• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Friendly Neighborhood Fanthing
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
When I feel like popping online.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Magical, Romance, Slice of Life, Horror and certain fandoms.

  • A groan pours from your lips as your eyes slid open. The first thing you see is the blurry image of a blonde man standing in front of you. He appears to be wearing a red flowing coat and looking at you with a wide grin. You attempt to get up only to take note that you're chained to the wall. Glancing up once more, you realize the man is laughing. "Welcome to my world, pet." He says as he takes a step closer to you.

    "Your...world..?" You manage to moan pitifully causing the red-clad man to laugh harder.

    "Yes, you silly goose. My world." He says as he motions to the cell that you're currently in. Absently, you take not that there are other people chained to the walls... deformed people... "I have brought you here and... fixed you." He chuckles. "...and you will perform in my circus." You open your mouth to object, but he notices this and cuts you off. "If you refuse... Well then, you will simply end up like the others.." He says with a sense of grim satisfaction before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

    What others..? You wonder to yourself. You can't help but try to imagine how many others there are... or were. You try to take a moment to process things. You were taken from your home and brought to this.. this circus only to be changed into... you don't know what. "It's best just to listen to Master..." A small voice says from across the room.

    You glance up to see the voice came from a rather small girl that is also chained to the wall. You instantly note that she has black wings and blood soaked bandages covering her eyes. You think she's looking at you, but you can't be quite sure. "If you don't... well.." She paused, raising a pale hand to pitifully motion to her eyes. "Our only hope is to escape..." She said softly, a look of what could only be described as determination crossing her face.

    Escape... You glance around at the others as they nod in agreement. You suppose it sounds like a good idea. First, however, you have more important things to worry about. Such as things like what that monster of a ringmaster did to you. Steeling yourself for the worst, you glance down to see what you've become...


    Ring Master ~ Killian ~ Azazel
    "The Dark Angel Aerial Show" ~ Aveline Kimberly Angelo ~ Azazel
    "The Human Snake Charmer" ~ Sable Drake ~ Azazel
    "The Feral She-Wolf" ~ Lovetta Seath ~ Azazel
    "Lady Lamia" ~ Cassia Locklear ~ Azazel
    ?????????? ~ ????????? ~ Azazel
    Magician ~ Meric Erin Donovan ~ Phi Chisym
    Acro Dancer/Contortionist ~ Marietta Kipersol Rosewood ~ Phi Chisym
    "The Man Who Eats Everything" ~ Michael Kaylock ~Cartoonicat
    "The Little Siren" ~ Harmony Jones ~ AmerillaRose
    "The Human Light Show" ~ Gydion Harvey ~ Lockheart
    Tightrope Walker/Doctor ~ Morticia Crevan ~ DANAsaur​

  • 1. Obvious. No god-modding.

    2. Respect the other people. If your character wants to bitch slap another character and cuss them out, go right ahead. If you want to bitch slap another person and cuss them out, take it out of the thread and preferably to a moderator. I'm not going to handle your petty arguments. At least not nicely.

    3. Damn, shit, ass, etc... If you don't like it, don't continue because there is going to be much more of it in the future.

    4. Literacy. Learn the word. Love it. Because I do. I'm not going to go all grammar Nazi on you, just please... please... respect the English language... After all. Good grammar is the difference between helping you Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. I will behave. Until i 2ee 2hiit liike thii2. OR SHIT LIKE THIS. I do not want to feel like I am being screamed at through text. I, however, will not murder you for one or two misspellings. Everyone makes mistakes. I understand this. Just, like I said. Please don't abuse the English language. It is a beautiful thing.

    5. One liners are the enemy. Can we have at least a paragraph? Is that too much to ask? If I see a single sentence post, I will go beyond flipping my shit. I understand writer's block is a common issue, just please don't drop below three sentences.

    6. If you have read these rules in their complete glory, please put "Master is the Enemy" in your character sheet. If I do not see this, you do not get accepted. Plain and simple. I will tell you that you can have a place once you've read the rules.

    7. All characters must be approved by me before joining the role play. This is to prevent stupidity and, once more, to prevent shit flipping.

