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Joan Ardent

San Antonio, Texas

general data

Full Name: Joan Riley Ardent

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: November 23rd, 1997

Height: 5'7"| Weight: 124 lb

Hair Color|Style|Length: Pale blonde|Thick and curly|Mid-back

Written Appearance: Joan stands with a straight back and overall good posture to make full use of her height. Her curly blonde hair usually hangs loose around her head, though she also likes to put it in a tight bun on occasion. Her large eyes are a dark green and have a curious, inquisitive look to them, often looking intently at everyone and everything. She has a lean, naturally athletic build, though a lack of regular exercise has made her slightly skinny and underweight, and she has unusually pale skin from so much time inside. Her limbs are long and skinny, while her hands and feet are unusually large. She keeps her nails well-trimmed but otherwise plain and chooses to not wear makeup. She typically dresses in loose long-sleeved shirts, worn jeans or cargos, flannels, and sneakers, tending toward shades of green and brown.

Joan is secluded and withdrawn, preferring to spend all of her time by herself in her room or with headphones on, blocking out the world. When pushed into social interaction, she lights up a bit, showing concern, empathy, and kindness to the people she interacts with. However, she is distrusting after realizing most people want to be friends with her for her money, and she tries to avoid getting attached. Despite her efforts, in most cases, she winds up feeling some level of attachment anyway, enough for her to remember the person and the tiny things she learned about them. She often thinks of the people she's met and wonders if she will meet a true friend again.

Joan enjoys fairly nerdy activities, and spends plenty of time playing video games by herself, reading history books, and solving puzzles of various kinds. She's observant and curious, and she tends to pick up random tidbits of information about her environment and store them away, giving her a slight edge on reflexes and problem-solving. She enjoys asking questions, though she generally only asks when she feels a great need to or when there's a person she trusts to ask. When presented with new challenges, Joan will retreat within herself again unless prompted by somebody who she trusts. Currently, that's basically just her family.
Joan is the third child of the wealthy John and Miranda Ardent. She has two older brothers, both of whom have moved out. Joan grew up with everything she needed and most things she wanted. She was honestly slightly spoiled, especially with the attention her brothers showed her. They were very protective of her, and she wound up fairly sheltered as a result. She went to a private school in her teen years, where she routinely got decently high grades.

For a good portion of her life, Joan was extremely outgoing, wanting to socialize with everybody and everyone. She made plenty of friends, and she seemed to nestle into most of the cliques fairly well. She felt like she belonged. However, she only had a couple truly good friends throughout her life. Most people just wanted her money, and when one of her friends moved away and the other ran away from home and basically vanished, she realized for the first time how utterly alone she was. Nobody wanted to talk about the things she cared about, and she never could find anybody else who did. They all just saw a friendly rich girl, not the lonely girl she actually was. And the worst part? Nobody gave a shit about the friend who had run away, who had disappeared.

Eventually, Joan began withdrawing within herself, closing herself off to the people who called themselves her friends and even to her own family. Instead, she spent most of her time at school just studying, and at home, she locked herself inside her room. No matter how many times she tried to contact the friend who had run away, he never answered, and the friend who had moved away grew distant. She's lived her lonely life inside her room for the past year and a half, and she's given up hope her friend's coming back, or even of making more friends.

The meteor shower was a momentous occasion for her family. Her parents managed to get her out of her room at last, and her brothers even paid a visit. They went out together, walking by a lake, laughing and talking. At least, that's what Joan's family did. She spent most of her time silent, staring at her shoes or at the water, wondering why she had to be out here. For that reason, she was the first to notice the meteors. She pointed them out, and her family watched them together. She was oddly comfortable with that. Now, she's begun to venture out of her room more often, socializing with her parents and preparing to go to college.
Joan has the power of plant manipulation. She can manipulate living plants, making them move and grow at will. She requires already existing, living plants to use her powers. Applications of her power include knitting plants together or growing and thickening them to make platforms and barriers, wrapping them around things to reach high places, fetch objects, or ensnare enemies, and easily creating herbal remedies. Currently, however, she's only capable of basic growth and some movement, since she hasn't developed the control for anything more complicated than that. Her powers take energy, especially growing plants, meaning that if she is not careful or tries to do too much, she will become exhausted quickly. As a side-effect, she is resistant to the negative effects of plant-based substances, though she is not immune.

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I had to write it all on my phone, and I must confess I didn't see Rissa's sheet until well after I was done with my power concept, sooo...yeah ^^' I do have a backup power planned just in case. (Basically just plant manipulation)


Millennium City, NY

general data

Full Name: Rebecca Jerome

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: 19th August 1998

Height: 5'9 | Weight: 140lb

Hair Color|Style|Length: Becky's hair is a dirty blonde colour naturally, which is usually kept bleached to give it a brighter tone. It's shoulder-length and wavy, usually kept fairly neat and elegant-looking.

