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Cats of a Clan

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(Sorry for the late reply and sudden leave earlier. I forgot some plans parents made.)

Shadepaw continued to slowly follow the apprentices and staying with the kit's mother. She wasn't a fan of the idea having to be so close to Thunderclan camp but being the twolegs were getting closer she understood why they had to.



Ashpaw didn't want to admit it but he really wasn't sure about Tigerpaw's question. He gave a faint grin. "I think if we put or minds to it yes. I'm sure our clan can manage some how." He finished convincing himself a little.



Lionspots nodded. "I hope so too." He replied.



Ravenpool took a bit longer than Badgerheart and Iceheart. She watched carefully then once she had the timing just right swiped for her target. Her claw managed to catch the same as Badgerheart a Pound Smelt.

@Iceheart @Zaki @Wolfstar
Viperfang looked relieved when they had reached the safety of the trees. She padded ahead, weaving through the crowd of cats until she reached the leader. The leader sat just outside the boarder as if debating weather or not to cross. Viperfang glanced across to Thunderclan territory. "If we do cross over, it will give us a chance to inform them of how quickly the Twolegs are moving. That their clan could be next.."

@Raven @Wolfstar


Suntails fur bristled with fear as she glanced back. Her ear twitched when Deadpaw spoke and she looked ahead. "Yes, we are getting close." She mumbled around her leaves. As the two neared Windcland camp, she looked around. The other cats could smell the smoke too.



Tigerpaw smiled a little at Ashpaws reassurance. She she-cat continued to lick her paw and swipe it over her face. "I wonder how the other clans are handling the Twolegs." She asked curiously and ser her paw down once she was clean enough.

Shadepaw was glad they had reached the safety of the trees. She placed the mother's kit down near it's mom. Then headed for the other apprentices. She looked to see where Viperfang and the clan leader were. She realized they seemed about to cross into Thunderclan territory. She knew it must be to explain why they were so close and to tell about the twolegs. She wasn't to fond of having to be so close to Thunderclan but it was better than being with twolegs.

@MiraiNikki021209 @Wolfstar


Ashpaw was glad to see the she-cat smile at his words. At her next question he thought a moment. "I'm not sure." He answered for he had wondered the same thing.

Badgerheart was surprised at the speed Ravenpool displayed, the old medicine cat was jealous she longed to return to that prime.
@Raven @Katrina Iceheart @Wolfstar

Deadpaw nods and when he begins to feel the familiar grounds of camp he couldn't help but feel much more safer. Though he knew that this might as well be their last days here in this campsite.
The leader reluctantly nodded, allowing Viperfang to travel over. Viperfang looked back at Shadepaw, flicking her tail for her apprentice to follow. The she-cat crouched at the edge of the thunderpath. There were a few large, yet sleeping yellow monsters with weird scoops attatched to them. There were no Twolegs near by so Viperfang shot across the thunderpath and into Thunderclan territory. She patiently waited for her apprentice, looking around.



The clan seemed to be searching in all directions for the fire, smoke being heavy in the air. Suntail coughed and looked towards the medicine cat den, watching her mentor try and gather as much herbs at needed. "What should we do..?" She asked. She knew she shouldn't be scared. She use to be a warrior for crying out loud. But no cat can fight a fire, she knew that well.



Tigerpaw decided to change the subject to something better. She jumped up and smiled at Ashpaw. "Hey! Wanna see if we can combine our lessons today?" She asked happily.

Shadepaw saw Viperfang motion for her to come with. She gave a smile at getting to come then left the other apprentices. For a moment she stopped before passing the boarder for she noticed the yellow monsters. Then once she saw her mentor waiting on her she hurried up and crossed over then sat beside Viperfang waiting for her to lead.



Ravepool looked to see if she was last or not. She hoped not for she didn't want to be the one walking back with minnow on her head. She also looked to pick out her next target.

@Zaki @Wolfstar @Katrina Iceheart


Ashpaw jumped up after Tigerpaw's question. "That sounds like a great idea." He proclaimed in excitement.

Goldenmask padded little bit farer to the she-cats, he knowed that the fish likes to swin in peace and many paws would scare them away. Carefully he watched at the bright water where two or three little fish swimmed, trying to remember his learning skills, he quickly punched one fish out to the water but sadly he missed the catch and the happy fish falled back to the river.

Crystalfrost looked behing her, so far she was sure that all of the her clanmates was here. One young small apprentice was helping a big clan elder, sighing she padded to the elder other side and together they help him to the tree next to a Thunderclan's borders.

