Children of secrecy

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Seeing that Etherlinda was having some kind of fear of magical users, RafaDark tried to say something but the words could not come out of his mouth. He thought ironically " Cool! Another human being that get afraid of me". Looking at the main building and remembering Carbon and his slave, RafaDark talked with himself "What should i do now? May i go to Carbon and ask if he knows about the Rebels or i should stay here working and waiting for something to happen?" Wanting a little action in his day, RafaDark calmly walked to the door where was having some guards in there. Showing that he was a Draconian in disguise, he was informed that Carbon was in the interrogation room with a new slave. Walking in the corridors and seeing the others guards looking at him with disgust and hate, he thought that it was better shape shift to his draconian form to not get himself killed. Seeing that the door of the interrogation room was closed, he waited a little to see what would happen there inside.
After a few moments, Carbon entered the room and seemed to like what he had to offer, but he had some questions as well; "Karkand what brings you to my quarry? I have to thank you for the free slave first before we do anything, it was getting boring around here and someone new to throw around will be fun." Karkand nodded slightly in agreement toward his slave comment, and answered his question promptly; "I have came here merely to escape Ezbog for a few days... granted you have enough extra space for a War General and his Army no? You know that city life can get to a brother if he stays there long enough-and I am glad to see that you like this one, however, I DO expect more of your rocks specifically entering my materials from no on hmm? I don't want lowered profits!" He smiled briefly before Carbon revealed the slave that was behind him, small, fragile little thing, hiding behind his master like a puppy...Karkand feels that he couldn't possibly live in Ezbog, considering he hasn't died yet, he must really be on Carbon's good side-or just plain new to the joint. Carbon ordered his slave to heal the chained man, to which the slave replied to him; "A... Am I... suppose to.. do it here...?"

Karkand was suddenly interested. He looked at this slave, the frightened look on his face when he looked at Karkand briefly, who frankly, doesn't have any angered emotions toward it, just merely interested. What exactly is he doing? Was the only thought that passed in his mind. He tried out to help the chained man, but he refused, saying that; "i shall not allow a broken toy like you to lay a hand on me." But the boy stood strong, and eventually, the chained man had allowed him to heal him, and this slave, he didn't do it with mere medical tools...he healed WITH MAGIC! Karkand was utterly baffled. "A magic user eh? I could never expect a boy such as him to be a magic user...Carbon, explain. I like being told stories."

The boy finished healing and checking the chained, and they were just about to leave when he apparently shouted for his help again, Karkand would too, in his place. That 'healing-feeling' must feel pretty godly to a human slave living in a world such as this. Karkand would love to get that 'healing-feeling'. And he wonders what it would feel like: A massage? A trickle of cold water? Seeing the natural wonders all over again? The wonders it would bring! But that chained man just loved to butt into thing; "My legs" he replied. "they took quite the beating by Karkand and his lizards."
Oh well isn't he a nice and warming person Karkand smirked as he leaned off his greatsword and strode toward the man;
"Aww, that's sad, well, I guess you'll just have to live with it. You're a strong man, you can take the pain...
Or are you just a broken toy like you say this man is right here?"
Carbon laughed at seeing Karkand's reaction to the sight of magic. "Well there was another slave who had been punished, and this young boy decided to intervene and heal the slave that was being punished. And about you being able to stay here, you can remain as long as you want as i have plenty of room here." He watched as Karkand walked over to Starkson and began to speak. "Do whatever you want before i take him, i just expect him to be able to move rocks and if he cant, ill hang him from the roof of this building as a warning for the other humans." Carbon smirked and slowly moved forward until he was beside Karkand. "What did i hear about lizards? If you were referring to the race that has enslaved the humans, you are going to see just what a lizard can do...." Carbon's eyes began to glow as sparks flew from his body.
Miyong, purple

The milder tone in the man's voice made him almost smile, but he didn't. He knew what he was doing and he knew its price, but that was not the issue. He didn't care if he died, there was no one out there that would grieve for him and no one here that really knew him, Miyong didn't even know himself. What had happened before he lost his memories and what was his real name? He didn't know, and he never would know, since his memories were already long gone. It had been seven years since he woke up inside that one room, chained tot he floor, and he was left with nothing else to do, but to pray that one day he would see the sun in person, but this wasn't how he was imagining it. His first day outside those four walls, and now he was already risking his life for someone else, he could be so foolish sometimes.