Written Appearance: Becky is a slim young caucasian woman with long, elegant blonde hair. She has an oval-shaped face with bright and wide green eyes and a small nose. Her lips are rather full, and she usually wears dark matte lipstick. She usually wears quite a substantial amount of make-up, making her face look even paler than the rest of her body. Her eyebrows are kept wire-thin and her eyeshadow somewhat dark as a contrast with her skin and hair, and to complement her fashion sense. Her right ear has several small piercings, including a large golden stud in the lobe and several small rings around the helix.
She has a rather slim build, with somewhat small and slender hands and feet. Her skin is smooth and soft to the touch apart from fingertips, which are calloused from half a decade of guitar practice. She has yet to get a tattoo, but yearns to get one.

Her wardrobe is predominantly made up of t-shirts and tank tops of various hard rock, punk and metal bands, most of them black but she does own a few in other colours. For extra layers, she has a few band hoodies and denim jackets. On her lower body she's pretty flexible and adaptable, owning loose and skinny jeans, shorts and a myriad of skirts and leggings. She prefers to go barefoot when possible, opting for slip-on shoes and loose socks otherwise.

Becky is a bit of an attention-seeker and believes the world revolves around her. She has a rebellious streak and doesn't appreciate being told what to do, preferring to do her own thing and not answering to others. If she has to do so, it's usually because she feels she can benefit in the long run. At least, that's what she tells people. This can cause friction between her and others. This has been the cause of her to leave and/or be removed from bands in the past, as she finds compromising difficult and other people find her stubborn.

She's not all bad, however. She has a love of heavy music and has been playing guitar for half a decade. She gravitates towards other people with similar tastes in music and finds it easy to develop a strong bond with them, so long as that friendship isn't really strained. She is also the first to speak her mind in any given situation and will always give her honest opinion, regardless of the circumstances. This can make her seem a bit cold and uncaring towards other people as she values sincerity over sparing people's feelings, however.

Strengths: Honest, driven, passionate
Flaws: Egotistical, unsympathetic, uncompromising
Becky is the daughter of two members of the New York high society, a fashion designer and a business tycoon. She was raised in an environment where money was no object and if she wanted something, she would get it. Privilege and comfort were as much her parents as her actual parents, as were the various nannies she was raised by. One of them in particular was a fan of classic rock music, and something inside Becky gravitated towards the same kind of music rather than the more modern commercial pop music.

However, she felt like something of an outcast at school. She was given a private education and educated alongside other rich kids. It was more the similarities than the differences between her and her schoolmates that created a schism between them and her. She was something of a loner, with only a few very close friends mostly dictated by her alternative music tastes. She was something of a provocateur, always looking for ways to push and bend the rules and regulations. Very rarely would she actually break any, though, and it was rarer still for her to find herself in trouble with the teachers.

She graduated with rather average grades and went on to study music at university, and is currently in her second year. While studying she has tried to form various bands, very few of which she has lasted more than a few weeks with before quitting or getting booted for her selfish attitude. As such she's focusing more on creating her own material and releasing it as a sort of solo project and using professional backing musicians for the other members of a live band. Currently she has written a few songs on a variety of topics and is hoping to go into the studio at her uni in order to record them - recent changes in her life due to the meteors be damned.

On the night of the meteor shower, Becky was sat in the garden outside her dorm room writing songs with her acoustic guitar. She placed her guitar down and witnessed the shooting stars, feeling a strange warmth as she watched. Inspired by their beauty, she started playing the moment they vanished and started writing a new song. A few days later she was in her university's recording studio and moving an amplifier. For some reason it felt lighter than she was used to, but she thought little of it. While packing her stuff away she slipped up on a stray cable and fell to the ground, but didn't quite hit it. Confused by the strange event, she panicked and dropped the last few centimetres, before getting up and finishing the pack-up. That night she pondered on the realisation she might have powers. She tried to levitate herself off the ground again but found she couldn't, but the reduced gravity made various little items she thought she'd lost after dropping them on the floor float into the air - mostly guitar picks and pieces of loose change.
Gravity manipulation. Becky is able to alter the gravitational fields of certain objects, including herself, causing them to act as if they're heavier or lighter than they actually are.

Strengths: Utility. Gravity manipulation is a very flexible power, and Becky has already found a few uses for it. Currently she can move small objects without touching them and reduce the effective weight of items she lifts, pushes or pulls. She can also self-levitate for a short time.

Weaknesses: Inexperience and lack of focus: She has only had these powers for a limited amount of time and hasn't really tapped into the full strength of the power. She can move small objects without touching them, but not many at a time. She can alter the effective weight of objects she's in contact with, but not to a large degree. She can self-levitate, but only for a short time and not to a great height.

Collateral damage: While Becky can manipulate gravity to a limited degree, she cannot control it entirely, and the more she manipulates it the more unintended consequences it can have on surrounding areas. Even with practice, gravity control is a difficult ability to master, and it's difficult to avoid things being affected without intent.

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...okay, not sure why the personality tab just broke.
I can take a look at it, if you don't mind? :3 Figured I should ask first before I go exploring your post, hehe.

ALSO WELCOME TO IWAKU. WE HAVE...lots of people with no lives.
I can take a look at it, if you don't mind? :3 Figured I should ask first before I go exploring your post, hehe.