Brightwing walked alone to the forest, stopping next to a little pool and dropped to a drink at it. The water seemed little weird so she stopped immediately. "What is this?" she thought watching where it come from, following it she noticed a somekind of a metal think falled for the downriver. Looking at it she didn't know what it was but there was a skull symbol which meanings she was heared By her fallen mentor "...poison?" she meowed herself before running back to the camp.
Iceheart by now had caught three mice, a water vole, four fish, a starling, a crow, a wren, a water shrew, and two finches. This was by far was going to be the most the fresh-kill pile had been stocked in months. Iceheart padded back proudly to the riverbank. She would probably still partake in the punishment. it seemed fun to her.
Once her apprentice made it across, Viperfang started walking through the forest. She inhaled and smelled a mouse. She wanted to eat, but she couldn't. She wasn't here to hunt, she was here to warn Thunderclan. "Keep a watch for any Thunderclan cats. We don't want them to think of us as a threat before we have a chance to explain ourselves." She informed her apprentice. After a while, the camp boarders came into view.



Tigerpaw smiles and jumped up. Her tail twitched happily and looked over to the mentors. They were still speaking and she knew it was rude to interrupt. But she was a little impatient. Her paws scrapped the ground eagerly as she waited.

@Raven @Zaki
Badgerheart started slow down despite having only caught one fish. She forgot how exhausting it was to hunt, herbs didn't run and hide like prey "This is tiring..." She said flatly her ears folded back as she stared at the water.

She noticed the large amount of prey that Iceheart had caught her eyes widen at the sudden realization that she didnt know how Iceheart could've caught this many prey in so little time. She noticed that Ravenpool was looking around, probably hoping not to be last "Don't worry love, I think Goldmask will be wearing a minnow~." She teased playfully. Giving a playful swat to a stalk of grass.
@Wolfstar @Raven @Katrina Iceheart

Yellowtail was about to say something more but he could sense his apprentice becoming restless, so instead he dipped his head "Well thanks for the talk, I should get to my apprentice who has the patience of a kit." He said the last part a bit loud Tigerpaw, he loved teasing Tigerpaw.

He quickly returns to her "Come on we're checking the border...cats grow desperate when prey is low."


A deep yowl rang throughout the clan "We're leaving now!"

It was Tigerstar, he pads up to his clan his calmness hoped would wash over his clan. "Flames are ruthless force to cats, there is no point in staying in this clan...we will be leaving anyway."

He enters the nursery and picks up a kit "Suntail, help get the traveling herbs, you too Deadpaw!"

The blind apprentice nods and his uncontrollable shaking making it hard to stand on his legs.
Shadepaw followed her mentor. She gave a nod at Viperfang's words on Thunderclan's cats. "Alright." She answered and continued to follow. She could smell as they walked a mouse but resisted the eager to ask if they could hunt. They were in Thunderclan territory and here to warn them. She was relieved when Thunderclan camp came into view.



Ashpaw smiled in hopes when they could ask. His tail swayed in anxiety to ask. He knew they had to wait to ask while the mentors spoke to one another for then it would be rude for them to intrude which he felt might ruin their chances.



Ravenpool gave a grin and a nod. "Alright." She replied sounding relief. Then with that attacked yet another fish that tried to go by her once more catching yet another of her prey. She then did the same to two more and the with a mouth full jumped up and placed them on the side. She still hadn't eaten yet and finally her stomach let out a growl. She tried not to think about eating quit yet wishing to get whatever the group felt the clan needed first. She could wait.

@Katrina Iceheart @Zaki @Wolfstar


Lionspots gave a respectful bow. "Alright. I agree I think Ashpaw does as well." He stated looking at his young apprentice who also looked very eager with something. "Well checking the boarders sounds like a wise idea. I was planning to take Ashpaw hunting so we might can restock more of the fresh kill pile." He replied.

@Zaki @MiraiNikki021209
Iceheart saw Ravenpool slowing slightly. She reminded herself that not all cats were like her, who could run on fumes and make it last week's. Facebook looked starved now that she thought of it. She took a finch and sat it in front of her
"By now the apprentices have fed the elders, kits, and queens. I know you want to serve your clan, but I don't think you can do it on an empty tummy." She bowed her head over the piece of fresh-kill.
"Thank you starclan for this life, and make it so Ravenpool can eat this for the energy to hunt twice as efficient to serve her clan." Iceheart prayed. She lifted her head slightly to her and winked "this is at no cost to your fresh kill total."

Name: Bearclaw
Age: Adult
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Tom
Clan: Riverclan
Pelt: Brown haired
Other: Bearclaw was late becoming an apprentice due to his upbringing. Born in a litter of three, he was the only surviving kit of a terrible fire which burned down his barn. His mother, and her parents before her, were all born and raised mousers. The night the twoleg barn was destroyed a passing warrior patrol saved Bearclaw, who was covered in ash and singed hair. Riverclan raised him, but he grew at an alarming rate, and was twice the size of the other kits even though he was moons younger. Bearstep easily dwarfs his clanmates, and is occasionally picked on due to his hulking size. Even though his appearance is intimidating, one of Bearclaw's greatest faults is his tendency for laziness.

