DATE ME, PLEASE! Reality Dating Show

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
@Shayla Don't worry she won't~ ^^ I will keep everything in control, I'm a powerful perverted fire queen anyway :3

And yeesshhh~ You all can post <3
My Edra will be so happy to go in action again~

*then remember that I have several RPs I haven't posted yet*
Will be posting for my girl in a bit xD
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I'll post once im done with my afternoon rest.
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I really should learn to make neat banner's like the one's you have for your charries.. Yet , not a clue how lol. ^^
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Hope that was an ok first post! Sorry it took so long
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Will post soon. Just gotta transfer to my computer first :)

Edit: On second thought I'll put up a post when I get back from school
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Yaaay~ new character posts :3 Don't worry it's great and I hope she doesn't literally drown herself >.< @Justaddnutts

@Shayla Don't worry about banner, my banner suck also lol, I need to learn how to make it better XD

And everyone else, don't worry, no need to rush, we still have two characters to do the introduction, though you can post before that ^^
I really should learn to make neat banner's like the one's you have for your charries.. Yet , not a clue how lol. ^^
Look at mine! It's just picture with font xD

@Azula two posts rule saves me because still thinking about what to post :3
I do hope to help souls with that rule X)
//Shamelessly plugs for those in need of banners [link]
Wow, you're good flames~ Do you get paid if you open shops like that? Or you do that for free? I always curious about shop...

So we have no more banner problem here, whoop whoop *whiping flames to work on every banner needed* :3
I TOLD YOU SHE WAS EVIL *darts through the forum yodeling about the resistance*
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She is evil! She's gonna make us work to expand her terittories and riches, you shouldn't have told her about your banner making skill flames!
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@Azula, nope. Don't get paid. It's totally free which is fine by me, I'm doing it to hopefully improve xD //needs practice

@Justaddnutts @Meredith
//runs away
//leaves role play behind

Yes, I just read it again and you do mention it for free *blame my scan reading* I also needs practice, really want to make great signature or banner on my own >.< but ends up making the same lame images XD

EDIT: Question, anyone knows how to add the IC link? So people can see the IC even without clicking this OOC, the 'click to view' thing.
I think I will be paying a visit to Flames shop... ^^
That out of control lol. She must be stopped.xD.

Flames those are nice, you don't have to worry about me asking, since I own banners...but fire queen needs drowned lol.
//calls the firemen
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