    8. This role play is NOT for children. 13+ please. There will be some screwed up shit in this RP and I don't want to mentally scar children.

    9. Only two characters per person. That's it. No more. We're not having the RP revolve all around one person and their gazillion characters.

    10. If you are gone for more than a week without giving me a valid reason before you disappear, you will be removed from the RP. We're not all waiting on one person, we want to keep moving. If you are going on vacation or something tell me before you leave.

  • killian_by_xhelena_skyx-dc6btee.jpg

    "Ring Master" Killian
    Gender- Male
    Age- Unknown
    Deformity- None
    Act- The Ring Master
    Personality- Unknown​


    Name- Aveline Kimberly Angelo
    Gender- Female
    Age- 18
    Deformity- Black wings. (Also blinded for punishment)
    Act- The Dark Angel Aerial Show
    Veteran or New- Veteran
    Personality- Aveline is very quiet. She doesn't speak out much except for when she or someone she cares about is horribly wronged. She is neither an optimist or a pessimist, often simply stating what she believes to be the truth whether it's positive or negative. She's not really the type to rise up and be a leader, but can handle herself fine when forced into the position.


    Name- Sable Drake
    Gender- Male
    Age- 21
    Deformity- Gray skin, snake eyes, fangs, reptilian.
    Act- Human Snake / Snake Charmer
    Veteran or New- New
    Personality- Very cocky and defiant. He has never liked taking orders from anyone, and that hasn't changed one bit. Even though he's still healing from the pain of his new form, that doesn't stop him from mouthing off and trying to get one up on the mega douche that did this to him. If the others want to follow him out, that's their business, but he's not going to go out of his way to help them.


    Name- Lovetta Seath
    Gender- Female
    Age- 19
    Deformity- Advanced Black wolf hybrid. Has wolf ears, fur along her arms and legs, a wolf tail, clawed hands and feet, and fangs.
    Act- "The Feral She-Wolf"
    Veteran or New- Veteran
    Personality- When she first arrived, she was frightened and tended to lash out with her knew claws and fangs in an attempt to keep others away from her. She would try to hide, thinking her new form was hideous. Eventually though, as she was forced to go through training and performances behaving as a feral wolf that the RingMaster could control, she began to settle into a more feral state of mind. She became angry and resentful towards the man that did this to her and the man who dared to try and control her. She'd stir up trouble in anyway she could think of, consequences be damned. And then she met Gydion and he convinced her to do the unthinkable; speak up to the audience about what was truly happening in the circus instead of performing as she was expected to. The two of them tried this plan only to find themselves swept away to the RingMaster's little chambers of magic. For the past year she had been alone in the small, dark room made for her except for occasional visits from the RingMaster and undergoing psychological abuse in an attempt to get her to behave. Although the RingMaster is confident he's broken her enough to behave now, he is unsure how she is going to truly act now that he's letting her out.


    Name- Cassia Locklear
    Gender- Female
    Age- 23
    Deformity- Snake tail, speaks like a snake.
    Act- "Lady Lamia" and alongside Sable in his snake charming act.
    Veteran or New- New
    Personality- She can be a bit vain, taking too much pride in her appearance. Tends to be calm and collected unless dealing with Sable. Charming and amicable. Cassia deal with her problems by distancing herself from them. If she doesn't care about something or someone it can't hurt her. Underneath her practiced facade, she's just a girl who was hurt too many times.


    Gender- Female
    Age- 14
    Deformity- Black demon wings, horns, and tail.
    Act- ????????
    Veteran or New- New
    Personality- She's violent, angry, and bossy; usually only growing violent and angry because things didn't go her way. Handles change very poorly and also seems to have severe abandonment issues. Temperamental and quickly agitated. While she talks big, in reality she is easily frightened and rather timid in nature due to hiding behind her older sister most of the time growing up. She developed her attitude and anger issues after her older sister went missing four and a half years ago.

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Yeah... although Aveline's hearing would have picked up her soft whimpers and the sound of her hitting the ground. She wouldn't have known what it was though or what happened until someone says something.

