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He leaned back as she pressed her body to his. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her lips against his made him forget everything except the electricity that flooded his body. It was exactly like a craving for a drug, and she was here, right here, like a drug that he wanted and finally had. She was a different kind of drug to him. And that's exactly what she was.

One arm curled the whole way around her waist, pulling her so she was pressed to him, and the other went to her hair. His eyes were closed, and he didn't remember closing them, but he didn't care. He knew that if this could last forever, he wouldn't need food or water or drugs. This was where he was whole. They were two broken people, but maybe together, there was enough pieces to put them back together. All he needed was to taste her on his lips. And that was exactly what he had right now.
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The people around the park. The blow of the wind and some fainted sounds in the background.
None of that mattered.
It was exactly as if Time Stopped.

Aolin leaned more onto Alex, as now he supported himself by the oak tree, right behind him. Their lips closed together.
The only sound ringing in her mind, was the heart beats and the warmth which come along with it.

Aolin kept her hands at his chest, gripping the material of the shirt, slowly parting her lips a bit more. The taste of him on her lips was more than intoxicating. A word can't describe it.

Totally different feelings.

After a short while, she retreated her lips from his and let her warm breath to brush against his face. Still had closed eyes, with her body almost all over him.

" Now.. We can take this memory with us everywhere we go. It will keep is Alive.."

Aolin whispered at his ear this time, before embrace in his body and not wanting to let to just yet.

In a while she'd have to go back to work. Obviously, didn't want to go but had no other choice at the moment.

Just a lite bit more time.
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As she pulled away, he opened his eyes to stare at her. Time had stopped. The universe had stopped and all there was left was the two of them. Her hair brushed his face as she whispered in his ears. He wrapped his arms around her, gently kissing the top of her head. He shifted himself slightly so her head was on his shoulder, and he gently rested his head on hers. This was all he wanted. Nothing more. He just wanted to stay like this forever.

And they lay like that for a while, sharing their own warmth and the warmth of the sun. He lost track of time as they kissed again and again and spent the time they weren't kissing curled up together, watching the scenery and each other. But at the end of one kiss, he felt a new hunger at the back of his mind. One that called for physical drugs, not just this beautiful girl that was better than any drug in the world. And he knew that the longer he stayed out, the worse it would get, until it stripped him of his ability to breathe properly and sent him into a panic attack that could only be solved by one thing.

He sighed. "We should go. Are you working tonight?" He asked, curling a hand around her waist. He'd have to get his fix while she was at work. She couldn't know about it.
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Her innocence got lost in him.
Everything about him yelled as a medicine which she craved every time he touched her.

Aolin move slightly to gaze one more time at the scenario. More calm right now.
Better than before.

" Yes, unfortunately.. I have to be there by seven o'clock. I guess well have to head back soon.."

Her words brushing against his cheek, as her lips kissed his face. She turn over and stood up by stretching for a bit, offering him her hand to get up.

" Come on.. I want to show you something before we leave. It's just at the end of the park. It's a small pond but it has koi fishes.
They are pretty cool."

Aolin smiled wide at Alex, pulling his hand after her and giggled on the way there.

He took her hand as he climbed up, but didn't let go. He let her pull him along, laughing. He didn't want to go. It was right now that he realised how much he hated his addiction, because he needed the drugs. He needed them almost as much as he wanted her.

They reached the pond and he smiled broadly, squatting down to look at the fish. "It's so pretty!" He said, smiling. He straightened up and put his hand on her face. "Like someone else." He kissed her briefly on the lips before pulling away, still grinning. "Do you want to stay at mine tonight? All perfectly innocent. I just want to see your face as soon as I wake up." He said, kissing her gently and taking her hands. "C'mon, I'll walk you to the bar."

As they walked, he ran his thumb across the back of her hand. It was like static electricity, shocking him while he was touching her- but in the best way possible. He kissed her again as they stood outside of the bar, then pulled out his phone. "I have a few things to do at home, so call me when you're finished and I'll get a taxi to drop me in and pick us up." He gave her his number and kissed her gently again.
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Aolin enjoyed her quality time with Alex, it was something like first love.
True love.
When you fall so deeply for the other person, that you get lost in everything.

Aolin give him a kiss back, softly while grinning herself just as they headed back to town at her working place. She still couldn't believe that he asked her to stay at his.
It was crazy.

