D.A.P.P.E.R [OOC and Signup]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Right. Finally got my post out. A bit of a 'do-little' post, but it is probably enough to portray what Miyoki is doing and how she feels about it all.
What can you do when there is nothing to punch, though?
Well, you could always have her punch through some of the bones for the sake of collecting samples. You know, for science. :)

EDIT- I did the posting thing.
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Guys.....we may get into a copyright infringement trouble....
Hey Helli <3

Is it too late for joining? I love the setting you made.
Not at all! I fear we may have lost a person or two even. You are more then welcome onboard Espy.

Edit; Limey, you should have her pucnh a manifestation of existential dread and doubt over being unable to punch things..
Not at all! I fear we may have lost a person or two even. You are more then welcome onboard Espy.

Edit; Limey, you should have her pucnh a manifestation of existential dread and doubt over being unable to punch things..

Thank you Helli darling. : )
Which niches are already covered? I don't want to step on toes so to speak.
We got one active researcher/Nerd, one active exterminator who is hand to hand combat, one Rapid Defense Deployment/ driver with a AK and one Hunter/Captain/squad leader
I will do a sniper/ scout/ sabotage then as originally planned.
Sniper gonna be realllly usefull once we get out of the house :D
I got accepted so I figured I may as well post.

  • Name; Beatrix Votaw

    Beatrix has pale skin, black hair worn in a beehive, and brown eyes. She's about 5'5" with a naturally lean body, although she has to diet and exercise to keep it that way. She normally puts on bright red lipstick, and uses minimal eye makeup. Her normal attire while working diplomatically consists of the "little nothing" dress, and her clothing in public is conservative, wearing longer skirts and blouses with muffled necklines.
    Age; 32
    Rank; Alpha
    Brief Background/Personality;
    Beatrix grew up struggling. Her mother was a stay at home mom, her dad a cheap cafe hustler, and together, they made hardly any money. She didn't always get meals. From the age of 10 and on, she made a business of secrets. She collected secrets, and people had to give her a franc and a secret of their own to hear one. She knew she had to make a bit of money for herself with her parents' horrible financial situation. She always managed to get good grades in school, though she was popular because of her secret business.

    After riding her way on a scholarship into college, she thought of herself as practically indestructible, breaking through most of the gender barriers society had set out for her. At the age of 20, she became engaged with a police officer. Sadly, he passed away during a shootout when she was 21. She struggled with depression for two years after this, becoming a slight alcoholic. She lost her job, although she became a bartender, which made her alcoholism problems worse. Despite this, she always managed to fight through and get things to go her way, even after things not going so well growing up. It's what made her the strong, stubborn, and persuasive woman she was. Most likely, her personality is how she found the D.A.P.P.E.R organization.

    In a bar one day, she had scouted out a man. He had an American accent, and Beatrix's Belgian self thought the drunken slur in his words to be amusing. He was tense, and seemed very religious- he wore a cross necklace and seemed to mumble a prayer every two seconds. With a few more drinks and some questions, he had spilled the beans about D.A.P.P.E.R. Beatrix was immediately hooked, and began to research, her stubbornness bringing her far into finding where ends didn't meet, and getting information on this mysterious organization. Five years after that event, she managed to worm her way in, finding her expertise, and it is now two years after her joining.

    Religion; Beatrix believes in a God, but thinks that the religions available are either pointless, stupid, or irrelevant.

  • Area of Expertice; Diplomatic Liaison
    Major skill; Seeking information
    Minor Skill; Persuasion

  • Weapons; A cross necklace that was surprisingly sharp on the edges, the Mark 3 Navy Knife with a pure silver blade, a water bottle filled with holy water, and the FN Forty Nine. The Forty Nine has a special meaning to her since it was the weapon her fiance carried before he died.

    Specialized Equpiment; A microphone hidden in her watch, a transmitter in her pen, and a police radio in her car.

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