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He didn't fight as she made him go to the bedroom, still holding her all the time, his lips still locked to hers. They fell onto the bed, and Alex knew that there was only one way this was going. "I love you too." He whispered, before grabbing the edge of her shirt and pulling it over her head.


He could feel the high starting to wear off as he lay, staring at her. She was more beautiful than ever now. They'd seen everything of each other. There was no hiding. The alcohol was still in his system, but it was clashing viciously with the low from the painkiller. And he was tired now. He needed to sleep. He kissed her gently. "I love you." He told her again, his eyes starting to drift closed. He knew that he'd feel like shit in the morning, but for now, at least, it was entirely worth it.
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His bed was so comforts am, that she did not wan to leave it. Especially since she was with him in bed, still under the sheets sharing the warmth together.

Aolin kissed him back gently, before cuddling closer to him and placed a few kisses at his chest. Her hand curled around him, like a small child.

" I will love you more..
No matter what.."

Aolin said, feeling herself tired and yet still a bit embarrassed after what had happened. She was thinking already how he will react in the morning after they shared the body heat and those sensual kisses the night before.

Shortly, she fell asleep beside him feeling all protected in his arms.
At least that night they both had some good sleep, except the next morning the headaches will probably make them a little grumpy.


The sunlight creeping in, in between the curtains over the bed gazing it's light over both of them.~

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"Fuuucccccckkkkkk..." Alex groaned as he was dragged to consciousness. His head pounded, and his whole body ached. He went to curl into a ball under the covers, fully intending on sleeping there for another few hours. However, Aolin's head against his chest, and his arms were wrapped around her. It took him a moment to remember the events of the night before, and even then, it was a bit blurry. But he smiled. Being drunk and high had probably had worse results for people. He didn't move, simply feeling Aolin's warmth against him. His head pounded against the light, but he didn't want to close his eyes. Part of him was afraid that when he opened them again, this would be gone. He ran his fingers down her spine. It was real. She was real, and this was real, and she loved him, and he loved her.
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Aolin mumbled under her breath, just as her cheek was at his arm.

" I guess someone is not used to drink vodka ..
Morning, sweetly.."

Aolin opening her eyes slightly, to gaze at Alex and blushing badly; now remembering from last night and the fact that she had no clothes on under his sheets.


Quickly her hand grabbed the sheet tighter, to be pulled over until it reach her neckline. Her face turned into a very red shade.

Her heart begun to pound loudly, along with her headache, leaving her dizzy for a moment. Her eyes closed now, rolling on her back in shame .

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He laughed a little as she blushed and covered herself, rolling onto her back, but winced a little as a shard of pain rammed through his skull from a combination of sound and light. He leaned over her to kiss her gently, allowing his hand to trail over her stomach as he did so. "I'm going to have a shower, okay?" He whispered. Partially in case she was as sensitive to sound as he was, and partially because his own head was pounding. Luckily for him, his underwear was within arm's reach. Even if she had seen everything, he felt a tad uncomfortable walking around his apartment naked. He grabbed a clean pair of jeans, a clean shirt and a change of underwear, heading into the bathroom.

He leaned against the door of the shower, letting the water just stream down his body. He wasn't sure if it was just a nasty hangover, or if it was just a side effect of the low from the drugs. But it was definitely better than the sleeping pills. He didn't feel any need for his anxiety pills either. His stomach twisted as he remembered that he was supposed to be trying to get clean. But the high of last night... How invincible he had felt... He remembered how he felt when he'd tried to get clean before. He just couldn't think of a reason to get clean any more.
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Aolin continued to blush in that morning after, watching him as he headed for a shower soon after a tiny kiss.

She rolled on the bed, facing down the pillow and screamed into it's material while gripping the sheet to. Aolin felt so.. Needed. So happy that she had to scream.
Stupid girl.

However, shortly after that small 'peaceful moment of hers', she got up by grabbing a shirt and a pair of loose pants, before heading to the kitchen.
There, she prepared some coffee first , while making a small breakfast to. Some scrambled eggs, with cheese and French buttery toast.
Again the smell spread in his apartment, fallowed by the coffee scent soon. Aolin smiled for a while, adding the small sugar cubes to the coffee and settle the cups on the table; her hands afterwards, grabbed some plates to add the eggs and cheese, waiting still for the toast.

