Change of Heart

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Nik had spent every day in this room, only leaving when the healers made him - though, they never had to fight him away like Jak had the first time - and when someone dragged him away to make him eat, something he did swiftly and only about once a day. Any other time, he was sleeping here, talking softly about things he couldn't even remember, singing until his voice was hoarse and he'd drift back off, never letting go of Lyra's hand. Each day brought more hope, but disappointment too when she didn't wake and the halfbreed became as withdrawn as Lyra was in her unconscious state with everyone.

Now though, Kauity was calling him back into the room as he'd stepped out to talk with Amara about Lyra's condition and whether she would be able to come home when she woke. The gesture by his sister-in-law made his heart still, unsure whether to plummet or soar, but when the moments ticked by and no healers rushed by, no one shouted in alarm and Kauity smiled at him, he knew prayers had been answered.

A smile came to Nik's face then, hesitant at first and then growing wider with joy as he wasted no time in coming into the room. His eyes met Jak's briefly, hearing what he said about home - and funny, it felt like home now, finally - the white-haired male nodded and then his eyes, attention, heart, being was entirely focused on the she-elf in the bed. His smile was now for her alone and he sat carefully on the edge of the bed, taking her hand instinctively, on habit now as he spoke quietly, teasing because with Lyra is just seemed wrong to do anything else.

"Hey, hugrekki einn. Those scowling eyes were missed."
Quirking her head to him when the white haired half breed sat down scooping up her hand, Lyra rolled her eyes effectively at his quip. Though she was wondering what the heck he was calling her, sounded okay but there were many words that sounded nice but could mean something else entirely. From where she stood, uh laid, he was teasing her somewhat.

Though he looked about as exhausted as she felt.

"We'll let you two be for now," Kauity motioned for Jak to come with her though he seemed extremely hesitant. "Come on dear." Pinching his ear to drag him upwards, Jak was muttering quickly as Kauity grinned so sweetly to them.

"That's my ear, let go let go let go." Jak cringed stirring a smirk at his expense watching as she could only assume Kauity might have been concerned Jak may do something out of character for himself.

Retracting her hand from his, curling them around the edges of the bed she was not laying down a moment more than she had too. She felt weak no doubt but laying there only encouraged it. If Nik tried to tell her otherwise, she'd swat at him - granted pathetically- but swat at him either way mumbling words through her head that she wasn't a baby. When she felt well enough to use the head board to rest her back against, she threw him a pleading look. 'Home please?' her nose crinkled partially with the pain and partially with the fact she couldn't say anything like a normal mortal.

She'd need a quill at this rate. That would have to come next she settled upon that before drawing her gaze back to him. Giving him a careful look over lifting a finger upwards in a beckoning motion she kept a smile from her face looking positively serious for what reason couldn't really be spoke of. Not that she could.
Nik smiled slightly as he watched Kauity pull Jak away, the male elf protesting the entire way and then directed his attention back to Lyra. He watched her sit up and it was in that moment that he realized how well he actually knew Lyra, knew her expressions, knew her tone in any given situation. He kept his hands from her and his protests quiet, already able to practically hear her tell him that she wasn't a child. And she certainly wasn't to him as he watched her, noting how much strength was still in her body and yet how tired she was too. He would rejoice the day she had a sword back in her hand and a cocky sway to her hips, when she was up and about and he had to ask around to know where she was. He was already looking forward to the day she was standing on her own two feet and this was all just a story behind her, another battle scar to wear proudly.

In the meantime, though...

The halfbreed nodded with a slight smile at her silent plea and he reached forward, tucking her hair behind her ear with a familiarity he wasn't even aware he was displaying. "Your mother and I discussed it and as long as you stay on bed rest for another week until she can assess your progress, you can come home." he explained readily and then tilted his head with a slight frown of question as she beckoned him with her finger.

