Contracts. (Closed Black Butler OC)

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Zeln cut a small piece of his breakfast into a bite before his eyes looked up. He didn't move his head or anything, just pausing in all movements. He noticed Jusuke's focus on the window. "Which room do you suggest?" He asked, moving his head up now.
"Maybe a secluded room, maybe? My apologies master, but I'm getting a weird feeling, like something bad is about to happen." Jusuke sensed that something bad was DEFINATELY about to happen. ,"And it may not be a good idea to go for a walk after breakfast. How about you postpon it until later."
Zeln stood. "Alright. How about the library? It had no windows." He said calmly. "And it's located away from the walls." He trusted Jusuke in protecting him, and so he knew something must be up.
Jusuke smiled in relief. "The library it is, then. I shall carry your food and tea for you, master." His master had good timing, cause Jusuke had noticed a group of people, just as the sun had begun to come over the horizon.
He nodded. "Alright." Zeln didn't even cast a glance to the window as he left his study, taking his book with him, and headed down the hallway to the library. When he reached the room, he paused, opening the door. He sat at one of the study tables, sitting back and setting his book beside him.
"Alright master, here you go! I hope you enjoy your breakfast." Jusuke sat his master's plate down on the table, then poured him his tea. "Now, I think I will go... Look around outside." He turned and began to leave the room.
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Zeln nodded. "Be careful." he said as he forked his bite, beginning to eat his breakfast, sipping tea in between bites. He was curious as to what had unnerved Jusuke, but he would not ask. At least, not until later.
"I will!" Jusuke called over his shoulder. He went outside, quietly muttering to himself about the "unnatural ly cold weather." He sighed. "Okay, I know you're there, now come out, I don't want to put up with you while I'm trying to serve the master!" He called into the shadows.
Zeln decided to read while he ate, slow everything down while he waited for the all clear from Jusuke. He slipped his book open, holding it with one hand while he ate with the other. He was fairly good at multitasking, having practiced a lot. He hummed softly at an interesting part, then paused to take another bite of the delicious breakfast.
After taking care of the... Unwanted trespassers, —and making sure their blood-curdling screams didn't reach his master's ears— Jusuke went in to the study to his master. He smiled, bowing. "I have taken the problem, master. It's safe to go outside now."
Zeln finished his breakfast, sipping on the remainder of his tea and reading as Jusuke returned. "Ah, and I trust not too much damage was done?" He asked, setting the teacup down and closing his book, leaving the silk bookmark where he had left off. He stretched slightly.
"No damage whatsoever" Jusuke smiled. "I'm not quite sure what those people wanted, but I don't think they'll be coming back anytime soon."
Zeln nodded, standing. "So I am allowed to go on my walk now?" He clarified, slipping his hands into his pockets with a slight smirk. He just wanted to walk around a little, enjoy the crisp air and fall season before he buried his nose in his typical studies and meetings. Everyone like to rest and take a break sometimes, even those with nothing better to do than ruin criminal's lives.
"Yes." Jusuke smiled. "And I never said you weren't allowed to go outside. All I said was it wasn't a good idea at the time. But yes, you can go out for a walk now." Jusuke didn't want to make any smart remarks in front of his master, but he couldn't entirely keep himself from saying anything and he accidentally said it without any second thoughts.
Zeln stared at Jusuke for a moment before nodding. "I shall be taking a walk then." He said, leaving the room with his shoulders high, his eyes roaming around slightly. He grabbed his black cloak, slipping it over his shoulders to shield himself from the chilly wind. He continued on the the door, pausing to glance at the time before he stepped outside, smirking again in the cool air and the fresh outside. He began his walk.
Jusuke was nervous to let his master go outside on his own... Because on of those people from earlier had ran off and was probably hiding in the shadows somewhere close. He sighed, and cleaned up the remaining things from his masters breakfast. He sighed, watching Zeln from the kitchen window as he washed his Master Zeln's dishes.
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Zeln walked along under the trees, running his hands across the bark, his feet kicking up the fallen leaves. He paused by the fountain in the front of the property, dipping a finger in the cold water. He shook it off, rubbing his hands together. Yes, winter was approaching fast. He picked a leaf from the ground, examining it as he continued his walk, taking in each little crack and old, dried vein of the leaf.
Jusuke smiled to himself. "Well, the master seems to be enjoying himself." That was a good thing. If his master was happy, he was happy.
Zeln paused by a tree, looking up. There was a little bluebird staring down. It chirped and he continued on, picking up a smaller leaf and looking at it. He frowned. "This doesn't look like any trees on our property.." he said quietly to himself, looking up at the tree above him. Definitely not a match.
As soon as Jusuke finished doing the dishes decided to go outside with his master. He walked outside, looking around. "Ah, there he is." He muttered, walking over to Zeln. He tilted his head. "Is something the matter, master?"
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