Cross Academy Reborn

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Akahana smiled at the young female vampire who passed speaking in French. "It seems I should brush up on my French then." A small glint was in her eyes now that she felt a little more welcome. She watched the other girl make her way to the dorms before turning back to the other slightly scary vampire.

"Um sure I-I'll go first." She commented before turning to go. "Oh I'm Akahana Tsuchiya, who might you be?" Akahana asked, turning as she walked.
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Sayomi Shiki

Sayomi could sense how insecure the vampire girl was. At this point, he truly hoped that he was the reason for that. Otherwise, he knew very well what happened to vampires that showed weakness to others. The price that Aristocrats paid for it was just a scandal that died soon enough. Anything similar happening to a lady of a bloodline like hers would soon take on proportions of war. Still standing straightened up and on polite distance, Sayomi smiled charmingly and nodded. "My apologies, your beauty made me forget my manners for a moment, Tsuchiya-sama. I do know your lovely name, but it is nice to hear you repeating it for me though you are not obliged to do so." And that was completely true, without him trying anything inappropriate. "My name is Sayomi. I am from Shiki family." He added casually and calmly, almost completely forgetting about it just a moment before. "My family gave their warmest regards to you and your brother."

Allowing her to gain advantage of a few light lady steps, he followed in, going to his room. It was strange enough that everyone carried something and he had his hands in pockets, knowing his things were already settled. It was yet another advantage of insisting on having a human staff in the house of Shiki. Although many maids and butlers gave in under his family's constant craving for fresh blood, he took his driver, August under his protection, claiming he was his property. In reality, he wanted to have someone he could trust. Someone who would be there just for him. And he was. It is been decades now, and August got old as humans do. For Sayomi he was as beautiful as the first day he walked into their house as a young man who looked for any job at all. Eternally young vampire admired that mortal. It was both funny and tragic at the same time, that he could always depend
on August.
Emi blinked in surprised feeling Sayomi pat her head, it felt foreign to her but surprisingly nice. She wasnt use to being touched in general so to have someone of Sayomi's standard to do it so casually made her heartbeat quicken slightly. Straightening back up as he departs for the dorms, a faint blush on her cheeks. She smiles brightly waving him goodbye though he most likely couldnt see her, simultaneously she waves at the young lady that was calling earlier. "I hope you get all settled in everyone, welcome to Cross Academy!" She calls out softly but cheerfully.

Emi then turns around heading toward the day class grounds, doing her usual patrol before going to her own dorm room. She hums softly to herself as she gazes up at the stars that were quickly fading. She should be tired considering she had been up most the night, but the excitement of seeing the night class had woken her up for a good while.


Kurai looked down from the stars, seeing Aka walking back toward the dorms with a male vampire, his eyes narrow slightly. He wouldnt interfere, he didnt want to make Aka seem weak in front of the other vampires. But if that boy tried anything he'd learn the truth essence of fear. Once the 2 get out of sight he drags his gaze at the Cross Academy landscape, maybe this school wouldnt be quite so boring as he thought. After all there was plenty of...Subjects to play with. A wicked grin comes to Kurai's lips at the prospect of fresh meat to manipulate.
Hagewashi held the door open for aristocrats and discreetly evaluated each. Of all the aristocrats, Sayomi Shiki was the one Hagewashi would classify as dangerous. When everyone passed into the building Hagewashi silently made his way to the basement. Scratching at his eye patch he descended into the dank and dark recesses. He preffered this environment. The narrow hallways provided chokepoints that could easily take down an enemy force. He had already memorized the blue prints for the academy and made sure to prepare for anything.

The flickering flourescent lights and dripping water made it so that any wandering aristocrat would be disgusted by the basement. Hagewashi arrived at his room, the steel door was built to withstand up to high grade explosive munitions. Entering the barely furnished room, Hagewashi quickly checked the CCTV feed of the security cameras then called his superiors. "this is Hagewashi. Situation normal, proceeding with mission objective." But Hagewashi forgot that he had left the door to his room slightly ajar.
Akahana yawned as she ascended the stairs. She knew that Kurai was most likely upstairs in his room and she was eager to speak to him before bed. Glancing at both doors she decided to head to the door at the end, that's where Kurai would have went first.