ALSO WELCOME TO IWAKU. WE HAVE...lots of people with no lives.
Thanks, go for it!

And it sound like I'll fit right in then.
Thanks, go for it!

And it sound like I'll fit right in then.
All fixed! Looks like there was just some missing closing tags. Not sure how that happened, but be sure to check through it to make sure none of your info has been axed accidentally! :D
Mm, always seems I come to these superhero rps at the wrong time. I'd been pondering, but it's better to just let it go instead of waiting too long. I don't think I'm gonna have time to dedicate myself to this roleplay what with me trying to get a full time job and set up a new routine for my life, sorry guys. :/
@CloudyBlueDay apologies for the last-minute application. Hope I didn't make the biography too long, in the end...

Name: Evan Rowell
Age: 20
Sex: Male
DOB: January 5, 1997
Location: Millenium City, New York
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Hair Color/Style/Length:
Dark brown, messy and and curly. It reaches just past the nape of his neck, and sometimes down to his eyebrows when he doesn't push it out of the way.
Written Appearance:
Evan usually wears a blazer and scarf in the colder weather of mid-winter. He wears skinny jeans in dark colors, black or dark blue, along with a long-sleeved shirt. On his feet he wears boots or shoes, as the weather permits. Evan is not muscular, but lean, almost thin.

Evan is icy to others, even those who were his friends before Evelyn's loss, although he tries to soften this with for politeness' sake. He can't find it in himself to be happy for any reason whatsoever, although with his newly-given powers, he's torn between trying to be philanthropic with these, or remain sequestered within his own mind.
The memory of Evelyn is still too fresh in his mind, and she will likely remain a heavy burden upon him for a long time to come, affecting his relationships with thoughts of inadequacy, weakness, and failure.
Apart from his desire to remain aloof, Evan is nonetheless remarkably empathetic to others. He saw how his sister suffered, both physically and emotionally, during her sickness, and he can see how others are hurting too.
Evan is protective of and sensitive toward anyone who's managed to get close to him, thinking that they are the next target for somebody's ire, which is more or less close to the mark. He prefers this over the wisps of Evelyn's personality that sneak in from time to time; he'd rather focus on anything else. Evan is conscientious of himself, but perhaps less inclined to have patience with others for that part.
Evan feels weak and powerless, especially since his parents take out their own suffering on him from time to time, by berating and coercing him to 'get over it'. Evan doesn't believe he's worth anything alone, and this makes him want to lash out in words sometimes, instead of keeping a cool head. He also appears to be absent-minded as he works, sometimes neglecting his job's tasks, but not due to his own intention.

Evan never used to be so withdrawn. In his younger days, he enjoyed the company of his family, his twin sister Evelyn, and his classmates. This all changed during his third year of high school, for it was that year that his sister was diagnosed with an advanced type of acute leukemia. She had always been one for bruises and cuts, but nobody had ever recognized any symptoms of the disease. Now, Evan's world began to fall apart around him.

First, there was the all-too-common case of misunderstanding, distrust, and fear of the unknown. Evelyn's school friends left her midway into the school semester, the same year she began chemotherapy treatment for her disease. Evan saw that she felt abandoned and hurt at school and at home, and tried to do his best to cheer her up in his own ways. For a time, it seemed to be working, even as the leukemia progressed. Evan never forgave the people who left his sister during the time she needed them most. He never forgot their names.

When the twins graduated high school, he chose not to attend college immediately. His family needed the financial support he could bring in, especially to help pay for Evelyn's steadily growing medical bills. And so, he took on a number of odd jobs over the next two years. Finding employment as a janitor, a baker, and a warehouse worker, Evan put his heart into it, trusting that he was helping to make a difference. And, for a while, he seemed content. Unfortunately, Evelyn's leukemia was one day found to have progressed too far, even in spite of the numerous treatments and medicines.

The day was December 30, 2016. The time was five o'clock in the afternoon. Underneath a rumbling grey sky, Evan silently shut the warehouse door, turned the key in its lock, and walked away through a growing wind. Unseeingly, Evan passed before a shop window crammed with New Years' fireworks and other supplies, stacked amid remnants of Christmas goodies. He looked up to cross the street, and blinked. Directly across was a coffee shop that had been Evelyn's favorite to visit. Evan stared for a moment, then turned about and headed in a decidedly different direction.

Descending a steep hill as he entered through the west side of town, Evan could see the steeple of the church on the far east side, but he couldn't or didn't see the festive air of those surrounding him. It was all too much; too much, too many reminders, too much feeling. Evan didn't want to think or feel anything except ice-cold. It was still too soon.

Nearly an hour later, the soft click of a turned handle echoed through the antechamber of the steeplechased church, as Evan entered its foyer. Passing silently through the halls, he paused for a moment before a particular exit, breathing heavily. He quickly pushed through the door, and came upon the standing headstones of a graveyard. Resolutely, Evan ignored them all except for one, a smaller stone, set on its own in the shade of an evergreen cluster. Upon the stone, the words could be read: "Evelyn Rowell. 1997-2016. Rest without pain."

