Cross Academy Reborn

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Kaito shrugged, beginning to walk on towards the dorms, taking her to her dorm so she could get some rest. He knew how Emi was when she didn't get enough rest, and he also knew that she was actually very particular about getting good grades in her classes. "Not even compliments?" The young man asked her with a barest hint of a smirk. While he was ahead of her, the tone of his voice would likely give away his expression. Of course, he was teasing her, but, she did the same to him all the time. They had a pretty good thing going there. He berates her, she berates him. He slacks off, she puts him back on track. She has issues, he kicks someone's ass. A good thing.
The sun began to dip behind the trees as the day ended and the rays crept under the curtains to awaken the slumbering vampires. With a yawn Akahana awoke in her new bed and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She looked around at her surroundings for a moment before pushing herself out of bed and pulling on her uniform. Yawning once more she exited her room and began down the stairs to grab a few blood tablets, as unappetizing as they were, for breakfast. As she stepped down onto the bottom stair however, she felt something squelch beneath her feet. Gazing down she barely registered the blood underfoot, she had assumed the blood smell had come from the other vampires present. The body of one of the other students, Chi if Akahana recalled correctly, lay on the carpet, her eyes unseeing and her purple hair fanning around her head. Akahana approached her body quirtly, curious of her death. From the next room she heard a faint growling though, and abandoned examination of the body and crept towards the noise.

Pushing the door open lightly she winced when she heard it creak. Within the piano room were three very large and distorted looking vampires. Akahana immediately recognized them as level E's even though she had never seen one before. They turned to the sound of the creak of the door and lunged at her. Leaping backwards she landed once more in the violet haired woman's blood. Faucets from every sink exploded as she shrieked, the product of untrained pureblood power coursing from her body.

As they leapt at her she batted one to the side and shot up the stairs. Akahana had never once fought in her life, but her self preservation kicked in and with just a glance into one of the creatures eyes she was able to hold him in place, but that left his companions to move about freely. Instinctively however Akahana knew that losing eye contact would allow the one she held in place to move once more and he would become more wary of her eye contact. Standing helplessly at the top of the stairs she held contact with one creature as the two others approached her.
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A door burst open from the bottom of the staircase. Hagewashi lunged from the darkness and tackled one of the creatures, with a sickening crack Hagewashi plunged a stake through the creature's heart and broke its neck. The other creature launched itself at him but Hagewashi rolled out if the way and threw the creature into a wall. Putting himself in front of Akhana he watched as the creature regained its footing. "my lady are you unharmed? I saw the attack on the security cameras but I was too late to stop them." Snarling he watched the two creatures carefully. "I have failed, I was not able to rescue miss chi in time..."
Kurai knew it was evening, he could sense the sun slipping down below the horizon, signaling he should wake. But he held no motivation to rise from his bed, he was always slow to wake up fully. But his motivation soon flared when he heard the sounds of fighting and the wave of power that set all the faucets on full bore that could only come from Akahana. Jumping out of his bed, not caring that he was still shirtless, he runs with lightning speed out of his room and down the stairs to where Aka and Hagewashi were fighting a couple of level E's. His azure eyes narrow darkly at the mindless creatures, appearing in front of Aka he grabs Hagewashi by the shoulder and pulls him back behind him, beside Aka. "Stay back!" His voice is dark and commanding, even deeper than usual.

Though is actions and words were rough his intentions were soon found to be good natured as his eyes turn a swirling purple/red color and a vicious wind blows around them. The creatures snarl and prepare to attack, lunging at him with razor sharp claws. Activating his Pureblood powers the winds back up speed, his back was to Aka so she couldnt see his actions. Before the level E's could reach Kurai slashes of wind cut them in in half turning them into dust within seconds. The winds stop and Kurai's eyes go back to their normal blue, his expression still calm though you can see fury in his eyes. Turning to Aka he grabs her by the shoulders gently, his eyes looking her over for any injuries.
"Aka are you ok?? How did those beasts even get in here?" The 2nd question was directed more toward Hagewashi then Aka.
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Sayomi Shiki

The deep dull pain in his chest woke him up violently and he stiffly stared at the ceiling. It was never a pleasant feeling, being awoken that way. But even so, it was still better than staying trapped inside the ugly nightmares that caused it. He sighed relaxing his face and his now calm gaze revealed he was at ease and glad it was over. Sayomi blinked lightly when he felt the drop sliding from the corner of his eye towards the pillow. Reaching with his hand, he stopped it before it could leave a stain on the pillowcase and looked at his palm that now had a bloody line over it. He frowned and hissed at himself unsatisfied. Crying like a helpless kid just because of some foul reality his mind presented to him. What a waste of blood.

Angry with himself for his reaction, even though there was nothing he could do about it, he sat up straight in bed revealing his naked masculine torso and reached for a tissue to wipe his bloodied palm, before he went with it through his dark hair in attempt to make his bedhead look more decent. After making sure that every trace of last night's nightmare was erased from his face, Sayomi took out fresh black shirt that complimented his pale vampire skin and dressed it along with the usual white uniform that was a must. The feeling of being choked was too much, and he unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt, tossing the tie aside. It simply had to stay away. Just as on cue, a shout and a sound of crashing ripped through his ears making his throat to seem even narrower and closed up.
"Tsuchiya-sama..." He mumbled to himself as if he is confirming it, before storming out of the room and finding himself on the top of the stairs just as Kurai turned two E class vampires into nothing but dust.

