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.::Character Name::.
Novanna "Nova" Blackwood

.::Godly Descent::.
Greek Goddess of Night



High School Student | Part Time at the Planetarium


.::General Personality::.
Have you ever heard the song Punk A$$ Kids [x]? Or perhaps Do It Like A Dude [x]? These two songs can describe Nova pretty dang well. She's always been a tomboy who's on the search for adventure. She is crazy and wild, always doing things she shouldn't just for the sheer thrill as well as the excitement. She loves doing the daring stuff and is a total go-getter. She never shows her fears or worries, and instead sucks it up and keeps moving. Nova is a natural at lying and does way more than she should. Then again, she never really listened to the rules. Nova is always getting herself into trouble but she never seems to mind. In fact, she runs away just for the thrill of the chase. She's always been care-free and laid back, never seeming to care about her future. Nova is extremely courageous and fun to be around, unless you're a goody goody. Then there's a great chance you won't like her. Nova is always living in the moment and because of the way she is, no one would ever guess that she's always getting top mark in her classes. Or that she's a great strategist who has an amazing imagination. Along with that, Nova is loyal to the very end and would take a bullet for any of her friends. Nova also tends to play with her words, so you'll have to listen carefully to what she says if you want to catch it. She is a sneaky one, after all.

.::General History::.
Novanna was raised by a poor family as their own, even though she had been adopted. Nova was a mistake that her slut of a mother made with Nova's drug addicted father. Her parents cared greatly for Novanna, but it was that same care that made her parents always keep her on a close watch. Novanna was never able to join a club, stay after school, hang with friends, watch horror movies, or even walk to the bus stop by herself. After living this was for ten years, Nova got sick and tired of it. She started to lie, sneak out, disobey, etc. The more this continued, the more the family separated. Soon enough, Novanna found herself kicked out of the house at age thirteen. Her parents told her to come back once she adjusted her attitude. Nova snuck into her bedroom and packed her things, then left the same way. She never went back. Instead, Novanna lived with her best friend until a three months before she turned seventeen. Novanna got a job at age fifteen and she bought a motorcycle for herself after about a year with her own money. She then worked for another four months and rented an apartment near the school. Nova moved in shortly after and she's been staying there since, paying her own bills with help from her best friend sometimes. It was around this time when Nova could sit down and think. You see, since she started her job at the planetarium, Nova had been feeling something stir within her but she could never really sit down by herself and think about what was going on. It was a few weeks after she moved in that Novanna unlocked her powers and she started using them without meaning to. This went on for a week until Novanna had a dream about a women, beautiful and cloaked in black [x]. The women introduced herself as Nyx and explained everything to Nova. When she awoke, Novanna understood what was going on, and she was extremely happy. After that, she would often read about Nyx and the goddess visited her whether in her dreams or in person. Whenever she did, Nyx would help Novanna control her powers, understand them, and use them. And Novanna happily embraced her uniqueness.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: B l u E s
I went to bed and this exploded O.O anyone give me a tl;dr of the last 7 pages?
~ Any open spots left here and if so which one's? Because I love this concept! ^^
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[fieldbox="Lilith Moreno, #FF6666, dashed, 10"][/fieldbox][fieldbox="Lilith Moreno, #FF6666, dashed, 10"]