Pale blue eyes met her azure ones, but in that moment, Nik would have done anything she wanted if would have made her happy. So he leaned forward until his face was closer to her own, wondering if maybe she was going to try to talk...or if he was walking into a massive prank of some kind. And the funny thing was, he really didn't care which one it was.
The spark of a grin touched upon her lips at the idea of going home, it stopped and threw her hands up in the air. She didn't want to be in bed for a week! That was torture especially if she was aware of it. But she could probably squirm her way out of that, at least she could find a way to sneak out when Nik was training. Oh this could work.

So she nodded slowly trying not to let the little scheme play in her mind. The less he knew the better. She just had a sense he would be all over her like a dirty shirt if he figured out her plots. She hadn't even paid much attention to the attentive display of him pushing her hair behind her ear. Man she needed a bath, that just dawned on her.

That would be at home, she was not letting someone touch her anymore here. Goddesses know what they seen on her body and how much of it. 'Don't think about that.' she scowled herself in the reaches of her mind.

Letting his movement draw her focus back, actually a little impressed he wasn't being apprehensive to leaning in closer, Lyra threw a slow look to her left and her right before settling her gaze on him. Lifting her fingers to grip around his chin not hard of course but it was rather light and gentle; she tilted it to the right and left just like she had done looking over her shoulders. Though she did that again making it very clear she was nervous at being caught. Heat flushed quick to her face, clearly having enough blood to do so; Lyra tilted his chin away from her as she placed a gentle kiss to his cheek.

Releasing pretty quickly, she sighed looking every inch embarrassed to what she had done but not regretting it. Still she started to fidget, before pointing towards the door. She wanted to leave now, no she wanted to leave like five minutes ago.
Her looking around did make him a tad bit nervous, but Nik stayed where he was, more curious now than anything as he watched her. When she took his chin in her hand, he raised a brow and let her guide him where she wanted, his hair falling into his eyes with the slight tipping of his head from side to side. A smile curled at his lips as she again looked around and this time Nik read the nervousness there in her expression clearly, wondering just what exactly she was going to do that she didn't want anyone to see. It wasn't a prank, that was for sure.

Still, when she kissed his cheek, Nik froze for a moment and then felt a rush of warmth that curled happily in his chest, making him smile widely as he looked back at Lyra's blushing face. He knew immediately that she didn't want to speak of it, didn't want to acknowledge it or act like it had happened, and that was fine. But it had happened and Nik knew in that moment that she'd known he was there, the whole time, watching out for her. It was a reward he could have never hoped to ask for, never expected to receive and it made him happier than he'd been in days.

But obliging her wishes, he said nothing, didn't even act like it had happened at all as he got off the bed and held up a finger in silent communication for her to wait a moment as he moved to the door. He would get the arrangements for her transport in order and then he'd take her home.
Testing the floor boards, throwing a look around the house as she peeked out of her room for the guard dog that seemed to be more relentless than a actual dog on a bone, she was never too sure where Nik was.

She had been released over three days ago and brought back to the house. A place she was yearning for more than she previously thought. The first day he really had nothing to worry about. Moving around as much as she had drained her forcing her to succumb to sleeping like a bear in winter. The second day had been a whole other story. She was bored out of her skull! Laying in bed was not her thing.

Having slept so much she had so much energy to burn that staying in bed was impossible. Apparently he knew it would be too as he was lurking around every corner for her every single time she had tried sneaking out. It only make her more determined.

Toes stretched out to the floorboards, slowly pushing her door open eyes shot around evening peering up towards the ceiling. She was taking no chances this time!

Pressing the wall to her back, inching like a worm across the wall towards the front windows, a quick look outside - granted she moved a bit faster than she should have making the twinge in her chest rip wanting to make her growl in agony. The only good thing about having no voice she couldn't make much noise in a verbal way that would give her away.

So far it seemed clear. Twitching her ears, oh she hated the fact he moved so silently it made it difficult to track.