Sayomi watched as Kurai approached and took care of his sister that seemed to be fine, only a bit shaken. His eyes landed on bloodied "drop dead gorgeous" young female. Literally. The way they fed off her was endlessly disgusting and he frowned referring to Hagewashi that seemed shaken as well.
"You know what you must do." Passing by him, he landed his hand on Hagewashi's shoulder encouragingly. "You did well. Nothing more you could have done." Sayomi passed by the corpse, and approached the piles of ash that were everything that was left of three intruders. Standing above the first one, he exposed his wrist and tore it open with his fangs. The thin stream of blood dropped down to the pile and started forming a puddle of blood that started boiling, merging the ashes with itself. To Sayomi it worked as an energy source without the fear he would be contaminated. After he was done, he pulled the blood back to his veins and repeated the same thing with other two piles.

Instead of bending down, he dropped a thin line of blood resembling to spider web, and glued it to the steak pulling it up. He smirked lightly.
"Impressive." After his blood was back into his body, leaving no stains, and the cut closed up, he tossed steak back to Hagewashi, referring to both him and Kurai. "I suggest you alarm other aristocrats. Just in case." Sayomi said before reaching out towards the door handle and opening the entrance doors. "I will check the yard." With that he closed the door stepping into the deepening night. The feast could wait. He wasn't that crazy about those blood replacement pills anyway.

Mizuki had fallen fast asleep while the sun was still visible, until she was awoken by loud noises coming from beyond her door. Just as she was getting up, a loud crash came from her window to reveal an E Level vampire getting up from the floor after making it's entrance. Glaring at it, Mizuki was very disappointed in the fact that it had just ruined her new room. Taking in a deep breath of the cool air that entered her room, any one could see her lips slowly becoming blue. It was time for the intruder to disappear. A small line of ice slowly moved from her feet over to the E Level being, engulfing it in a case of ice. Sighing that it was over now, she walked passed the encased being before kicking it causing the structure to collapse as she opened the door.

Looking outside the door, she wondered if anyone else had heard the commotion both outside their rooms and hers. It seemed to be an exciting day for Mizuki so far.
Kazue had slept peacefully, that is until the smell of blood filled her nose. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up at the ceiling of her canopy bed. Her eyes blue eyes swirling red now in response to the blood, but not her hunger. She sat up and looked around. It wasn't coming from her room, seemed like a far off scent. It was somewhere in the dorm building. She swung her legs out of bed and walked over to her trunk, rifling through it as she pulled out a fresh uniform set. Once fully dressed she turned to find a Level E in her room, noting that her door was wide open. She watched him stalk closer to her, his eyes full of hunger and blood lust. "You poor thing." She commented as it lunged at her.

Tendrils of hair shot forward and caught the level E, it's face full of surprise as it tried to break free. Her hair was wrapped around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides the other wrapped around his neck. She smiled and giggled as he looked at her. "Do you know who I am? I'm KayTee! I maybe a little silly, but don't let that fool you! I know what I'm doing and I'll make you fall in love with me!" She said, reciting her motto that she said at every concert. She kissed her hand and blew the kiss away, only to grab it and punch her fist forward, giving a wink at the end. It was her signature move that she performed after saying her motto. As she did the action, her hair began to pull the Level E in two different directions. Snapping and cracking was heard as she pulled the head and the body in opposite directions. She giggled as his flesh ripped, a final pop and crack sounding out as the head separated from the body, spraying blood all over the room and herself. She looked down a her uniform and sighed, one last tendril of hair stabbing the Level E through the heart, resulting in him crumbling to dust. Kazue smiled as she watched the dust fall to the ground. "See. I made you love me so much you died, but I don't love you back. You got my uniform filthy. You horrible creature." She said changed into another uniform. Looking at herself in the mirror she smiled, twirling around to see herself. Once satisfied she looked great, she made her way down to the entrance hall. She didn't let on at all that she had just ripped apart someone, but its was just a Level E after all. They were worse than scum. They didn't matter.

Yawning Emi jumped from the tree she had been perched in, doing a front flip she handed smoothly on her feet in a semi crouch. Man she was tired...She'd only gotten a few hours sleep before class and then stayed up the rest of the time studying before her Night Guard duty. She was currently making her way to the night class dormitory's entrance, she had to keep the day class students from mingling with the night class too much as they went to their own classes. Sighing softly she runs her hand through her thick hair walking down the path that led to the night class, small shadows under her eyes betraying her near sleepless night. She noticed small groups already forming outside of the gate, made up of mostly girls but there were a few men too. They were giggling amongst themselves already excited to see the new night class members, some held little wrapped gifts in their hands, obviously to give to the new students.

Oy this wasnt gonna be easy...Why did girls...And guys fawn over good looking people like this? Honestly it seemed embarrassing and a bit pathetic, though she could understand their reasoning. The night class students she'd seen last night were no doubt gorgeous but it took more than just beauty to make her starry eyed. Speaking of students...Where was that blasted Kaito? He was always a mystery to her, showing up at the most random times. Sighing once more she shakes her head, breaking herself out of her inner thoughts, the fading sunset showing a warm glow against her soft pale skin.

