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Magic is fairly common, although none of us have really used it yet.
Yep, just put the CS skeleton in here

Inalynn Nisari

Tiefling (Human with Demonic heritage)
As outcasts of normal society, tieflings do not make up any sort of organized population, nor are they affiliated with any specific race or agenda as a whole.
No two tieflings are the same, physically or otherwise, and each is as individual as the next.

Inalynn's hair is a pale red color that is roughly shoulder-length in the back with long bangs that frame the side of her face. As her hair grows longer, it appears to gently graduate towards a red-orange color almost as though emphasizing a flame motif. More predominantly that her hairstyle, however, are the three small horns that protrude from her scalp. The first, in the center, curves upward like a rose's thorn only a little more than an inch, ending in a rounded-off (but still fairly sharp) tip. The other two break the skin just above her temples and arch backwards along the side of her head, eventually trailing off into points as they extend just an inch past the back of her skull; the horns are completely symmetrical and have a soot-gray color.

Though she rarely looks anyone in the eye in an effort to hide them, the young tiefling's eyes are rather peculiar as well. Her pupils are slit vertically like a reptile, and only widen out to elongated ovals in darkness. Despite this, her abyssal heritage offers her eyes the unique trait of being able to process images without any light present (albeit, without light, she can only see in black-and-white).
The irises of her eyes are a bright warm red with orange and gold hues around the edges of her pupils. In addition to this quality, her eyes actually glow faintly (about half as bright as a candle).

Shy and Cynical.
Though she is roughly in her late twenties in human years, Inalynn still appears physically as an 18-year-old girl; as such, she is still coming to grips with her maturity and the decisions she's made with her new life away from her sheltered past. Her experiences thus far have been regrettably unfortunate, leaving physical and emotional scars on her well-being. This has left her as shy and reclusive when it comes to social interaction, and her method of speech is quite harsh and terse. Despite this, she has already demonstrated a powerful drive to progress in her personal pursuits whatever the cost and to back up her own words with action. She is no stranger to death and deception, and despite her fatal flaws, Inalynn's mind is a force to be reckoned with.

((There's a lot to mention here, so I'm going to try to slim it down as much as possible. I'm sorry if it's too long D:))
Inalynn was born to a rather talented human man named Aven Nisari and a strange series of events. Aven, despite his humble beginnings as a farm-hand for a milling family, had perfected his own style of thievery later on in his life. He was not a combatant by any means, but with a sharp mind and even sharper reflexes, he was an incredibly difficult crook to catch. As his pile of riches grew, so too did his notoriety of his skills, until he became quite the wanted man. But eventually Aven grew tired of the typical "breaking and entering" routine and desired a more formidable target for his pilfering. This came in the form of stealing from dragon hoards. As word got out about these daredevil feats, his notoriety slowly turned to fame--whether this attention was sincere or just wishful thinking for him to continue these suicidal heists so that the "uncatchable thief" would eventually meet his own end i up for debate. Regardless, Aven took to fame rather well. Whenever he wasn't stripping the gold from the fanciest thing he could find, he had a wine glass in one hand and the other wrapped around a woman.

As time dragged on, Aven knew his body wouldn't be able to keep up with his ambitions forever. But rather than simply fading into obscurity, he wanted to send his career out with a bang and perform the greatest heist that has ever been done. He set his sights on a relic left behind by a powerful necromancer--a black gem that was said to house a near-infinite source of souls to power such ghastly magics. Being the arrogant bastard that he was, he publicly announced his "retirement" and threw one last party for himself. That night he found himself in bed with what he could only describe as the "most beautiful woman he's ever let eyes on," but that night was to be his downfall... as immediately evident when this woman started growing horns and spreading wings. A succubus had fancied the famous Aven Nisari as a fitting meal, and was all too happy to help herself to his soul. The master thief was no fighter, as mentioned earlier, so it took every ounce of his strength simply to escape from her clutches long enough to attempt brokering a deal. This creature was no devil, however, so he knew the likelihood of getting her to agree to anything more than the instant-gratification that demons desire was very slim. So he offered her a win-win situation: If he could steal the soul gem within a week's time from the adult dragon that was guarding it and return, she could have it in exchange for sparing his life and owing him a single favor. If he failed, he would willing submit to her every beck and call--eternally, if necessary. Either way, the succubus got more of the deal than a single meal. She accepted, and Nisari left immediately towards either his greatest achievement or his eternal punishment.