Creeping forward a bit more, she dropped to the floor crawling quick to squat in the kitchen slowly rising up to peek across the counter. Nothing. Eyes darted back and forth, sinking back down to plop on her rear end with a silent sigh of relief. This was going better than she expected, maybe she'd actually be able to get outside? Oh she was all a tingle with the mere prospect!
Nik had known - oh of course he had - that he couldn't keep her confined to the bed for a week. He'd agreed to it for Amara's sake and he'd been determined to keep her resting as long as she could - and he still was - but Nik knew that he had to go about it in an unconventional way. There would be no telling her to stay in bed or locking her in her room or even sitting there and making her stay that way. She'd only grow angry and resentful, frustrated and bored. So the second day - her first for escape attempts - he'd just made it difficult for her and that was a challenge for Lyra by itself. She'd been exhausted enough to sleep the night away due to just moving around and trying to avoid him.

Which had been his goal.

Now, though, she did have more energy and he knew it. He wouldn't be keeping her inside, but he also wasn't going to let her out unless he saw that she could manage it without exhausting herself completely. He waited until after he saw her head peek up to look outside to move, smirking all the while. Yes, she'd get outside, he had no doubt now. So he waited, arms crossed patiently as he leaned back against Noble Black's side, glancing at the horse who stood rather calmly.

"I give it a minute."

Yep, sure enough, there she came, sneaking out of the door and then freezing the minute she saw him. The white-haired halfbreed tilted his head, brow raising. "Going somewhere?" Pushing away from the horse, he approached her, taking the steps up the porch without any sound at all until he stood right in front of her, expression serious, rather like he was going to give her a lecture.

And then he smiled. "Come on." He held out a hand for her to take and chuckled a little at her expression. "If you're that determined, then come on. You can ride, no walking or it's back in the house you go. Deal?"
Deviousness spread into her mighty grin, slinking out the front door - why didn't she have a back door honestly- she was a mite proud of herself. Heck she might have even skipped down the steps until her gaze opened locking sights with the very man she thought she might have succeeded in avoid.

Why did she freeze? She knew he seen her just as much as she seen him. Did she think he might not notice her if she didn't move? Oh it was a sad day. His tone rang over the distance as she thought about darting off to the right in an avoidance but even daring to think about it reminded herself that she was in no state to do so. She might have had energy but she knew that rolling around and slipping into a strafing motion would only rend her healing wounds.

Tangling her hands behind her back scuffling a foot to the front steps looking rightfully - not really- ashamed under his gaze, Lyra cringed waiting for him to dig into her. She even made the face for it. Squishing eyelids shut, gritting her teeth opening leaning away a little, eyes popped right open twisting around to look up at the taller man with sheer childlike wonder. Azure eyes washed with curiosity she wasn't sure this was the same man she was trying to avoid.

His said some sweet words, they could have been poetry at that point making the motion for her to come with as he held his grasp out for her and she was about to take it until he said she wasn't allowed to walk around. Pulling her hand back, she pointed at both her legs making it clear to say she had two legs for a reason! Lyra puffed out her bottom lip at him. Riding wasn't moving around, it was sitting there... looking pretty and stupid. Pretty stupid.
Nik chuckled at her sudden withdrawal and he shook his head, understanding her fully after three days of complete silence. He gave her an even, but firm look and spoke in a calm voice that somehow brokered little argument. He'd make a good father, that was for sure as Nik seemed entirely impervious to puppy-dog expressions, pleading looks and pouting at this point. He'd changed a bit in the time Lyra had been gone, grown a bit more confident on his own in the elven city and now he knew he loved her, wanted the best for her and he'd fight her if she was going to do something that would cause her own body harm.

Especially right now.

"No. I told your mother you'd be on bed rest. I am willing to conspire with you against the High Priestess, but only in so much that she won't maim me for it." He gave her another smile. "Now, we can compromise. You can ride Noble, work your leg muscles that way and your core muscles without straining them OR you can go back inside, to bed and I can send a werewolf to watch you as I still have chores to do. Your choice."

He crossed his arms and merely waited for her to think it out - and curse him out if she wished.
'Oh come on!' she mouthed it slowly making sure he got the gist of it, Lyra dropped her shoulders looking upwards towards the sky.

Lifting a foot up bare wiggling her toes first, then moving her hands to lift the bottom of her own shirt prodding at the lithe core, she then made a gesture to him in a way that was stating, 'See. I'm fine.'

