Children of Royal Blood IC

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Ocean water, why did Charlie have to summon ocean water? Maxwell had been spending the last 30 minutes scrubbing his hair in the shower. Finaly he had finished, slipping out of the shower to towel off. He quickly got dressed, puasing only to see his tattoos in the mirror. He would of told Charlie about them allready but he didn't know how he would feel about them. Instead of the t-shirt he was about to slip on, he went to his dresser to instead fish out another dark colored sweater. Now dressed in his casual attire, black skinny jeans that he secretly loved to wear and dark running shoes, he went to check his phone. It was as he opened his mesages did a new check in from one of the servants popped up. It seemed Chey was in the Cafe too.

Several minutes later Max was once again stepping into the large room. He quickly spotted the two twins. Walking straight to them He bowed slightly to Chey. "Lady Cheyenne, good seeing you again."
Jaklyn gritted her teeth and groaned as her knees nearly gave out below her as the pain of her arm being put back in place shot through her. When it was done she took a deep breath and looked to Jared. She suddenly Hugged Jared and smiled at him "Thank you.. Also, Thank you Raythar for helping me when I needed it. I feel a bit better now" She said before moving her arm around. "My arm is numb but that is normal at least." She said to them both.
Jared smiled as Jacklyn hugged him, and he couldnt help but hug her back, relieved that she was ok. "Glad to see it was easily fixed" he said as he released the embrace. He looked over to his cousin, proud of the fact he came straight to her aid. He thought a moment and said to Raythar, "I havent seen Avani for a while, would you like me to go find her or would you like to do so yourself?"

He wasnt sure where the young servant went, and he didnt want her to feel alone here in this place.
Logan finished his meal and glanced around. Seeing Lin and Vince here now, he got and walked over to them. "Hey guys" He said with a smile, acting as if he had never left, he took a seat at the table and glanced at Lin's pile of food. He got the feeling that Vince was going to be mad that he had run off but he didn't really care. Lin and him and been running away from him since they were kids, and he had never really done anything."They have the best food here don't they?" He said and laughed slightly. Logan had never thought that anyone could beat the castle cooks food but it seemed he had forgotten that there would be dishes here that he would of never had before, and he couldn't wait for that. He leaned back and checked his phone, seeing nothing of interest he put it back in his pocket before glancing around at the people around him. This year was definatly going to be interesting.
Jaklyn looked at Rose as she ran over to her and looked down at her hands when she dropped the pills into them. Before she had a chance to say anything the girl was running off and Jackie just sighed "Im not in any real pain.. My arm feels fine enough..." She mummbled before turning to Jared and Raythar. "Well, I agree with Jared... I was expecting people to coming running over honestly.. I was kinda taught to toughen up by some of my teacher so when I got hurt I normally just continued on my way in pain.." She said before blushing slightly "Thank you...." She mumbled lightly.
Jared smiled and sat down now that she was not in any pain. "Well, to be honest I am kind of the same way, but in the end that turns out to be a downfall since you can possibly get hurt even more. Even a knight learns when they have reached their limit. Dont be afraid to let someone know you need a break, ok? It isnt like this is life or death, so there is no need to further harm yourself."

He crossed his legs and smiled at her, "You fight incredibly well, no doubt the blood of a warrior princess is inside you. Just remind me to stay on your good side okay?" he said with a laugh.
Jackie looked at him and shook her head slightly. She began to feel a little odd inside being around him and she tried to avert her gaze for a few moments. She then looked back up at him and blinked twice "Because I am smaller than most people.. I am still young and well, Kinda still growing.... I find the need to prove myself to others. I think I will reach Five Eight when I am done.. at least I hope. There just isn't any meat on these bones.. just some muscle." she said before he sat down.