" Uhh.. I-I.. Guess it's alright. For one night. I will text you when I finish, which might be around 1am."

Replying to him, as his number got saved in her contacts. Another tired smile formed at her lips, before hugging him tight and went inside the pub.

Aolin walked behind the bar, greeting everyone in there and prepared for the show.
After some time, plenty mascara and black eyeliner covered her tired eyes.
One more time fixing her hair by looking in the mirror, more red lipstick.
She took a deep breath, gazing at the white powder on her tiny table. Before she knew it, her nose help to inhale the powder and then drank some water with a few Xanax pills.

Aolin let that to sink in for five minutes, feeling more relaxed now as if she was on cloud Nine.
Her body moved elegantly toward the stage now, taking the microphone and did what she do best.

Stripping and singing for money.
Her voice filling the room, giving her best performance.

" Feeling your touch all around
Peacefully hearing the sound
Of silence around us, I'm so glad we found Us this way..
I can't get enough of you.."
He walked home, feeling the electricity in his veins fade away. And the wrong kind of hunger started to fill him instead. The cravings for the drugs. He got home and he stared in the mirror, feeling her hand in his. Her lips against his. Her body against hers. As he took the bottle of sleeping pills in his hand, he wanted to throw them away. Get clean. Put himself back together for her. He stared in the mirror and sighed. He shook two pills into his hand and swallowed them, before going into the bedroom and sprawling out on the bed. The feeling the medication gave him was nothing like being with her, and he sank into a dreamless sleep.

His phone buzzing woke him up. He rolled over and answered it. "Hello?" His smile reappeared as he heard her voice. "I'll be there in a few minutes." He hung up and went downstairs, flagging down a taxi. He arrived at the bar and found her, smiling. "Hi. How'd things go?"
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After an excruciating night, she felt beyond tired and perhaps of the Xanax tablets to.
Aolin grabbed her bag, fitting everything inside as she called him to come for her.

After few minutes, she was already outside waiting for him.
Really wished that things would get better sooner or later.
Of course, Aolin didn't wait to long as Alex just came out of the taxi.
She tried to smile , even though the tiredness left her body feeling numb already.

" Nothing special..Tiring though. I want to go home now .."
That was all she managed to say to him, when both of them got inside the cab going to his place.
The nerves were cracking from within her, more waves of heat and floating sensations took over her.

Aolin gulped a few times, sensing her throat extremely dry as she hold his hand in the taxi.

" I am sorry.. Alex. That I am broken.."
Whispering to him, as the world around her begun to spin strongly, indeed having the sensation of like no gravity anymore.

They reached at his home, while Aolin squeezed his jacket trying to stand up in the street.
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"Hey. Don't apologise. It's not your fault." He said softly, kissing her gently. When they got out the taxi, she gripped onto him. He wrapped an arm around her waist to support her. She was clearly exhausted. He helped her up to the apartment and into the bedroom. He sat her down gently on the bed and found a t-shirt that would probably be big enough for her to sleep in, and handed it to her with a gentle kiss.

"Do you trust my intentions are honourable, or would you be more comfortable with me sleeping on the couch? Don't worry, it's comfortable and long enough for me. I've slept on it before." He told her, grinning softly. He had, on nights when he'd been panicking and had taken both sets of medication together and hadn't made it to the bedroom. He didn't think he needed the sleeping pills. He didn't want to take it. For the first time in his life, he didn't want his fix.
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Aolin stepped carefully into his apartment, amazed that it looked better than hers.
A tiny smile formed at her lips, taking her shoes off and threw her bag onto the floor.
Aolin sat down his comfy bed, gazing around the room and wondering why it felt so hard to breathe.

His words begun to be like white noise inside her head, from instinct Aolin place her hand at her head and closed her eyes. His TShirt was held in her other hand.

" I trust you for some odd reason.. Uhh. There is no need for you to sleep on the sofa ..uhmm so I can sleep better with you here. Close to me.. So I can feel you.."

Finally responding to him, trying to keep her eyes open and suddenly, Aolin just tossed away her sweater. It fell across the room, revealing her shoulder tattoo as the big shirt covered her now. Also her pants went off.

" I want to use your bathroom for a minute please.. Can you show me around?"

