Corrupted Bloodline

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Gali frowned, "Damn you I'm the daughter of Kazi, I konw he'll be fine," She punched him, "YOU won't."
Using what little moving room he had, the demon shook his hands in sarcastic fear. "Oh noooo.. Kazi. You mean those weak fools that sit around giving orders all day?"

Tahu, snapped back into his regular self, deciding to run out the door to prevent losing himself again.
Gali punched him, "Shut. You're. Mouth." She threw him down, "Or die. Now, where is his brother?!?"
"He just told me to find you, and report if I see you," he answered, "Did you really think he'd tell me where he's going? What so you could sneak up and attack him? HA! He figured I'd get caught. So basically I don't know nothin'." His crooked laughter continued.
Gali wanted to kill him, but that wouldn't work. But if she turned them to Kazi, he would get tortured for years upon end. She frowned, thinking.
Damn... Tahu walked around outside, trying to figure out how he could handle himself. I'll become a burden if this keeps up. Looking to his hand, he lit a small ember, barely glowing. Staring into the flames felt to him as though he was staring into himself, seeing all the trouble he could cause. Seeing these things did nothing but make him angry, his anger causing the ember to grow as he chucked it toward a nearby tree, violently setting it ablaze.

"What're you gonna do, huh?" The demon continued teasing Gali as she thought.
Gali hissed, then she threw him into the wall and used her power to tie the demon up. She ran outside to put out the fire before the mortals noticed.
Noticing Gali running out, he'd then realized that he set a tree on fire. So much for drawing no attention. Watching her put it out, Tahu gazed at her when she was finished, "I'm sorry."
Gali frowned, "Get that demon inside!"
Running inside, he grabbed the demon by his neck, slamming him against the wall, "Where the hell is he!?"
"He didn't tell me nothin'! So I got nothin' to say!
Furious, Tahu did as he did with the previous demon, snapping his neck in the same gruesome second.
Gali walked in and now she was pissed, "Are you crazy?"
Changing back again, he looked to Gali, his red eyes brimming with tears. "I... told you... I was sorry..." he whispered, walking out the door to find some way to fix this.
Gali summonded a wave of water that drove him back to her, "Talk to me, don't run. Tell me."
"I think I should go back... and request that the council takes me off of this 'mission'" Tahu's glazed red eyes remained on level with the floor. "I've killed our best lead to him... I can't control this... I've fooled myself for years thinking I could."
"You're not going back." She said stiffly.
"But we won't make progress if I keep changing like that." he replied, bringing up that he couldn't control this.
Gali looked at him, "That didn't stop me," Something flashed in her eyes, "Haven't you ever heard? My mother was part-demon."
Getting up, he walked over to Gali, trapping her in a hug. "You're mean." he joked softly, still tearing up, "I've known you how long, and I didn't know?" They stayed like that for a moment, "I won't go back."
Gali wanted to move, but didn't, "Why else do you think it is so hard for me to control water? Why Kazi keeps me until lock and key?" She squirmed, "Contact!"
"I didn't think it was that," Tahu let her go. He'd stood, unable to believe it was true, but it must've been. Rethinking it, it all made sense, Gali being forbidden from leaving, her rare difficulties controlling her element. Tahu was a bit ashamed he didn't realize sooner.
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