Bearclaw blinked when a dewdrop splashed down on his nose. It was cold, and it did the trick to wake him. He stood on all fours and shook dust out of his slick brown fur. His right paw stung with every step. Yesterday he remembered hurting it while hunting, and had wondered if a thorn had gotten stuck in his pad. Now he was sure of it, as pus rimmed the wound and it throbbed while he walked outside the warrior den. Bearclaw limped his way for the medicine cat's den, and he called inside for Badgerheart.
"I've got a thorn," he mumbled inside. "Hello?"
Tigerpaw scowled at hee mentors teasing, but ran towards him happily. "Can Ashpaw and I have a joined practice today? Please?" She purred our excitedly, but then she paused. She caught sent if Thunderclan cats. "What the..?"

@Raven @Zaki


Viperfang lifted her chin. She was representing her Clan, she refused to look sad. She needed to look strong. She walked through the entrance of Thunderclan and spotted Lionspots and Yellowtail, whom she remembered from clan gatherings. "We would like to speak to your leader." As she spoke, she ignored the scowling look she got from Tigerpaw.

@Raven @Zaki


Suntail flattened her ears to her head, but perked them as her leader gave an order. The medicine cat apprentice nodded and quickly led Deadpaw to the medicine cat den. She began gathering herds and such, handing some to Deadpaw so he could help carry While her mentor instructed her on what was crucial to bring and what wasn't.

Iceheart decided to take a break in the contest, but would continue when someone caught up within 3 pieces of fresh kill. She watched as the hulking cat entered the medicine cat's den and call for Badgerheart.
"Oh, sorry she's... temporarily out." She bounded up."But I can help you. Just sit tight."
She ran and got some damp moss, some chervil and marigold, and cobwebs. She returned and examined the paw. She licked it for a while (trying not to get a mouthful of pus), then found the thorn. She grabbed it with her teeth and tugged it out. It was a serious thorn too. Majorly big. She took the damp moss and soaked up the excess pus and blood, which didn't smell all that good. She chewed the marigolds and chervil to a pulp, then carefully put it in the hole left from the thorn. She covered the wound with cobwebs, almost overdoing it, and then finished.
"Go ahead and sit in the nest over there." It was in the far corner, the apprentices had refreshed it earlier so it was nice and new.
"Just stay still and you should be okay. Have you eaten yet?" She asked.
Bearclaw tried to pretend the pain didn't bother him, but his tail twitched like a dying adder. "Sorry," he admitted, when her struggle became real. He clenched his teeth together and huffed when Iceheart finally pulled the thorn out. The tension deflated, and his fur finally lay flat. "Thank you."

The cobwebs made bending his leg difficult. He lugged himself towards the intended nest. "No, not yet." Bearclaw circled twice before flopping down, taking care to keep his injured paw outstretched. The mention of food made his ears perk up. "The hunting patrol already came back?"
Badgerheart decided she had enough excitement for a day "Sorry kits..." she used the term kit out of endearment "but I should probably head back...but tell you what...I might've ended up with the minnow seeing how much slower I am." She picked up her fish and carried it to the fresh kill pile back at camp.

She enter the medicine cat den only to find Bearclaw in the nest and Iceheart talking to the tom.

The faint scent of blood and pus hit her nose but the much more stronger smell if healing herbs overpowered it.

"Iceheart?" She said sounding truly amazed.
@Katrina Iceheart @Prankish Bear

Yellowtail nearly jumped out of his pelt from surprise "Viperfang..." He said surprised, he had to remember that Viperfang was no longer his clanmate. He remembers his days as Shadowclan cat and quickly responds "Whatever has to be said can be said here." He tried keeping his voice level but he couldn't let Viperfang know that their leader hasn't been seen all day.
@MiraiNikki021209 @Raven

Deadpaw quickly took the medicine holding it somewhat firmly so he wouldn't squeeze the juices out of the plants.

The tom could hear the flames roaring like a lion at a door and the deep mewl of Tigerstar echoes throughout the camp demanding that everyone left. Though given some elders refused to leave claiming that flames will die out.
"Unofficially yeah. Me and a few others had a hunting contest." She said to bearclaw.
She started to head back to the pile, but badgerheart came in.
"Oh hi badgerheart! I was helping bearclaw remove a thorn from his foot. Held out like a trooper." She said happily.
Badgerheart purrs "Is that so, Bearclaw had always been a strong one. I'm impressed that you knew what use exactly...have you ever thought of becoming a Medicine Cat? Starclan knows we need an apprentice...."
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