A warm radiating white and yellow light soon enough emitted from his hands as he let them hover a bit over the bruises on his face, and they were small so they quickly healed. The pain should have been completely gone, and there were no signs of it ever being there, not even scars. A strong feeling of warmth and comfort would rush through Starkson's body as it would come from Miyong's hands, in a way it was a small piece of Heaven whenever someone was injured. The two draconinans behind him where talking to this man, and once more he was called a 'broken toy'. Karkand had to be the other one, the one who had captured him. Miyong saw that Carbon was once again charging electricity, and he had already seen the result of it before, so he turned around a little bit, glancing over to Carbon as he was healing Starkson. "D- Don't injure him while I'm healing... I.. It'll hurt me too..." He muttered to Carbon, as whenever he healed it sort of connected his own body over to the one who was being healed, hence the no pain feeling, since Miyong wouldn't be in pain. 'May you succeed and get as many slaves free as possible. I may not have any knowledge of the days where humans roamed free, but I pray for you to be able to see it once more. Though not where draconians are slaves, but where we are living as equals.' Miyong thought, trying his best to stay as positive as possible, as he finished healing the man's legs.
looking at the door and seeing that from it, some kind of yellow and white glow surged. He thought of knocking the door to know if that was magic but he could feel the magic from where he was. "What are they doing there? Are they trying to cure someone? Maybe, but no...they are up to something, i can feel it." RafaDark thought while he saw the glow fade away.
Starkson stared at the small framed boy that began healing him. He kept his mouth shut and his ears open listening to the boy talk about his abilities and it's weaknesses. He wiggled his bottom jaw around. "amazing" he muttered I don't feel anything. He kept his eyes upon the small boy. blatantly ignoring the draconians ranting. As he noticed the draconians, temporarily not focus on him so much he quickly whispered "Don't forget to push me lad" He suddenly remained silent in case the draconians noticed.
Karkand growled at the sight of that boy rushing to help the man's legs, which didn't even need help int the first place. Frankly, Karkand was furious. The man was acting childish, even Karkand wouldn't wish for that much healing and toughen it up like a man. He walked up toward the pair with fury in his eyes and broke up the pair, he shoved the healing person aside, and walked up toward the chained man. "You sicken me." He grabbed his greatsword, and with it, repeatedly struck the man's right leg with the handle of his sword until he was sure he broke it. And he laughed; "Heh heh. I wonder if your leg hurts NOW! I hope it doesn't hinder your abilities to move rocks, as it would be a shame to see you strung up and hung." He then turned toward the one who was healing him "Your work is over. Go back to Carbon like the good little slave you are." Finally, with a tense silence and his anger sated and subsided he turned to Carbon; "So, as for my army, they can camp outside your walls for the few days, and help with defending it and security, if you know what I mean. As for me, however, I want the best room you have available, I want to see what your best hospitality offers to me. Oh and sorry for my little tantrum and if i hurt any of your slaves...weakness sickens me."
Starksons entire body jerked as he was struck by Karkands sword hilt. His teeth clenched and gritted together in agony before he released a painful howl as the bone in his leg snapped apart like a twig getting stepped upon "GAHHHH!... Shit!". His face bore a grimaced look, red with his veins popping out some as he tried to not show the draconians anymore of his pain. He glared up at Karkand with hatred in his eyes. Starkson's breathing became heavy like a wolf ready to jump in and strike but he couldn't. Right now Starkson was in a lose/lose situation. He lowered his head in hope to await a better moment to strike or at least do something.
Miyong, purple

Miyong was definitely surprised when his concentration was broken off and he was pushed away from the man he had just been healing, he barely managed to finish, but it seemed as that wouldn't help out a lot. "S- Stop it!" Miyong shouted to the draconian as he hit the poor man's legs with the hilt of his sword, and before Miyong had managed to do anything he could hear the terrible sound of something breaking, breaking into a million pieces, and he didn't need to be a genius to know that was the sound of his bone. Miyong made his way over to Starkson again, and then looked over to Karkand, with a pleading look in his eyes. How could someone be so cruel? He just wished to be healed, why would he do such a thing?

