dancing in fantasy staying there never to return I

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Their was lines of mist leaving everyone Serena had awoken and weakly got up and left the shield collapsing as the white wolf snuck back grabbing her and dragging her off into the woods. She was limp on the wolfs back.

The white wolf stopped at a cave and fire bars went down from the roof of the cave locking Serena in. She opened her eyes weakly she mumbles reed.......

Angela awoke and left the shield her human form extremely weak her line of magic still on her until she left the fire shield. Everyone inside the fire shield had been being drained of all their magic and supernatural powers and forms.

The white wolf turns into a demon like woman with black markings on her and she was moving an orb near the front of the dome with her claws she says hmm almost enough magic to knock them out with then the young female dragons magic will be mine!!!!!

Serena listened weakly she willed her magic to come back needing it back. It was her life source.

Angela mumbles sister where are you tobalth where did you go? She mumbles brother your howl it sounded like one of desperation?
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Tobalth fought what he could as long as he could till he collapsed. He was still in a dragon form but seemed almost to be that of clay. His eyes both closed and his wings limp from not just the magic being taken from him but his source of life his amuna had been almost completely taken. What remained was that of his mother's who had been away from the shield and magic the longest. His breathing was extremely weak and slow.

Nasir slolwy woke seeing how it appeared Angela was gone he had no idea that Serena had been brought back. His eye fell on Tobalth. "She's gonna kill us all." Nasir stated and rubbed his neck his hand passing his elf ears that seemed to not have a sharp a point which he found rather odd. He began to look around for what he must had somehow missed.

Ratha slowed and landed out side the shield her eyes were on Tobalth not her brother her tail lashed. She went inside the shield in a stalking matter. "Nasir!" She hirred. Her eyes then noticed that Angela and Serena were gone. "Why is my son almost clay? And where is Angela and Serena?" She hirred her voice crackling at the verge of spitting iced flames. It was obvious she was not happy with her brother at that moment feeling as if it was his fault she returned seeing one of her kids near death and two of her brother's own missing.

"I don't know..." Nasir replied his head down he was feeling terrified and hoped the kids he noticed on Ratha's back didn't notice how angry she was.

Cassandra looked to Cam and held his arm a bit tight slightly concerned about the noise she heard from her mother and fear from her Uncle. "Um Reed?" She asked seeing her brother had jumped off and went in front of Nasir.

Reed saw the same as what his mother saw. He didn't comment till he stood in front of his Uncle. "Mom focus at what you said earlier. I don't think your brother meant to. And we need to find Serena and Angela please I'm betting it was that wolf I saw running off. Maybe you could follow the scent or something?" He suggested.

Ratha seemed to listen to Reed more than her brother and paused looking to see if anyone else was in better shape. Her thoughts trying to ignore that Reed and Cassandra could met the same fate. She as well even could. Nasir not being a form of mud proved his elf blood was stronger giving him more of the looks of a human.
Angela ran in screaming tobalth nooo!!!! Shescooped him up and took him out of the shield and took a small ruby out of her pocket she says tobalth sweety no hang on she pressed the ruby against his bare skin on his shoulder and she fell over her skin cold as ice and she was not breathing her amuna and life force was now in tobalth he would be alive with it. She was gone.

Serena gasped as she felt her sisters death. The woman says yes hahahaha I can now stop the she dragon who protects the powers I want a small crystal fell out of the orb she says one knock out rock created yes. She runs turning wolf again. She charged toward the shield of fire she had been using to drain the magic to herself.

Cameron groans a little his skin getting colder his magic still being drained. Serena whimpered mumbling reed run please the fire bars on the gave were draining her life force.
Tobalth opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head. He didn't know why but he didn't change back when he tried. He looked around and saw Angela. "Angela..." He whispered staring at how she seemed lifeless. He closed his eyes. "Angela no..." He said and curled next to her lifeless body. His tail slashed as he looked outside the barrier seeing the others who seemed to had watched him had been moved. "Angela we could had figured this out." He whispered suddenly feeling he knew what had happened.

Ratha was the first to had noticed and turned her head a bit confused till she saw Tobalth moved and seem to have color back to his scales. "Nasir...I'm sorry that I took my angry out on you. I feel we should get everyone out of this barrier and start getting a move on to find Serena." She stated. Reed seemed to had acted ahead of his mother's comment and had already was trying to move his dad and aunt outside the barrier to Tobalth.