Fighting to keep the tears away, Evan sat crosslegged upon the frozen ground before the headstone. The image of his twin sister came to him again and again, for all the times she had been happy, or worried, or laughing, or struggling, or in need. Evan wished again with all his heart that he could have done something to take her pain away, so now he wouldn't have to live with his own. It wasn't fair that he should be healthy and she should be gone. They were supposed to have a happy life together, twins in a glorious world. And now... that happy life had been stolen from him.

Shivering, Evan rose from his spot some time later, as the wind picked up and the sky grew ever darker. He left the church, stopping only to purchase a hot packaged meal from a corner store on his way toward a certain forested hill overlooking the town. Evan ate his meal on a picnic table here as the evening marched onward, and streetlights flickered to life. He guessed that it was nearing midnight, on the day before New Years' Eve. Evan simply couldn't return home tonight, where a Christmas tree was still up, with presents labeled "To Evelyn" set beneath it. She'd never had the chance to open them, having to stay in the hospital all the way to the end.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Evan stood and approached the overlook's fenced edge, gazing up into the now-clear sky. When had the clouds disappeared? The moon could be seen far above, brightly shining, and reflecting off a half-frozen river quite a ways at the base of the cliffside overlook. Evan frowned, and muttered to himself, stooping to scoop some frozen snow. He flung this into the sky, and it arced down gracefully. Evan repeated the motion again and again, speaking louder each time.

"Fuck off, space egg."
"Fuck off, space egg."
"Fuck off, space egg!"

Evelyn had died on Christmas Day, 2016. Evan was called back to work the day after, and a funeral service held that evening. His mourning period had by no means been long enough. For that reason, Evan had spent the last week doing the same actions he'd done tonight. It did little to help him emotionally, but he saw nothing better to do than howling at the moon.

"Fuck off, space egg!!"

The sky was strangely cloudless, for New York in winter. Stars were beginning to come out, twinkling in the early night sky. Above the city, the stars could be seen much easier.

"Fuck off, space egg!!"

There was a strange cluster of sparkles in the sky, moving ever so slightly across Evan's field of vision. He couldn't care less.

"Fuck off, space egg!!!"

It was too far; with this last throw, Evan's feet slipped in the snow, too near the cliff's edge. He crashed into the weak chain-link fence barrier, tumbling and careening down the cliffside, head over heels. He felt several hard impacts on his elbows and his legs, and a rock struck his head, blurring his vision. Several seconds later, Evan's body halted in a crumpled heap on the bank of the frozen river. Weakly, he tried to keep his eyes open, just long enough to see the onset of several streaks of light across the sky. A meteor shower, he thought, before slipping out of consciousness. Evelyn would have loved that.

In the morning, Evan opened his eyes, unharmed, to his astonishment. He was still lying upon the cold riverbank, and could not understand what had taken place. Why wasn't he injured, or dead, even? His clothes still showed signs of tearing, and so he headed home to offer a weak explanation of where he'd been overnight to his parents, before changing and heading to work once again. Subsequent inspection and experimentation over the next fortnight would give Evan insight to his new powers. He still has not come to terms with Evelyn's death, although the chance at a new, strange life with his powers could perhaps begin to help him heal, with time.

Evan's primary powers are the ability to absorb the wounds and injuries of others, and to rapidly regenerate and heal wounds upon his own person. He needs to touch the wound for a few seconds in order to absorb it, and transfer it to himself. Evan can't see it yet himself, but this power stems from his desire to take on the pain of others.
With uninterrupted contact, Evan can heal flesh wounds and minor injuries in a matter of seconds. This causes pain to Evan as he absorbs the wounds, but it is quickly healed by his regeneration. With focus, even larger injuries can be remedied, although this causes more pain and takes longer time. Even if Evan takes a wound to an important part of his body (head, heart, etc.) it will regenerate, although he may be incapacitated for this duration. This is not to say that he's immortal; sustained damage will, of course, prove fatal.
Currently, Evan must maintain direct physical contact with anything he wishes to use his powers upon, be it a living being or an inanimate object. At this time, Evan can only absorb and regenerate from bodily injuries such as cuts, broken bones, and the like; he cannot cure illness, disease, or cancers, nor can he affect completely missing limbs or organs.
The time it takes Evan to absorb or regenerate from a wound increases as its severity does. If he breaks direct physical contact with his target, both he and his target will have partial wounds until he can finish the transferal.
As Evan grows stronger and develops his powers, he will be able to absorb and regenerate from wounds more quickly, perhaps even becoming able to heal wounds faster than he can absorb them, cutting down on the pain he experiences himself. Additionally, direct contact will not be required forever. Evan may also be able to transfer wounds in reverse; causing wounds to be displaced directly and instantaneously from his body onto another's, although this would be strenuous and not be done often.

Evan Rowell

Millenium City, New York

general data

Full Name: Evan Rowell

Age: 20

Sex: male

Date of Birth: January 5, 1997

Height: 5'9"| Weight: 140 lbs.