"H- He cannot work in the quarry with a broken leg... Please... let me heal it..." Miyong asked mostly Carbon as his hands were already hovering over the man's leg, sneaking in a very light heal. His healing powers were strong enough to fix broken bones, not only cuts, but it was even strong enough to make limbs grow back, but he had never told anyone that. He kept to healing cuts, but now he would heal a broken bone, and he didn't mind. This man needed to escape, and once he had healed his legs up again, he would push him. Push him into the wall or down to the floor, praying he would make his grand escape. Miyong didn't mind being left behind, the only thing he needed was for the man to break free. His hands were still hovering over Starkson's broken leg, which would ease the pain, and the bone would slowly repair itself as Miyong used his body to block his heal, he knew it was risky, but he wanted to heal him. Since that was what he had been asked to do, he wasn't breaking the rules. He was simply following orders. Or, at least that was how he viewed it.
Hearing a man's painful howl coming from the interrogation room, he thought that they where getting some info by force out of the new slave. Looking at the door with a face of curiosity, RafaDark knocked at the door and talked "Is Carbon in there? It's me RafaDark, i have something to talk with him..." Waiting for someone to open the door and let him get inside just to see what was happening. He was totally curious on the things that they where doing in there "What are they trying to do with the new one? Maybe he is a rebel or he just didn't make something that one of the rich slavers obliged him...or something more devious...don't know..." He thought while waiting for the door to open.
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"Miyong, i would like you to go and sit in my office, and i trust you will not run." Carbon smiled and had plenty of thoughts running through his head. He wondered whether Miyong would try and escape or not, Carbon trusted this new slave. "If i figure out you attempted to escape, i will take that medallion." Carbon stepped past Miyong and over to the door for the interrogation room, he opened it and walked out and into the hallway. "What do you want Rafadark? I am very busy and was about to hang a slave from the roof." He looked back into the interrogation room and at Karkand. "I promise that you will get the best room, i will spare no expenses Karkand." Carbon smiled and looked back at Rafadark. "Hurry up! If you stall me i shall take your hands!"
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Seeing the door suddenly open, he saw the blond slave pass him. RafaDark moving closer to the door, he spoke "Right..." trying to take a sneak peak into the room "...I was" looking back at Carbon "...I needed to know about two things... the first is about my mission here, do you know Lieutenant General Wolfer?" trying to talk the most quietly he could "Just between you and me, he is helping me with my retirement so... My mission is to find a know the human rebels right?" looking at Carbon with a questioning expression in his face.
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He bowed gracefully at Carbon "Thank you Carbon, and in return I shall handle it with care. Also, one small question before you depart...Have you heard of the famous copycat Draconian assassin named RafaDakrk, last i heard of him he was in the city nearby from your quarry. I was told by another military official that I had to speak with him, something about lieutenant Wolfer..." as for the other three slaves that seemed to be in the area, the chained man, the healer, and now this third one that popped by Carbon's side, he did not seem to care about them for the time being, what was done is done, and there is no need to worry about it even more. His rage was sated by curiosity.

Now, what to do with that curiosity.
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Miyong, purple

"E- Eh?" Miyong asked as he heard Carbon's orders. Was he not allowed to heal the poor man's leg? He continued as he intensified his healing, looking a bit worriedly over his shoulder, hopefully he would be okay. Once he deemed his work good enough he stood up, and then turned around. He hoped no one had seen it, but the man's leg should be neither broken or hurt, but Miyong was tired, which was clearly shown on his face, as he dried away some sweat in his forehead. It was difficult to heal a broken bone, and it was even harder when he knew he had limited time. It was like the hardest workout ever, though judging by Miyong's small body, that wasn't strange. "I am sorry..." He apologized to Starkson, as if he had not done anything to help him, and then turned around.