Walking over to the groups she places herself in front of them her arms folded across her chest, her back to them so they would have to pass her to get to the night class once they came out. She ignored the whines and protests from behind her, she hated making others unhappy but this was her job. As the protests get louder her eye twitches slightly before she finally turns to the day students. "Jeeze alright alright! I'll give your presents to the night class in your stead, write your names and which present goes to whom." They grumble but comply with her order, handing her about 5 small presents. She nods before giving them her back again, waiting patiently for the vampires she was so blissfully unaware of.
The Sun had illuminated the bright sky, but now, dusk was upon them. Adachi was not in his room. He was standing just outside the entrance to the dormitories. The door was slightly opened. He was able to gaze inside. See the event that just unfolded before him. He was not surprised. Nor did he try to stop any of the Level E Vampires. A grin marred his lips. His eyes narrowed down. The purebloods were there, but so was the council dog. Able to fend off the Vampires, his grin didn't waver. Moments later, the Young Master arrived. His expression changed. He was now curious and excited at the same time. "Interesting.." He whispered. The breeze was lovely, the sky was mesmerizing. He raised his hand, and held his hat in place. The current was strong. It could easily knock it off. His eyes did not avert, he kept observing.

One hand was on his hip, while the other on his hat. Only one eye was able to see everything. The rest was hidden, due to the door. The Level E Vampires were rendered useless. They were turned into dust. It was not surprising. Not when there were two purebloods cooperating with a council dog and the Young Master. However, Sayomi's ability intrigued him. It was very rare. Adachi had seen it before, but he did not know what else it could achieve. It was a mysterious one, albeit a unique one at that. "If it isn't the Young Master.." He admired, but cunningly. The situation was handled, but only for a short time. The news of the purebloods have spread around the globe. But, Adachi expected this. It was within his calculations.

He closed his eyes, being somewhat disappointed. A sigh left his mouth, before he re-adjusted his hat. The wind was much more calmer. 'This is far from over..' He chuckled to the thought of it. Turning around, he noticed a bunch of humans by the gates. His eyes glinted towards the Night Guard. It was a woman. Adachi decided to have some fun, let alone show them puny humans a Vampire. Something they were dying to see.

Seconds later. He pocketed his hands. Adachi walked over to the gates, though in a relaxing position. He had a playful smile on his face. His mind was thinking of all sorts of things. He could hear the womans voice. It was cute. Though, her scent was attractive. He pushed open the gates, though slowly. A creeking sound was made, before he stopped behind the woman. "Now, now, I would be happy to accept some of those gifts." He playfully stated. Going against the Night Guards orders.

He gazed at the woman, giving her a normal smile. His attitude changed. He masked his ulterior motive. He stepped up, standing beside the woman. "My name is Adachi of the Night Class." He presented himself, though without his last name. He bowed his head, showing his "other" side. The humans before Adachi fawned over him. They screamed in awe and admiration. Some even approached him and gave him some gifts. Pushing the Night Guard out of the way. Adachi even kissed some of the women's hand, though in a gentlman's way. His eyes yet again, diverted towards the Night Guard. A grin came across his face, before he closed his eyes.

He stepped back and sighed. "Well now. You should listen to the Night Guard. We wouldn't want her to get upset.." He spoke up, glinting his eyes towards the Night Guard. Most of the humans pouted. Their time was up. But it was only for their own benefit. Adachi's inner self wanted to devour them. Drink them of their blood, but due to the circumstances, he held his hunger in check. He could handle himself. It is only on rare occasions he would go out of control. It was not so long after they turned around and walked back, however, some of the many humans were still there. Obviously waiting for the purebloods.
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After noticing that a lot of the Level E vampires had been eradicated, Mizuki rubbed her eyes gently as she made her way out of the dorms and out towards the school to attend night classes, after she had changed. Yawning quietly, she sees the man from earlier greeting the female humans looking as though he was trying to seduce them. Shaking her head at the site, Mizuki bowed to the human guard as a way of greeting and stopped just behind Adachi. Raising her hand, he hits on the head with a closed fist lightly. What a troublesome person he was going to be for their kind. Although he was helping the Night Guard, he could have done it in a better way.
Hagewashi bowed deeply to the elder pureblood. "I am ashamed at my failure my lord, I take full responsibility for this breach of security." Looking at the ashes of the creatures he nods at sayomi then turns his attention back to the purebloods. "i will make sure the tunnels are secure. I am relieved that you are unharmed my lady." Turning to a nearby wall Hagewashi pushed it open to reveal a staircase leading down into the darkness.
"I'm okay oniisama." Akahana said politely. Honestly, she had not been too frightened of the level E's, they weren't very scary or even very powerful. It did leave cause for wonderment though, how had they killed an aristocrat? Moving around her brother she once again approached the body and stood at the edge of the pool of blood.

"Oniisama something isn't right here. Why hasn't her body turned to dust? How is it her blood can stain the carpet?" Akahana said the last part mostly to herself as she gazed, mesmerized, at the blood puddle. Shaking herself she looked away and turned back towards her room and ran up the stairs and straight into her room, closing the door behind her.