Character Name:
Lilith Celestine Moreno.
Nickname Option(s): Lily, Lil, Trouble.
Goddly Descent: Eris, the goddess of chaos.
Gender: Female.
Sexual Preference: Pansexual (So whoever causes the most trouble).
Job/Role: Waitress by day, Bartender by night.
Age: 20 (D.O.B: 13th October).
General Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, 5' 6", freckles, curvaceous, thick eyebrows, cute smile.
General Personality: First thing you need to know about Lilith is that she's crazy. Like the good kind of crazy where they're a little bit weird but most alright, but the full on wild, loud and prepared to kill kind of crazy. It's nothing personal. She grew up like a normal girl with her father and step-mother, as well as two step-sisters, but as the daughter of the Goddess of Chaos.... well.... chaos is her thing. You misunderstand me if you think that she'll go out of her way to hurt people, unless they get in her way, but she will cause as much disorder as she can. She is quite a private person, not one to openly seek out friends or romantic attachments and she certainly won't share any of her secrets with someone she doesn't trust implicitly. She can be extremely selfish, focussing on how things will affect her before anyone else, but it comes second to how much trouble she can cause. And trust me, she can cause a lot, and she certainly enjoys it.
General History: As mentioned, Lilith grew up with her father, step-mother and two step-sisters (names below) in a regular white picket fence family, but she always felt like the black sheep. She wasn't academic, good at sports or music, and she certainly wasn't normal, but she didn't know why until her biological mother came to her when she was 15. It was at this point that she embraced her abnormality, and began to honour her mother in the best way possible. By causing trouble. It was simple things at first; starting fights, releasing caged animals in populated areas, spreading rumours. But over time, her methods got more and more complex, and life got more and more chaotic. She finished high school when she was 18, and got two jobs that allow her to interact with people on a daily basis. As both a waitress and a bartender, she has access to people whom she can manipulate and mildly-torture by causing trouble for the poor little human victims. Just after turning eighteen, her step-mother found out what she was, and instantly rejected her. Her father, who had known for quite some time, was given an ultimatum of 'the freak-show or your wife' but Lilith left before he could decide. She didn't want to be rejected by her human family any more than she had been. Growing up as the daughter of Eris has meant a lot to her, but it also meant she had very few friends and the ones she did get didn't last very long, leading her to be quite lonely aside from her interactions with her human victims.
Father- Joseph Moreno.
Mother- Eris.
Step-Mother- Helena Pelley-Moreno.
Older Step-Sister- Emma Pelley-Moreno.
Younger Step-Sister- Hanna Pelley-Moreno.
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia.
I haven't read through the 7 pages I missed since putting my CS up but I'd say since other people are still submitting it might be worth putting one together and seeing what happens. She can only say no or put you on a waiting list after all. :)

I'd say for now go with any concept as I've not seen many duplicate gods and again, she can only say no.
You making two girls?

Cause im considering having a son of Aphrodite and Zeus,
but then im asking myself.. do i really want three characters, you know.. cause im special

Hmmm what shall i do?

Chris Pine Zeus or Kim Cesarion Aphrodite son?
Zeus Zeus Zeus Zeus
I want to torture him with Mikayla again xD
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You making two girls?

Cause im considering having a son of Aphrodite and Zeus,
but then im asking myself.. do i really want three characters, you know.. cause im special

Hmmm what shall i do?

Chris Pine Zeus or Kim Cesarion Aphrodite son?
I made one.... might make another later, or it might be male.... I can create one in the middle of the roleplay right?

FYI.... Chris Pine <3
@B l u E s the signups are closed but people are still submitting and i sort of wanted to make a boy..... i'll fix Ai first though but any chance I'm getting to make a second chara?

EDIT: Ai is fixed and i can make whatever gender evens out the ratio actually..........
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  • Nice Execution!
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Fully yes :), although I don't live in Greece anymore.
So i watched this video that said showing someone your open palm sort of like asking for a hi-5 means that you want to rub shit in their face if you live in greece. Is that true?
So i watched this video that said showing someone your open palm sort of like asking for a hi-5 means that you want to rub shit in their face if you live in greece. Is that true?

It's not so much like a hi-5, it's hard to explain lol but ya it could be an offensive gesture. Lol.
So i watched this video that said showing someone your open palm sort of like asking for a hi-5 means that you want to rub shit in their face if you live in greece. Is that true?
Well, I don't live in Greece but my greek family is constantly giving high fives soooooo
I don't think so xD maybe before, but not now with hollywood and stuff.

And holy.... So many CS's are posted.

Shitta.... What do I do.

Guys, give me like an hour to wake up and figure out how to organize this and..... Euhh....


All important information were editted in the update, and the overview.
It's not so much like a hi-5, it's hard to explain lol but ya it could be an offensive gesture. Lol.
Hahaha is she talking about the open palm that sometimes people are like gesturing and placing it in front of your face?

Cause I see my parents doing it to each other sometimes as insult?