Without knocking Akahana pushed the door open and looking around. When she couldn't find her older brother she became confused for a moment until she noticed the open balcony door. Stepping outside she went to Kurai's side and wrapped her arms around him in a hug meant to calm herself. "Oniisama please stay by my side. Some of the other vampires are a bit frightening and I don't want to look like a scared little lamb in front of the others. I'm not strong by myself though..." With her arms still around her much taller brother Akahana watched as the sky began to lighten as day approached. Most of her nerves were stemmed from being in a new place, something that she hadn't had to worry about before as her parents had kept her indoors her entire life until now.
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He was standing there, looking at the big gates leading into the Academy. The purebloods were already inside, but so were the aristocrats. He stood there with his hands in his pockets as he gazed at the surroundings. It was such a beautiful scenery. Making a cheeky smile at the gates, he held his hat with both his thumb and index finger, pulling it down so only his left eye could be seen. It was of the color light green, but his iris had the shape of a serpents. His light brown hair was fluttering in a rhytmic and fashionable way, synched with the current of the wind. "So... This is the famous Cross Academy" He whispered to himself. He beared the name of the Shiki family, and knew that Bocchama (Young Master) was also attending the night class. He approached the gates and stood there in a relaxing position. A small smirk marred his lips as he pushed open the gates and ventured inside. Making sure his presence was known. Even the Council, along with the purebloods should have noticed him by now. His mind was full of mystery as he couldn't stop but smile as he approached the entrance into the Academy. According to his information, two pureblood siblings will be inside. He started to work on his agenda as he pulled out his own cellphone and flipped it open, only to put it against his own ear. "Well, your information was correct. I can sense their presence." He added, though seconds later, he ended the call and pocketed it. The person on the other end of the phone call was a mystery, but Adachi knew full well who it was.

Stepping inside, there was a big hallway. No one to see, he started to walk through it, wondering if anyone would notice his presence or not. If it was Bocchama, things might turn out for the best. Because his relationship with him, or rather, Bocchama dislikes Adachi. However, he has his reasons. "Now... Where to next...." He whispered yet again, though his light green eyes were focused on the surroundings.
A crimson hued Aston Martin Rapide S pulled up to the entrance of Cross Academy. Inside were a lovely couple and their beautiful young daughter, sitting in the back as their driver parked the car. The mother moved her daughters' hair out of her face, looking straight at her as she spoke. "Profitez de votre temps ici à Croix Académie. Ton père et moi seront au rendez-vous de retourner à Paris." Smiling at her, she pressed her lips against her forehead before her father turned their daughter towards him and pulled her into a hug. "Nous vous aimons et nous vous manquerons. Visitez-nous souvent en vacances." Nodding to her parents, Mizuki kissed both her parents on the cheek as their driver opened the door to the car. "Mademoiselle Mizuki, ont un temps merveilleux à l'école." The driver said his goodbyes and leaned down to hug the young woman, which she responded by embracing the older gentleman back. Herself and the older gentleman had a close bond due to him practically raising her along with her parents, he was almost like grandfather to her.

Taking her two trunks from next to him, Mizuki looked towards the entrance to see a group of vampires, chatting among themselves and others heading into the dorms. In her new uniform, the young woman made her way to the dorms, not sure if it was the best idea to try and greet someone just yet. Her luggage was full of all kinds of items, not including her clothes, that many would find quite odd for someone like her. Some vampires seemed to be talking to a certain woman, who Mizuki could easily identify as the pure blood, and another who seemed to be keeping a close eye on her. Making it into the dorms, she sat her luggage down on either side of her. The building was quite old but up to date, it was the type of building that Mizuki felt comfortable in.
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Sayomi Shiki