Going into the bathroom she quickly washed her feet and then pulled on her shoes. Running back out the door she said loudly, "Hagewashi!" After she had gained his attention she began down the stairs. "Would you please inform the headmaster what has happened? Have him send someone to clean up the mess, it's tempting and will only make everyone hungry. I will inform the teacher that you will be late." Turning around she glanced straight at Kurai. "Oniisama you and the others should hurry, classes will be starting soon." With her eyes far away Akahana exited the dorms and stood in the sidewalk to the gates. Many humans stood between the gates and the school facility, but she paid them no mind, only waited for Kurai to join her outside.
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Sayomi Shiki

As soon as the dark haired vampire stepped into the yard, his crimson eyes focused on humans crowding outside the gates and that guard girl from before. "Naturally." He mumbled and frowned. The "drop dead gorgeous" that stained their floors probably though it was a pretty good idea to get out earlier and get the first row and maybe, just maybe sneak into the VIP lounge behind the gates. He hardly doubted E's went all the way through the Cross Academy unnoticed. That as well meant the girl was trespassing. Maybe if they all had any idea about the things, they wouldn't land their foot near the crossing to the Moon Dorms ever again. Wouldn't that be much better for all of them? However, all that was too much of a sensitive subject to be taken for granted like that. Everything had it's reasons. And good ones as well. Nothing was easy.

While the bunch of young humans occupied the gate, Sayomi walked fast towards the back of the Dorms, making sure she is as discreet as possible. The guard girl seemed to have it under control and he didn't want her to have it harder that it should have been. The familiar smell of her young blood reached and grabbed him again more intensively than before. What was her name again? That's right. He remembered. More because it complimented her just the right way. She was indeed a beautiful human. He reached the back of the building and rubbed his head gently. There was a reason why he used to sleep so much, and just now it occurred. His powers took their toll. The ash he mixed into his blood enhanced his power as it tended to, but it came with the price of dragging more of his vital energy. The blood never seemed tempting as in those moments. But there was no such things of volunteers for blood give away here. Pill was all that he could hope for.

Focusing on the sounds of the forest, he ignored unsatisfied whines of day class students. The leaves, the wind and the water was all he could hear...until he could smell the cunt just as he jumped onto him from the tree.
"Too quiet." Sayomi mumbled as his swiftly avoided the slashing attack. The starving creature accepted the battle till death just for the sake of meal. That was the thing that disgusted him the most. It is only a food for them. "No respect at all." As soon as the wild vampire creature charged again, Sayomi fisted his face pushing him backwards while the creature's fangs sunk into his fist. Just then he realised the creature was alone. All considered, E's weren't the brightest cookies in the jar. He hissed a bit more of a sudden disgust then of a sudden pain that would paralyse the human making him back down in pain. But instead of that, Sayomi pulled his fist back, ripping skin off his knuckles and deeper down to the holes that vampire made. "Look what you did." The blood streams flew out of the bite holes towards the vampire that showed off his disturbing jaws.

The E struggled with the firm coagulated string that covered his mouth, wrapping around all the way to his neck and constricting him so he had no chance of dragging the unwanted attention from people on the gate. Now a faint scent of female vampire reached him as he firmed the male in in place, raising him off the ground. He had spotted her and referred to her as he dealt with her companion. He was very much aware that they were anything but good listeners.
"I hope you do realise now that you do not jeopardise the royal family and go unpunished. It is all on you. You are still out of the property." Whether if it was the instinct that she had no chance, female hissed loudly and pulled back disappearing into the forest. "Rest in peace is all I can wish to you." Sayomi said biting his other wrist and shooting out wide spear-like blood strings that went through the E at the same time. The head and the chest. Having no time to blink, the male died fast turning to dust that ended up in Sayomi's body floating through his bloodstream. He sighed embracing the collected energy.

It wasn't long before he stood on the Dorm entrance again glaring at the crowd and Adachi that was suddenly there, gathering the fans. Sayomi clenched his teeth when Adachi turned to the guard girl, charmingly working his way around to her. To those that knew nothing, it might as well seem like a pathetic jealousy, but it was anything but that. Adachi was up to something and he would make sure to find out what. Doing anything now would make things only worse. Besides, the sneaky bastard wasn't that dumb. He wouldn't do anything to ruin his image among others. At least not yet. Another wave of headache struck Sayomi as his body shook a bit. He was ought to make his way to the dining room. Pill sounded like a "bloody" good idea.

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Kaito had managed to sleep away most of the day, doing only what he had to do in order to get by. The young man had a strong feeling that his duty this evening was going to be rough. After cleaning himself up, he began heading towards the dorms, where he would begin the evening as a night guard along with his partner, the ever lovable Emi. Of course, Emi was always quite popular among the night students, the day students too, really. Hell, everyone loved Emi. Kaito wasn't jealous or anything of the sort, he understood why. She was oblivious to the truth, and ignorance in this case was certainly bliss. He, however, knew the truth. He wasn't here because he wanted to be, it was about survival for him, not education. These creatures would kill him without so much as a second thought if he didn't do as they requested or told him to. He had been fortunate that none of them had asked him or demanded him to do anything embarrassing, demeaning, or downright insulting. Yet.

