Children of Royal Blood IC

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Max sighed as he followed her out of the room. He knew she disliked him for giving up. It was not a year ago he would of broken her arm before doing what he just did. It was also around that time did he realize that he loved her. It was stupid of him to even bring back those memories. Stupid to think of things that would never happen. He watched for a moment untill she finished emptying her stomach. Slowly he walked up and without a word slipped his hands around her back and knees, picking her up off the grass. He immediately headed back to her room. Not waiting for the others of the group. Quietly without looking at her he spoke. "Just like old times right?"
Jared was going to follow her out until he noticed Maxwell going straight after her, again the tug in his chest was felt. He caught sight of her being carried away by him, and again he felt it even harder this time. This was when he realized... he was jealous... He tried to shake his head from this stupor, but it didnt help. He realized he wanted to be the one who was there to comfort her, but the odds of that... i mean she was royalty... he was just a knight...

"No" he told himself. He needed to stop that thought immediately. He enjoyed spending time with her, and if he wanted to be around her, nothing would stop that. He made his way back to his room and silently said, "Get well soon Charolette, I hope to go riding with you soon..."
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Charlotte didn't even bother to look up at him but instead just smiled and nodded. Her breathing was still rapidly off pace and she struggled to keep herself from throwing up again. Instead she tried to focus instead on the pain in her cuts. As she managed to get to her feet she regained her composure and smiled to max. "You're a tough cookie max.. Even if you are a sore loser" she teased lightly as they walked back into the building towards her dorm room. "I'm not 8 ya know.." She told him quietly as she neared her dorm and she turned towards him. Not really sure what she felt towards her best friend at the moment, whether that be anger for being easy with her, treating her differently, or admiration for admiring defeat and not hurting her anymore. "I think I'll go change now.." she said softly as she clutched her head again. Noticing Jared she smiled. "I'm okay I promise" she told him hoping to reassure them both that her safety was of no concern. Already she had two boys worried about her, though she wondered if there was a reason behind that. Some first day this was turning out to be. Maybe some dry clothes and a nap would do her some good.. But she's never even gotten to say hello to the beautiful Fire lady... Or gotten to spar with Raythar. There was so much more to do and yet.. She felt so very weak.. As she entered her room she barley even bothered to be modest as she changed from the tattered dress to a pair of comfortable shorts and a t-shirt. Quickly crawling into her bed and falling asleep.
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Another sigh escaped his lips, a small frown plastered on his face that he couldn't get rid of. He had debated for several months weather or not to come back and see her again. He could of ran from his duties and found some commoner to be happy with. But Charlie is one of a kind, a girl that had stolen his heart long before he had realized it. And now he couldn't help to think the girl he could never be with who needs him around who needs his protection was angry with him. It hurt, almost to the core. THat was something you could just hide away. As she as leaving into her room he spoke out to her, "Lottie I would give my life for you. I just can't stand to see you hurt. I'm sorry." She had shut the door to tired to even respond. It was natural she was by far use to fighting. It had been awhile since the last time she had even used the skills he taught him. He stood rooted at the door debating as he remembered how he was the one to teach her never to fight fair but to fight to win. Remembering the long nights they had spent together. It was several minutes after but Maxwell had opened her door, letting himself in. "Charlie I," He was about to say something to her, but she had allready passed out in her bed. Instead he just took a moment to look at her and remember how beautiful she was. "I'll clean up this mess for you Lady Charlotte." Taking a few seconds to gather her wet cloths he walked back out puasing at the threshold. Calling out quietly behind him "Oh and they were striped." before closing the door and walking down the hall.
Jackie watched everything unfold before her and giggled. It was then that Rose entered and she looked over at seeing her friend bringing the First aid Kit in. She tilted her head and smiled "Don't worry Rose... Its all under control.." She said before Charlie began to step it up. Rose walked up to her and whispered in her ear. Jaklyn looked at her again "Yes, Rose? Just ask me.. You don't have to worry about all the formalities here.." She said before Charlie ran out of the room and began to puke. Jackie cringed slightly "I guess shes not used to it... I make sure I train constantly... Aside from academic I train... My mother wants me to follow in my Grandmothers foot steps.. Without the ruling part at least.." She said before taking Roses's hand. "Everyone is going their way now.. Uhm.... What do you want to do?" she said to rose.
"Oh uh... My name is Rose-oh my!" Rose covered her mouth in shock when Charlotte bolted out the door.
Jackie looked at Rose and waved her hand infront of her before shrugging "Alright rose.. I will be uhm.. I will be asleep in the Garden.. I dont feel tired but being around flowers always made me happy. If you want to join me go ahead...." She said to her before jogging out of the room with the Gauntlets still on. She stopped by Maxwell and looked at him "I wish I could go make sure she is okay.. I bet she isnt feeling to good. I hope she is alright. Please tell her I hope she feels better." She said before putting her wind breaker jacket back on. She then turned to Jared and smiled "Well, Thanks for the sparring.. It was fun.. If you need me I will be among the Flowers in the garden." she said before moving away.