I hope he is alright.. My god! I still can't believe it that we did IT last night.. Shit!!
Why am I still so damn nervous ?
Need to calm down..
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He emerged from the shower, his hair still damp, and grinned at the smell. He wasn't sure how he felt about food, but coffee sounded amazing. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck gently. "Yeah, I think I'll keep you." He said in her ear, tightening his arms around her. He could remember everything, if it was all slightly blurry. He didn't regret any of it. He didn't know if it would have happened if he hadn't been high, but he didn't want to worry about it.

His phone started ringing, and he kissed her neck again before going over to answer it. He looked up at her, raising his eyebrows. "It's my mom. Hello?" He walked over and sat down at the table, starting to sip at his coffee as he spoke. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just hungover. Yeah, I had a good night." He glanced up at Aolin, grinning and biting his lip a little. "Oh, you're in the city? Yeah, I'm around. Music production majors have got this week off because half of our lecturers are away. That's why you haven't seen me around. Uh, yeah, sure, you can come visit for an hour or two. Yeah, I'll be at home. Uh mom, there's something-" He raised his eyebrows as she hung up. "Okay... They'll be around in about an hour." He looked up at her. "So, would you like to stick around and meet them, or would you like to be 'out of town'?" He asked, making speech marks in the air.
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At first Aolin smiled while sipping her coffee, watching Alex now coming around after hugging her.
Her cheeks turned a bright pink.
However, they were about to eat when he answers his phone, as it seemed to be his mother.
Especially when he asked her to meet his mom.

Aolin's heart pulse simply went down the hill, her eyes widen in shock and so, the cup in her hand just broke on the floor. Splash of the coffee covered his marble floor, in a instant the sound echoed in his apartment .

How could she meet his mother in the state she was in?
She was not sure if she could handle all the questions about her life and even maybe about her own parents.

Reality hit her mind in a quick manner, Aolin stood up and turn to the sink to grab a cloth for the floor- coffee. Her hand immediately started to clean the floor, without a word for the moment. Everything was moving to fast for her.

The air begun to feel hard to breathe around her, picking up the pieces and quickly put them in the bin. Aolin tried to avoid his eyes, before walking quickly to the bathroom and shut the door.
Her body lowered down to the floor, gripping her shirt with her fingers in the attempt to calm down.

This was not a good idea indeed.
Everything felt like it was under so much pressure.
Aolin could not cope with to mucho pressure.

She tried her best calm down, now running the water and splashed some over her face, several times before going out. Her feet felt slightly trembling as she walked back in, but she did not stop.
Aolin found herself in his bedroom , with a fast motion towards a pair of jeans and a white top. Fallowed by her black jacket and the trainers.

Aolin came out of there to look at Alex, with a sorrowful expression before dashing outside the door, mumbling some words on the way out.

" I. Cannot do this..
I am sorry!!"

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He knew straight away that something was wrong. The coffee cup hit the ground, and he jumped to his feet. "Aolin-" She bent down and started cleaning it up as he walked over to her. Before he could do anything, she stood up and bolted into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. "Oh, well done Alex. Couldn't have just said that you were busy. Had to fuck everything up, as usual." He muttered to himself. They'd been doing so well, and now he had once again messed everything up.

"Aolin-" He started to move towards her as she left, but she headed straight into the bedroom, closing the door behind her again. Before he could do anything, she emerged, fully dressed. She brushed past him, looking over her shoulder as she left, pulling the door after him. He yelled at nothing, hurling his phone across the room. "Well done, you fuck up! You just ruined everything!" He yelled, smashing his cup of coffee against the ground. He couldn't have anything good without ruining it. The tears started streaming down his face as he yelled again.

He knew that he wasn't thinking straight as he stormed into the room, producing a fresh needle and dose of the painkiller. Five minutes later, the drug was in his system. But the safety felt wrong. It felt wrong without her there. He ran into his bedroom, grabbing his phone. The screen was cracked, but it still worked. He pulled on a air of shoes and ran downstairs, into the street. He dialed out her number as he looked up and down for her, putting the phone to his ear as he looked up and down. He could feel the drugs pulling at his emotions, telling him to relax, that everything would be okay. But the anxiety made his heart pound and his breathing pick up. He listened to the ringing, praying that she'd pick up.
This was way to much for her.
Deep down, all the emotions were erupting like an volcano.
Aolin, made her way down the street, sensing her phone vibrating in her pocket. Her hand took it out, seeing his name on the screen she simply squeezed the phone and put it back in her pocket.