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.::Character Name::.
Novanna "Nova" Blackwood

.::Godly Descent::.
Greek Goddess of Night



High School Student | Part Time at the Planetarium


.::General Personality::.
Have you ever heard the song Punk A$$ Kids [x]? Or perhaps Do It Like A Dude [x]? These two songs can describe Nova pretty dang well. She's always been a tomboy who's on the search for adventure. She is crazy and wild, always doing things she shouldn't just for the sheer thrill as well as the excitement. She loves doing the daring stuff and is a total go-getter. She never shows her fears or worries, and instead sucks it up and keeps moving. Nova is a natural at lying and does way more than she should. Then again, she never really listened to the rules. Nova is always getting herself into trouble but she never seems to mind. In fact, she runs away just for the thrill of the chase. She's always been care-free and laid back, never seeming to care about her future. Nova is extremely courageous and fun to be around, unless you're a goody goody. Then there's a great chance you won't like her. Nova is always living in the moment and because of the way she is, no one would ever guess that she's always getting top mark in her classes. Or that she's a great strategist who has an amazing imagination. Along with that, Nova is loyal to the very end and would take a bullet for any of her friends. Nova also tends to play with her words, so you'll have to listen carefully to what she says if you want to catch it. She is a sneaky one, after all.

.::General History::.
Novanna was raised by a poor family as their own, even though she had been adopted. Nova was a mistake that her slut of a mother made with Nova's drug addicted father. Her parents cared greatly for Novanna, but it was that same care that made her parents always keep her on a close watch. Novanna was never able to join a club, stay after school, hang with friends, watch horror movies, or even walk to the bus stop by herself. After living this was for ten years, Nova got sick and tired of it. She started to lie, sneak out, disobey, etc. The more this continued, the more the family separated. Soon enough, Novanna found herself kicked out of the house at age thirteen. Her parents told her to come back once she adjusted her attitude. Nova snuck into her bedroom and packed her things, then left the same way. She never went back. Instead, Novanna lived with her best friend until a three months before she turned seventeen. Novanna got a job at age fifteen and she bought a motorcycle for herself after about a year with her own money. She then worked for another four months and rented an apartment near the school. Nova moved in shortly after and she's been staying there since, paying her own bills with help from her best friend sometimes. It was around this time when Nova could sit down and think. You see, since she started her job at the planetarium, Nova had been feeling something stir within her but she could never really sit down by herself and think about what was going on. It was a few weeks after she moved in that Novanna unlocked her powers and she started using them without meaning to. This went on for a week until Novanna had a dream about a women, beautiful and cloaked in black [x]. The women introduced herself as Nyx and explained everything to Nova. When she awoke, Novanna understood what was going on, and she was extremely happy. After that, she would often read about Nyx and the goddess visited her whether in her dreams or in person. Whenever she did, Nyx would help Novanna control her powers, understand them, and use them. And Novanna happily embraced her uniqueness.

Sorry boo.. Sign ups are closed :(
I can't afford accepting any other character except Vaila's (whom already showed me her character first two days ago while creating my roleplay).

I wish you best of luck in other roleplays :)

.::Character Name::.
Novanna "Nova" Blackwood

.::Godly Descent::.
Greek Goddess of Night



High School Student | Part Time at the Planetarium


.::General Personality::.
Have you ever heard the song Punk A$$ Kids [x]? Or perhaps Do It Like A Dude [x]? These two songs can describe Nova pretty dang well. She's always been a tomboy who's on the search for adventure. She is crazy and wild, always doing things she shouldn't just for the sheer thrill as well as the excitement. She loves doing the daring stuff and is a total go-getter. She never shows her fears or worries, and instead sucks it up and keeps moving. Nova is a natural at lying and does way more than she should. Then again, she never really listened to the rules. Nova is always getting herself into trouble but she never seems to mind. In fact, she runs away just for the thrill of the chase. She's always been care-free and laid back, never seeming to care about her future. Nova is extremely courageous and fun to be around, unless you're a goody goody. Then there's a great chance you won't like her. Nova is always living in the moment and because of the way she is, no one would ever guess that she's always getting top mark in her classes. Or that she's a great strategist who has an amazing imagination. Along with that, Nova is loyal to the very end and would take a bullet for any of her friends. Nova also tends to play with her words, so you'll have to listen carefully to what she says if you want to catch it. She is a sneaky one, after all.