Nasir sighed and his eyes looked down. "You all will never stop to amaze me." He whispered thinking that Angela did something and wasn't sure if she was okay herself. Then he went to help Reed and picked up Alexander. Ratha took a few steps out and let Cassandra get down with Cameron. She bit her lip not to let her brother notice she too was starting to feel a bit weaker.
Angela took a small breath she was barely alive she was walking the edge between life and death.

Serena says reed I'm sorry she layed down a small blue sapphire in her hand as she clung to life her blue eyes watched the fire bars.

Cameron was in a lot of pain and felt very weak
When Tobalth heard her breath he gave a sigh of relief. "Please hang on" He said his voice only able to sound like a hirr.

Reed managed to get help from Nasir getting everyone toward Tobalth out of the shield. He then looked off it seemed into space. "Serena please hang on will find you I promise." He whispered hoping they could get a move on soon. After a while he started to wonder weather anyone would seem to follow or not.

Cassandra had gotten off her mother's back with Cameron and watched him closely she noticed he seemed very weak. She also could tell he looked in pain. "Cam I hope they figure out someway to help you soon." She said to him in a whisper.

Ratha had waited to let Cassandra down then looked back to her brother and finally to Alexandra and Alexander. "How long have they been asleep?" She asked. "They were even after you left." Nasir replied looking at his sister slightly fearing for his life and everyone around him as well. He knew her kids would be safe but that didn't mean Ratha couldn't terrify them by attacking him. He also didn't know if she wouldn't hurt Alexander, Alexandra and his kids. "Um you said finding Serena. Do you think you could pick up her scent and find her? And if so do you think finding her can help them?" He asked not sure what had happened. Ratha's tail swayed as she thought. "If so you better not let any of them out of your sight. Including Reed." She hirred she was seeming to fight hissing at her brother. "Reed you hear me?" She asked looking for him but he was already gone. She sighed. "I'll go after him I think he found her scent. But before I go listen to me Nasir. We saw a white wolf me and Reed with Serena when Reed had finally gotten her free and helped her she was human. Looking at Angela she met the same effect same with Cameron and when I dropped in to help him and Cassandra they wolf eventually ran off. It mentioned something about having enough magic. By looking at Tobalth when we came back I think I now understand what's going on. It's a power used by some of the dark ones." She began. "Some have different abilities going on similar lines. What the reason is for attacking us I'm not sure. But I see even you took effect. I haven't fully because I took off. I felt something eating away at me in that barrier not sure why. I hope it didn't affect Cassandra. But you need to know what I believe to understand." Ratha then paused to see what her brother may say. He just nodded. "Alright then if the other's wake up see if they have any farther ideas if not just make sure everyone here is safe. Now I'm going to go help my son." She finished. "Raziel..." Nasir said after a while Ratha turned. "Be safe and good luck." He said to her not sure what else to comment. "Oh and one more thing. Before you kill the wolf if you find them. Make sure it's for the right reason or you may not return as yourself you know that right." He called almost had forgotten but Ratha had already headed off to help Reed.
Serena watched the fire bars as the white wolf charged ratha from behind pressing theknock out gem into her back and rrunning the other way towards Cassandra and cameron. Serena mumbles Cassy Cameron run everyone please let me stay here as long as she doesn't get you I will live on inside you.

Her eyes began to close the orb glowing brightly in front of the cage as her dragon life force and her woven energy was leaving her.

Cameron's eyes open he is gasping for breath so weak. Angela says tobalth save Cassandra then my death will mean saving you all go please I love you tobalth live on for me. A red tear showed in the corner of her eye.

Alexandra wakes up and groans she takes a deep breath and shoves the wolf away from Cassandra before it touches her.

Alexander gasps saying my mate no he stands up weakly and says no no no he runs towards where ratha was at. He is almost in tears his neck glowing on the left side is an emerald its the last of his woven energy he is using to try to get to ratha.
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Ratha fell feeling something on her back her head turned to shoot flames not willing to let some fight end there. "Tobalth" She shouted to give some kind of warning. "Reed if you find her be careful. I'm not coming with but I'll be fine. Just go." She commented not sure what happened but felt tons of pain. She looked up to the sky. "Gwain it should't be like this. The elders threatened to end me but said they wouldn't for a reason so why now?" She asked a low whisper. She had an idea to safe her but didn't know if that would be worth it if all the kids died today as well because she failed to let her guard down. She also couldn't risk some witch that could be around or someone with the dark nature to find her. Then they would probable still her chance for them to have power.

