Dark of Night OOC (Still Accepting)

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I would like to join this, if there is still room.
I believe Phoenix is still accepting. Just post your charrie & she'll let you know when she returns.










Slade is about as cold as it gets. He has a dark sense of humor and keeps his circle of acquaintances very, very small. He doesn't trust people easily. Slade doesn't like to play around when it comes to gathering information. He never let's his guard down and is always on the move. Slade just likes the thrill of killing members of his own kind. He has no interest in getting to the top. He's very serious and is always interested in getting information on vampires who are close to the top. Slade doesn't like it when you mention his past and his first reaction is to slice your head off the moment you prod him about it.


Slade was born a long time ago. He doesn't remember how old he is and he doesn't remember much about his life. Growing up for him was very difficult. He was always being hunted for reasons he didn't know. His father was killed when Slade was just a small boy. His mother had been slain trying to protect him from other vampires. Because of these events, Slade had developed a hatred for all vampires and has vowed to kill every one of them since then. With nothing to lose, he became a very dangerous man up until he met someone in the middle of his life as a killer.

Her name was Synna. She became the very meaning of Slade's existence. Slade cared for her more than he should have and it became his Achilles Heel. The vampires never stop looking for you once you become a target. Eventually, the vampires found out about Synna. They tortured and killed her. Slade found her dead body nailed to a cross. He was heartbroken and angry. Slade never wanted to let anyone in again after that. Since then, he's been slaying any vampire that dares to cross him.

Slade understands that not every vampire is responsible for the way things happened in his life. He spares the innocent and those who are deserving of life. He himself does not decide whether or not people deserve to live. Slade claims that the restless spirit of those he once loved decide the fate of others. They are the only ones who can guide him and the only ones that prevent him from sinking into a state of madness.


Slade has been training with the sword for a long time. He was trained by Grand Master Xiang Li in the art of the sword and he was trained by Grand Master Ip, the expert of Wing Chun. Unfortunately the whereabouts of these grand masters is now unknown. Slade seeks them out currently for more training.


Prevent an eternal darkness


A single blade that Slade has named Synna.​
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If he hasn't died yet...

Name: King Lionel of Dorrie
Race: Human
Hair/Eyes:Grey with tints of gold/ Hazel brown
Personality:Those of a perfect leader, he used a favorable balance of both fear and love to help with his people, he was very strategic in battle, and managed to bring a new line of peace to those who lived with him and for him. He is honest, disciplined, outgoing, and quite intelligent.
Bio: (if possible) During his rule King Lionel managed to strengthen the ties between the humans and the Elves, and managed to ally with them on every occasion of war. His battle losses were low almost every time. In fact, he was so good in his battle plans, that he created an 'era of safe feelings' managing to completely eliminate any fear of vampires and lycans for a period of time he strengthened economy and the power of the poor, truly a man most people liked...but sadly, his reign is coming to a slow end, as he is dying from both age and sickness.
Weapon(s) of Choice: royal standard Sword and shield
Just so I'm sure and don't make a goof of myself...The thief that Inalynn is talking about...is it Xenard? I wanted to make sure whether it was or was not before I posted.
and my second cs (even though i think it's a bit far-fetched.)

Name: Lord Kaden Lacar of Davrun (running for king)
Race: Leonin:
[spoili] The Leonin as the name states, are people with particularly leonine features,abilities ,and sometimes...behaviors. In looks they are basically lion people. They are very small in current population, and live as nomadic tribes scattered across the lands, some become in tuned to the world at hand, and take up occupations, but for the most part they are isolationists. In the war they are currently Unaligned, being allied offers however no specific tactical advantage.[/spoili]
Hair/Eyes:Gold with some black tips and spots here and there/gold with a hint of green, his right eye has a minor scar showing.
Personality: Sociable, Intelligent, VERY outgoing, and somewhat mischievous. He could be fit to rule,as he already is doing a great job over his hold of the kingdom. There are only two problems however with his wanting to be king, which he thinks he can beat.
1. He is not human.
2. People are suspicious over whether or not he is working on the evil side, for he has done 'questionable' things.
Bio: No one really knows much about Kaden's early life other than the king himself, who refuses to tell that since it was 'not him' which was true, all that was known was that he was taken into personal care by the king Lionel himself, probably because he was cute. He was taught, learned, and grown to be like the humans, removing as much of the Leonin traits as they could, such as cutting his luscious mane to short, bland hair, isolating him from foreigners, and even changing his name to make it sound more 'human'. Kaden was virtually as human as he could be without killing him at least he grew up to know Lionel as his father, and was even given a plot of land to rule for himself when he was the considerable age of 16. This tiny, out-skirting military outpost/town became known as Davrun. It was quite small, had a population of about 20, and constantly had the threat of vampires and lycans, as well as bandits and possibly dragons. Kaden, along with a few foreign allies, managed to turn the tiny outpost of Davrun into a real hold, with stone walls, a moat and everything! his father congratulated him with passing his test, and he was to be considered 'eligible' to be king of Dorrie if and when the time arises. When his 'father' started dying, he frequently went across the kingdom just to meet hi and comfort him. However, not to many people are fascinated with the possibility that a non-human might be a human king! Riots began. and so thus Kaden was sent to exile to a nearby mages' guild, at this time he was the age of 18. and thus he learned and honed in better on his magic skills becoming a full-fledged arcane warrior. He is one who can wield a sword just like a staff, but with the added melee benefits. He went back to Dorrie to check up on the place
and that is where he is now.
Weapon(s) of Choice: shown in the picture, he can use his claws and teeth to fight, but he mainly uses his magic and his sword, Scar. Scar is the blade shown in the pic, it glows a faint red from his enchantments, it has the ability to steal life from others, and uses it to either heal Kaden or make Scar more powerful, the more he uses scar, the more powerful it gets. However, he has yet to go power-hungry from it.
Everyone has been accepted.

@04LIDOB King Lionel hasn't died yet. He hasn't made an appearance yet.

Sorry everyone that I was away. i don't know I stopped getting alert for this thread and the IC thread.
so...where are we at in the IC (if there is one)
@04LIDOB Nahra is about to go out into the ballroom and a few people are waiting to capture her
thanks guys ^*^ should i have my characters enter the ballroom late? or wait?
I believe she is. Just post a temp and when Phoenix gets here, you'll find out. :)
Cool. So would it be okay if I join? Maybe as a human that is now a vampire?
Hey Phoenix, should we have Hadaio and Sarthath actually step out together at her announcement - sort of like him escorting her before her guest; or just let her come out alone? I know everyone knows who Nahra's parents are, all except Nahra. So, seeing them together in such a manner might give her the wrong impression and have her consider the possibility. But, she's in a separate room and might not see her mother being escorted... so, it probably doesn't matter, and I'm just over analyzing cause I've been dealing with insomnia for several days now....

I'm thinking too much.... :/
We could have them come out together if you want
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