Danganronpa: Second Time's the Charm

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Emiko Hattori


Super High School Level:

She and her identical twin sister Kimiko Hattori were as close as anyone could possibly fathom, both literally and figuratively. They were parapagus tripus dibrachius twins, conjoined at the hip and torso and sharing a middle and third leg. Emiko controlled the right hand, right/middle leg, and most of their internal organs. and Kimiko controlled the left hand, left leg, and was the more socially dominant of the two. Together the two would switch from Emiko's desired visits to libraries and Kimiko's piano and vocal lessons and by their thirteenth birthday, the two had developed into bright and well rounded children of their single mother, who was working in the fashion industry at the time.

But during their thirteenth birthday, the two decided to take a walk at a local park, the first step was getting down from the ninth floor of the penthouse apartments to the lobby. Like brave and ambitious children they took to the stairs, and this resulted in the twins tripping on the way down, Kimiko unfortunately slamming her head against the stair railing as they tumbled. That night, Kimiko Hattori was declared dead after the two were found on the eight floor staircase, and the deceased twin was removed, leaving her sister with one arm and scoliosis. Her time at the hospital was a blur, and Emiko resorted to a more independent life style, refusing help from others and denying company. Only focusing on her work. Eventually she grew quite a following on paranormal and cryptid centric forums and blogs, at some points even writing and proof reading magazine articles and books by more famous cryptozoologists.

As time passed, despite her disabilities, she moved up in the ranks to actually traveling internationally to investigate sightings and locations, doing hands on sample tests and late night scouting.

Item taken with you:
Notepad/Pen, after the incident with the stairs her short term memory is more than a little shoddy. So she keeps this around to note what happens around her.


Indulf Weinstock


Super High School:

Indulf is a reputable painter, both for his actual work and his charismatic personality. As the youngest in a wealthy family he has travelled across the globe, giving him ample inspiration for his work. Despite having experiences a variety of exotic cultures he lacks an appreciation for others viewing them as inferior apes who cannot comprehend his masterpieces. However there is a single exception to this...

His love of the human form.

It began when he visited one of the many indigenous tribes of the African plains, who wore little, if any, clothing. This contrasted the prudish upbringing his family had given him in which even showing an ankle was blasphemy. Since that day he has been mesmerised by nudity and has taken every opportunity to capture the 'true form' of others. His exhibitions are exclusive and worth millions, but he has published his most infamous works under a pseudonym to prevent bringing shame to his family, who believe him to be an accomplished landscape artist.

Item taken with you:
A selection of paint and paint brushes.

Face Claim:
Kisumi Shigino (?)

Both approved
Hello, I'd be interested in playing.
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