Aolin begun to run as fast as she could, moving passed the people and let the cool air to fill her lungs. Her feet took her across the street, passed the Central Park and soon reached the stairs.
The stairs which would normally take her to the subway.
A filthy place.

However, Aolin made a jump over the machines where you're supposed to pay for and made it in time. Her feet moved quicker this time, feeling all the people staring at her.

Her heart was racing very fast, causing her breathing to be slower yet heavier. Soon, the underground train had arrived and she went inside of it, one with the crowd of people.
The door shut close.

The subway begun to move, as Aolin held tight her shirt, feeling cold after all that running and hot in the same time.

When the subway reached three stops, Aolin went outside running like hell.​
It went to her voicemail, and he hung up, still looking around desperately. He stared at his phone. She didn't want to talk to him. She was gone. He had fucked up. Numbly, he went back to his apartment, ignoring the kitchen entirely. He went into his bedroom and curled up on the bed, which suddenly seemed huge without her. He dialed out his mother's number. "Hi, Mom. Listen, something's come up, I've got to go into work. Yeah, listen, I don't have time to talk. Yeah, I'm fine. Like I said, hungover. I'll talk to you soon. Yeah, bye." He let the phone fall on to his bed and allowed the drugs to just wash through his system, letting the last of his emotions be washed away.

"Yeah, I'll see you on Saturday!" Alex called, leaving the record studio. He walked home, not particularly caring about the dark anymore. He just needed to get home and get a fix. It had only been a week, and his arms were already decorated with needle marks. He was starting to run low, and needed to think about finding more. He'd ask around at university, see if anyone knew anyone.

He didn't check his phone. Since he'd gone back to university, he'd stopped calling her several times a day. He'd called her when he was high, called her when he crashed, called her at three AM, called her in the afternoon. Now he'd just stopped. All he cared about was passing this goddamn course and doing well in his job. He didn't sleep unless he took his old pills, which he did if he had to work. He'd tried to keep a normal life but he'd let the addiction take over, and he was gone past caring. He pulled on his leather jacket as he walked, his head down.
Everything was shit. I mean proper shit and fucked up entirely.
Aolin realised soon that she had made a huge mistake without a word for Alex, but it was no way to turn back now.

She was alone. Again.
Indeed it felt like shit and very painful and lonesome; all his calls, she had ignored them. Aolin could not bring herself to face him right now.

However, in this week passed by had found her with nowhere to sleep. She had to sleep on the bench in the park, under the Oak tree where they had those precious moments. Then , on the subway as the police chased her down a few times.
Finally, Aolin two days ago, stole a girl's guitar when it was left on the bike and run fast. Shortly after, Aolin settled down at the corner of the coffee shop where they met before.

Only there she felt safer , singing now for the people in the same clothes she had a week ago. Her hair was messy, dirty and smelly.
Not that she cared at that point.
Everything else around her seemed grey .

The entire world rolling before her eyes in black and white, while her voice begun to echo down the street along with the guitar sounds.

" I feel like I am slipping away,
This silence around me
If crushing my soul..
And only you can Fix it.

It's just to hard to Face it,
I've lost you..
Why did I Throw your Heart away?
Now I am going down
To the ground..
I am lost without you.."

Her heart had shattered in thousands of piece while singing, but had to go on.
Only his voice echoing inside her mind.
That's how she'd survived up until now.

He froze as he heard a familiar voice drifting down the street. Memories assaulted him like a desperate mugger. Slow dancing in his kitchen. A bar where he couldn't take his eyes off of her. His pace subconsciously picked up, and he followed her voice rather than following his path home. He stopped outside the coffee shop they'd met in, staring in. She was sitting in the corner. She'd clearly been sleeping on the streets. The coffee shop must have been paying her in food and hot drinks. Numbly, he went in. He made sure never to look directly at her and ordered a latte, taking it and finding a free table in front of the stage. Just like that night at the bar. He drank his coffee as he waited for her to finish, the voice at the back of his mind screaming for the painkillers.
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Her voice continued to sing until the song had finished. Some people threw a few coins at her feet, while her hand didn't bother to pick them up.

Aolin took a deep breath, the air getting colder since winter was close enough. Not that she cared much.
Her hand gripped the guitar, looking at the people, obviously not seeing him going inside the coffee shop. Aolin stood up for a moment, patting her dirty trousers and took out her phone. It was dead.
Three days ago the batter had died, with a sigh she continued to look at the screen as her back supported by the near wall of the coffee shop and just close enough for the window.