His room was the one decent of his name. It was all panelled in dark mahogany wood and his sheets were of silk. Nothing more he could have asked for but a good bed to sleep in, and dark room to isolate any beam of light that might escape the dark shades on the large window. As he assumed, all of his things were already there and ready to use. Sayomi smiled lightly as he looked at fresh shirt that was waiting for him on the bed. Arthur knew that Sayomi hurried to go out of that god forsaken place he was forced to call his home for all these years, and away from those people that were supposedly his family. That is why he made sure his master is pleased. The vampire smiled lightly and unbuttoned his uniform and his shirt, letting it slip from his pale and decently muscled body. There was nothing wrong with his previous shirt, but Arthur just wouldn't let him get away with wearing the same shirt for so long. He only could respect the old man's wish.

When the fresh shirt was buttoned up and his uniform back on, he turned towards the doors. All that sleeping got him insomnia. He wasn't tired yet. He got out of his room gently, careful not to disturb any potentially sleeping aristocrat. It was almost dawn already. Descending down the main staircase, he stopped in the place. His eyes narrowed, nose squirmed and his fangs appeared under his lips. It was something he wonted the least. To see him anywhere else. Sayomi grabbed the stair rail and crushed it so hard, it produced small cracking sound that snapped him out of it, and he let go. He would gain nothing but bad if he only let that sneaky bloodsucker, that he was that disturbed by his presence. It seemed how not even here his father will leave him alone. "Why the hell he send me here in the first place?!" He thought to himself. But it was a done deal and there was nothing he could do about it.

He stepped into the hallway and his piercing gaze was all he gave to Adachi, before he turned and entered the great common room. There, he saw his salvation. Not waiting a single moment, he sat in front of the massive black piano and loosed a few buttons of his shirt, making himself more comfortable. He pressed the piano key. Then another, and another. Melody spread through the room, at first light and soothing, but as different ill thoughts smothered his mind, the melody became louder and more aggressive, although still without a single mistake. He played for so long, he improvised without a false tune. And there was a whole range of feelings he needed to let out through it. That, or he would go insane long ago.
Picking up her luggage again, Mizuki made her way up the stairs to the room she would be staying at during her time in the academy. Finding the door, she slipped inside the room to see that it was decorated just the way she liked it. The room was in black and white with natural birch wood furniture everywhere. Placing her trunks on top of the bed, she opened them and slowly started to place all her strange items in an appropriate fashion. When everything had a place, she made her way down to the lobby again and heard a wonderful melody coming from the piano she noticed on her way up to the rooms.

Stepping into the room where the piano sat, she noticed an young male not too much older than herself, playing the instrument gracefully and aggressively. Curious, she walked over to him and keeping a distances at the same time, while admiring the music. Mizuki had a love for all kinds of classical instruments and a few modern ones as well. She learned to play all of them as a way to express herself without muttering a single word. Taking a seat at a nearby love seat, she leaned her head against the larger end with her eyes closed, continuing to listen to the male play while also focusing on the others outside of the room and what they were doing.
He stopped in his tracks as a familiar face made its appearance. Adachi stood there and tilted his head towards Sayomi and could notice the hostility in his eyes. He really did hate to see Adachi there. Standing there in a relaxing position, he giggled to the thought of what Sayomi was thinking. Adachi didn't utter a word as his face came across a smile that would only annoy the young master. It reminded him about the suggestion he gave to Sayomi's father after his sons departure. He told his father about having a "guardian" at the Academy that would keep tabs on his son would be important. He suggested himself to be that person, which Sayomi's father easily agreed to. After all, the father and son relationship wasn't going so well. Especially because of some circumstances. Adachi used the opportunity to attend the Cross Academy in order to get closer to the purebloods. His motive was clouded in mystery, but that was how Adachi did things. If anyone saw the way Sayomi reacted to Adachi's presence, they would know that their relationship is quite rocky. He observed the young master descending the stairs while glaring at Adachi, followed by him turning around and walking away, into a big common room. 'Such hostility..' He chuckled to the thought of it.