As Kaito neared the dorms, he could see Emi already there, ready and waiting to begin the evening. The night students seemed to be lining up as well. Fantastic. Worse, it seemed that some of the day students were doing as they weren't supposed to, approaching one of the night class bloodsuckers and giving him gifts. Kaito scoffed as an irritated and almost angry expression overtook him. The gift giving thing was ridiculous, it was only made worse by the fact that these damned vampires seemed to enjoy the undeserved admiration from these people far too much. It was only going to make his night worse when he realized who it was that was giving his partner, whom had only just been pushed aside, a hard time. Kaito finally arrived beside her, his eyes glaring at the creature before him whom had just mocked his partner. "Adachi. I see you're ever." The human male decided to put extra emphasis on the sarcasm in the word pleasant. As if his distaste couldn't possibly be more obvious.

He looked to Emi, then to the other humans whom all seemed so displeased by the fact that they couldn't mingle, then back to Emi after a quick roll of his eyes. "Hey, Emi. Don't mind him. He's not worth the time of day." The irony in his choice of words would be lost on the others, Emi included, but the vampire would understand. That was what mattered. He wasn't afraid of upsetting or offending them. After all, he was still useful to them. He figured it'd take a mighty big insult for them to flat out kill him. An ass kicking he could handle. "Anyway, it's going to be a long night. And hey, before you start asking questions or giving me crap, I was busy today." He threw out to Emi, his arms remaining crossed as he looked away, potentially ignoring any of the other students and blood drinkers alike.
Akahana stood deep in thought as everything around her continued on a normal basis. Suddenly her eyes snapped up though as she heard Adachi's name come from the mouth of a human. He stood awfully close to the humans and Akahana was frankly becoming a bit tired of his attitude, he seemed sneaky and untrustworthy. Taking matters into her own hands Akahana strode along the sidewalk to the gates where she stopped near Adachi.

"Adachi you're getting a bit friendly with the day class aren't you? Maybe you should return to the Moon Dorms until everyone is ready to head to class, it might be in your best interest. You wouldn't want to upset Kurai." Akahana may hold a deep mistrust for Adachi, but sending him back to the dorms was a safety measure to prevent him from getting into trouble. Besides, it seemed that a few vampirres were just looking for a reason to rip into Adachi and preventing that would keep peace among the moon dorm.

Turning to Kaito Akahana bowed, her expression grim. "I'm sorry if Adachi drew too much attention school guardian," She then addressed them both, "We'll keep in line I promise." Suddenly Akahana's bright demeanor returned and she gave a smile. The death of a classmate and the scare of a level E in the dorms had shocked Akahana into letting her vampire instincts take hold, causing her to become more grim than she usually was, but now she was returning to herself after being away from the blood and death that surrounded the dorm.
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Before Kurai could respond to Aka she dashed off to her room, frowning he shakes his head, his hair still messy from bedhead. Ugh this was one way to wake up...At Hagewashi's apology he stares down the lower vampire before waving his hand in a "eh" gesture. Turning away he quickly makes his way to his room to get ready for the day, unfazed by Sayomi's abilities, it was rare but he wasnt impressed that easily. After taking a quick shower he dresses in the usual night class uniform except instead of a white or black under shirt he puts on a dark purple one. Leaving the white/black jacket open in the front he walks out of his room, his hair still damp but now nicely combed and styled. He sensed other level E's on the premises but the others seemed to be taking care of them just fine.

Making his way outside he spots Aka apparently lecturing Adachi which made him grin, ah his little Aka was a fierce Sheila when she wanted. He glimpsed Sayomi coming back around the Dorms, he didnt look too great, but he could imagine his powers took a heavy toll. Kurai gives him a slight nod in greeting, his hands in his pant pockets.
"I would reenergize before attending classes Shiki. Wouldnt want any troublesome urges taking hold, would we?" His voice is deep and a bit intimidating, his last words seeming to have a double meaning. Suddenly flashing the vampire a brilliant smile he walks down the path toward Akahana and the crowding humans, not bothering to wait for Sayomi's response.

Kurai stopped just behind Aka
"Hello, what did I miss?" At his appearance the human girls get even more riled up some even squealing in delight as they push their way toward him. Showing their "welcoming" gifts to him he chuckles accepting them all before giving the small group a mischievous wink. "My my, thank you ladies. I'm sure each and every one of your gifts is exquisite." His voice takes on a charming and silky tone, he loved playing with the frail humans. It made his relatively boring existence much more fun. The girls nearly swoon around him, asking his name and if they could help him with anything during he stay here.



Emi was peeved, yes peeved, irked, annoyed, grouchy, ok maybe that was a bit overboard but the group full of teenage hormones was overwhelming. As soon as one of the Night class students showed up she was quickly shoved to the side by the rambuctious girls, causing her to stumble and nearly fall from the pushing and shoving. Letting a aggravated sigh escape her lips she scowls at the girls fawning over Adachi, at least he was being gentlemanly with them. But that was enough of that, as soon as she was about to seperate them from Adachi he stepped back and declared they should listen to her. Hmph that was hardly helpful, they wernt exactly listening to anyone, especially her.

Things only got worse as a girl from the Night class approached and proceeded to punch Adachi, the action was so unexpected she couldnt help the small giggle that escaped her lips. Quickly covering her mouth to stifle anymore giggles, the men of the group now rush out to crowd and fawn over Mizuki. One actually pushed her enough to send her falling on her tookus, ow...Jeeze, did any teenager in this school have an ounce of hormonal control?