She pulled the Aqua blue hood up before walking down the hallway and out into the Garden in the center of the school. She found a patch of grass surrrounded by flowers and turned to simply fall backwards onto the ground. She stretched her arms out and let out a sigh of relief "Finally.. Among nature... As much as I love people.. I cant help but love nature... So tender.." she said to herself before letting her Red hair spill out around her like a red puddle. She pulled a phone out of her pocket and put a song on. She set it next to her and began to sing along with it. Surprisingly her voice seemed to be in tune with the person singing but she wasn't singing as loud.

(This is the song for any of you who wonder.)
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Jared didnt realize he had fallen asleep until he woke up on his bed. rubbing his eyes, he let out a yawn and stretched, letting his arms fall to his sides. Looking around, he saw the few items he had unpacked previously. His armor hung on a rack next to his bed, and his battle hammer leaned against his bed. Where his desk was, a few items rested on top, a picture of him, his father, and Raythar just after a successful hunting trip. There was also a few books that he brought along with him, his music player, and the bottle with the never ending waterfall given to him by Charolette. He smiled as he picked up the gift, turning it in his hands.

He got to thinking, then pulled out his bag, rummaging until he pulled out a small bag of seeds. After some thinking, he took a coffee mug of his, one of three, and went out to gather soil. Once he did, he planted the seed and added a drop of the water to it. He watched for a few seconds with nothing happening, but soon enough he noticed that the bud was already peeking through the soil! He watched amazed as it grew, now sprouting new leaves. Its growing speed lessened a little, but it was still amazing to see just how fast it got there when it normally took weeks. Thinking, he pulled out a sall laptop that he had, and after a few clicks, found a site where marketers could sell clothing items and ship it to certain addresses. He decided he would keep his promise to Charolette, and even have another little gift for her in the process.

Once the order was made, he got up and dressed in a sleeveless tunic and a pair of working jeans. He then grabbed his hammer and gauntlets and slung them on his shoulder, deciding he would get some individual training in before the place got crowded again. Making his way there, he set down his supplies and stretched. He began his workout with some calisthenics, pushups, situps, as well as a few workouts with the freeweights he found in the room.
Jackie woke suddenly and looked around before lowering her head once more. She yawned loudly before arching her back and flopping to one side of her body so she was laying on her stomach. She looked up to see where she was laying. She shook her head before extending her arms and stretching "Boy, That was a good sleep...." she mumbled to herself before climbing up up to her feet and looking around. She bent down and picked her phone up before beginning a slow walk back into the school hall ways. She ran a hand through her hair and not to her surprise it was already falling back down her back and over her shoulders.

She walked down the hall way and looked into one of the Training rooms and saw Jared working out again. She stood in the door way and leaned against it while watching him. She tilted her head and let a smile cross her face "You keep yourself busy a lot I see... I myself have to do the same thing on account of my hyperactive disorder.." She said suddenly and at the same time making her presence known. He could notice that as she walked she didn't seem to make a single sound as her shoes touched the ground. She didn't interrupt him at all but simply sat down on a chair near him and observed.
Jared looked up from his pushup position to see who the owner of the voice was that had spoken to him. He recognized Jackie and smiled in return, listening to what she had told him. "I might as well have a hyperactive disorder, I cant just sit around doing nothing or else I go insane" he said in reply, continuing his pushups. He finished his set and turned around, landing in a sitting position to look at Jackie. "I dont see that as a disorder. i see it more as an advantage. Your willingness to move, it has its benefits I mean, you were incredibly fast during our spar. I am too big of a guy to be that fast naturally, so you clearly have that advantage against big opponents."

