the Mortal World is altered through the power of a Divine Construct. According to teachings, the Throne of Heaven is continually monitoring humanity, and is said to be responsible for blessings or particularly good luck. Though people most often appeal to the Throne of Heaven by communicating their appeals through prayer when they are faced with difficulty. Requests to the Throne of Heaven can be amplified by invoking the name of an Angel or Saint who can directly communicate with the Throne of Heaven. Also having knowledge of the 'Antioch Format' - principles of Language and Format for prayers recognized at the Council of Nicaea - also further amplifies the clarity of the request. Fundamentally, a Prayer is a Human's Spirit Appealing to the Throne of Heaven to change reality in the Mortal Plain.

Hospitaller's own soul is a Divine Construct itself. During the Crusades, the Papacy of Rome promised salvation to those who took up arms to Crusade in the Holy Land. A portion of those souls would be involved with the Knights Hospitaller. The souls of those people involved with the are the basis of what made Hospitaller's own soul. This soul, being made up of so many entities that now reside in Heaven, are able to directly appeal to the Throne of Heaven. Meaning Hospitaller's own prayers, possessing many direct conduits to the Throne of Heaven, can potentially invoke reality changes on the level of 'Acts of God' in the Mortal Plain.

For example, in the Rite of Exorcism - a prayer utilized to cast out demons. A trained clergymen is typically required in order to see it done correctly. Since the right of exorcism is a prayer, it is also an appeal to the Throne of Heaven. Hospitaller's effectiveness in invoking this particular prayer should be magnitudes beyond what a clergyman can do. To speak it colorfully, having a 'True Hospitaller' invoke the right of exorcism to get rid of one spirit would be like slamming an asteroid into a planet in order to deal with a single cockroach.

Mercifully, This Hopitaller isn't aware of this particular ability. The current Hospitaller is a fragment of a true angel bound inside a physical body. She isn't quite aware of her connection with the Throne of Heaven at the start of the story, thus her relay efficiency is sorely cut down. Overall, Hospitaller's circumstances make her very 'watered down', but she would still be something to be genuinely concerned about if a targeted character saw the whole picture behind the girl with the tiara bolted on her head.
If she was aware, would Trau have been removed immediately?
If she was aware, would Trau have been removed immediately?

Gah, I'm trying to not dip into another rant about yet another facet that makes Original / True Hospitaller ridiculous, just to keep some surprises in store. Realistically though I would've just came up with a reason for Hospitaller to not take her out, on account the RP has still just started.

True Hospitaller can come about in the RP. But that's planned as reward for achieving a True Ending on Sayuri's side if she manages to keep her promise of Setting Hospitaller Free. Which is a lot more difficult than just besting her current form in combat.
I have someone that plans on making a visit, too. Probably in the summer vacation arc if there's ever an event where they camp out or something.
You can probably figure out who based on the first paragraph of my first post.

Actually, if @Crow doesn't mind, I could just have him be a Hero's Club member (not sure if it's a bad idea to create my own protagonist, but he IS the canon character to her story).

Also wanna say that Trau's inability to interact with the physical world is suffering. T-T
I fully intend to use a Ouja board or similar to give Trau a very indirect way to communicate. Well, once there's enough evidence for "I think our club room is haunted."
Akibo was standing back in the occult club room, watching the scene unfold with a bemused smile on his face. The individuals gathered were an eclectic bunch for sure--a good place for his child to learn before running rampant across the ryutaiders. He held back a chuckle in his throat when Akira hid the object.
"Please mistress, show us what grand item of power you hide behind your back. It would be very upsetting to not see the full extent of your abilities."
As he spoke, on of the headbands was picked up between two fingers, and Akibo debated whether or not such a thing would complement his current attire.
I fully intend to use a Ouja board or similar to give Trau a very indirect way to communicate. Well, once there's enough evidence for "I think our club room is haunted."
The members can hear her talk. Some of them just can't see her. And she can only physically touch things with her glove.
So I just wanted to ask something real quick @Crow were we going to follow the norm in Jap/anime about using their family name, or are we going to have it be a bit more western in that aspect?
So I just wanted to ask something real quick @Crow were we going to follow the norm in Jap/anime about using their family name, or are we going to have it be a bit more western in that aspect?

For Oriental characters with Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamnese names etc, Family-First name is preferred.

For those of Western origin or Western names, First-Family name is preferred.

I do have a name that goes Family-First myself.
Actually, if @Crow doesn't mind, I could just have him be a Hero's Club member (not sure if it's a bad idea to create my own protagonist, but he IS the canon character to her story).

I think I might be able to. We can discuss further details once we close in towards the Summer Arc.

Or we could start discussing now.
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