Crossing her arms over or rather under her bosom developing an unamused look, she was listening to him with his compromise. Wrinkling her nose to the first suggestion, her tongue stuck out at the second. Which was the lesser of two evils? She didn't want to have some wolf watching over her, it was no better than him. Actually he was worse cause he could move around her without her actually ever knowing.

Tilting her thoughts upwards, smacked her lips before making a shooing gesture at him. Apparently choosing his first option over the second, she slipped around him letting her feet touch the grass with a grin, she shot a look across her shoulder. If it wasn't obvious that she was being mischievous then nothing else would be. Scouting him over carefully, she was studying him in a way that should have been an alarm that she was plotting something. Walking forward at first, Lyra grinned a little before she just took off running. She hadn't been injured down there and it was sort of a point to be made.

Horses heads came up, watching briefly out of wonder as she exhaled heavily - a mite painfully,- as fingers reached up to grab and swing up onto Noble's barren back, inching forward to gently laze herself against his writhers happily rubbing her face into the horse's welcoming smell.
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Stars, this woman was going to send him to an early grave. Nik's heart only slowed of the leap it had taken when she was on the horse and he was at Noble's head, refraining very, very carefully from glaring or growling at her. Instead he raised a brow over pale eyes that were far from amused, more worried than anything and his words were rather simple. "I hope that hurts later." Without saying one more word, he turned and spoke softly to Noble.

"Ekki láta hlaupa hana eða brokk. Dvöl á göngutúr, vinsamlegast."

The horse bobbed his head a bit, seeming to understand the halfbreed's native tongue perfectly and Nik smiled a little, patting the dark neck before he stepped back and looked at Lyra. "Have fun. I'll be by the stable if you need me." With that he walked away, leaving her on her own and knowing he could trust the horse to do what he asked. Being able to talk to animals and have them understand completely did come in handy.

His next chore was chopping wood for the coming winter, autumn already setting in and Nik took off his shirt before he set to work.
Dragging her bottom eyelid down sticking her tongue out at him for his snide comment, Lyra ran a praising hand down the neck of her horse though her gaze was watching Nik with a raised brow. She heard him state more than once he spoke to the horses but she honestly never seen in.

This was enough convention for her to see what he meant. Stroking his pelt with a clapping hand, ears perked a little turning her attention to that of the man when he stated he was going to be at the stables doing something she was sure. Squeezing Noble's belly with her heels, she gave him another clap to the writhers which had his ears turning back to listen for her command. She might be speaking to her horses on the same level as he did but she had their respect enough that they knew her signals. Shuffling forward letting her heel to her left foot press lighting into the barrel of Noble, he stepped back gathering room before bowing his one leg under his body and stretching the other into a full bow. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she hurt herself getting up. A little bit but it was worth it.

Hopping down, stroking her fingers appreciating to the snipe of his nose, the horse seemed to follow lead coming in a walk behind her. Twitching her ears she stopped, turned around and gathered Heaven's attention that she would follow as well.

Feeling as if she had their full attention, she kept them at bay once she heard the wood being chopped as she didn't want them to accidently get a chuck of wood stuck up in their hooves; Lyra peeked around the side of the stables.

Humming without noise she nodded short to herself, giving herself a push stooping down to pick up a rock or two, she chucked them towards but not at Nik as he was busying himself, getting his attention to stop for a moment. When she as certain she had gotten it, Lyra smiled gently sprinting lightly over stopping before the man giving him the once over. Okay maybe more than that, but that was her secret.

Slipping her hands around a forearm, she tugged at him making a motion backwards, before making a hurried motion for him to put down the hatchet for now. Winter wasn't going to be here that quick. Innocence reflected in the shimmering green blue of her gaze watching him intently, tugging again if she had too making it clear she was actually wanting his company and trying to get him to take some time to be less of a watchful prude.
The rock made him stop immediately, already groaning inwardly as he turned. Yep, there she was. Nik watched her run slowly toward him and couldn't help but wince. Her mother was going to KILL him. But hey, he couldn't say he hadn't TRIED to make her take it easy and if she was incredibly sore tonight, that might be punishment enough. Still, much as his thoughts were worried and circling around his own painful death at the hands of a High Priestess, his mouth couldn't help but quirk into a smile at her own and the child-like gaze of her eyes.