Very subtly, once the Draconians were distracted by a lucky knock on the door, he gave the other a rather hard push downward, hoping he did what he wanted, as he stepped out and past Carbon, Karkand and RafaDark, though he eyed RafaDark a bit. That was the human who had helped Carbon earlier, how could he want to help them? Though when he began talking about rebels he stopped a bit, rebels? There were rebels out there? What courage, hopefully they would never end up going to the quarry. Miyong picked up his pace as he walked in the hallway, and honestly, the thought of running away hit him so many times, the only issue was all the guards. There were too many of them, he would be found and killed, so he just played it cool and walked back to Carbon's office, before he found himself a corner and curled up. He liked his corners, especially when he was scared, since no one could get him from behind.
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Carbon looked at Rafadark then back at Karkand. He scowled and grabbed Rafadark by the collar. "Get out of that damn form! I hate humans, and its bad for your health if you look like one!" Carbon threw Rafadark into the interrogation room, he then walked down the corridor and into his office. He looked at the door and slammed it. "What a bunch of idiots!" Carbon had not noticed Miyong in the corner and sat down at his desk. He sifted through some desk Drawers before grabbing a quill with ink and a piece of parchment. Carbon placed the parchment flat on the desk and began to write out a list of items needed in the quarry. "If the quota gets filled this month....."
Being thrown in the middle of the interrogation room, RafaDark saw the new slave in the ground next to him and the Draconians looking, he get up from the ground and defending himself as fast as he could and talked "Don't kill me! I'm a Draconian like all of you!!!" Shape-shifting to his Draconian form as he ended his cry for mercy. Seeing that one of the draconians was a little more "rich" and more capable of being a boss than the others in the room, RafaDark stopped in the middle of the room like a statue, waiting for someone to talk something.
Miyong, purple

Miyong had been sitting in the corner, hugging his knees, as he observed the door slam itself open. It opened with a loud bang, and before he knew it he watched Carbon storm in and then lock the door. He had almost ran out when he saw the door open, but what worried him was the guards waiting around every corner. That, and Carbon said he would take his medallion if he ran, and he couldn't lose his medallion. It was important to him, irreplaceable to the extend that if he every lost it, he would do about anything to get it back. It was the only thing he was allowed to keep when he woke up in that dark cell, and everyone refused to tell him what had happened to him before he was turned into a slave, and what was his real name.

"U- Um..." Miyong said from his corner, barely peeking up to look at Carbon by his desk. "I... I did as you told me to... s- so... y- you won't... take it... right?" He stuttered out as he stayed in his little corner peeking over to the draconian writing something to at his desk, he didn't want to go over in case it would anger him, or that he would try and take his medallion away. Miyong felt more safe in the corner anyway, it made him feel less vulnerable, and the fact that Carbon had not seen him confirmed it, hiding in the corner made him practically invisible, it was his perfect hiding spot.
Carbon looked over at the corner where Miyong had been sitting and put down the quill he was writing with. "It seems you found a corner? Since you did not run and i was able to trust you, i will not be taking the medallion. You are allot more useful then other slaves, some don't even know how to properly walk." He picked up the quill again and began to write. "What do we need?" Carbon asked himself. "Miyong, what do you think the quarry could use? Better mining equipment? And i still need an answer, would you like to be my assistant?" He reached into his desk again and pulled out some more parchment. "Like i said before, the living conditions would be better for you, and i would allow you to make decisions for the quarry itself. You would be in charge when i am gone to the city aswell."
The supervisor raised his scaled hand and whipped the floor, signalling the end of the shift. "Next lot of slaves have arrived, you guys scram back to your Masters!" he snarled. From the door emerged a large crowd of slaves, fully awake and recently fed. Etherlinda rubbed the sweat off her forehead and pushed the last boulder into the cart before walking to her Master, Apophis. She approached him with five other slaves - four men and a young girl that was covered in blue bruises and wounds from whips. The five slaves and Etherlinda fell to their knees in front of their Master's feet. Apophis was a large bluish-purple scared Draconian. He was at least three foot taller than her and was bulky. His figure was muscular but he had a small face - but that didn't stop him from being terrifying. His forehead, back and tail were lined with sharp white spikes that jutted out of his scale. Being a war general, he was never out of his uniform. Plates of armor strapped around his arms and waist with loose pants that enabled him to move fast. Her Master also wore earrings and tail decorations to show how wealthy and powerful he was.