He stood there for a moment and just listened to the piano that was being played a few moments later. Since he resided in the same manor as Sayomi in the past, he had heard him play before. One thing he had to acknowledge was that Sayomi had great love for music, and he played the said instrument quite well. He re-positioned his hat as he noticed someone else following the sound of the piano. It was a female student, and judging by her nature, he could deduce that it was none other than another Aristocrat, and one who was of the Hanabusa family. Yes, Adachi is quite knowledgeable about every important family out there. Whether it is the royals, the purebloods or anyone that is deemed worthy of the attention from the council or the purebloods. Information was Adachi's middle name and there is a reason to why he is one of the most trusted people that Sayomi's father, the head of the Shiki family, trusts. Adachi decided to follow Sayomi inside the common room where he was playing the piano. He noticed Mizuki sitting there and admiring the music. He, however, decided to lean against the wall as his hat covered his light green eyes. He crossed his arms before his chest with one feet up against the wall.

As Sayomi finished playing the piano, Adachi decided to play tricks with his mind. "She would have loved it.." He mischievously stated, taking a seconds break before continuing. "She always admired your love for the piano.." He added, reminding Sayomi about a 'certain' person who no longer exists. His reasons were simple, she was quite close to Sayomi, but her reasons for not existing anymore, he wanted that to rush back into his beloved young masters mind. "Wouldn't you agree.. Young Master?..."
Sayomi Shiki

Just as he almost reached the peek of his improvised composition, he sensed the fresh scent of young aristocrat female that entered the room. The presence of a lady always made him feel better. As she sat down, he waited for a brief eye contact before she turned her head. He smiled charmingly and nodded respectfully, prolonging his melody in favour to his charming listener. Her presence calmed him, and he turned his thought in other direction, focusing on his music. Faint familiar smell floated towards him, but not wanting to face the reality, he ignored it as long as he could. But his serenity and strong will didn't last for long. The disgustingly familiar voice reached his ears on the verge of molesting them even though, to those who didn't know to whom it belonged to, it might have seem soothing on the verge of seduction. And it was. But Sayomi couldn't help but being subjective about it. There was simply too much going on with that perfect voice. Such a shame. "She would have loved it.." Sayomi said nothing as he kept his eyes fixated to the keys, even though he could have played with his eyes close. "She always admired your love for the piano.."

He speeded up his playing tempo. "Shut it..." He growled inside, clenching his jaw lightly, but keeping the calm face with a trace of smile on it. Through years, he grew up knowing not to run away from problems. Not in front of the lady if nothing else. Yes, he never forgot she was there and observing. "Wouldn't you agree.. Young Master?..." The composition reached it's end, and he pressed multiple keys at the same time, closing his eyes lightly. There was nowhere else to run. Adachi's intimidatingly gentle voice occupied his mind. Sayomi looked at the vampire female from the corner of his eye before he straightened up on the seat and turned his head towards Adachi. Frowning lightly, he replied as pleasantly as he could. "Admiration and understanding are two different things. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He rebelliously turned back to the piano and started another melody, now channelling all his dark thoughts into his hands and onto the piano. "You will have to do better than that...Adachi." At this point, he let Adachi's presence fuel his melody and his inspiration. Music is music. Beautiful, regardless the source and one's motive.
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Mizuki could obviously feel the tension in the room when another male came in, saying a few remarks that bothered the male sitting at the piano. As soon as the melody ended, he turned around making quick eye contact with her before replying to the other, who was leaning against a wall nearby. With silent laughter, it was easy to tell that these two had some kind of relationship and liked to go at each other. The one called young master by the other turned back to the piano to play another melody for them to hear.

