Daily Life of The Student Council

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Karina didn't take anything, she felt like she didn't really deserve anything. She was still a little shaken from the experience after all. She sat in her seat with head on her desk, her long brown curly hair hanging off of the desk. She stared at a manga in her lap, she was to shaken to even read it right now. Which fairly odd for Karina, not being able to even read her manga.

When Karina heard that they would be losing two of their Student Council members she instantly got more sad. Karina slunk down onto the floor and lied on her stomach, her hair a mess and covering her head. (She looked like some kind of monster). Without moving any of her other body parts she moved her arm to grab her school bag and searched through it with her hand alone to pull out her Nintendo DS. That's when she rolled over to her side and brought the DS to her face, she began to play her favorite calming game. Pokemon. Pokemon was probably the least violent game she owned and often turned to it only in times when she was upset about stuff in her life.
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Alyss sniffed and turned her nose in the air at Tatsuo's blatant disregard of her awesome prize. But he and Toshiro were correct she supposed. The Student Council shouldn't care about prizes and recognition, cause it was their sworn duty to protect the student body and the school! But damn it would it have killed somebody to give them a piece of chocolate at least?

A loud squeal burst out of Alyss when she heard what Kisaragi the younger said, "The papers? I--I mean we were in the papers---AHH!" Her excited and joyous squeal oon turned into a yelp of horror as Kisaragi the elder...Hugged her. The blonde wasn't even aware that the yankee could even do such a thing.
Alyss awkwardly patted Kisaragi 1's back, "F-Friends?" Did she really want to be friends with a girl that could physically hug the life out of her? Did she want to rebuke a girl who could physically hug the life out of her? Not really. "Of course we're friends!"

Turning to Rineto, she dashed forward grabbed the paper and turned the heart into a crappy attempt at a cat's face. "There! Now it's not a confession it's one of those hideous Persian ca--THE REPORT?!" Alyss let out a wail of agony as she realized that she hadn't done shit about that report. She had gone home, intending to type up the report but her dad had brought home mochi! She loved mochi! How could she focus on a report when there was mochi to be gobbled down?
"U-um...Chameleon-kun--I mean Umigawa-san," The President began, trying desperately to bring about her 'puppy eyes'. "I didn't do anything...Do you mind, you know...Typing it up?" She asked, then froze. What had the Kisaragis just said?

"Y-You're leavin--THEY'RE ALREADY GONE!"Alyss yelled in outrage, slamming her fist onto her desk then crying out in pain, when she remembered that she wasn't Mikan or Toshiro and doing shit like that hurt like hell.

Damn that Kisaragi 1! First she states that they're friends and then she leaves! And now Alyss had to do more paper work to see who was next in line for Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee! Man today sucked big time! Grabbing her stack of papers filled with Student Council potentials, she saw that she didn't have a pen--Where the hell was her pen anyway--Oh. She had given it to Kisaragi 1...

"Hey, Hale-san can I borrow a--GYAAA! HALE-SAN?!" Alyss screamed, leaping onto her desk and staring at the social chair who now resembled the girl from The Ring except she was playing a game. Alyss got off of her desk and crept forward slowly, grabbed a discarded pencil and poked Hale-san with it on the eraser side. "Hale...San?" She squeaked out, preparing to jump up and run like hell just in case the social chair decided to eat her face or something.
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Karina shifted her attention from her game to the pencil, yes the pencil, poking her. She stared at it confused as to why it was touching her. Without even thinking Karina opened her mouth with a baby dinosaur sound effect and bit the pencil, holding onto it while it was in Alyss's hand.

After about three minutes Karina finally let go and turned back to her game acting like nothing happened.
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but she dresses properly, mind you.

Nanami "Nacchan" Kisaragi was catwalking down the senior hall, chattering away on her very decorated orange phone. When her call was done, she gave the person on the other line a sweet little "Kay:heart:, buh-bye! Thanks, love." She shut her phone with a flick of the wrist and tossed her artfully tousled hair.

And many seniors stared...at the length of her legs: the flawless zettai ryouiki with the garter belts, the sway of her arms and hips, the bounce of her b-hair-the bounce of her hair.

Miss Editor-In-Chief of the school paper was the center of attention and she basked in every moment of it. Her lips were curled in a "flirty smile" degree, dangerously almost on the "I'm gonna kiss you" level. But on her deceivingly sweet face, it kind of just went with her overall "I'm effortlessly attractive and you know it" look.

In her other hand were the papers she was going to have setokaichou sign and a copy of the articles the student publication-all filed neatly. But there was another reason why she was headed to the student council's office. She was soon to be part of it, she knew. She was thrilled to be in more authority, within reach of more data! Touya had the final tally of the election results and gave it to Nanami the day their father-her uncle- told them of his plans. She knew she was to "inherit" the title, and she was going to have a so. Much. Fun. She knocked and did a small happy wiggle before opening the door to the student council room.

"President Mizushima!" She chimed, happily. "You must sign these, here-" She went to Mizushima, pushing down the bright red framed glasses on her head to her nose and arranging it on her face properly before putting a small check on a blank. "And here." she put a check on another blank. "Also, I got you a copy of the pending articles, approve them and it'll be done and distributed by tomorrow."

She looked at the rest of the council fondly. "You were all pretty amazing yesterday! So I'm putting you all on the front page! I might do interviews next month."

"I also have this-" She handed Mizushima a folded piece of paper from her pocket. "From Yacchan referring me as the new secretary because I came in second with a referral from Micchan to elect Kasumin on her post because he-um-she has leadership potential." She winked at Isokawa. "No hard feelings, hotstuff?"

She put her glasses back on her head and helped Hale up. "There, there."
Tatsuo was too focused on his doodling when a new girl entered the scene. No one ever gives him work to be done, so what's the point? It's only a matter of time until Mizushima gets sick so Tatsuo can finally reign as the Dark Overlord of Teki Koukou Gakkou. Since he's technically the president when Alyss is out, the student council has no choice but to obey his every command. Thinking about that made him smile like so:

Then he was back to his senses when he noticed that they appointed a new secretary. Tatsuo turned his head, doubting that the new secretary was anything interesting. But what he was greeted with was beyond what he expected.

What he saw was...

...a goddess.

Her unequivocal beauty was enough to make Tatsuo fall off his seat. Her incontrovertible heavenliness made Tatsuo's nose bleed uncontrollably. Her pulchritude was beyond that of Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. And she was so gorgeous that he started remembering all those synonyms from that thesaurus.

After he wiped off the blood on his nose, he quickly went over to the goddess, kneeled with one leg, and took her hand.

"The heavens have brought upon a goddess in this world! Thy beauty rivals no other, surely thou art brought upon this world to spread love and happiness! Tell me, O Dear Goddess, what is thy name?"
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