Kaito showed up just as she was standing back up dusting herself off, she frowns at his words, her frown quickly turning to a glare at his "excuse" on a childish impulse she kicks him in the shin with a huff.
"Busy my butt, you were sleeping the day away again wernt you? Baka!" Her voice is chastising and childish at the same time. The crowd of raging hormones only got worse when Akahana and Kurai joined the others. Emi quickly works her way through them, getting in front she turns to face the group spreading her arms out to her sides so she was now between the Day class students and the Night class. "Alright thats enough of that, you've got your chance to give your gifts. Now please let the Night class get on with their classes."

Her voice holds a commanding and serious tone, but despite her words the crowd proceeds to push against her trying to mingle with the Night class more. Struggling to hold the "barrier" that was basically her she glimpses the Night class student she had met last night-Sayomi from the corner of her eye. Emi gives him a somewhat pleading look, she didnt know why, if he joined it would most likely make the situation worse, but she wanted someone from the Night class she had actually met there. Ya she was weird....

Sayomi Shiki

Sayomi straightened up doing his best not to reveal his weakness once Kurai came his way. Regardless, he somehow instantly knew that Tsuchiya sibling figured him out. Even so, he didn't really mind or cared at that point. He stopped, replying with slightly deeper and slower nod, undisturbed by Kurai's expression. He was the example for everyone else and he was ought to show nothing of his true emotions. Sayomi could relate to that. "I would reenergize before attending classes Shiki. Wouldnt want any troublesome urges taking hold, would we?" Kurai advised him. Sayomi studied his face without bowing his head down or flinching. So calm and stoic, seemingly able to deal with anything calmly. It was to be admired, but Sayomi couldn't help but wonder where is Kurai's limit. Sayomi's face expression didn't change when Kurai flashed a smile towards him that was planned to be confusing. He waited for Kurai to move away before smiling lightly and speaking quietly so only Kurai's ears could catch it along the way. "Of course not, Tsuchiya-sama. I am the last one that would allow that to happen."

Vampires were still hurrying around the Dorms to get ready for the class, and the dining room was empty. He was in no hurry. Grabbing his meal in a form of two pills and a glass, he sat in front of a great dining table. Increased therapy should be enough to keep him alive and kicking through the night. He still thought about the imposters, as he leaned back in the chair and hovered both pills above the water that was now terrifyingly calm. Was it really worth of disturbing it's pure calm surface with his own selfish needs? He pulled his hand back and got up not making a single disturbance in the water. Swallowing them whole and without water, Sayomi frowned as they ripped through his throat. Fixing his uniform he walked out.


There wasn't much he could do about the annoyance he felt after getting out in the yard and seeing the disturbing crowd was still there. They were all over Adachi and Tsuchiya siblings. Still, he couldn't help but laugh lightly at antics of human guards. They seemed to be pretty uptight. He kept on smiling when he caught a pleading look on girl guard's face. The girl did her job, but the crowd was too impossible to handle, or so it seemed. Sayomi would never refuse to give a helping hand to a lady. He wouldn't do so now either. He sighed mentally preparing for the interaction, and stepped into the line of sight which made a girl group squeal once more.
"How...convenient." He smirked and mumbled as the delighted squeals ran through his sensitive ears. He now realised why a lot of attention craving vampires love it so much. For once they weren't hated dearly. But it was just because the ignorance of those young minds was their best friend.

Sayomi approached the gates maintaining his calm smirk and greeted the guards.
"What a lovely night, isn't it?" Chuckling, he added. "Too noisy, but not all that bad." With that he turned to the crowd and searched through it with a calm gaze. "The weakest gazelle in the demanding herd..." He looked over the edge of the group, focusing on back lines of fans. " the one that will make..." And then he noticed her. Quiet small girl with auburn hair was standing on the edge of the group, silently admiring, too shy to approach or do something. Sayomi smiled brightly at her and the girl jerked, blushing heavily. "...every other gazelle do better." He moved his index finger fast in a "come here" gesture. The girl hesitated a bit before approaching. It didn't go unnoticed. Just as Sayomi expected. He greeted her with a short nod and a smile. "Greetings, young lady. It is an honour." By her expression, he knew he had her where he wanted. "I wanted to ask you a little favour."

The girl nodded quickly after Sayomi told her something and she turned to the crowd, speaking quietly, but doing her best.
"U-um...C-could you p-please m-move so t-they can..." It was somewhat painful seeing her struggling with her quiet voice. But just in time, the loudest girl that probably lead the group of girls yelled out and took over moving the quiet one rudely aside. "Alright! Are you blind? You're smothering them! MOVE DAMN IT!" It worked enough to give guards some space in between. At least before they decide to go for it again. "The best I can do." And just as he expected, the leading female took over the ordering duty, that she probably wouldn't obey if she was referred to directly. Predictable human females. Sayomi referred to guards. "They're overly excited about a bunch of spoiled students, don't you think?"