Hair Color|Style|Length:
Dark brown, messy and and curly. It reaches just past the nape of his neck, and sometimes down to his eyebrows when he doesn't push it out of the way.

Written Appearance:
Evan usually wears a blazer and scarf in the colder weather of mid-winter. He wears skinny jeans in dark colors, black or dark blue, along with a long-sleeved shirt. On his feet he wears boots or shoes, as the weather permits. Evan is not muscular, but lean, almost thin.


Evan is icy to others, even those who were his friends before Evelyn's loss, although he tries to soften this with for politeness' sake. He can't find it in himself to be happy for any reason whatsoever, although with his newly-given powers, he's torn between trying to be philanthropic with these, or remain sequestered within his own mind.

The memory of Evelyn is still too fresh in his mind, and she will likely remain a heavy burden upon him for a long time to come, affecting his relationships with thoughts of inadequacy, weakness, and failure.
Apart from his desire to remain aloof, Evan is nonetheless remarkably empathetic to others. He saw how his sister suffered, both physically and emotionally, during her sickness, and he can see how others are hurting too.

Evan is protective of and sensitive toward anyone who's managed to get close to him, thinking that they are the next target for somebody's ire, which is more or less close to the mark. He prefers this over the wisps of Evelyn's personality that sneak in from time to time; he'd rather focus on anything else. Evan is conscientious of himself, but perhaps less inclined to have patience with others for that part.

Evan feels weak and powerless, especially since his parents take out their own suffering on him from time to time, by berating and coercing him to 'get over it'. Evan doesn't believe he's worth anything alone, and this makes him want to lash out in words sometimes, instead of keeping a cool head. He also appears to be absent-minded as he works, sometimes neglecting his job's tasks, but not due to his own intention.

Evan never used to be so withdrawn. In his younger days, he enjoyed the company of his family, his twin sister Evelyn, and his classmates. This all changed during his third year of high school, for it was that year that his sister was diagnosed with an advanced type of acute leukemia. She had always been one for bruises and cuts, but nobody had ever recognized any symptoms of the disease. Now, Evan's world began to fall apart around him.

First, there was the all-too-common case of misunderstanding, distrust, and fear of the unknown. Evelyn's school friends left her midway into the school semester, the same year she began chemotherapy treatment for her disease. Evan saw that she felt abandoned and hurt at school and at home, and tried to do his best to cheer her up in his own ways. For a time, it seemed to be working, even as the leukemia progressed. Evan never forgave the people who left his sister during the time she needed them most. He never forgot their names.

When the twins graduated high school, he chose not to attend college immediately. His family needed the financial support he could bring in, especially to help pay for Evelyn's steadily growing medical bills. And so, he took on a number of odd jobs over the next two years. Finding employment as a janitor, a baker, and a warehouse worker, Evan put his heart into it, trusting that he was helping to make a difference. And, for a while, he seemed content. Unfortunately, Evelyn's leukemia was one day found to have progressed too far, even in spite of the numerous treatments and medicines.

The day was December 30, 2016. The time was five o'clock in the afternoon. Underneath a rumbling grey sky, Evan silently shut the warehouse door, turned the key in its lock, and walked away through a growing wind. Unseeingly, Evan passed before a shop window crammed with New Years' fireworks and other supplies, stacked amid remnants of Christmas goodies. He looked up to cross the street, and blinked. Directly across was a coffee shop that had been Evelyn's favorite to visit. Evan stared for a moment, then turned about and headed in a decidedly different direction.

Descending a steep hill as he entered through the west side of town, Evan could see the steeple of the church on the far east side, but he couldn't or didn't see the festive air of those surrounding him. It was all too much; too much, too many reminders, too much feeling. Evan didn't want to think or feel anything except ice-cold. It was still too soon.

Nearly an hour later, the soft click of a turned handle echoed through the antechamber of the steeplechased church, as Evan entered its foyer. Passing silently through the halls, he paused for a moment before a particular exit, breathing heavily. He quickly pushed through the door, and came upon the standing headstones of a graveyard. Resolutely, Evan ignored them all except for one, a smaller stone, set on its own in the shade of an evergreen cluster. Upon the stone, the words could be read: "Evelyn Rowell. 1997-2016. Rest without pain."

Fighting to keep the tears away, Evan sat crosslegged upon the frozen ground before the headstone. The image of his twin sister came to him again and again, for all the times she had been happy, or worried, or laughing, or struggling, or in need. Evan wished again with all his heart that he could have done something to take her pain away, so now he wouldn't have to live with his own. It wasn't fair that he should be healthy and she should be gone. They were supposed to have a happy life together, twins in a glorious world. And now... that happy life had been stolen from him.

