Colony Galileo

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I have to mention that Max's comm system is something only he can hear since the speaker is basically a microphone in his helmet. It isn't a separate radio. He would've relayed this information to the Admiral verbally though so the others would likely have been close enough to hear.

I'll probably post tomorrow though there isn't much to say or do. Max is basically just going to follow the Admiral.
Whoa whoa whoa, William is in no way suggesting full retreat or retreat at all. He was simply saying the team needs to clear the crash sight because the enemy can see exactly where it is from above and will likely focus efforts on that point. He's more than down to stay in the mall and fight from a more advantageous location. If anything William is a bit miffed that the escape pod compromised the position of his last stand after the crew failed to have their own last stand in orbit. He offered that "humble advice" (probably more of just a reminder to INEF protocol) with every intention of following the orders of the INEF crew. I think retreating coward is a pretty grave miscommunication, probably on my part. Sorry guys.
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Whoa whoa whoa, William is in no way suggesting full retreat or retreat at all. He was simply saying the team needs to clear the crash sight because the enemy can see exactly where it is from above and will likely focus efforts on that point. He's more than down to stay in the mall and fight from a more advantageous location. He only offered that "humble advice" and had every intention of following the orders of the INEF crew. I think retreating coward is a pretty grave miscommunication, probably on my part. Sorry guys.
I'm not sure how in the world you thought that what your character said would be read as anything other than "fuck this place, let's get out of here."

"Welcome to purgatory gents." William chortled to the disembarking crew, his eyes danced around to the different members with varying levels of disdain. "You're in the Super-Center eight floor. I don't know if you were given orders but if we stay here we're dead. …" William's mood turned serious, "The holes you just opened up in the roof of this building is going to send in Chrysalid like water on a leaky ship. My humble advice is that we clear the hell out of here, unless you want to live another ten minutes defending a pile of smart phones."

"If we stay we're dead" is a clear indication that he thinks staying there is a bad idea and should not be done.

Those disdainful looks don't give the impression of someone who's going to follow orders. That's more akin to someone who's going to cut and run at the first opportunity because he doesn't give a shit about the people he's with.

"My humble advice is that we clear the hell out of here unless you want to live another ten minutes defending a pile of smart phones" also makes it clear that staying is bad, this time saying he thinks they'd only last ten minutes trying to defend the place.

Dude said they should leave without indicating where or how far they should go. It wasn't "let's get away from the crash site," it was a general "let's get away from here" which could easily be read as referring to the mall. He also showed contempt for the group. Morgan's response seems perfectly reasonable to me.
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"If we stay we're dead" is a clear indication that he thinks staying there is a bad idea and should not be done.
It is a bad idea. Staying at the crash sight for any extended period of time is a horrible idea. It was an attempt to hurry them along.

Those disdainful looks don't give the impression of someone who's going to follow orders. That's more akin to someone who's going to cut and run at the first opportunity because he doesn't give a shit about the people he's with.

At this point he has an underlying annoyance for the crew because they fled their orbital posts and didn't fully defend his people. He can rationalize their reason for this but he is frustrated that the landing of their escape pods in the super center has guaranteed that the people (particularly children) of the mall will have even more Chrysalid forces to fight. He is willing to follow orders but he doesn't know who this crew remotely is or what their place is in the INEF.

"My humble advice is that we clear the hell out of here unless you want to live another ten minutes defending a pile of smart phones" also makes it clear that staying is bad, this time saying he thinks they'd only last ten minutes trying to defend the place.

William thinks the crash sight will be a lightning rod to Chrysalid forces. A single mortar or guided missile intentionally placed in the gaping hole of the roof means the team and surrounding citizens are dead. Orbital/atmospheric Chrysalid ships can probably see the escape pods point of entry and focus surrounding forces on mopping up said survivors. They need to relocate to put up a proper fight.

Dude said they should leave without indicating where or how far they should go. It wasn't "let's get away from the crash site," it was a general "let's get away from here" which could easily be read as referring to the mall.

This is where I take total responsibility for messing up. The "here"s should have been "this crash sight" to eliminate confusion. That was totally my bad and should have been caught in a proof read.

Of course, the NPC orders the team just received essentially say, "get the hell out of the mall as quick as you can." So I suppose it's all a moot point now really.
Helios, your actions are all Libero has to respond to. He doesn't know your PC's history, motivation, or even his name. Your PC walked up to a group of soldiers surrounded by civilians in a war zone and told them to run away. This is his first impression. He sounds like a coward.
I just noticed a couple of things.

1. Somehow I always get people to try to flirt or romance my characters.
2. Somehow I always manage to get leadership over others, even if I want to be more of a grunt.
3. I don't think that I'll get rid of the vomiting or puking remark for some time. Probably should make it her thing... or not, cause it is gross...


Just why..... XC

Another thing : I was listening to a song while writing this ridiculous post - I don't even want to look at how bad my grammar is... - and hope that people will manage to find stuff to do and react back, my question is :

Can you guess the song that I listened while writing this post? I literally used the lyrics of the song in the post, cause - I don't even know! >.<
Giving her a (semi-) leadership while she just wants to find her father and get him to safety isn't helping. :C

And this is the end of my non-productive ranting. Sorry for the lack of a powerpoint, yadadada.

Edit : Deuce, you're not allowed to guess it. Cause you have me on skype - I think the only one here next to Chromie.
I agree with your taste in music! @Aliceee
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Well, you kind of got screwed by Brovo a little when he stuck Leonie, the only human INEF personnel with Prosper, who is programmed to follow the orders of the highest ranked INEF personnel he can find. It sort of forced Leonie into a leadership role. XD
Level 2: Finn has not only grown stronger with this ability but has also turned it into a useful tool instead of a weapon. The ability does not need to heighten the sense of fear and instead can either give heighten no feeling at all or pervade a calming feeling to its targets. Not only that but the range of his ability has expanded and its original purpose can be used on both 2 and 3 class AI (Can now just give hallucinations to people for kicks, scare robots and make crazy people calm down. Range increase to 25 meters )
You still can't use this on AI's. Just a reminder. :ferret:
You still can't use this on AI's. Just a reminder. :ferret:
I'm assuming especially an AI with something along the lines of 11 intelligence and 8 courage who is extremely intimate with their own inner working and programming. ;P
You still can't use this on AI's. Just a reminder. :ferret:
I could of sworn I changed that a week ago o3o... time to do it again lol

Though strange as it is it is fixed once again.
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Well, you kind of got screwed by Brovo a little when he stuck Leonie, the only human INEF personnel with Prosper, who is programmed to follow the orders of the highest ranked INEF personnel he can find. It sort of forced Leonie into a leadership role. XD

I got screwed by Brovo? Will that make this happen :



I'm probably okay with that. .__.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I got screwed by Brovo? Will that make this happen :



I'm probably okay with that. .__.
Congrats, enjoy your Brovo babbies. I prefer mine stir fried.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Congrats, enjoy your Brovo babbies. I prefer mine stir fried.
I can make cupcakes from them. ~
Perhaps we can then exchange recipes?
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Look, its a little known fact, but the flesh of your flesh is the best of the flesh.

I think I just wrote an evil Dr. Seuss line...
Ah, okay. There we go. I think we are starting to get somewhere.
@Aleksandar @Honorific Your character sheets are essentially approved. I'll add them to the OOC post soon. I'll also introduce where your characters are starting in my IC post--to give y'all an easier start. :ferret:

Everyone, post is on Saturday! That is tomorrow in most time zones! Better hurry! :ferret:
Yeeees, finally! I was starting to worry I did all that long CS for nothing
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