Apophis got up from his cushioned seat and tapped the talons on his foot against the quarry ground. "I'm surprised none of you embarrassed me today," he growled in a deep voice. None of his slaves said anything, instead keeping their head down and avoiding eye contact. Apophis grunted and turned away, walking towards the entrance, Etherlinda and his other slaves followed swiftly behind in a line. Just as he was about to take a step out of the giant metal doors, he turned around and glared at his slaves. "Today I'm going to let you off the leash now that we're going home. But if I see one of you run away..." he glared at the abused young girl at the back of the line, "...then that person will lose their fucking legs." The line of slaves nodded obediently and followed the Draconian as he headed for the aristocratic area.

Apophis' house was large, complete with a garden and a separate smaller house that contained all of his slaves. Half of them slept in one room and the other half in another. You had to find your own space on the rock solid, cold ground to sleep on and all you had was a crudely made pillow and rags for blankets. In the third room was a small arena like area sitting in front of a solid gold chair that was polished to perfection. Apophis entered the slave's buildings and immediately ten of the female slaves crowded around his feet and began kissing them, greeting their master. Etherlinda rolled her eyes, some of the female slaves acted like this to get the most attention from their Master and hopefully be promoted to be his personal assistants - which meant better accommodation and foods and clothes. These girls were so desperate they were willing to do anything. The Draconian kicked out and snarled, "Get off me, worthless creatures!" He walked up to his shiny golden throne and sat upon it, beckoning one of his male slaves over and whispering commands into his ear, the slave then dashed out of the house and into the main building across the garden. The slaves minded their own business, doing what they were before their master arrived. Some were sewing new clothes, some were fixing their pillows and small children were playing games. Etherlinda turned and talked to the woman beside her. The Draconian looked over his slaves with a malicious grin on his face, mentally counting the slaves in the room - all were meant to be present. "21...21...23...24..." he counted, studying every slave to make sure he didn't miscount. He stood up and stomped his foot against the stone floor, roaring in anger. "Missing two slaves! Where is slave number 25 and 26?!"

Just then, a laughing girl and boy entered the building, holding hands. They stopped in their tracks when they saw the heads of the slaves turn towards the couple and the death glare of their Master. They let go of each other hands and fell to the floor, begging for forgiveness. Apophis left his chair and walked towards them, grabbing the girl by the hair and throwing her at the foot of the throne. "How dare you! I give you one hour breaks every day and a place to sleep and you think you get to do whatever you want?! You're worth nothing, human!" He raised his foot above the lowered head of the girl and brought his foot down, slamming the girl's head against the stone floor and grinding his foot against her skull. Repeatedly he mashed his foot against the screaming girl's head until she was silent and motionless. Etherlinda was sitting in the second row near the front, cowering in fear with a mortified look on her face. Her Master had never killed a slave before. She watched as the girl's head cracked open from the impact - the inside of her head visible to all. The boy who had accompanied her screamed as Apophis - covered in blood - slowly approached him. "You're lucky you're a man. Men are more useful to me, unfortunately, your girlfriend isn't." He cackled as he returned to his throne, waving at two slaves to clean up the girl's body. Etherlinda whimpered as they pried her face off the stone floor and turned her around. Her face was a grotesque picture of shattered facial features and blood. As they carried her away, Etherlinda rocked herself back and forth, trying her best to erase that picture from her mind.

The male servant that left earlier returned with a silver platter that only had three steaming chicken drumsticks sitting on it. Etherlinda watched as her Master picked up all three of them and tore off the flesh with his menacing teeth, chewing once and then swallowing. He waved the bone that still had bits of meat attached around teasingly at the crowd of slaves, who eyed their dinner with hunger in their eyes. "Tonight there won't be a fight. I can't be bothered today," he said as he threw the bones into the crowd. Etherlinda covered her head with her arms as the slaves jumped on top of each other, reaching out and grabbing for the bones. It was like a building of snarling dogs, the slaves shouted and growled and roared as they scrambled around punching and kicking other slaves for their share of dinner. Etherlinda moved to a quiet corner and watched the madness, wiping tears from her cheeks.

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