Getting excited, Mizuki got up from the love seat, making her way to the pianist. Tapping on his shoulder and causing him to stop at that moment, she took a seat next to him as if telling him that she'd like to play a little music herself. Placing her delicate pale fingers upon the keys, they began to play a melody that she loved as a child, telling a story of a full moon in the midst of the night.
Kurai caught Akahana's scent even before she hugged him from behind, her short stature making her head only come up to his chest. Glancing down at her from the corner of his blue eye he gives her a crooked grin. "Dont worry there Aka I was watching and listening the whole time, if any so much as thought of making a move toward you they would so learn my wrath. Now why would you be scared little Aka? Your more powerful than all of them combined." His voice is surprisingly soft and reassuring. Turning around to face her and leaning down so they were at eye level, it wasnt often that Kurai showed his soft side, and he only ever did for Akahana. Suddenly giving her a bright smile he places his large pale hand on top of her head gently ruffling her hair. "Never be scared Aka, if I'm anywhere near I'll always protect you. Now lets head off to bed shall we? I can see your tired and we have a big night tonight" His voice was still kind, but you can see him starting to close off again as he stands back up taking his hand off the top of her head.

Kurai clearly heard the notes of a melody being played by one of the vampires in the dorms, apparently someone was fond of the piano. Not that he minded, music was actually one of the few things he took comfort in, even if he enjoyed it in solitude.


Emi was walking around the day class dorm buildings making sure none of the night class students had strayed here. A small yawn comes to her lips as the sun continues to make its ascent into the sky. She should head to bed soon if she was gonna be at least semi-functional for her day classes. Flicking a lock of multi-colored white hair back behind her shoulder to join the rest she looks around, wondering where her partner had gone off to.
Hagewashi finished his phone call with the council and changed his clothes. Taking off his uniform he slipped on a black collared shirt and a red tie. Checking the many CCTV cameras installed throughout the dorm Hagewashi watched as the two new vampires arrived. Studying the video feed closely he recognized Adachi. While he had never met Adachi in person, Hagewashi always kept tabs on the important aristocrat families and his name always popped up in connection with the Shiki family. "hmmmm". Hagewashi unconsciously scratched at his eyepatch, a habit he had picked up after losing his eye. Walking out of his subterranean lair and locking the thick steel door behind him, Hagewashi made his way through the tunnels beneath the dorms. Having extensivly explored these tunnels months beforehand he could make his way to any part of the school in a matter of minutes and discreetly appear wherever he was needed.

The tunnels were sparsly lit. Only the occassional flickering flourescent light cutting into the darkness. It suited Hagewashi, any proper aristocrat would be immediatly repulsed by the dirty and dismal conditions, and anyone brave enough to venture into the tunnels were going to be horribly lost if they didnt have either a map or Hagewashi leading them. Arriving at the metal spiral staircase Hagewashi quickly ascended and held his ear to the door. The piano music emanated from behind the door and Hagewashi quickly straightened his tie and corrected his posture. Pushing the door open silently Hagewashi emerged into a dark corner of the common room. Closing the door behind him he silenty stood against the wall and observed the three vampires. The girl was an unknown variable but both of the Shiki family vampires were present. Waiting silently Hagewashi patiently observed the scene and waited for someone to either tell him to fetch something or dismiss him.
Adachi was calm and collective as he listened to the words uttered by Sayomi. If only he knew the truth behind 'her' death. That would surely spark things up. He glinted upwards as his eyes gazed at him, followed by Sayomi turning around and continued playing. He giggled at his words as he pushed himself off of the wall, noticing the vampire from the Hanabusa family approaching Sayomi, only to play another melody with him. 'Interesting...' He thought to himself before holding his hat with his left hand. Giving a respectful bow to the young master. Though he wouldn't have noticed it, since his back was facing Adachi. During the bow, he tilted his head towards the both of them as a grin came across his face. He placed his hat back on his head and turned around, facing the exit. He approached the doors to the hallway, however, before he ventured back outside the common room, he tilted his head backwards, only to gaze at Sayomi and Hagewashi from the corner of his well observant yet mischievous like eyes. "Be well.. Young Master..." He whispered in a playful way. Obviously his motive was something else, but the fact that Sayomi can't stand him was also interesting. He would have time for his young master whenever he wished so, however, he had other plans for now.