Five days later, the succubus answered the door to Aven's manor--which she had found fitting enough to roost within until then--to find a tired, beaten, but grinning master thief at the door. He immediately offered her the soul gem she sought, allowing her to confirm that it was genuine. It was, indeed--an infinite source of food and power as far as a succubus would be concerned. But Aven had to explain that there was a catch: upon touching the stone, it bound itself to him, that if too much distance is displaced between it and himself, both of them would be destroyed. If the demon wanted to use the gem, she would have to meet him again each time to use it. A small matter for a steady source of power, the succubus wagered, and wasn't detoured by this unexpected turn of events. Taking her fill of the gem's power soon after, she was able to leave, when the thief reminded her that she owed him a favor upon his return. She simply shrugged and questioned what he had in mind out of feigned concern.

It was that moment that Aven fell to his knee, produced a ring, and took the succubus as a trophy wife.

Inalynn and her sister Syndarin were the result of this odd relationship between the thief and the demon who called herself Zenith. But it would seem that the curse of the soul gem extended down heredity, dooming each child in the family from then on to become "bound" to the first material object they touched. In the case of Inalynn, it was her father's silver engagement band. Aven accepted the role of a father with open arms, but he unfortunately had to deal with the consequences of society finding out he was in a consenting relationship with a demon. This led to Inalynn having a very sheltered life, forbidden to expose her identity to the world (or going outside for the most part, in that case). Aven knew her life would be difficult once she was able to spread her wings, so he attempted to teach her everything that he knew to prepare her for that. Once she reached maturity, Inalynn eventually decided to set out own her own in search of a way to break the curse on her ring.

As to not leave a paper-trail back to the Nisari household, Inalynn had to find a way to fund research and an expedition into this arduous task. To get up from the ground, she put herself up for hire as a mercenary, but due to her appearance as a teenaged girl that skulked around in a cloak, she didn't attract many contractors. Her lucky break came when a rather nervous-looking elf seemed to just be hiring every sellsword he could find in the local area to help him escort a caravan back to his home village. He was offering an absurd amount of money in return for this protection, so she took the offer right-away. Unfortunately, this contract was to end in disaster before it even got half-way to their destination. A dark elven raiding party happened to be lurking in the region, and they were more than a match for an uncollected group of mercenaries who weren't necessarily willing to lay down their lives for this particular cause. Inalynn was knocked unconscious in the ensuring fight, and awoke only to found the elven contractor dead and the treasure from the caravan stolen. Knowing that her future reputation would surely be tarnished for such a catastrophic failure, she tracked down the raiding party and discovered they had slipped back into an expansive underground city.

This began three long months of trial and torment for the fledgling mercenary. Retrieving the stolen treasure was no simple, straight-forward task. To even learn of where it was being held required a lot of deal-making and back-stabbing that ill suited what she was prepared to do. When she was eventually able to get her hands on the main artifact that was among the treasure within the caravan--some sort of advanced technological weapon that fired projectiles at armor-shattering velocities--it came at the expense of the life of her only friend in that terrible city and blood forever stained on her own hands. She emerged back onto the surface of the common realm a changed person forever.

Now, Inalynn seeks to resume her original mission of raising money for her expedition, but is constantly plagued by nightmares and a drastically skewed view of the world unfettered from her dead innocence.

Weapon(s) of Choice:
Throwing daggers; Illusion and Enchantment magic; and a Clockwork-engineered Revolver.

Inalynn's greatest strengths come through the art of deception and stealth combined with her misdirecting magic arts, but when her back is against the wall, she primarily employs a set of jet-black throwing knives that fly as silently as they strike. Her revolver--which she is still having trouble using effectively--is her last resort or trump-card in most situations, as its effects are much less than subtle.
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Wonderful charrie, Swift. Wonder if Inalynn would be interested in assisting the Queen, and in return, her quest being funded by Gaahalo?

Just a thought... ^^
Thank you~ And yes, that is quite a thought ^^

On that note though, I am honestly a bit in the dark as to where/how to come into the story. Do you have any ideas?
Well, there is a birthday party about to begin at the Gaahalo palace. There's a possibility that she makes her way there, posing as an ambassador or an adviser of some sorts... Really digging on thoughts here. Or possibly she's invited by a staff member who she's befriended before?