Aolin sniffled, wiping her nose with the shirt's sleeve and let her mind to drift back at Alex. Tiny tears begun to roll down her face , trying not to break down on the spot. Her heart sting badly, trying to calm herself down.

Just then, her voice once again filled the street, but this time without the guitar. Just softly singing and watched the people passing by.

" We had found Love in a hopeless place..
I need you more than you think,
But now I have lost you.
Oh, Dear heart why are you still suffering ?

All the love I have, what am I supposed to do with it?
I can't bring myself to live yet another day without him..

Please give me strength to survive in this world alone .."

He drained his coffee and headed outside. Ideally, he'd be doing this when he was high and wasn't so... Low. But if he didn't get back to the apartment soon and get some drugs into him, he felt like he would crack. He walked over to her, running a hand over his hair. He had no idea what he was going to do or what was going to happen, but he was gone past caring. He just knew that he didn't want her sleeping on the streets any more.

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His voice.
Aolin couldn't bring herself to believe it or not.
Her eyes opened and turn to his direction, just as she set aside her guitar. Her voice got stuck at her throat and simply begun to cry, feeling her face all hot and her heart pulsing quicker .

Her hands went to embrace him, inhaling his scent and tightly she kept hugging him, her face buried at his shoulder.

" Hey .. I.. Am sorry.."

Aolin wasn't sure how much longer she could have been without him, the world beginning to fall in place with him. Just touching him, hearing his vice was more than enough.

The people whispering around there, passing by while they embraced each other.
He wrapped his arms around her as she hugged him, burying his face in her hair. God, she needed a shower, but he didn't care. He could feel the tears streaming down his own face. He knew that people would be staring at them, but he didn't care. "C'mon. You're coming back with me. You're not sleeping on the streets anymore." He said as he pulled away, wiping his face and grinning at her. "I don't give a shit if we never as much as touch again, you're not sleeping in the open anymore." He told her, pushing her hair back from her face. "And no offence, but Aolin, you need a shower." He grinned, taking her hand.
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Aolin smiled at him, letting go of the embrace and nodded her head at him while Alex grabbed her hand . She took her guitar, now moving down the street towards his place with her heart racing very quick.

All the memories coming back at her, just by holding his hand. It was like a rush of a drug, and couldn't keep her eyes of him as they walked down the street. Aolin didn't said nothing anymore, shortly getting at his place and found herself walking the stairs to his apartment .

Still, everything at the back of her mind seemed a bit sad and confused yet after all this time.
How could she explained to him as she freaked out a week ago, that ended up who her on the streets?

It was insane.
Thousands of feeling a creeping inside of her.
He let them into the apartment, feeling his heart pounding. "Okay, first things first. Shower. You'll be glad to know, I didn't burn your clothes in a drunken rage." He grinned at her, going into his bedroom and coming back out with a fresh change of clothes for her. He kissed her forehead and went back into the bedroom. He changed into a t-shirt and jeans, shoving the sleeves of his shirt up to allow himself access to a vein. He relaxed as soon as the drugs got into his bloodstream, combined with the knowledge that she was safe again. He went into the sitting room and pulled out his laptop. He had a few emails that he'd promised to send for Gustav, and worked on them as he waited for her. He heard her leave the bathroom and smiled, putting the laptop onto his coffee table and standing up to hug her again. And oh so gently, he put his lips to hers, making sure that it was what she wanted.
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His apartment had brought back more and more memories.
Aolin took a deep breath as he bring her some fresh clothes , shortly going in the shower. Aolin, cleaned herself by scrubbing her skin hard and let the hot water to make her feel better.

However, now all cleaned up, had put on the red shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, letting the towel to be on top of her head.
Now smelling like cranberry, her footsteps took her back to the living room; the next moment she just felt his soft lips against hers, the towel falling down the floor.

Her breathing was cut of, with the heart rate going at 200/mph and her fingers squeezed his shirt at his back. Completely lost within the kiss , thousands of emotions building up along with anxiety.

Even so, Aolin break the kiss slowly to look at his eyes, breathing heavier than before and simply climb onto his body. So now, Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands around his neck, with her soft lips kissing his cheek and then his neckline .

" I really am sorry.. I.. Just freaked out and ran away.

I really thought I've lost you for good and I'll never see you again."

Aolin whispered at his ear, releasing warm air just before her lips had found his again and kiss him hard.

She had missed him a lot.
More than air.

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