As he made his way back to the hallway, a buzzing sound was made in his pocket. Seemingly, someone was calling him. He pulled his cellphone out again and accepted the call. A smile came across his face as he heard a familiar voice. "I was wondering when you'd call.." He added before the voice on the other end spoke. It was a females voice. "Yes.. I have it all under control.." His eyes narrowed down, a smirk marred his lips as he continued down the hallway. "Yes, seemingly, the council has their eyes on them too." While listening to his contact, he smiled and pocketed his free hand. Standing there in a relaxing position, he let out a sigh. "It will not be easy, but I'll manage. I'll stay in Cross Academy for now.." He finished, before he ended the call. She overstayed her welcome, too much talking and whispering throughout the hall would not be beneficial to him. Even the walls have ears. Especially when he is surrounded by the purebloods. There could even be others who are upto no good, but no one will be in his way. There were more than just the purebloods or Sayomi he had to observe for now, even the council dog he noticed in the common room. So staying as a student and heeding the words of Sayomi's father for now would be enough.
Sayomi Shiki

Sayomi moved politely, allowing young female vampire to sit comfortably. He was endlessly grateful for both her presence and her approaching. Once he was emotionally and mentally dragged into the music, he was able to play for hours, even if it meant starving or sleeping for a long time afterwards. More or less, the girl saved him from his own demon. He smiled lightly and pulled his hands off the keys, letting her lead. Hearing what her gentle lady-like fingers created, he nodded approvingly. This time he was in peace.

"Be well.. Young Master..." Sayomi turned his head just enough to catch a glimpse of Adachi leaving the room. At once, all his tension was gone, at least while melody lasted. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sound. He was tired. So tired of everything and it was just his first day. He was aware that there something behind his father's wish that he attends that Academy and be closer to pure-blood siblings. "Yes, she loved my compositions." Sayomi caught up with the late response in his head. "I wish that she loved herself that much." There were times when he missed her a lot. Times when he wondered was it all just a part of bigger purpose? Whether her demise was someone's goal, and he was someone's scape goat.

At this point, it didn't even matter. Past was named that way for a reason, and he was determined to leave it there. Future was much worse. But for now, there was the sound and a lovely lady. What more could he asked for, at least if it only lasted for a moment. Smirking lightly, he pulled hand through his ebony hair and smirked, gazing into the keys but referring to the young vampire girl beside him.
"Thank you." He doubted she would understand the meaning of it, but being able to say that to her was enough.
She was glad that man enjoyed her playing till the melody finished, nodding as a welcome to him. Mizuki could tell as she played that he seemed to relax a little better than before, which made her wonder what was wrong to begin with. Standing from the piano seat, she curtsied to him as a thank you for letting her play for him instead. Seeing the male in the corner, she smiled at him. Looking at the clock upon the wall, Mizuki excused herself from the common rooms to go back up to her room to get a little rest before classes start later in the evening and waved to the male in the corner as she walked off. As she went up to stairs, she passed by the pure blood siblings going to their own rooms thinking they two were going to rest.

Greeting both with a bow as she passed by, she remembered the melodies, she and the other vampire played together. At her door, she walked right in as she hummed the tunes in her head. What a good day so far, but she got the feeling it wouldn't be like that for long. The other male that seemed to close to the other seemed very off in her eyes. He looked as if he was always up to something. Mizuki may have been a mute by choice, but when it came to other senses, they were much sharper than most vampires. Locking the door behind her, she grabbed a book from the shelf nearby and sat on her bed, reading it quietly.
"Thank you brother." When Kurai opened up to Akahana it brightened her endless night. Her brother was very dear to her and unlike some other purebloods with their siblings her love was in no way romantic, he was her best friend and protector. All her life her parents and Kurai had shielded her from the evils of the world which is probably what caused her to become so soft hearted.