Aolin standing up, still feeling dizzy as heck, looking down at Alex by touching his jawline with her fingertips.
It felt like a dream.
He nodded, taking her hands and pulling her to her feet. The electricity still cracked in his hands as he held hers. "There's not a whole lot to my apartment. This is the sitting room... the kitchen... and this right here is the bathroom." He smiled at her, and went into the bedroom. He changed into a loose t-shirt that once again, showed how skinny he was, and a pair of tracksuit bottoms. He sat on the bed and pulled his knees to the chest and waited for her. He wanted to go to sleep so he could see her, just after waking up.

He picked the box of anxiety tablets from the pocket of his leather jacket and stared at it. Part of him wanted to take another, but he wasn't anxious. For the first time in his life, he didn't physically need them. He dropped them to the floor as she came back in, and he grinned at her, standing up.
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Aolin nodded her head at Alex's words and went straight in the bathroom. A quick look at her reflection in the dim light.

Just great. I feel like crap indeed.
I can't seem to shake of this damn feeling from the powder .. Uhh. I'll just wash my face with cold water.

Aolin let the water to run down the sink, taking a deep breath she splashed the cold water a few times, taking the make up of with some scrubs.
Since she was there already, turn the knob for the hot water and leaned her head down. Washing her hair from all the smoke smell from the pub.

After more minutes, Aolin used the only towel in there to wipe her face and then her wet hair. Another look in the mirror before stepping out.

She tiptoed in his apartment, finding her way back in his bedroom as a tiny sound filled the room. Like something fell on the floor, but she ignore it.

Aolin reach for Alex, embracing him tightly, both standing up. Water drops fell from her hair damping his shirt.

" I am sorry I took so long.. I used your water for refreshment.
Uhmm.. And I like your place. It's cozy."

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He grinned as he wrapped his arms around her. "I don't mind. And it's not much, but it's home." He kissed her, then took her hand and sat down on the bed. "I'm not being suggestive. You're tired." He smiled, climbing under the covers and sliding over to give her room. He rolled so his head was on the pillow, and he was staring at her. He wrapped his arms around her. "You can fall asleep. I'll keep you safe." He promised, kissing her on the forehead gently.

No. He didn't need his pills. Already, he could feel himself falling asleep with the warmth of her in his arms. He was safe and that's all that really mattered.
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As if she could actually sleep with him so close to her body.
Every time a man touch her , all she felt was repulsion and disgust.
Somehow, Alex was a different type of guy. Although, it didn't meant that Aolin trusted him for good.

Slowly, she laid down under the covers with him, snuggling closer to feel his warmth.Her hair spread all over the pillow, now inhaling his sweet scent.
It was pure and divine.
At least that's what she thought.

Closing her eyes, her body like a ball shape stayed close to him in the attempt to fall asleep.
Her heart was playing stupid games, beating like crazy.

Is this what they call it Love?
Must be.​
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As soon as he woke up, he knew that the withdrawal was kicking in already. He had broken out in a cold sweat during the night, and his whole body ached. But he felt the warmth in his arms and smiled. He kissed her gently on the forehead. And despite the fact that he felt like shit,he didn't want to be anywhere else. Waking up in withdrawal with her in his arms was better than waking up medicated and alone. He could do it. He was going to do it for her.

He kissed her softly to wake her up, smiling at her. "Good morning, beautiful. You want breakfast?" He didn't know how much of an appetite he had, but she could still be hungry.
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Aolin at slow motion, opened her eyelashes and let the sunlight to find her face.
Then a familiar voice ring inside her mind.

She smiled brief at him, trying to find her words, moving her hand to rub her eyes lightly.

" Morning.. Uhh.. What is it?
Breakfast..really? Is love to.."

In that moment her stomach made a loud noise, in shame she covered her tummy and hide her eyes under the blanket.

Her face turn bright red, squeezing the shirt she had on before mumbling something else.

" Sorry.. Stupid me. I am having some trouble with my tummy.."

He laughed as her stomach rumbled. "Your stomach seems to have a habit of giving you away." He grinned, before pressing his lips to hers for a minute. "I'll go sort something out." He murmured, climbing out of bed and heading into the kitchen. His head started to spin almost as soon as he made it out, and he grasped the counter. It had been over twelve hours since his last fix of either drug- the longest he'd gone in a while. And his body wasn't happy with that. He drained a glass of water, before going to his fridge and finding some bacon.