"T-this is for y-you..." Sayomi turned to the girl once more with questioning face that showed a bit of confusion when she extended her arms in a deep bow, still blushing heavily and showing him skilfully wrapped gift. He hesitated genuinely confused. Whatever he did to deserve it was beyond him. He just abused her good will to control the group and yet she wanted to give him her gift. Understanding human female minds completely seemed like a lot of hard work. However, if that was what she wanted, it was the least he could do for her. He laughed lightly and took the gift. "Oh? Why thank you my dear. I do need to thank you for your help. You did well." Even though the girl was probably dumbstruck, considering she didn't do anything at all, she smiled nervously to Sayomi and nodded. "Y-you're welcome...H-have a good day!" With that she bowed deeply once more and quickly ran away, blushing and smiling. The dark haired vampire smiled gently and stepped back from the gate. "You have a good one as well, young lady." He said calmly, knowing humans don't hear voices on that distance. His eyes dropped down to the present in crimson wrapping paper. Silly creatures humans were.
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Hagewashi stalked through the tunnels, his mind racing as he planned out the next course of action. The headmaster had already been notified of the incident, Hagewashi had called him as he was running to the aid of Akhana. Arriving in front of the heavy steel door Hagewashi looked down the hallway to see if he had any unwanted guests. Seeing none he quickly unlocked the door and entered his room. Locking the several bolts on the door Hagewashi immediately contacted the council and alerted them of the events. After the expected tirade of expletives Hagewashi was angrily dismissed with orders to find and eliminate any more threats, including the person who let the level E's into the school grounds.

Walking over to the wall next to his bed Hagewashi reached out and pressed in a tile, with a groan a pert of the wall slid open to reveal a large cage with a keypad on it. He then entered the code and unlocked the cage to reveal a small arsenal of weapons, specifically weapons that were made to kill vampires. Every weapon in the gun locker had once been used by a vampire hunter, who had failed in their mission and had their weapons taken from their cold dead hands. Reaching in Hagewashi pulled out a deadly kukri blade. This particular blade had belonged to the assassin that Hagewashi lost his eye to. The blade was silver and is coated in holy water, many assassinations that were blamed on vampire hunters were most often council assassins using vampire hunter weapons. Reaching in again he retrieved a sig saur combat pistol that was loaded with silver coated bullets doused in holy water, putting it in his hidden holster Hagewashi locked the cage and closed the fake wall.

Taking off his uniform Hagewashi donned his standard combat outfit. The black clothing allowed him to blend in perfectly in the darkness and the armor plating over his heart gave him a fighting chance if forced into combat. Pulling the mask over his head all that was left visible was his one red eye. Exiting his room and locking the door behind him Hagewashi set off down the tunnels, following the echoes of his prey. Turning a corner he spotted a level E shuffling along in search of food. Before it could turn Hagewashi drove the blade straight into its back and through its heart, the end of the blade sprouting from its chest. As it writhed in pain he slammed its head into the wall, smashing it into a bloody pulp. As the creature turned to dust Hagewashi wiped the blood off his face and found a hole in the wall that lead to the surface. Treading carefully Hagewashi followed the tunnel and emerged onto the edge of the school grounds.
He felt a light fist behind his head. Turning around, he noticed an Aristocrat. He did not forget her, it was after all, the Vampire that was in the common room. Where Sayomi was. His green eyes gazed at her, a small chuckle came across his face. He did not mind what she did, though he was slightly surprised. It was a childish act in his eyes, but it was neither important or anything to dwell upon. He decided to simply greet the fellow Vampire. "It is nice to meet you too." He uttered, before his gaze shifted back towards the crowd. He took a few steps further and walked to the side, a bit closer to the Night Guard, away from the Aristocrat just earlier.

Stopping in his tracks, he tilted his head backwards, towards the dormitories. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Sayomi, the Young Master. It was clear as day that something else had happened. With his heightened senses, it was easy to deduce that Sayomi was taking care of "business". His ability to control blood can really take a toll on him. Unfazed by it, many ideas crossed his mind, but again, it was not the right time. Not yet anyway. 'Lovely..' He admired him, though ironically. He did not expect him to go through such lengths in order to protect the purebloods, but maybe, Adachi was seeing a new side to him. It piqued his interest.

He turned back, towards the Night Guard. He looked over her shoulder, noticing a human male. It was her partner. Adachi knew about the both of them. His inside man in the council had given him the information. It was neccessary before he enrolled in Cross Academy. Specifically the Night Classes. He was not surprised by his reaction. The humans who know about the Vampires would obviously hate them, detest them, or anything similar. Adachi was not easily provoked. His petty comment did not affect him at all. Unfazed by it, he held his hat in his hand, and brought it close to his chest. He bowed down, but tilted his head towards the female Night Guard, before moving his green and manipulative eyes over to her partner. "You're a feisty one, aren't you, Kaito-kun?" He responded, though rhetorically. He used the honorific to sound condescending, but at the same time, make sure that the human knew his place.

He placed his hat back on his head, followed by him pocketing his hands. His eyes did not avert, even though the male Night Guard started to speak with his partner. A smirk marred his lips, before he was interrupted. He turned around, noticing Akahana Tsuchiya. The female pureblood. "Me?" He chuckled to the thought of it, before he continued. "I'm just here to give the Night Guard a helping hand, Tsuchiya-sama." He responded, though ending the sentence with respect, but ignoring her "threat". Seconds later, he noticed how she turned around, apologizing to the Night Guards.