He chuckled and stood up, grabbing a curl bar and beginning his bicep curl sets before continuing. "I apologize. being the son ofa paladin, I have a habit of analyzing things in a strategic standpoint. Leaves out a lot of opportunity for ordinary chat."
Jaklyn nodded to him as he spoke. She watched him do more push up and smiled "Well, I consider it a bit of a hindrance when I am actually going about something.. I refuse medication for it as I want to figure it out inside of my own head. To you it may seem good but to me it leaves me acting on impulses a lot and it leaves me normally injuring myself. I may be small but I a tough little thing.." She said and tried to make herself look bigger but broke out laughing instead. "I am five foot eight... I a kinda tall for a girl but I am like skinny.. You could easily life me I bet." She said with a smirk.

She threw one of her legs over the other and leaned back slightly "I don't mind, I come from a family of warriors so it isn't that big of a thing. I find myself looking at things in the way a elemental master does.. I move around like that as well... I kind of view things in a way that flows. Kind of like dancing around with someone when I fight or do anything. I consider myself a bit of a Harlequin. I move around with speed and rely on my smaller stature to get around larger people like you. I take after that a lot... I kinda earned that title in my kingdom." she said before leaning forward towards him. She wiggled her foot before giggling "I love this.." She said before running a hand through her hair "I don't get to meet alot of new people at home... So.... I find all of you so interesting." She finished.
To hear Jackies explanation was a bit of a privilege in Jareds opinion. She spoke of the things she knew from experience, and she spoke very well of it. He chuckled as she spoke of her height, still dwarfish compared to his six foot three height. He though about how she sees things as flowing, if he didnt know better, he wouldve said she sounded like someone from the water kingdom. He finished his curl sets and took a little break, stretching out his arms as he listened to the princess. He had to admit she was a cute girl, especially when she was wiggling her foot and giggling. It brought a small chuckle from himself before replying, "Well, you are definitely an interesting character yourself, Jackie. To be honest, getting to meet others from different kingdoms is a bit of an exciting thing for me, as I never go to do that before. I never traveled to other kingdoms, and the only people I knew were my father and the other knights. Hopefully once I become a full knight, I can go to all the kingdoms, maybe come visit you all."

He got curious and walked over to her, tilting his head and looking at her questioningly. Without saying a word, he reached out and held her under her arms, lifting her off the ground with ease. He chuckled at the sight of her being lifted and said "heh, you are pretty light!"
Jaklyn watched him approach and looked up at him as he came closer to her. It was then that she was lifted off the ground and she squeaked. She squirmed in his grasp and just looked at him. "You know... I am Five foot Six inches tall.. I am 112 pounds and you know what... I can still beat you!" She said and tried to struggle out of his grasp. She sighed and went limp in his hands. She then looked at him and thought what she was about to do through for a change. She blinked twice and smirked. She swung her legs around before she got enough leverage to wrap her legs around his chest and she clung to him. She then used the little weight she had on him to swing her body to make him topple over.

It was then that she and Jared went down onto the ground and she ended up on top of him. She looked down at him and smiled "I may be small! But I can still take you down!" She said and held her hands up in victory. She then looked down at him and into his eyes. She blinked twice and smiled slyly. "Well, Some work out right?" She said to him while she sat on top of him.
It was funny to hear her squeak as she was lifted up, and even funnier to see her try to struggle and then give up. Jared was about to let her down when she suddenly started swinging her legs toward him. "Hey, wh-what are-" he tried to say, but before he knew it, her legs were wrapped around him and suddenly he was on his back on the floor. That wouldnt have been too bad if it werent for the fact that she was sitting right on top of him, boasting her victory. He couldnt help but blush madly at this, considering this had never happened to him before.