Shivering, Evan rose from his spot some time later, as the wind picked up and the sky grew ever darker. He left the church, stopping only to purchase a hot packaged meal from a corner store on his way toward a certain forested hill overlooking the town. Evan ate his meal on a picnic table here as the evening marched onward, and streetlights flickered to life. He guessed that it was nearing midnight, on the day before New Years' Eve. Evan simply couldn't return home tonight, where a Christmas tree was still up, with presents labeled "To Evelyn" set beneath it. She'd never had the chance to open them, having to stay in the hospital all the way to the end.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Evan stood and approached the overlook's fenced edge, gazing up into the now-clear sky. When had the clouds disappeared? The moon could be seen far above, brightly shining, and reflecting off a half-frozen river quite a ways at the base of the cliffside overlook. Evan frowned, and muttered to himself, stooping to scoop some frozen snow. He flung this into the sky, and it arced down gracefully. Evan repeated the motion again and again, speaking louder each time.

"Fuck off, space egg."
"Fuck off, space egg."
"Fuck off, space egg!"

Evelyn had died on Christmas Day, 2016. Evan was called back to work the day after, and a funeral service held that evening. His mourning period had by no means been long enough. For that reason, Evan had spent the last week doing the same actions he'd done tonight. It did little to help him emotionally, but he saw nothing better to do than howling at the moon.

"Fuck off, space egg!!"

The sky was strangely cloudless, for New York in winter. Stars were beginning to come out, twinkling in the early night sky. Above the city, the stars could be seen much easier.

"Fuck off, space egg!!"

There was a strange cluster of sparkles in the sky, moving ever so slightly across Evan's field of vision. He couldn't care less.

"Fuck off, space egg!!!"

It was too far; with this last throw, Evan's feet slipped in the snow, too near the cliff's edge. He crashed into the weak chain-link fence barrier, tumbling and careening down the cliffside, head over heels. He felt several hard impacts on his elbows and his legs, and a rock struck his head, blurring his vision. Several seconds later, Evan's body halted in a crumpled heap on the bank of the frozen river. Weakly, he tried to keep his eyes open, just long enough to see the onset of several streaks of light across the sky. A meteor shower, he thought, before slipping out of consciousness. Evelyn would have loved that.

In the morning, Evan opened his eyes, unharmed, to his astonishment. He was still lying upon the cold riverbank, and could not understand what had taken place. Why wasn't he injured, or dead, even? His clothes still showed signs of tearing, and so he headed home to offer a weak explanation of where he'd been overnight to his parents, before changing and heading to work once again. Subsequent inspection and experimentation over the next fortnight would give Evan insight to his new powers. He still has not come to terms with Evelyn's death, although the chance at a new, strange life with his powers could perhaps begin to help him heal, with time.

Evan's primary powers are the ability to absorb the wounds and injuries of others, and to rapidly regenerate and heal wounds upon his own person. He needs to touch the wound for a few seconds in order to absorb it, and transfer it to himself.
With uninterrupted contact, Evan can heal flesh wounds and minor injuries in a matter of seconds. This causes pain to Evan as he absorbs the wounds, but it is quickly healed by his regeneration. With focus, even larger injuries can be remedied, although this causes more pain and takes longer time. Even if Evan takes a wound to an important part of his body (head, heart, etc.) it will regenerate, although he may be incapacitated for this duration. This is not to say that he's immortal; sustained damage will, of course, prove fatal.
Currently, Evan must maintain direct physical contact with anything he wishes to use his powers upon, be it a living being or an inanimate object. At this time, Evan can only absorb and regenerate from bodily injuries such as cuts, broken bones, and the like; he cannot cure illness, disease, or cancers, nor can he affect completely missing limbs or organs.
The time it takes Evan to absorb or regenerate from a wound increases as its severity does. If he breaks direct physical contact with his target, both he and his target will have partial wounds until he can finish the transferal.
As Evan grows stronger and develops his powers, he will be able to absorb and regenerate from wounds more quickly, perhaps even becoming able to heal wounds faster than he can absorb them, cutting down on the pain he experiences himself. Additionally, direct contact will not be required forever. Evan may also be able to transfer wounds in reverse; causing wounds to be displaced directly and instantaneously from his body onto another's, although this would be strenuous and not be done often.

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Lysander Blakely ✸

San Antonio, Texas

general data

Full Name:
Mason Blakely
Date of Birth:
Height: | Weight:
5'11 | 130 lbs
Hair Color|Style|Length:
Black | Combed Back | Short on Sides, Longer in the Front
Written Appearance:

is relatively
normal looking man, with thick eyebrows and a strong jawline. What really stands out about Lysander are his vast amounts of tattoos, and his vividly blue eyes. Sander has tattoos over his neck, knuckles, arms, and chest of various different animals and mythical creatures. His pale skin seems to be void of any color but a small dusting of freckles over his cheeks, and the vast amounts of ink across his body. With full lips and a slightly too wide nose, Sander depends on things that aren't genetic to stand out from a crowd.[/spoili]

What can be said about Lysander? Hmm, well, he views himself as a relatively smart man who is quick on his feet and about to make a comeback so fast you can hear the whip crack with is wit. Often, though, this isn't the case. When confronted Lysander is immediately uncomfortable, instead of relaxed and cocky the way the actors seem to be in the movies. And when confronted his best line of defense is to simply turn around whatever they said about him with the classic "your face is..." line. Honestly, even though technically an adult, Sander is basically a twelve year-old boy who's only comebacks are those he tries to execute from movies, or ones that takes him five minutes to think up after the conversation is over.