Tobalth heard his mother give a warring roar calling his name and looked to Angela. "But I want you to live too." He replied then noticed the tear was red not just clear and looked around. "Wait I have an idea. You can come with me after all." He said and focused on the ground a moment then lifted his hands to reveal something like a small round cup kind of like a mini coconut. He set it near the tear. "If I payed attention right we just need the colored tear later. And if my mom is okay we should be able to get you back. Being I think she's the only one who knows what to do." He explained and closed the item tight then made a necklace to put on his neck. "Okay."

Cassandra saw Cameron wake up and that he was weak. She jumped and grabbed his arm hearing her mother then soon seeing Alexandra stop the Wolf. "Um Cam..." She said not sure what to do but felt the need to run except knew that was what her mother was just doing to find Serena. So she wasn't sure if that would be any good.

Nasir picked up a stick feeling a bit weak but ready to help. "Alexander I hope you find her in time. I'm sure that girl still has never cried." He stated then looked at Alexandra who just blocked the wolf he wasn't sure how strong the stick he found was but planned to use it. He moved in front of Cassandra and Cameron and knew Tobalth seemed to be working on coming to help too. "This is for Raziel." He stated and tried to hit the wolf with the stick. "I won't let you harm any one else I care about." He said having a feeling his sister was barely hanging on at that moment. 'Gwain once almost died knows the stories if Alexander gets there in time she'll be okay.' He thought to himself knowing what his sister loved to share about how to meet Gwain it would be the day if she was meant to return to her element that dragon was also a water dragon though few knew it. The dragon's mother no one had seen even after the many had split. Nasir only knew mainly of the stories of Gwanin and the few of the dark ones. He never let Raziel give in even after they sometimes fought. He glanced to Alexandra not sure what to say to her knowing she probable felt his feeling of near loss to the person who he grew up with and the reason they met. If she wasn't a dragon he never would of had to sneak around and find her save ways to travel. He gave a sigh but just to let his thoughts rest on her and become more focused on protecting those he still had.

Reed looked to his mother hearing the roar to his brother. He saw her seem to slow and heard her tell him to keep going. "But mother your." He stopped seeing her eyes showed she had some hope or a plan. Maybe it was both. "Be safe alright." He said then went on ahead looking for Serena. "Serena my mom told me I could keep looking for you where are you? You okay?" He said asking aloud hoping to hear any reply to find her he didn't yet see the flickering light of flames but was geting closer to them. He walked a bit more alert as well to not end up being ambushed like his mother.
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The white wolf growled activating the knock out gem and orbs of sleeping power waves began to rush over rathas body.

Alexander reached ratha grabs the gem and rips it off her back and holds it in his hand. He collapses to the ground the emerald laying next to him faintly glowing his heart had stopped.

Alexandra says no one will hurt these two kids on our watch she growled white fur covering her as she turned wolf weakly. She rushed the wolf as it threw her into a nearby tree saying give me the female dragon child and no one else gets hurt.

The waves of sleep power rolled over alexanders body.

Angela had only nodded before she was gone.

Serena whimpered then the sapphire fell from her hand. She says reed her eyes were closed the orb in front of the cage was glowing a bright blue now it was pulsing from the power it took from Serena.

Cameron stood weakly and moved in front of Cassandra saying no one hurts my mate!!! His eyes began to glow his black color as hefought the weakness trying to consume him.

He turned wolf rready to fight the Whits wolf he moved to charge then stopped and says sisters no they are gone. His eyes glow gold his black fur coat rippling in black flames he was losing control over his dark magic. He charged the wolf growling and tackled it snarling and biting it.

The white wolf was defenseless against Cameron's dark magic.
Ratha could feel the waves to make her sleep. She had in a way saw it coming because of something being pulled from her neck. She knew that it wasn't as strong as a fire tear but more like the power of a dragon's scale that was taken but the neck did have a weak spot depending on how she was attacked she could die or simply be trapped in slumber for a time longer than her family needed. Ratha had moved her head to where she was curled and sighed. Then she spotted Alexander and forced herself to stand and walk closer to him then wrapped herself around him. Her head laid gently on him she could hear that his heart stopped and didn't notice the emerald next to him her eyes were closed as she still made herself hold on. Her natural hirring had slowed as she was still her eyes were closed not yet in slumber but her trying to acknowledge if Alexander was actually gone she held on to a small hope that he wasn't but even then she had to fight back any tears. Ratha then peeked and eye open and looked in the shadows of the trees. It was as if she was looking for someone in the shadows. But that's when at the edge of her eye she did notice the gem and carefully picked it up to examine what it was.