Her sly smile made it even worse, making his blush deepen and his words come out stammered, "Y-you can s-say that I g-g-guess..." he stuttered as he looked at her eyes. This was a new thing for him, and it made him intensely flustered. She was definitely a cute girl, but still... he hardly knew her and here she was sitting on top of him! "U-um... if it i-isnt too much t-trouble... c-could you let me up please?" he said embarrased, avoiding eye contact.
Jackie looked down at him and began to blush as she realized how he felt. "Uhm.. Yeah.. I'm sorry" She said and rolled off of him. She stood up and looked down at him. When he stood back up she lowered her gaze to the floor "That was kinda... Yeah... I didn't realize what I was doing and I.. I didn't mean to sit on your lap and I.." She began to stumble on her words before taking a very deep breath to catch her breath and calm herself. She rose on the tips of her toes and looked back up to him. She tilted her head to the side "Yeah..." She said before sitting back down.

She fixed her hair and shook her head making it fly around her. She giggled at that and then looked back up at him "Well, I guess you can go back to your work out then.. Ill be here watching... I guess.. I find it nice." She said then her face lit up again at realizing that she may be flirting with him without knowing. "Uhm.. I apologize for my actions today.. It was not lady like." she said then began to laugh "Who am I kidding.. I am more like a guy than I am a girl by the way I act..." She said then stood up and walked up to him "Want to go for round two?" she said to him and lifted a eye brow.
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After she had climbed off of him and began trying to apologize, Jared couldnt help but feel a little guilty. He didnt mean to embarrass her, it was just... awkward. She then went on to say he could continue working out, and it made him blush as she said she found it nice to watch him. She began to apologize again but he shook his head and chuckled, "It fine, no need to apologize, it was just sudden was all, spur of the moment." he said to her with a smile.

She got back up and asked if he wanted to go another round of sparing with her, and he gave a competitive smile. He had thought about how he could change his fighting style to goagainst her, and figured this was a good time to test it out. "Youre on, dont expect me to go easy on you this time" he said with a wink and a thumbs up.
Jackie looked at him and smirked "Well then! I say to you... Have at you!" She said and did a backwards hand stand to gain distance between them. She landed down in a crouch as she raised her clawed gauntlets "Come at me, Bro!" She said before giggling once more. She raised to her full height once more and entered a different stance than the one she was in before "May that flow of the world make the necessary changes for us to adapt." She said and began to bounce on her feet as she began working herself up.
Jared smirked and plunged his fists into the stone once again, creating his own earth gauntlets. This time, the part that covered his forearms were broader, acting as miniature shields. He took a different fighting stance, keeping on his toes this time and keeping a more guarded stance, almost like a boxer. What she may not have seen was that his toes sunk into the earth a little, this would allow him to move faster and take off at a greater speed. He braced, then took off for her, aiming a blow to her shoulder as he got close.
Jackie saw the blow coming and darted her eyes over in time to move her arm up and side stepping to the side. He could notice fire behind her steps speeding up her movement. She grinned "Let the flames propel me!" She said to him as she spun around him as fire moved herself faster. She landed and slowed herself as she stopped behind him. She slashed out and purposely cut his belt to hinder him. She then jumped back a bit to keep him from reaching her easily. She tilted her head and waited for the belt to be completely undone.
'I figured she would dodge that, but what was it that she cut... huh, is there a sudden draft? wait...'

"What the hell?! Wh-why did you cut my belt?!" exclaimed a flustered Jared as he noticed his pants had fallen. He hurriedly pulled them back up and glared at her as he refastened the belt. "Low blow there Jackie" he said with a humored yet stern tone. "That is how you wanna play? Dirty? Ok then"

He then raised a fist and slammed it on the ground, the resounding impact caused the ground in the arena to shake in a miniature earthquake to which he was unaffected by. With the distraction, he propelled himself forward, darting left and right to keep her unsure of where he would strike, then he faked a left hook and proceeded to hit her chest with an open palm, knocking her to the ground.
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