Like his powers, Sander seems to blend into the background of life. Often people forget that he's in a room, or while passing him on a street they can't seem to remember if they saw him or not. His normally dark clothing doesn't help with the fact, nor his quiet nature. However, Sander sees almost everything that goes on around him. His quick eyes gather information quickly as he observes what goes on around him. A woman with a homeless sign on the side of the road? It isn't hard to see her painted nails, fake "homeless clothes", and watch her get into her car just a few streets away. He tries not to judge people without getting to know them first, but sometimes the notations embedded into society's form can't help but run through his brain has he looks at people like the woman taking away from what could be for the homeless. Or a man that roughly pulls his wife from a patch of flowers she tried to stop at because they "don't have time for stupid things".

While Lysander sticks to the edges of crowds, pulling little attention to himself, he still knows when to stand up for what is wrong and what is right. During school he was in more than a few fights over bullies, and not always the ones that went after him. He had a good friend in high school who was openly gay, and was often pushed and shoved into lockers or even knocked down for loving who he did. Sander, when he saw what happened because Lewis never told who had blacked his eye or stolen his notes, would jump right into the action and help his friend. Hurting someone over something they cannot help is one of the worst things someone can do, to pick on the weak simply because someone can is truly disgusting. But, Sander also knows when to stick to the sides and try to ignore what is going around in the world. Specifically, when his father goes on a bender and takes his anger out on whatever he can find. There is no reason to go out to stop his father from trying to fight someone at work for the third time this week, it will only result in he himself getting hurt.

Initially, Sander will come across as quiet and even a bit standoffish as he tries to distance himself from those around him. It's not that he doesn't want to engage with others, he just finds it's easier to stay within himself than to let others see what kind of person he really is. Living life alone is easier than to let others in, to let them see who he really is. But, not ever letting anyone into his life is terribly lonely, and while his moto is to stand away from others, he usually let's people in without much resistance. He loves to joke, to sit back and simply enjoy another's company as they share life stories and memories.

March Tenth, 1996 Lysander Mason Blakely was born in the growing town of Popular Bluff, Missouri to Allen Thomas and Channery Marie. The couple had met in an unlikely place, a grocery store a few towns over. Channery had been on her senior trip with a group of friends and they had stopped in a small town to pick up food, gas, and other supplies as they began to make their way to Florida's Sunny beaches. Channery had been browsing the isles, picking out a few bags of chips that she thought the group would like, when she stepped backwards into Allen stocking the shelves. Immediately Channery was taken to him, with his dark wild hair and perfectly tanned skin from working outside. It didn't take much to convince Allen to come with her and her friends, he had graduated school two years ago and was only working to save up to get his own car. What was one job in his home town compared to an adventurous trip across country with a gorgeous girl he just met? Yeah, what a hard choice.

Maybe the pair should have thought about it some more, because the first week of June 1996 Channery found out she was pregnant. The newly turned eighteen year old was shocked, not believing the little stick in her hand as she stood in a motel bathroom in Flordia, pregnant by a man she had met at a grocery store. She had already applied for college, looked at cost of living on campus, and promised her grandparents that they wouldn't have to worry about her and her "wild ways" anymore. A baby didn't fit into any of that. A baby couldn't go to college with her, live with her in a dorm and roommate. And how could she tell her grandmother this? That she had become pregnant by some random guy she impulsively asked to come to Florida with her? How disappointed her family would be, but there was no way she was getting rid of her baby.

Channery kept her pregnancy a secret until they returned home a few weeks later, dropping off Allen first in his hometown. To him, this was just going to be a fun experience where he fell off the grid for a few weeks and hung out with a beautiful girl, but to Channery, she knew this would change her life forever. Channery and her friends lived about three hours away in Missouri, and as she unpacked her things she sobbed, knowing that she would have to reveal her secret sooner rather than later.

Nine months later Lysander was born without Allen ever knowing, without a father to sign the birth certificate. None of her friends had been by her side during her pregnancy, seeming to think that hanging out with a pregnant girl would actually make them pregnant. Her parents had kicked her out, and she was staying with her mother's parents. Her grandmother was indeed disappointed, but she could never stay upset with her only grandchild (and soon to-be great-grandchild). The three of them had built all of Lysander's baby furniture, and went baby shopping together. Channery's scholarship was withdrawn, but she was able to land an okay paying job as a receptionist for some business firm. Channery believed that she could raise her son by herself, with only the help of her adoring grandparents.

Growing up Lysander was surrounded by love, but there were always troubles. With both of his grandparents living off of a small retirement fund, and his mother making just a few cents above minimum wage, the four of them were living in small two bedroom house in a poor neighborhood. But life was good, and it wasn't until after Lysander turned thirteen did his mother fall ill, and soon after pass away. Lung Cancer had finally taken it's toll on her (she had been a avid smoker for about fifteen years), and Lysander finally felt what loneliness was. He had never felt the need to find his father, he had never felt the need to talk to his mother's boyfriend's, because he knew the only parent he needed was his mother. But, at thirteen years old staring at his mother's casket as people he's never seen before wish him well, he's never felt more alone.