Dammit, how was he going to resist that? How could anyone?

He sighed lightly as she tugged at him, looked at the work he needed to do and then at Lyra again. There really wasn't that much of a competition and Nik reached up, cupping her face gently. "Fine. You win, brat." He smiled at her fully then and let her pull him to the horses. He went up to Noble then and gave him a look. "A lot of help you were." The horse snorted back at him, unrepentant and Heaven lipped at his shirt, pulling gently as if in agreement and Nik shook his head, laughing.

"You're all horrible." Even as he said it, though, his hands were stroking their noses and he went around to Lyra, holding out a hand for her to slip her foot into. His eyes pleaded with her to just accept it and he smiled when she did, swinging her up gently before he moved around to Heaven and mounted up as well. Both horses started out then across the field at a fast walk and Nik watched Lyra for a few minutes just to reassure himself that she wasn't going to try and go galloping off, but soon found himself relaxing a little, first time in a week since finding out she'd been hurt so gravely.
Lips quirked into a playful twist at being called a brat, she could handle being a brat. That was fine, it meant she was doing something that she shouldn't have, going back into a comfort of her own skin. Not that he put up that much of a fight to it.

Succeeding in pulling the sidhe along, watching with a mirth gentle in her features scolding that of Noble before they all were clustered in his mild rant - wasn't even a rant-, she didn't actually care he had offered to help her up. She doubted she'd be able to swing up like the first time anyways.

Still... she liked this. It felt weird to be enjoying it honestly, it made a funny jumble in her stomach that she was certain never existed before. Perhaps it was a good thing she couldn't talk, she wouldn't be able to say something silly to embarrass herself.

Trotting around the open field doing nothing more as she had to re-teach herself how to post properly on the back of Noble forgetting how his two beat gait was so thin in variation. He moved quicker than most but it wasn't unpleasant enough to force him into a four beat gait. It took a bit before she felt as if she needed to rest, positioning Noble into the same practice at bowing allowing her down, she absently rubbed the tenderness of her chest making a mental note to treat both her beasts to a well deserved sweet. But that might be trying to convince the casual tyrant to let her walk into the city to buy some fruits.

Setting her feet back flat on the ground, rubbing her fingers affectionately to the snips of each horse, her attention faltered to the warden. Ears falling back to pin in a lower peak she gave him a shy look, a private look before nodding her head in a way of thanks for actually sticking around with her. She liked it, enjoyed it thoroughly though she was not so sure it was clear and honestly she wasn't so sure she was ready for that to be so evident either. It was new and in a way terrifying while exciting.
Nik had Heaven keep pace with Noble and Lyra, his own body seeming to be one with the horse under him. He watched the she-elf carefully to be sure that she was as okay as she wanted him to believe, but after a while he stopped doing that so sharply, too and instead started to simply enjoy the ride around the field and seeing Lyra so determined and happy in that willpower. He'd been out of training for the last week, but exhaustion was still playing its part with him right now due to all the work that still needed to be done and keeping an eye on Lyra. So it was that Nik let Heaven's gait lull him into something of a slight doze without any true sleep and it was only when they stopped that he came back to true awareness.

When Lyra got off Noble, he followed suit with Heaven and then gave the she-elf a pointed look that didn't need words. See? She wasn't all better and she needed to remember that. It was rather odd that they'd fallen into this silent communication, but it worked for them and it would be hilarious to see others puzzled over it. Rubbing his fist over Heaven's neck, he moved toward where Lyra was and then stopped, watching her expression with interest. He'd never seen that look on her before, never directed to him at least, and Nik found himself smiling and nodding back.

That now familiar warmth curled happily through his chest, something he now knew to be the love he felt for the she-elf before him. Nik let himself remain content in it for a moment and then he yawned involuntarily, blinking rapidly afterward as he looked at the sun. Gah, it was already getting late. The halfbreed sighed, pushing his white hair away from his face, muttering under his breath. "Ah, screw it."