And that's good ^.^ I relish in writing my posts. Sometimes it is difficult and it's only going to grow more difficult as I have two more characters on my end coming in soon ((One of which I finally said screw it and am drawing the picture for since I can't find a decent one. All of them are waaaaay too mature and the character is only a year older than Harmony.)) But yeah... That's part of way I float around so much aside from boredom and lack of a life. I anxiously wait until I have something to do other than annoy everyone OOC with my so frequent posts about random things XD
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Harmony is gonna have a friend! XD its nice to have something to do while I have this flu and having a routine of any kind is nice.

I want food, but I can't make myself eat Q-Q
Yup ^.^ And I think they'll get along rather nicely once the other girl settles in and works through some personal issues. It's going to take a little while for her due to her plot twist... I just finished her picture too and am so proud that I pulled off some of the features, but I can't show you guys yet >_<

And I hope you get better soon! Being sick sucks >_> Glad we can be of assistance though if only for a bit of distraction. ^.^
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Just couple more days and I should be okay. Now if only I could get a cheeseburger... Been craving one for three days XD dumb snow
How much has it snowed where you're at? We;ve been getting about an inch, watching it melt, getting another inch before that one melts, etc, etc... And the ice. Don't forget the ice.....
Its been snowing for an hour and its all sticking. Its about half inch now, but it shows no signs of stopping.
Hopefully conditions will be alright for you to get your cheeseburger soon though. Being stuck inside due to snow.... Lol, a few years ago we got over a foot of snow and we were all snowed in. And several women in the apartment we were in smoked and were out of cigarettes. So, they pool their money, picked the best driver, which was my mom, and picked the car closest to the end of the parking lot which was my Grandma Jenny's and she tried to drive to the gas station. Needless to say she managed to pull backwards out of the parking spot about four feet before the car wouldn't move anymore. It was hysterical to watch XD
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XD lol well, I'm gonna nap now. Hopefully this headache will go away
I hope it does. Enjoy your nap!! =33
I just realized Kaylock might be the oldest of the circus characters xD He's 25, which I am really glad I put because it goes perfectly with the backstory I imagined for him. @Azazel I was thinking he could have been homeless or something. Orphaned at a young age and cycled through shitty but not too shitty foster care homes. Dumped on the street at 18. Kind of lived life in a haze of alcohol and drugs, even before 18 and when he could get his hands on it, and lived a life of crime (hence why his past is mostly a blur) until the Ringmaster found him knocked out in an alley or something and picked him up. All Kaylock remembers is suddenly waking up sober with excruciating pain due to the surgery, and the rest is history. Does this sound okay? If so, he'd have probably been picked up by the Ringmaster around 21 or so.
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Also, nearly done with the outline for Kaylock. Love it so far, but I am horrible at coloring, which is the next step. Let's see how bad I can butcher this thing lol.
@Cartoonicat That sounds pretty good by me, actually and would explain how the Ringmater got him before the circus perfectly. =33 And good luck! No matter how you do coloring, I'm sure it will turn out alright ! ^.^
I present the power of boredom! It is a powerful tool indeed...

@Azazel Love it!!!

Here is a sneak-peek of Kaylock's pic. Coloring now. I hate coloring Dx

@Cartoonicat OMG wow.... That is freaking amazing.... And I'm pretty sure even amazing is an understatement...
That line work *drools* @Cartoonicat *coughs* Sorry, nice clean line work makes me far too happy to be legal lol Its fan-frickin-tastic! They both are well done, getting a nice image across!
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Thank you both! Kaylock is surprisingly really fun to draw, so I had a lot of fun with the outline. The coloring on the other hand... V_V Well, we shall see where it goes. Maybe I can surprise myself with a decent color palette lol.

@Azazel Is that a pic of Aveline at age 18? I love the choker. Super cute!
@Cartoonicat Try working off of a color you want to pop the most and work from there. Or if you want to give off a certain feeling, base it around those kinds of colors. I've been learning about color theory, so it gives me some ideas for colors... Or I just choose pretty colors XD let me find a color wheel to help you out
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