Crimson soul

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
David looked at her and smiled. "Is nothing honey." Said him runing his hand trough the cuver of her body. "Come on, we must get going." Said him getting up and starting to dress in his dark blue robes. "Remember the woman from yesterday? Martha was her name? You both seemed to get along pretty well." Said him as he finished dressing.
"Yea I remember and what about her?", she asked in a confused tone. As she started to get moving and get ready for the next journey. "Is she joining us or something? I don't understand why you brought her up all those questions made me feel uncomfortable. I guess we did along but I still feel awkward around her at times."
"Alright, alright sweetheart. No more Martha then." Said him kissing her in the forehead. She had a point, Martha had been a little bit... Annoying with all those questions, but she was not to blame, a beautiful being as Eva wasn't something humans saw every day. After picking all his belongings he walked to the entrance of the room and looked at Eva. "Ready to go, honey?"
"Yea, I'm ready.", looking around the room one last time to make sure she didn't forget anything. "Oh wait, where's my little blue dot? I can't without him." She called for it looking high and low, but no dot. Saddened "Let's go. I can't find him anywhere."
He stopped her. That little blue thing looked really important to her, and David knew it. "Wait." Said him. His left hand started to glow in clear blue flames, causing the energy of everything shiver slightly. If it was in the room, it should know David was calling it. "We can't leave without him right?" Said him smiling. "Look for it again."
She looked again she noticed a box moving and opened it. "There you are little guy. I was gonna leave without you." holding out her hand, it moved behind her ears. "Found him, let's go."
"Be more careful next time." Said him smiling. Once everything was paid, David and Eva resumed their journey across that mortal plane. The fresh air of the morning filled their lungs, the sun beams illuminated their path and little birds sang beautiful songs to the travelers. David took a deep breath and looked at Eva. "Such a nice day, right?"
"Will do. I promise." she said to him on their way out of the inn. Stepping out into the outside world, " It is Beautiful, indeed", taking in a breath of fresh air, letting the smell soothe her. "I love being with you on this journey. It doesn't matter where we end up. Just as long I'm with you is all that matters to me.", smiling at him.
David took Eva close and kissed her deeply. The scence of her hair and the soft touch of her skin made him forget about all his past, and filled his life only with joy and hapyness. "Come on, little kitten, let's do some exercise." Said him smiling, starting to walk at a regular rhythm so Eva could follow him. He wanted her to be by his side in this journey.
"Mind I change form. It would be so much easier for me?", looking into his eyes. She hasn't been a cat for awhile and she missed it. "Agreed.", smiling at him.
"Of course not. Change if you wish, but don't go too far. I don't want to lose you." Said him. And they continued their travel together. The sun of the day brighting high, small white clouds providing ocasional shadows on the stone road. Several hours later, the road seemed to go near a small river or a stream.
"You won't lose me. I promise." She went behind some bushes and changed form. Approaching the stream in cat form she happily ran over to drink some water. She was thirsty and they're supplies were almost low. "It's delicious, David. Come try some.", urging him to try it. The water had a natural spring taste to it, very sweet and cool, the perfect temperature for any animal or person.
David leaned on the stream and took a sip of that crystaline water. It tasted really nice, like the true mountain waters should taste. "Mmmm..." David looked at Eva and pet her a little bit behind her ears. "What do you say if we rest a little bit here?" Said him sitting over the green grass of the meadow. Taking a deep breath he leaned over the grass and looked at the sky. The nature of this plane was kind and beautiful and David enjoyed that peace.
"Oh, yes! That sounds amazing, it's so beautiful here. Can't imagine what the stars would look like." Eva came over to him and licked his cheek at the same time she noticed a bright blue butterfly and started to chase it. It led her to the water's edge not realizing where she was going Eva fell in the river accidentally. Mewing in cries of help, she knew how to swim in human form but never cat form. "DAVID!", she yelled out to him. Good her thing her dot was with her. It contacted David while staying at her side.
He jupmed up when he listened his little kitty ask for help. He got to the shore of the stream, closed her eyes, and put his hands together. "Remora." Mutered him, and stretching his left hand, he wrote a energy word in the air. Then, the time became slower, the space and mass of the things that were around them were no longer subject to the laws of that plane. Where now bend to David wishes. He gave a step back, and slowly opened his eyes. "Come on, honey. Come to me." Said David softly, asking Eva to walk over the water, that now had the same thickness that jelly had. "Come on... Hurry, my love..." Repeated him, urging her to hurry, since it required great ammounts of energy to make all that magic in his human form.
She hurried and made it across the jelly river just in time. "Thank you. How many times are you going to have save me? Oh no! I'm all wet." She shook her fur dry but was still sopping wet. "Mewww!" she rolled in the grass trying to get dry. But it didn't work, she noticed laying down trying to regain his energy and strength since he used most of it to save her.
David sat on the grass near the stram, and as he relaxed, everything returned back to normal. The water continued flowing as it shoud do, the birds flew as they should do, and the breeze ran across the field, under the warm beams of the sun. David lay down, feeling really tired. "I think... I think we will be here more than a couple of minutes..." Said him. Then he looked at her and smiled. Eva was fine, then everything was fine. "Would you be so kind... To make me some company as I rest a little bit? Please?"
"I think your right." coming over to him still wet but curled up into a ball at his side. The sounds of nature made her close her eyes but the dot wanted to play with her, but she wasn't in the mood. "Not now I can't wander off while he's asleep. Come join me and rest.", whispering softly. With the dot obeying her, it went behind her ear and snuggled into her fur.
David closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In matter of seconds, he fell in a deep and resting sleep, dreamless bringer of rest and peace. It took three hours before David even moved. Night was almost upon them, and the cold breeze of the night was starting to chill them. He opened his eyes and blinked, breathing quietly. "Eva?" Said him looking for her, finding her curled by his side. "Hey... Here you are..." Muttered David as his hands softly caressed her fur.
She awoke at his touch. "Huh....What...?", falling back asleep. She was tired just as he was.