His great-grandparents could see the toll it took on Sander has he sat quietly at dinner, stayed confined to his room, and began to let his grades drop in school. Thinking they were helping, they began to search for his father. The pair were well into their eighties now, and they both knew that their time was coming sooner rather than later, and they needed to know that someone was going to watch after Lysander if they passed before he turned eighteen. It wasn't but a few months after Channery's death did Allen appear on Lysander's doorstop, the epitome of what Lysander thought a father would look like. Tall, dark, and handsome, Lysander began to perk up in the weeks that followed that he spent with his father.

May 1, 2013 was the day his grandmother died. May 23, 2013 was the day his grandfather died. Again, Lysander felt the cold emptiness on both of their funeral days as he stood at the front of the service as their closest member of kin. In less than a month he had lost his family, and was now being shipped off to Kileen Texas to live with his father, who had moved there years ago because of a job. At first, everything his father did revolved around Sander as he tried to help with his now constant depression. To be sixteen years old and lose what little of a family he had left, then to be shipped off to a man he had only met a handful of times, Lysander was not a happy person.

It got worse as the months rolled by and he began to fully see what kind of man his father was. Almost always with a drink in hand, a girl giggling by his side, and strict set of house rules that he himself wasn't expected to follow. Sander was the housewife he never had, expected to cook, clean, and entertain the drug or alcohol induced friends that he invited over on a regular basis. It was misery for him, and he began to not just resent his father and his friends, but everyone else in the world. Or had been in this world. Like his mother. How could she had been with this man, to leave Sander to ultimately live with monster?

December 30th, 2016 is the day that Lysander decided to run away. It's been almost three years since becoming an adult, yet he still stayed with his father despite knowing what a monster he is. His father had decided to throw one of his biggest bashes yet, and the main event was going to be the humiliation of his son. Sander, not knowing how to stop what was going on, was pushed and prodded, stripped and felt in front of a mass of people. His tattoos shined, and his father spit at him. Hitting him drunkenly, saying he preferred the look of bruises rather than the stupid ink littering his skin. The abuse was almost too much, but Sander pushed his way through the crowd into the dead of night. He ran until he felt as if his lungs would collapse, his torn shirt fluttering with him. He could felt the small cuts from people nails over his back, and the growing bruise forming on his left shoulder. As he stopped, placing his hands on his knees and panting, he could hear the slight "ohhs" coming from around him. Thinking they were directed at him, he swiftly rose his gaze to who the noise had come from, planning to give them the longest death stare of their life. But the group of people weren't paying attention to him, but rather something in the sky. Meteors streaked across the sky, seeming to be fallowing down onto the Earth like the snow that never fell in Texas. It was a wake up call, a call to something greater, and an awakening of both Lysander's life and his power.

The ability to change shadow forms to do bidding, but is only usable if there is in fact shadows around. The shadows can't really harm anyone, they're more like a magic trick to get people distracted. Imprisonment also comes with her manipulation, as he can trap objects in what seems to be sheets of black. The shadows have no feeling to the person trapped, but they do make the person feel suffocated, and if the shadow goes over their head it can prevent vision and hearing, but cannot simply kill someone without out the aid of another force. If the person trapped has enough strength, or has enough will power, the person can break free from Sander's imprisonment, as it takes a lot of his own strength to try to keep a person or persons trapped for a large amount of time. He can also "sense" shadows around him, so he seems to always know how much "fuel" is around him.

Lysander is the distraction, the one that goes in before the others to try to get the focus onto himself so that others can slip by. The shadows seem menacing as they slither from their stoic spot underneath items to swarm towards however they are directed at. Who wouldn't be scared of a moving black mass on the ground coming towards you? The more shadows are around, the stronger and more versatile his power can become. Sander also has some decent physical attributes, so while people are distracted from his power he can either A) run away or B) run towards the person and punch them in the face.

Shadows have to be around for them to be manipulated, which means if there is only light or only darkness, there is nothing to manipulate. Now, only having light around almost never happens, but it is easy to understand how having only light will not result in shadows, only darkness on the other hand, is a different story. Lysander cannot take away shadows, so if engulfed in darkness there is nothing to move the shadows to and will result in what Lysander can sense as moving shadows, but nothing else being revealed. His power isn't actually that strong either, as his ability to trap and imprison a person completely depends on both his health and the other person's. If he hasn't had sleep in three days, and tries to trap a bodybuilder, there is almost no way that Sander can keep him contained for more than a few seconds. But, if Sander is fully energized, he can keep someone his size or bigger trapped for at least a few minutes.

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I had to write it all on my phone, and I must confess I didn't see Rissa's sheet until well after I was done with my power concept, sooo...yeah ^^' I do have a backup power planned just in case. (Basically just plant manipulation)