Without another word he sank to the ground and stretched out on his stomach, head resting in his arms after he'd struck the ground lightly with his palm. "Come on, sit. You need to catch your breath for the walk back - yes, I will let you walk - and I need a nap." When she came down closer to his level, Nik gave her a serious look, for a moment letting the mask of a 'warden' slip to reveal fatigue and a simply pleading expression. "Can you just promise me you'll stay here and won't wander off?" He didn't want to admit it or worry her unduly, but he'd not been sleeping much in the last three days, always checking in on her, terrified she was going to be gone every time he did.

It didn't help that the red-woman's voice tormented him the most then, that she was constantly screwing up his dreams so that he had trouble sleeping anyway.
The nip in the air as the sun was starting to fall to the call of its eventual descend into setting; the slow loll of her chin to the left watching the curious man seemingly more exhausted than she pegged him for, she could only imagine he was doing more than he should have been. Or was even telling her.

Taking an unusual incentive to sink to the ground only to sprawl across it with himself getting comfortable; hooves took their own thoughts to the lingering grass before it all faded into nothing. Curious attention shifted around to the yard, to the field and past thinking more on the events that had all seemed jumbled and swiftly occurring since those few months ago. Soft patting to the swishing grass and dirt making her sit down hands resting to her knees; it wasn't so much her breath she needed to catch but more just to rest. He was too focused on her regeneration and in turn she could tell he was putting more of himself into the fatigue. It only became clearer when he dropped the act of being her all knowing all watching warden revealing the weariness resting over top like a blanket to his frame.

And still that concern echoed in his tone pleading with her to go against her usual character and remaining sitting in one spot; lips pressed into a grim line before nodding in a bouncing swing. This man was strange. So out of the ordinary, beyond what she was accustom too. In more ways that one. Growing up around the influence of a negative father figure, the dedicated stern compassion of her brother, an unquestionable love that devoted deep from her mother and the steadfast companionship Zen offered, she wasn't so foreign to the concept of knowing all facets of emotions. But still.

From a half breed sidhe who seemed more willing to get lost in his own skin all those few months ago, snapping and snarling when he felt threatened to someone who was putting more time and effort onto her well being... well it was strange. A flutter in her stomach and a nervous grin for herself alone, she wasn't stupid not to figure out that he managed to somehow slip in under her guarded radar, pushing past boundaries that others were either destroyed or slapped with only to make her realizing she was increasingly smitten with him. That mere thought alone made her squeamish, and feel entirely like a wee child crushing on someone for the first time. Actually it would have. She liked Zen quite a bit in her younger years but this level of affection was nowhere close.

As much as she didn't like the idea of having someone constantly watching over her like an hawk, she knew he was doing it because of the scare they all had from her run through. Run through... she rubbed the tender area with a hooded stare, yeah that was about right. Still...

All the swirl of new and old emotions bundled tight within the cavity of her chest, flourishing a embedded warmth; she corrected the way she sat to perch more so on her hip letting her knees rest before herself propping herself up with an arm, looking out among the splendor of scenery. The city a fine glow misting in the slowly setting afternoon light; little bodies dotting the way scattered in an array of colours, she smirked to herself. Maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe she was enjoying a little doting on from the sidhe more than she previously thought and maybe this was selfish. They had been like fire and water before, toxic and volatile but slowly somehow they were making this hair brain union work. Sitting here long enough she knew she valued him as a friend, not merely that person that had to be here and she had to treat as a partial equal. She'd never say it, but honestly; - eyes turned to look at him thoughtfully, the soft melting green mixing into the tranquil blue of her mirrored eyes holding deep and serene- she enjoyed his company and sought it. But... there was always that but, she was afraid. She wasn't suppose to feel like this, she hadn't wanted to care and yet she was. Her feelings verses that of his own were foggy which made her quickly question her own thoughts. They were merely husband and wife through precedence, but... did that make what she was doing horrible? It wasn't like she could question him, asking how he felt now about all this, how he felt towards her. No that wasn't her business.