She tilted her head to the side and began to play with her hair as he spoke "I don't think you will have to worry about that.. I just hope no one drives me over the edge.." She said then sighed slightly "My fire is white.. It isn't red.. If you know anything about burning temperatures you would know White Fire burns hottest. If I get upset bad enough I can easily turn metal to slag." She said then stopped toying with her hair.
Jared tilted his head and listened to her explanation. With a chuckle, he brought a hand over to her and placed it on top of her head, ruffling her hair slightly. "Im sure when youre grown, youll be the strongest in your kingdom." he said encouragingly. When she spoke of her flames, he raised an eyebrow, "white fire huh? thats impressive. Not many can do that, I guess only the royals can reach those temperatures." he leaned in a little and said in a lower voice, though Raythar could hear this since he already knew, "Whenever I get really mad, I tend to create small earthquakes"
Jackie looked at him and began to giggle "Very much so I have been told.. I was complimented a lot as a kid.. I still don't have a clue with a sword.. I am very limited up close but my gauntlets allow me to use bows and guns at the same time. I actually have things in my room that would be awesome to use." She said but then thought about what she said. "Well, I have DragonSkin Classified Tier V protection body armor. It can stop a high caliber rifle round.. I think its awesome and its light enough for me to run around like a Maniac in." she said then leaned back slightly "I enjoy Bows the most though.. Cross bows I think are for wuss's... A good compound or old Long bow is awesome.. It kinda sucks when he bow is half your size height wise." She said before crossing her legs.
"Well, I dont have much experience with bows, mmy weapon of choice is my war hammer. Nothing is better than fighting face to face with a melee weapon in my opinion." replied Jared after Jackie told him about her weapons choice. He yawned and said "Well I am probably going to go take a shower and get out of these sweaty clothes, I will probably see you for the feast ok? Try not to hurt yourself until then!" he said jokingly as he stood up and stretched, bidding farewell to his cousin and waving to Jackie before making his way to his dorm.
As Avani walked, she found herself in front of the cafeteria yet again, with the girl at the door gone and a few people still inside. Perhaps they were still serving lunch after all? Walking in, Avani saw it was so, though the staff was getting ready to clean everything up. As quickly as she could, she made a bowl of soup for herself and sat down at an empty table. The soup was as good as she had expected it would be, and though it didn't make up for her disappointment in her tardiness, it at least softened the blow. With a small smile, she continued to eat.
Jaklyn nodded to him as he began to leave. She looked around to the others and seeing that Rose wasn't back yet she decided that she was going to get moving on her own. She remembered telling Rose where she would be if she was ever needed up decided that going to her room would be kind of interesting at this point. Like Jared she wanted to get herself cleaned up. She looked at Raythar "Hey, Ill catch you later alright. I am going to go wash up and get into something a bit more fitting for this so called feast coming up." She said before walking out. She turned suddenly "Also! If you see a girl coming in here looking for me.. Tell her I will be in my room and that the door will be unlock." she said before walking down the hallway and towards the Royal's Dormitory. She reached her room and stepped inside as she got her clothes ready for after she was done her shower. She laid them out on her bed before going into the bathroom inside of the room and getting into the shower.
Cheyenne giggled at her sister's words then shook her head at her. "Oh, Charlie, you are never going to change, are you?" She looked off to the side and shrug her shoulders. "No, I haven't seen anyone yet." She lowered her head with a quirked lip and went to play with her food then looked up at Charlie again. "My roommate seems nice but I only know her name and that she has a brother. You know how I am when it comes to meeting new people." She quirked her lip again then looked up at Max as he entered the premises, bowing to show his respect towards her. "Ah, Max, it is nice seeing you again as well. How are you fairing today?" She asked while waiting to see what he was going to say.
Charlotte's goofy grin spread as she shook her head. "Nope, and you wouldn't want me too ever change" She teased her sister with a little nudge. Her eyebrow went up when she mentioned her roommate. "Her brother huh? Is he older? Cute? Your type?" She asked as she pushed her sister to tell her more. "I wanna knowww!" She whinned to Chey before starting to say "You ow--" Her thoughts were interrupted by Maxwell's entrance and her pressing smile turned to a collected one. "Hello Maxwell, lovely to see you again. Did you remove all the salt water from your hair?" She asked him with a wicked smile only he could see.
Smiling from one to other, Though he did glare through the smile toward Charlie, he answered them "Mt day was fine, you're sister almost ripping my hair out, dousing me with ocean water, and pouting because I refuse to break her bones, a normal day." Grinning eavily toward charlie he leaned across the table to Chey mock whispering in her hair. "Don't worry Its just her way of saying she likes me."

