City 47: An Original Superheroes RP [Character Sheets]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I think the only advice I have as of right now is it may be a good idea to edit the first post in this thread to at least have a list of characters (possibly sorted by hero/villain, possibly also with a who's playing whom note). It might be useful for a quick reference.
Ill get that up in the next few hours. Im going to be back in a few hours.
Holy crap!
What've I missed?!
First Name/ Surname: Dr. Roberta E. Frost
Alter Ego Name: none
Powers/Skills (1-4)
Roberta has no special powers. However she controls a large Exosuit.

Cluster Aurora: This Mecha stands at 10'5" and is equipped with various firearms, rockets, and a compartment with a hidden blade in the lower right leg. Its right arm can turn into plasma a cannon while the left sprays the blister agent vesicant. The suit uses rockets on its feet to fly around with an optional wings that would attach at the back, and while on ground uses landspinners, and a pair of anchors attached at the shoulder that have various purposes. The mecha is also equipped with a satellite that tries to lock on to the tracking device implanted into Shiver and Firefang at the beginning of the the Lemaitre-Hoyle Initiative. There is also a self destruct button that when pressed turns the suit into a live nuclear bomb.

Specialized Bionic Skin: This is Roberta's second line of offense and her most important defense. The Skin acts as a body, holding all her organs together and allowing blood flow to keep her alive. The Skin is made of a dense, yet flexible, metal alloy that can withstand fire and bullets. The suit offers Roberta enhanced strength and endurance, and her left hand can turn into a plasma cannon. Her helmet is connected to a super computer which allows her various functions such as searching for files on supers, honing in on specific targets and allowing her different forms of vision from heat to night vision.

Weaknesses: In the heart of the Cluster is a nuclear core. You take out the core, the suit powers down, however the suit is heavily guarded by not only the user, but a dense metal chamber. Now if one where to take Roberta out of her Exo Suit and manage to open her Skin, Roberta would not last for more than two minutes due to the injuries she sustained after she was burned by Firefang
Gender: Female
Age: 56
Normal Appearance: Roberta is 5'8" and weighs 143lbs. Her hair is grey and reaches just to her shoulders. After her body was burned, it was incapable of keeping her alive. Her vital organs were preserved and transported into her new Skin.
Alter Ego Appearance: Roberta's Skin is black and green with a visor helmet. It is airtight and engineered to allow blood flow so her organs can continue to function. The suit also filters oxygen from the air surrounding her, supplying her body with the oxygen it needs to survive. In order to feed, Roberta now has to take her food and nutrients via injection.


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ALL DONE *falls over, exhausted*

This is what I managed to throw up for Roberta. I may end up editing her profile a little since I'm not satisfied with what I've got so far
ALL DONE *falls over, exhausted*

This is what I managed to throw up for Roberta. I may end up editing her profile a little since I'm not satisfied with what I've got so far
Does she have an arch? And whats she doing in the story?
Gosh I really dont mean to sound aggressive xD Im curious
Mist, what do you mean by "arch"? The context makes me think something like story arc, but I'm not quite sure. My only other guess is it's a shortening of something like arch-enemy.
Mist, what do you mean by "arch"? The context makes me think something like story arc, but I'm not quite sure. My only other guess is it's a shortening of something like arch-enemy.
story arch lol
@ShiningMist No worries! and thanks @R-9 Pilot for having it cleared up. Hmm, well I do have a plot for her, but it also ties in with Penelope's plot or namely how penelope regains her memories and abilities and klaus gets heart broken and all that stuff. So far i haven't been able to read everything but I was thinking Roberta would be part of the group that goes against the non super powered humans and right now she's trying to look for both Klaus and Penelope

Like I said I haven't been really reading it but if it is different then I will adapt and change what I had planned
@ShiningMist No worries! and thanks @R-9 Pilot for having it cleared up. Hmm, well I do have a plot for her, but it also ties in with Penelope's plot or namely how penelope regains her memories and abilities and klaus gets heart broken and all that stuff. So far i haven't been able to read everything but I was thinking Roberta would be part of the group that goes against the non super powered humans and right now she's trying to look for both Klaus and Penelope

Like I said I haven't been really reading it but if it is different then I will adapt and change what I had planned
Im very inviting to every ones plot archs for their characters, so go crazy. Everything I summarized is pretty accurate if youd like a shortcut for your reading. As for your characters, they can join any organization or the alter race I presented. In other words, go crazy.
Alrighty, I'm back to work on a post! To do list

  1. Answer the text
  2. Fight Crow
  3. Pose as Brandon

Correct @ShiningMist
For those just joining: As of this date (May 3) I wanted to a change for the Rp.