So she'd just be content with her own unusual feelings, keeping them to herself. At least that way she'd have something pleasant to keep closer to her soul than the bitterness so many others brought.

Four days later...

"Lyra! Sit!"

Nik gave an exasperated glare to the she-elf from where he stood close to the window. Amara was to show up any minute and dammit, he was probably in enough trouble for letting her walk around, ride and cook in the last four days! "Do you want your mother to skin my hide?" A thoughtful frown. "Nevermind, don't answer that. Just sit down and stay down. Can you manage that? Honestly..." The last bit was muttered and Marsin, laying in his wolf form on the floor, snorted.

He and Lyra still didn't exactly get along, but then again, they didn't exactly fight either. It was a mutual understanding that they had to tolerate one another. Today Marsin had come in to report on the well-being of the pack to Nik and had instead found Nik just a wee bit stressed trying to keep Lyra from bouncy off the walls it seemed. Today was her evaluation and depending on what her mother found, she might be due for more healing and more freedom.

And contrary to what some might think, Nik was ready for her to have more freedom. Very ready. He loved Lyra, he did, but entertaining her while at the same time making sure she didn't strain herself was like watching a toddler with a flamethrower. Something was bound to get burned and more often than not, Nik was the one burned out, though, he did his best not to show it for her sake. He wanted her to challenge herself and get better, but he also wanted her safe and to heal properly. Balancing those two acts was nothing short of a full-time schedule.

He was ready to cut some hours from his shift.
Slumping down into the chair as he demanded her to sit after the fifth or tenth or possibly twentieth time, she finally complied. But it was difficult. She felt as if she was being quarantined for some unheard of plague only to be watched from the outside in. It was annoying and she was increasingly frustrated. And it showed.

She loved her home but this place as more of a cage than a sanctuary any longer and now that Marsin was here today, she was ready to go out of her mind.

Watching him through a snarky stare, she couldn't sit anymore. Resting in bed, sitting in a chair, not able to use her own freedom was enough. She hated it! And it was represented in her actions. Coming up and out of her chair again, Lyra shot him a glare daring him to keep trying her to sit, she wouldn't. Stepping around the lying wolf giving him more of an look of consideration, Lyra scooted around wanting nothing more than to escape. After that first taste of freedom, it was hard not to want more. She hated being treated like she was fragile, like a mere look at her and she was going to break.

Her tongue poked out when he would get ready to tell her to sit down again, the door pushing open revealing the thin priestess and her eyes were locked on her already. Though Lyra didn't falter in her step either, Amara raising a brow allowing the door to shut behind her. "Aelyra."

A finger came up began to shake in a quick twist making it very clear she was not listening to either of them. In turn her mother pointed to the chair, "Sit." eyes turned to Nik, "Good Day my son," she made no qualms in developing an affection for the sidhe, she accepted him very willingly unlike his own family.

Lyra crossed her arms, turning her nose right up making her defiant stand. She would not. "Nice to see your bull headed nature is still intact," Amara's olive eyes narrowed not faltered either, "Sit. Down." she was grinning but she was ready to smack her daughter upside the head.

Slender finger pointed to herself, then to the chair and grinned smugly with a shake of her head. Nope. There was no way. Sighing heavily pinching her nose Amara threw a side look to the male, "I must give you credit for putting up with her as long as you have." releasing her grasp on the bridge of her nose, Amara patted him in assurance. "Why don't you go out for a while Niklomaus? You deserve some time to yourself.I know my daughter can be and is especially tiring to be around in such times."
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Nik had outright given up when Lyra stood again, though, he could not help smirking just a bit when her mother came and ordered the same thing. Even if Lyra didn't obey, at least he could look at her and silently say, 'I told you so'. It was satisfying enough as the white-haired male moved away the window and he smiled genuinely at Amara, still somewhat shy around her of all things, but one could hardly blame him. He'd never had a mother figure and was both very accepting of her affection and yet very afraid of losing it. Still, he chuckled at her reference to Lyra and glanced over at the blond fondly. "She wasn't that bad. I'd do it again."

