Continue the Sentence....

gymnastics on my couch.

Where should I put _____
The monkey food?

i'm sure I put it______
under the bird feeder the squirrels have declared their castle.

The king _____
Test to see if I was nuts.

I sadly failed the test so now I must-----
return to everyone's imaginations...darnit being a theory...

One plus one equals_______

My maths skills are_____
craziest one that I do.

One does not simply______
spontaneously implode upon itself, due to_________
the fact that no one would pay the ransom.

I had no choice but to ______
William Shatner.

The song started off with, "Let me see you ______
go away to Timbuktu." I really, really, REALLY________
"..Want a carbonated beverage" She looked around and cried out "_____________"
"No! Not my sister!" And then an alien_______
...named Dawn arrived at Iwaku to____