.::General History::.
Novanna was raised by a poor family as their own, even though she had been adopted. Nova was a mistake that her slut of a mother made with Nova's drug addicted father. Her parents cared greatly for Novanna, but it was that same care that made her parents always keep her on a close watch. Novanna was never able to join a club, stay after school, hang with friends, watch horror movies, or even walk to the bus stop by herself. After living this was for ten years, Nova got sick and tired of it. She started to lie, sneak out, disobey, etc. The more this continued, the more the family separated. Soon enough, Novanna found herself kicked out of the house at age thirteen. Her parents told her to come back once she adjusted her attitude. Nova snuck into her bedroom and packed her things, then left the same way. She never went back. Instead, Novanna lived with her best friend until a three months before she turned seventeen. Novanna got a job at age fifteen and she bought a motorcycle for herself after about a year with her own money. She then worked for another four months and rented an apartment near the school. Nova moved in shortly after and she's been staying there since, paying her own bills with help from her best friend sometimes. It was around this time when Nova could sit down and think. You see, since she started her job at the planetarium, Nova had been feeling something stir within her but she could never really sit down by herself and think about what was going on. It was a few weeks after she moved in that Novanna unlocked her powers and she started using them without meaning to. This went on for a week until Novanna had a dream about a women, beautiful and cloaked in black [x]. The women introduced herself as Nyx and explained everything to Nova. When she awoke, Novanna understood what was going on, and she was extremely happy. After that, she would often read about Nyx and the goddess visited her whether in her dreams or in person. Whenever she did, Nyx would help Novanna control her powers, understand them, and use them. And Novanna happily embraced her uniqueness.

Sorry honey. Beautiful CS, but the sign ups were closed... I wish you luck for your other roleplays :/
[fieldbox="Lilith Moreno, #FF6666, dashed, 10"][/fieldbox][fieldbox="Lilith Moreno, #FF6666, dashed, 10"]

Character Name:
Lilith Celestine Moreno.
Nickname Option(s): Lily, Lil, Trouble.
Goddly Descent: Eris, the goddess of chaos.
Gender: Female.
Sexual Preference: Pansexual (So whoever causes the most trouble).
Job/Role: Waitress by day, Bartender by night.
Age: 20 (D.O.B: 13th October).
General Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, 5' 6", freckles, curvaceous, thick eyebrows, cute smile.
General Personality: First thing you need to know about Lilith is that she's crazy. Like the good kind of crazy where they're a little bit weird but most alright, but the full on wild, loud and prepared to kill kind of crazy. It's nothing personal. She grew up like a normal girl with her father and step-mother, as well as two step-sisters, but as the daughter of the Goddess of Chaos.... well.... chaos is her thing. You misunderstand me if you think that she'll go out of her way to hurt people, unless they get in her way, but she will cause as much disorder as she can. She is quite a private person, not one to openly seek out friends or romantic attachments and she certainly won't share any of her secrets with someone she doesn't trust implicitly. She can be extremely selfish, focussing on how things will affect her before anyone else, but it comes second to how much trouble she can cause. And trust me, she can cause a lot, and she certainly enjoys it.
General History: As mentioned, Lilith grew up with her father, step-mother and two step-sisters (names below) in a regular white picket fence family, but she always felt like the black sheep. She wasn't academic, good at sports or music, and she certainly wasn't normal, but she didn't know why until her biological mother came to her when she was 15. It was at this point that she embraced her abnormality, and began to honour her mother in the best way possible. By causing trouble. It was simple things at first; starting fights, releasing caged animals in populated areas, spreading rumours. But over time, her methods got more and more complex, and life got more and more chaotic. She finished high school when she was 18, and got two jobs that allow her to interact with people on a daily basis. As both a waitress and a bartender, she has access to people whom she can manipulate and mildly-torture by causing trouble for the poor little human victims. Just after turning eighteen, her step-mother found out what she was, and instantly rejected her. Her father, who had known for quite some time, was given an ultimatum of 'the freak-show or your wife' but Lilith left before he could decide. She didn't want to be rejected by her human family any more than she had been. Growing up as the daughter of Eris has meant a lot to her, but it also meant she had very few friends and the ones she did get didn't last very long, leading her to be quite lonely aside from her interactions with her human victims.
Father- Joseph Moreno.
Mother- Eris.
Step-Mother- Helena Pelley-Moreno.
Older Step-Sister- Emma Pelley-Moreno.
Younger Step-Sister- Hanna Pelley-Moreno.
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia.
Always last minute you -.-
Accepted shit face.

(Making me do favorites when I stick to my guns... Meanie)
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Hahaha is she talking about the open palm that sometimes people are like gesturing and placing it in front of your face?

Cause I see my parents doing it to each other sometimes as insult?

Yes, it's a way if saying "you're a stupid idiot" or "fuck off you tool"
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