RPers who have a character CS before this date have already been accepted into the RP. To prevent the RP from becoming hectic, I probably won't be accepting any more submissions for new RPers to join.
For the already accepted RPers, that doesnt mean you have to stop making characters. Just don't want to get too hectic here. Idk..does that make sense?

Also for those who want a summary of what's going on as of May 3:

- GUARD DOG is an initiative to combat rogue supers
-Rogue GUARD DOG operatives (Dr. Leon) has developed 2 formula to 1(neutralize supers 2) create supers through mutation and brainwashing
-The catwoman'esque character White Rabbit has the formula and is possessive working for Dr. Leon's R&D team
-Caramon, Alexiana, and The Crow (Gray) have arrived at City 47's GUARD DOG safehouse for a briefing
-Rogue professor Dr. Leon has issued a mission to Blood Money to obtain the formula under a fake name and abduct Alexiana using an old GUARD DOG database
-The Dream Hopper program (EVE-001 ver) has also been tasked with the same mission ('The first who gets it gets the dough')
-Alice is about to get molested and hopes anyone can save her (hopefully ET's character)
-A new GUARD DOG has arrived an contacted Gray

Leon's Plan: 'ENDCALL'

-Get White Rabbit's formula
-Get Alexiana to make the perfect antidote to superhuman genetics
-Use The Dream Hopper to invade Gray's database for an update (possibley involving dream travel)
-Create an army of obedient supers / androids
-Corrupt GUARD DOG through political movements
-Create a super race of humans by splicing DNA with super DNA with superhuman genetics
-Use dimensional travel somehow (idea under planning) (I'll need Caramon's genius)
-Rapidly expand the space program to create a super weapon
- Create a United Federation , using City 47 as the capital
-Reactivate 'The Flying Country" (an ancient structure used as an airborne weapon used to devastate countries.)

@ShiningMist Hey I just thought of this but what if Leon got the formula or a prototype formula from Frost? Like he was her assistant or something? (I still need to find the profile and read through) And he was also the one who saved her and put her in her Skin and designed her Exo Suit? Now they are working together to capture and subdue supers while at the same time making more supers? Penelope and Klaus were part of an experiment by Frost called the Laimetre-Hoyle Initiative and they happen to actually be the only successful subjects so far, proving that creating supers out of regular humans is possible. So Leon, with the help of Frost, have perfected the formula leading up to the events that have so far happened. What do you think?
@ShiningMist Hey I just thought of this but what if Leon got the formula or a prototype formula from Frost? Like he was her assistant or something? (I still need to find the profile and read through) And he was also the one who saved her and put her in her Skin and designed her Exo Suit? Now they are working together to capture and subdue supers while at the same time making more supers? Penelope and Klaus were part of an experiment by Frost called the Laimetre-Hoyle Initiative and they happen to actually be the only successful subjects so far, proving that creating supers out of regular humans is possible. So Leon, with the help of Frost, have perfected the formula leading up to the events that have so far happened. What do you think?

I wouldnt say he 'got it'. I think it shoul dbe that Leon took her under his wing and in their R&D dept. they discovered it together. The rest is perfect though.
For those seeing this I may not post very often today as I've got a few errands to run. I wrote a HUGE post far in advance to make up for what I may not be doing today.
It's Sunday, so I'm expected to at least socialize a little bit meaning I don't know how often I'll be checking online today. :)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Action and excitement aaaah! Now I wish I didn't have to put the iPad down so I could write. I'll at least wait till one or two others have posted
Hope it's OK that I've added to the participants in the stand-off. This really is the perfect set-up for Blood, all eyes won't be on him.
Working up a post, but it;ll take a while :)
Okay, kinda important question here.
Alexiana would have fallen asleep due to the gas, as it's not a power. But the manipulating of the dream itself, is that a power because that's how I thought to have read it. In that case it would mean that Alexiana had a dreamless (or just normal uninfluenced dream) nap due to her blood canceling it out in her brain.
I wouldnt say he 'got it'. I think it shoul dbe that Leon took her under his wing and in their R&D dept. they discovered it together. The rest is perfect though.

Hmm, I'm not sure if they found it together would work either. Because in my plot Frost was actually the Director and lead scientist of the experiments that gave my characters their powers. Would it be possible if Frost and Leon were performing similar experiments, Frost was successful with the serum for creating the supers, while Leon either created the anti-super serum or developed the brainwashing tech.