As he cooked, he kept drinking in the hope that it would alleviate the light-headedness and the headache he could feel coming on. But the water did nothing. All he could hope was that food made it a little easier.

Ten minutes later, he was dishing up eggs, bacon and toast. The headache now held a prominent place in his brain, but the dizziness had lightened off slightly. He put them on the table, and retrieved a carton of orange juice from the fridge, filling two glasses with it. He still ached, still felt like he was running hot and cold, but he was giving her a decent breakfast.
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Aolin laid in bed for another moment, before getting up and had gone to the bathroom.
She washed her face several times, trying to process what she was doing.

A big TShirt hanged loose on her body, sleeping over at a guy's apartment which by the way, was preparing breakfast.
Odd for sure.

After she came out the scent of bacon and eggs, filled her nostrils and smiled widely at Alex.

" wow. You can cook to! I am very pleased that I have found you..!"

Aolin giggling lightly as she took a seat, but waited for him to join her to.
Still for some reason, he wasn't looking to good, face pale to. Aolin concerned looked at him, touching his hand lightly.

" Hey.. Alex. Are you alright? You look a bit.. Uhmm . Off? Take a seat here.."
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He sat down to the table as she remarked on him not looking well. He shrugged. "I think I'm starting to come down with a cold or something. I'll be fine." He smiled at her. She didn't need to know exactly how bad he felt right now. Even now, with the smell of the food filling the apartment, he wasn't that hungry. But he started to eat anyway, not wanting her to worry.

"So, tell me a little about your life. Where you grew up, your family and so on and so forth." He asked, popping some egg into his mouth. He was curious about her, and it felt strange that they didn't know much about each other. But he wanted that to change. He wanted to know as much about her as possible, even it it was just to take his mind off of the cravings that growled in the back of his mind.
Aolin begun to eat quickly, the hunger in her consuming very inch of her. It was as if never had food before. She listened to Alex, drinking now the orange juice in a minute, finishing the range liquid.

Her hand wiped her mouth, giving him a smile and leaned down the chair. A deep sigh got heard when she tried to speak.

" I could.. Uhmm. But I'm not very comfortable talking about my parents.. Both of them screwed ups.. And I don't even know why I was born.."

Aolin poured more orange juice into her glass, holding it against her chest and looking at the window's direction for now.
" I grew up in Michigan actually.. I used to love to go by the big lake there and just relax sometimes.
Other times I was skateboarding with my neighbour, funny times.
How many times I have fallen down? But I still got up afterwards for another round..

Then, my dad turned into an alcoholic, loosing his job, his car and basically everything he had.
Suddenly , he just walked out of my life.. He decided I wasn't important enough to continue living."

Aolin stopped her words, by bitting her lips and squeezing the shirt. She tried so hard to fight the tears, didn't want to be weak in his eyes.
She wasn't ready for this. Not yet.

However, Aolin just placed the glass down the table and rushed from the kitchen into the bedroom. She dressed with her pants, her long sweater and left his shirt on the bed. Also took her bag while putting the shoes back on, dashing outside the room at the main door.

" I told you I don't want to talk about it.! Why you made speak about my dad and how he.. And my mom .. I can't do this!!"

Aolin was beyond scared, speaking of her past was never easy on her and most definitely not talking right now about it.
She unlocked the main door, not looking back at Alex and simply dashed down the stairs. Used her long sleeves to wipe all the tears, reaching outside and started to run.
Run as fast she could, passing by the park not having a known direction to where she will go. The pain was to much to bare.
It kept stinging her like thousands of needles piercing your skin until you bleed, you become numb but the pain remained.

Her legs for tired after a few minutes, her lungs felt like burning but even though, Aolin didn't stopped. She continued to run when she had reach the bridge, by the lake collapsing on the ground there.

Her breathing was very heavy, couldn't manage to calm herself down and she just held her chest tightly, as her green eyes look upon the sky.

Soon some raindrops were falling to the ground, threaten for a heavy rain. Only if the rain could wash away all the pain she felt inside.

" Arghhhhhh!! Ahhh!!"

Aolin yelled from the bottom of her lungs, trying to let go of the pain but was still there. She screamed a few times to the sky, letting her tears to mix with the raindrops.

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