In Adachi's eyes. It was disgusting. He was not thrilled by her actions. The humans are an inferior race. Not superior like them. However, he did not waver, his mask was intact, he kept his smile, his actual feelings shrouded. 'This pureblood... So unexperienced...' He thought to himself, looking at her from behind, before his gaze shifted once again, towards the Night Guards. He smiled towards them, complying with the purebloods wishes. Moments later, the other half appeared. Kurai Tsuchiya, her brother.

His hands were crossed behind his back. Standing there in an elegant manner, he shifted his eyes towards the brother. "Just helping out the Night Guards.." He repeated, giving him the same respond. Seconds later, he noticed how the day students fawned and squealed towards him, however, he turned around, looking at the humans who were all over Kurai, giving him gifts and all. It was expected. After all, the spotlight was waiting for them.

The female Night Guard started to clear the way. Students started to leave, but Sayomi was also there. Adachi just stood there, observing everything. He had done his part, but he was not there to completely help the humans. He was there to devise a simple plan, where one of the humans would be used. It was needed for his next step. He had already found his "piece", because now, it was time to play Chess. However, the checkmate would be tricky in this situation. He diverted his attention towards Sayomi, his Young Master.

He noticed how he was helping the humans, but completely ignoring him. It made him excited, before he approaced him from behind. The woman he was conversing with was gone, so he decided to "provoke" the Young Master. "Well, isn't she the lovely one?" He asked, though his meaning was entirely something else. Would she be his victim? Would she be the certain someone he'd drink the blood from? A grin marred his lips before he continued.

"I mean, her gift must be lovely.. Don't you think?... Young Master?" He mischievously stated, before looking over his shoulder, shifting his eyes towards her, the woman. "Why not have some fun? Like you always did?" He finished. The night was young. The moonlight was shining upon them. The Night Classes were just starting.
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Kazue made her way down the stairs of the main entrance. It seemed the others had already made their way out to class. Ah, it seems that I am late again. Perhaps I should wake up earlier? She thought to herself as she made her way to the dinning room. She grabbed a few of the blood tablets and downed them, drinking a glass of water afterwards. She cleared her throat and frowned, that was not the most pleasant feeling, but she didn't have time to dissolve the tablets and drink the liquid. Another time she would try the other way, but for now, that was all she needed.

The vampiress walked towards the entrance, her slightly heeled shoes making soft clicking sounds. She poked her head out and immediately noticed the loud squeals of the humans. It was similar to one of her concerts. She smiled as that gave her a lovely idea. She made her way back to the common room and found what she was looking for; a guitar. She grabbed it and made her way to the front gate, but diverted to the side. She used a tree as a spring board and jumped up onto the wall. She was noticed by a couple students as she sat down on the wall, and started strumming on the guitar, starting a song.

"Mezamashidokei ga ga naritateteru
onegai mou sukoshi nemurasete
kinou wa GIG de sono ato nomikai de
mochiron osake wa nomenai nda kedo juusu na nda kedo
isogashii hibi o majime ni ikiru
kono atashime ni douka nemuri o
chanto okitara shinkyoku kikaseteageru
mochiron hikigatari de hamori wa onegai
tetoriashitori oshieteageru yo shinpainai
sou iya ichigen kireteta kattekite onegai!"

Kazue finished the first verse, but continued strumming. She had a tendency to close her eyes when she sang some songs, so when she opened them, she found many, but not all of the humans looking at her. She could tell from their eyes that they knew who she was. She didn't mind though. She was just trying to quiet the loud screams. They hurt her ears so early in the night. She continued to strum, elongating the break between the first and second verse. She found this song slightly ironic for her to be singing. It was called Morning Dreamer and was about waking up in the morning. Things she never did, but it was a nice short song. After she felt it was a long enough break, she continued with the rest of her song.

"Mezamashidokei o tomete kara sanjuppun
ii kagen okinakya ikenai kedo
mafuyu no ofuton wa mashou no aitemu
mou nukedasenaku natteshimatta yo nemuri noroi tsuki
warera ga kurasu gendai shakai
konna tokoro ni akuma ga ita
kudaranai kara isshou ni fusu nante hidoku nai?
koko kara omoshiroku naru ka mo shirenai ja nai
dakara tsuzuki to iwarete mo mada ukandenai
toriaezu futon ni taberare futonman ni naru
mou sore de ii ja nai."

She decided to skip the last section of the song and go straight to the end. She didn't feel like finishing the entire song. When she finished, she got up and bowed, the humans erupting in applause, yelling her stage name. "KayTee!" "We love you KayTee-chan!" And they were loud again. She gave a small sigh and moved to jump off the wall. She made it look as though there was some sort of ladder or stairs behind the wall, but truly she just dropped down behind the wall. She landed with a soft thud, dusting herself off and looked around. She had dropped on the side facing the dorm building. She swung the guitar behind her, the strap keeping it attached to her, but didn't occupy her hands. Putting on a smile, she made her way to the exit of the moon dorms, waving to all the humans as they were already lined up to let the night class walk through. So they did have some manners. When she approached, bowed to the Tsuchiya siblings. She didn't want to disrespect them by not introducing herself, but she also didn't think this was the best time for her to formally introduce herself.​
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