Um... Gaahalo has a large village, which is preparing for various parties, games, entertainment, and other events throughout the week-long party. And the Orc Village sits in the middle of Gaahalo. If there's a friendship between Elves, Dark Elves, and Orcs; then maybe she has connections with the Orcs and that's her invitation to the party.

I'm still working out a summary for this RP. It's almost done, so you might have a quite run-through to read to catch-up on this before getting started.
That would be very useful ;P

I'll poke through the thread and see if I can come up with any other ideas. I'm mostly looking to just spark some sort of interaction without seeming like I'm butting in too much, lol. Once I get off the ground and get oriented with that I should be good-to-go.
Fyi my char Mikal has no one to talk to, he is outside on a balcony in the palace that might give you someone to talk to
((Please excuse the double-post ^^;))

I've got a random stroke of inspiration tonight to possibly get involved.

I'm going to go ahead and make a post on the RP and introduce my character chasing a lead from a previous employer. It involves rumors of a potential political assassination and/or kidnapping during the celebration... with a personal twist that intrigues Inalynn directly. Whether or not something like this actually happens, I'll leave that up to you guys. Until then, I'll just be investigating "vague rumors" so it can go either way.

Lemme know what you think! :D
Brilliant! I give a vote to go for it. Sounds like another possible subplot that can lead into a twist, or a clue to something not thought of that can lead to either a positive or negative outcome of the entire main plot.
Awesome :D

I'm writing the post now, give me a little bit and it'll be up.
@Swift Well, it looks like everyone likes your character and so do I. Can't wait to see your charrie in the RP
I see a need for some village people (no pun intended, but I laugh uncontrolled). These are NPC's for myself and Phoenix's use only. If someone needs these charries involved in their post, just talk to them then and we'll respond. Since we have a few charries in town, the need for a few merchants and store owners will be of great use now - and in the future...

Olvr (34) & Phoebri Proske (27) – Olvr is a retired knight from Ossory Island. He and his wife, Phoebri, live under the flags of Gaahalo. They own both The Griff's Talon Inn and The Drunkin' Hippogriff - both in Gaahalo. Olvr manages the pub. Phoebri manages the Inn. Phoebri is also a fine seamstress and often aids the local and royal tailors in managing their workload for the royal household, and the towns and providence they caters to. Both Olvr and Phoebri have other talents as well, but they're unknown to all, but only a few.

Faust – a 19 year old street urchin, unknown and not considered, until he makes himself a concern. If anyone wants to know anything about something no one wants anyone to know; Faust is the only person who can find out. Some say he's got Fae blood in him, (if you believe in all that) which explains why he's such a card, a trickster, and can easily learn of things others hide within their heartfires. Others believe he's some sort of psychic, illusionist, or hypnotist. He learns far too much about others– far too easily… Honestly, he's just a young master of deduction, using his mind and all the available facts to arrive at the correct solution to a problem, a solution to a strict puzzle, or a hidden mystery long forgotten.

He holds no friendships, for they are easily discarded when they don't suit a person's best interest anymore. No, he only holds respect for those who have shown him the same, and has a small portion of his heart held for the few he considers 'family'. But that's also a word he holds no claim to, for it's easily discard as well.

Appearance: Dirty blond hair, strikingly bright green eyes – somewhat of an anomaly, if you ask me. Tall and lanky, but muscular in proportion. He's a bit malnourished, but is able to maintain his strength and health due to his knowledge of edible, healthy roots and flowers, and hard labor working the streets for merchants or wealthy newcomers entering town who need a guide.

Personality: Quiet and behaves shyly, but that's just a trick to gain favor or pity from those with soft hearts. His true light shines later on when he preys on their souls, feeds from their minds, and claim access to secrets they never expected anyone to learn from their silence. He has a very acute sense of being, and can easily read a person even when they're hiding their covers. He's a sly little creature with a heart of gold (when it's worth using). Loyal to only a few who deserve it, Faust will still turn on a dime to protect himself, if must; yet, still manage to keep his word to the ones he respects.
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Alright, posted yet again!

Silver, your charrie has a place to roost for a while now, if you wish.
Thanks Killroy :3

Just a heads-up, I interacted with the new inn-keeper NPC with my last post.
the fates cannot be beat no matter how good you get at it there swift (read your quote)
They've only won if I give up ;P

As for Inalynn, her older self might be inclined to disagree with you. We've gotten through some crazy D&D campaigns together xD
i might take the role of king Lionel, as i dont mind dying, and i might put someone else, altough keep in mind he is not going to be any of the races you mentioned
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