And for all the sleepless nights and hair-pulling he'd done trying to keep Lyra to stay put....Nik actually meant every word and it showed in his voice before he went out the door, Marsin following. The two males talked for a time about the pack, but everything was fine on that front and Nik soon waved the werewolf off playfully when asked if he was actually going to get some sleep now. After assuring Marsin that he would, the halfbreed watched as the canine disappeared back into the woods with a smile as he laid in the grass, glad for a reprieve.

It didn't last long.

Why do you wear yourself out for a selfish elf that couldn't give a damn about how her actions are affecting you?

The voice slithered through his mind like a seductive snake and Nik groaned, turning over on his back and putting his hands to his face. Would you just go away!? A chuckle answered, red eyes narrowing coyly. What, Nik, is there truth in what I say that you don't like? She doesn't care for you. Not like you do her and she never will. Nik's teeth gritted, anger starting to simmer in his blood. You lie. That's all you ever do. Get out!

Why don't you make me? was the taunting reply and at the halfbreed's failed answer, she laughed cruelly. You can't and you know it. Not even your precious seer can force me out. I am dream-caster, Niklomaus. My one talent in life is getting inside people's minds and once I am there, I don't leave unless I choose to.

Nik sat up, knees drawn up slightly and his head in his fingertips, tired beyond anything he could ever remember feeling in that moment. What do you want? The red presence in his mind shifted, seeming to take some gleeful interest now. Do you know why dream-casters are so sought out by people who deal in assassination?

No, but I have a feeling I am going to find out. Nik snapped back and those red eyes laughed. Indeed. It's because a death can never be traced back to a dream-caster and therefore never back to the ones who've ordered the death. See, it's not ME who kills someone. It's the person I am IN who kills someone. It's so very convenient.

What does this have to do with you being in my head? He asked it, but Nik already had the most horrifiying suspicion that he knew the answer. He just didn't want to believe it.

It's rather simple, Nik...I want you to kill Lyra. Do that, and I'll leave you alone.
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'Ow!' she was flicked hard in the head when Nik had stepped outside, her mother forcing her to sit down only to accost her.

"Stubborn stubborn child of my womb," lips formed around their native tongue effortlessly making her attention swivel to her olive eyes looking at the deep annoyed and the firm affection she held for her. She knew her mother was worried but she was so sick and tired of everyone worrying over her when she was the one who had been injured and in that same fact was feeling FINE! "Don't you give me that look Aelyra, even without words I know what you're thinking and you are not fine! If you were fine, I wouldn't be here."

"Please, you are wasting too much time worrying." She muttered through her lips, she had become very aware she had gotten her voice back a bit ago, maybe a day or more; surprise reflected on her mother's face briefly before she was flicked again in the head. "Slag! What was that for?" Mind you it was hoarse, but it was there.

"You were healing yourself! You know how dangerous it is to heal yourself, I have half a mind to let your husband know such developments. How dare you risk yourself so foolishly." Amara leaned back giving up checking her as Lyra huffed heavily.

"I am tired of everyone waiting hand and foot on me, I am not weak! I am not pathetic and most certainly I am not a child!"

"You are my child and until the day comes you surpass me in age you will always be a child Aelyra. You are so reckless." Lyra crossed her arms under her bosom. "We worry about you because we care about you, stop trying to be the lone fortress in your life."

Nose wrinkling she stood up again much to her mother's irritation, grabbing her mother's hand and pulling her out the door looking down at the man sitting there. Stabbing a finger to him, she lifted her brow and jumped off the front step. "I do not need cuddling!" she blurted right out clearing her throat, "But a certain man who has been more than gracious for putting up with my stubborn ass could use a good look over since he is not sleeping as diligently as he should!"

Amara was agape staring at her, watching springing forward into a jaunt. "That child! That child I swear the good goddesses, she is so damn frustrating. Always has to be the lone one, never wanting someone to care for her, for what! For what! What a self destructive path!" she was rambling off, prattling before her lips as she sighed nosily looking down to Nik, blinking and gave him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry you have been stuck with her for the last while Niklomaus, but I am grateful someone is kind enough to watch over her."
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