Continue the Sentence....

____we wrap ourselves in pelicans to stay warm and go outside _____
and the rats flushed out of the gutter we collect and dine____
_____ is it weird that this somehow turned into a rhyme? Now I do go _____
_____have dinner with a litter of kittens. In the evening_____
_____ don't go in my car. It's full of _____
spontaneously combust ._. --bright blue flames while screaming _______
_____ SCRAPPY DOO! SCRAPPY DOO WHYYYYY????!!!! I just don't understand _____
the process of human decomposition.

Can you please start taking off your_______
_____ fire pants. Seriously. They're on fire. Where do you put _____
your money? It would just burn up and turn into__________
_____ flutterbies! Flutterbies, flutterbies everywhere! Flutterbies are like butterflies because _____
their scent resembles that of a heavy cow fart.

Oh no! Someone _____
The other day I drove a zebra to walmart and got funny looks.