Nasir held the stick he had chosen to use like a staff. "You will not touch her. I know what you did to Raziel and I will not allow you to make one of the many she was trying to protect any more harm." He stated and dashed forward. "It's because of people like you she always had to look out for trouble." He stated and throw the staff's end at the wolf's back making sure not to hit Alexandra.

Tobalth had watched her nod and held his breath not to cry knowing how he was now it would not help there case. He then went in front of his sister to try and help uncle and aunt.

Reed had found the place with a flicker of fire and walked near then saw Serena. His eyes noticed the glowing orb and picked it up. "Serena?" He asked worried that he was to late.

Nasir seeing Cameron seem to beat him noticed the flames and paused. "Cameron no you shouldn't give in even now. I'm sure you feel the same as me right now but we must fight it for there sakes. Raziel, Serena, Angela, Alexander. And maybe there is a way to get them all back. I over heard Tobalth about a colored tear. If Raziel some how is saved we can long enough we can probable bring back one of your sisters. But for now think about Cassandra you could be scaring her." He stated not sure what was going through her head.

Cassandra stood behind her brother and her eyes were locked on Cameron she didn't comment on her thoughts even after hearing her Uncle. Just her hands tightened hearing about her mother and the others.
alexander had pulled all the sleep magic away from ratha and all towards himself.

cameron relaxed and says im ok i promise. his magic had killed the white wolf.

When tobalth grabbed the orb it dimmed and the fire bars disappeared and serena gasped and says reed.
Ratha shook her head slowly to make sure she was wake and looked to Alexander. She managed to shift and still hold Alexander's head her eyes on the gem which she made a small ice shell to put it in and placed it like a necklace on her neck. "I'm a bit lost but have a feeling I should hold on to this." She said and sighed. Her eyes stayed on Alexander and she then carefully set down his head. "I'll be back I promise." She stated and made what may seem like a miniature shield of ice. She then looked not sure which way she may be needed more. She could sense in a way her brother's worry but could definitely tell both her son's sorrow.

Nasir nodded. "Good" he stated and noticed that the wolf was dead. "And I can tell Cassandra is alright but we should check on everyone. We can." He commented feeling this was just part of the bad passing.

Tobalth wasn't sure where the orb came from but had picked it up with some strange feeling that it was important that he had.

Reed moved his hands in front of the bars to try and cool the bars so he could maybe get Serena out. "Serena I'm gonna get you out okay." He stated.
sorry meant to say reed sorry......
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serena whimpered and crawled over to reed's feet saying sweety im sorry

cameron says cassy your mom is ok i promise.
Reed moved his hand and touched her shoulder. "I-i-it's okay." He replied feeling he didn't move in time because of him pausing to check on his mom. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked not wanting to ask what was wrong.

Cassandra gave a slow nod. She was quiet and slowly looked to everyone. "Are you all going to be okay?" She asked after a while.

Ratha had chosen to walk back to Nasir, Cassandra, Alexandra, Cameron, Tobalth, and Angela. She hoped Reed would return soon with Serena and that Alexander would be okay when she returned to him. "Nasir sorry to had scared you again..." She stated when she knew she was in ear shot. "As usual you worry about me way to much." She stated and shook her head. "Are you all alright?" She asked seeing the wolf and seemed relieved when she saw Cassandra her tail hadn't swayed till she got closer and could see her daughter safe along with Tobalth. She was trying to keep her tears on check and any angry down.
she said break that orb it will return my magic.

they all nod yes that they are ok. everyones stolen magic began to return to the ones who werent dead. if they were dead it went to their gems.

Cameron says enjoy seeing your mother cassy im sorry im gonna be gone for alittle she took off running.
Reed nodded and looked to the gem then took a breath. "And you'll be okay?" He said before having his hand turn to a dragon's to crush the gem.

Ratha's hand moved to the gem. "And if it returned to the gems?" She asked and noticed Tobalth having something encased as well not knowing it was different but he seemed to wait to speak.

Nasir was quiet seeing his sister's eyes he understood her question. He knew Tobalth might have the same question.

Cassandra turned when Cameron went. "Cam?" She called after confused and glanced before going to run after. Or well till Tobalth moved in the way.
she says yes just smash it i will be ok.

cameron ran off and sat in the woods.

the gems glowed in her hand.
Reed keep his eyes on her and then he closed his hand till he felt the gem to become small pieces in his hand. He didn't remove his eyes off of Serena.

Ratha started at the glowing gem and was quiet not sure what she was to do. She wanted to check on Alexander soon being she wasn't sure if he was alright or not.

"Tobalth please." She stated soon pushing through her brother. She then continued after Cameron.
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