Returning to his normal posture, the evil glint in his eyes vanished, replaced with excitement. "Actually this Saturday I was wondering if you two wanted to go to a karaoke bar. You can Invite who ever you want. Just let me know By Friday so I can get enough Cars."
Jaklyn got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her. Her hair seemed dry already and was straight as usual. She groaned loudly "Why wont you hold any kind of shape!" She screamed and tugged at her hair making herself yell out in pain. She grumbled and grabbed her clothes off the bed after dropping her towel. She put on a outfit consisting of Black tight jeans with Red stitching within them. She then slid a purple shirt on and adjusted the shirt to fit her well. She slid a pair of Sneakers on before jumping up and smiling "I feel refreshed! Now to conquer my hair!" She yelled and ran back into the bathroom. She began with several hair products that helped give hair a form.

After nearly twenty minutes she gave up and groaned. She rinsed her hair out and it all seemed to come out like nothing was in it. She shook her hair and dried it to keep it from running on her purple silk shirt. She then rubbed her eyes and looked into the mirror. "Even I am captured by my eyes..." she said slowly before turning and jogging out of her room after putting deodorant and perfume on. She looked up and down the hallway like a chipmunk and sighed at seeing no one. "Oh boy... I am ready for the rest of the day but I cant find anyone now.. Time to search..." She said and began to wander the hall ways. She walked into the cafeteria but didn't seem to notice Charlie, Max or Chey as she walked.
Jared finished his own shower and let out a sigh of relief as he felt the cool are blowing against his slightly damp skin. He had gotten on a pair of boxers and some cargo pants and was browsing through a small selection of shirts to wear. He figured maybe now would be a good time to broaden his wardrobe. Maybe Charolette could assist him on what to get. He smiled at that thought as he grabbed a solid white t-shirt and slipped it on. The shirt was form fitting and with a small v-neck, his pants were boot cut and dark blue, and he had decided to wear his casual boots which were solid black with a military form and function to it. He grabbed his phone and ipod and made his way to the cafeteria, hoping to see some familiar faces.
Raythar headed back to his room and opened the door, noting that his roommate had arrived. He sat down on his bed, pulled out an iPod, and fired up some AC/DC.
Charlie smirked and gave him a shrug "What can I say I like a guy who can hurt me" She busted out laughing at the sound of the statement. "Didn't mean it like that" Her laughter subsided and Charlotte smiled at his idea. "Sounds like a good time, maybe I can get Chey a little buzzed" She said with a wink towards her sister and an evil giggle. Just then se noticed a girl pass by their table and sit alone. She looked at her an then back at the two. "I'll.. be right back.." She smiled and stood up.

Making her way over to the girl and tapping her shoulder. "Um.. Hi, I'm Charlie. Is this seat taken" She asked Avani with a hopeful smile.
Avani hadn't been expecting the voice that came from behind her; she flinched, and the spoonful of soup she had been about to consume landed on the front of her dress. She quickly grabbed her napkin and did her best to dry it off, almost certain she looked ridiculous. Turning to the girl that had introduced herself, she gave a weak smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Charlie. I apologize for my lack of poise. And, er, the seat is free. Please let me seat you." After a curtsy, she pulled out the chair next to her own, inviting Charlie to sit down so she could push in the chair.
"Oh! OH god! Are you okay?!" She asked as she grabbed a napkin and began to pat the soup off the girls top. "My goodness! I didn't mean to frighten you!" Charlie said with an apologetic glance. She took the seat next to her and smiled. "I didn't catch your name." She asked her with a smile as she sipped a cup of her tea. "You looked so lonely. Please, tell me about yourself?" Charlotte asked the girl with a smile.
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