Continue the Sentence....

wash a fat panda.

I feel like___________
... dry humping a cactus.

If peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers _____________________
..then Peter Piper had a very sore stomach afterwards.

When Jack and Jill went up the hill......
to fetch a pale of water. Jack fell down and...........
ran off to France to become a nun.

Jack was then_________
eat some white rice because_______
I told him he would die if he didn't eat it. :)

If you saw a ______
About to get hit by a fire truck.

I think I just lost my_______
soul, because a devil ate it.

Where can I buy______
green eggs and ham?
The squirrel stole my _______
Purple and white monkey named Boots.

what should I feed this-----
clingy bastard? I'm going to ______
Kick the monkey out the door whenever he does________