With a small kiss to her older brothers cheek Akahana exited his room with a small "Goodnight oniisama". She was headed towards her room until she glanced over and saw someone who intrigued her. He wore a hat and had bright green eyes, nothing special, but still he intrigued her. "Hello." She called, "I've not seen you did you arrive late?" She asked, genuinely curious.
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Adachi decided to proceed further and maybe check up on his dorm. See how things are laid out for him, though before he could do so. A female vampire appeared, and it was none other than Akahana Tsuchiya, the pureblood who was quite the famous one. 'Great..' He sarcastically thought to himself as his eyes narrowed down, focusing on none other than her. He turned around and smiled at her like any gentleman would do. The members of the Shiki family are accustomed to show the ladies, whether they are pureblood or not, a gentle and a mannered side, but to Adachi, it was purely a mask, because he wasn't neccessarily from the Shiki family. "Tsuchiya-sama" He uttered graciously, before grabbing his hat and putting it against his chest, followed by him bowing down like a gentleman, to show her the royal respect she "deserves". He extended his hand, grasping hers softly by the fingers. He gave her a charming but cheeky look, glancing at her with his light green but mesmerizing eyes, before softly kissing the back of her hand.

Adachi smiled at her, before letting go of her hand softly, followed by him placing his hat back on top of his light brown hair. Tilting his head a bit to the side, he decided to give her a proper respond to her inquiry. "Yes, Tsuchiya-sama. I was held back for some certain business issues." He lied, though it was none other than the truth in her eyes. Adachi is after all, a cunning and a deceitful man. Manipulative at that. It is extremely hard to get past his mask. He is unreadable. Though he can show people a side he feel they would appreciate to see. He showed the pureblood a gentle and a kind side, which he knew she would want to see. "My name is Adachi of the Shiki family. I assume you've met with the Young Master?" He finished, referring to none other than Sayomi Shiki before her.
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The sun was on the verge of rising, signifying the end of the night and the beginning of the day. Even though Kaito had become accustomed to being awake all night and sleeping only a few hours at most in a single time, he still preferred the day. If only for the sun. It wasn't anything about the light or the warmth, it was because the sun seemed to stand for everything opposite the blood suckers that he now served. It was certainly nothing he wanted to do, but, it was a requirement, at least, in order for him to survive. The raven haired male was leaning against a wall behind one of the dorm buildings, looking up at the sky with a white cylinder between his lips. A small trail of smoke rose from the lit end of the controlled fire. Dark brown eyes stared at the sunrise, his mind replying the year or so that he had already been here at the Cross Academy, while also reminding him of the screams of his dying mother.

His hands were folded behind his head, his body supported by one foot planted firmly on the ground, the other lifted and pressed against the wall he was leaning against. With a sigh, Kaito took another drag from his cigarette, removing hit from his lips before he pressed it against the building putting it out. After ensuring it was out, he placed the remains in his pocket until he could get to a suitable place to throw it away. Exhaling slowly, a stream of smoke flowed from his now open mouth as he rounded the corner of the building, making his way back to where he imagined Emi to be. His partner, whom hadn't been at the academy as long, was a very cheery person. He knew little about her, as the duo hadn't talked all that often. More often than not, they had split up to do their guard duty, and when they had talked it was usually about the school or idle chatter. Rarely anything of genuine import or character. Still, she seemed nice, reminded him of a couple people he knew in his younger years. The few that were actually nice to him and didn't just treat him well out of fear or pity.

It didn't take him long to meet up with her, seeing her patrolling around one of the buildings. Upon seeing her, he raised his hand up in a greeting sort of gesture, calling out to her. "Hey, Emi!" Once he had her attention, he would make his way over to her, his hands in his pockets. After a few moments, the two made it to each other, and he smiled slightly, adjusting his posture so he was standing upright. "Find anything today?" He asked her curiously. A simple look at her would tell that she was tired, probably exhausted too. Poor girl was probably over exerting herself and not getting enough rest. It took Kaito a while himself to get accustomed to the hours of this job, and the way this place worked. He would try and cut her slack. "Sheesh, you look like hell. You should get some sleep before your classes start." The male said with a slight smile, his eyes briefly glancing to hers before he looked away.
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