Caste Game - Who will be the next 'King'?

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I just notice, Hideki is the only older character (in fact the only older student character) that (still) plays the Caste Game. :3

Yeah, I know. o 3 o I guess that's the reason he's so bitter. XD I don't imagine he'd want to become a subject of bullying just so he could get out of the system. Maybe he tried at some point, but learned that wasn't a good idea. X3
Yeah, I know. o 3 o I guess that's the reason he's so bitter. XD I don't imagine he'd want to become a subject of bullying just so he could get out of the system. Maybe he tried at some point, but learned that wasn't a good idea. X3

Now I am starting to get curious as to why he joined in the first place and why he continues to play. But let's leave that when the roleplay starts. 83
Now I am starting to get curious as to why he joined in the first place and why he continues to play. But let's leave that when the roleplay starts. 83

Mhm. >:D I do have some backstory up my sleeve, muahahahaha! I should actually feel Kind if sorry for him. XD Buuut... I don't. XD Can't wait for this to get started. -w-
Mhm. >:D I do have some backstory up my sleeve, muahahahaha! I should actually feel Kind if sorry for him. XD Buuut... I don't. XD Can't wait for this to get started. -w-

Ooh... Can't wait to read it~ <3

edit: i should add him in my aquaintance.
Alright I think its high time that I start handing out roles. All dice roles for 12 characters (if I can manage to fit all of them onto here ^^;) will be found in this post. I'll post another one tagging people with what role they received for the first round.
Alright guys here are the roles:

King - @Kaz (Congrats ;P Oliver would make for a good king actually.)
Queen - @Tart (Congratulations too Tart ^^ Looking forward to your character also)
Jack - @N/A (Wow I'm kind of surprised to see that the roles are actually fitting each character. Good luck with being the King's right hand man)
Wannabee - @un coin de soleil (The Ace of Diamonds. Like I said roles are being on point)
Pleaser - @WishfulNemo (The Ace of Hearts. Well lets see how long Laura can handle this role ;P)
Messenger - @Cwolf0615 (The Ace of Clubs. I hope Cassia's going to be okay with being the tattle tale)
Prep - @Wicked (The Ace of Spades. Perfectionist at a go!)
Slacker - @Headphones (The 10 of Spades. Easiest card in the deck)
Geek - @Gladis (The 9 of Hearts. Get cracking on your obsession research)
Goth - @DANAsaur (The 8 of Clubs. A cute goth huh?)

The last two are @Rin Mico and @gen101394 . I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you two are currently sharing the lowest number in the stack (3). The only roles left are the Brain and of course the Target (Joker). You can either talk it out and see who gets what or I can re-roll. Up to you guys ^^
Oh my. Didn't think I'll be using "prince charming" (being a flatterer and all) right off the bat early in the game. This is going to be fun.
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Oh, dear.
Not sure how Cassia will feel about her first role.
On one hand, she already has a tendency to get in everyone's business. ("It's all in the sake of exploration and investigation, you see! I can't find the truth about the weird and wonderful if I don't even know what yinz are up to! It's called being a detective, not a gossip!")

On the other hand, growing up with so many cousins and siblings, tattling has always been a big no-no.
Tattlers were chastised and thrown aside in the childish society they had set up to keep order amongst themselves. ("Put a hand to your heart, please! Now, repeat the sacred chant of the Morelli gang. 'I will not steal from my gang! I will only call yinz mean names if you really deserve it! I will beat up anyone who messes with yinz; If they're a grownup I'll play mean tricks on them! Any mischief asked of me by my gang, I will participate in! And most importantly, I will never ever tattle! If I break the rules I will accept my punishment, even if it be death! Traitors must die!'")

Yeah... Cassia and the rest of the 'Morelli gang' were a bit melodramatic as children. Some of the punishments they came up with were actually kind of really insanely harsh.

I'm sure she'll get over it, though. Whether she likes it or not. xD
There were worse roles she could have gotten.
Such as the oh-so-obvious target, or the slacker - the latter might really freak her out. She tries so hard at things, and is so terribly competitive.
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Ahahahahahaha! XD Laura is so going to love her role. Not. I'm going to have great fun with this.
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Ugh i would get a 3 -_- oh well this will be interesting :3 so what do you think @gen101394 ?
Alright guys here are the roles:

King - @Kaz (Congrats ;P Oliver would make for a good king actually.)
Queen - @Tart (Congratulations too Tart ^^ Looking forward to your character also)
Jack - @N/A (Wow I'm kind of surprised to see that the roles are actually fitting each character. Good luck with being the King's right hand man)
Wannabee - @un coin de soleil (The Ace of Diamonds. Like I said roles are being on point)
Pleaser - @WishfulNemo (The Ace of Hearts. Well lets see how long Laura can handle this role ;P)
Messenger - @Cwolf0615 (The Ace of Clubs. I hope Cassia's going to be okay with being the tattle tale)
Prep - @Wicked (The Ace of Spades. Perfectionist at a go!)
Slacker - @Headphones (The 10 of Spades. Easiest card in the deck)
Geek - @Gladis (The 9 of Hearts. Get cracking on your obsession research)
Goth - @DANAsaur (The 8 of Clubs. A cute goth huh?)

The last two are @Rin Mico and @gen101394 . I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you two are currently sharing the lowest number in the stack (3). The only roles left are the Brain and of course the Target (Joker). You can either talk it out and see who gets what or I can re-roll. Up to you guys ^^

Pffft, this actually fits Hideki very well. XD He is a geek at heart. X,D
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huh.....kinda funny how 3 is one of my lucky numbers....

@Rin Mico
Yuki can probably handle either role, so I'll take target if you'd prefer to be the brain.
.... I go away for, say, a day or so and world domination already began.... How could you start the apocalypse without me? -.-

Hehe, in any case, sorry for being away for some time, guys! And congratulations to everyone! May the best actor win!
Dare I say I had a hunch Oliver would become a king? Dare I? Lets see how our Mr. Albino handles this little predicament~
Elian as the Jack is indeed quite befitting. I knew the best role for him, the Ace of Hearts, wouldn't have fallen upon him on the very first try, but his current position is even better.

Clear, don't you think it should be Ace of Hearts, Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds and Ace of Clubs, rather than Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs and Ace of Spades? I've always had the H-S-D-C line in my head and thought it followed that order. If it is like so then:
Alex should be the Ace of Hearts - the Pleaser - aka lady-in-waiting / maid
Laura should be the Ace of Spades - the Prep
Cassia should be the Ace of Diamonds - the Wannabee - aka butler
and @Wicked 's character should be the Ace of Clubs - the Messenger

Vladimir as the Slacker... Well, there goes your perfect record in Biology, lad XD He definitely wouldn't like the bitter taste of failing in Biology and Chemistry, since his soul desire was to bring his family honor, seeing as he comes from a middle class family and just so happened to enter a prestigious academy. Fortunately, going low in the other subjects won't get him down.

Hideki as the Geek.... The Geek.... And the Slacker.... In one room.... Oh, boy. I can see it. It's gorgeous. XD Vlad is usually not the most studyphilic person out there, but now he will be such an annoyance with his "It's too late to get up. Wake me up tomorrow."

Mei as the Goth. Hmm, interesting. I was hoping not to get this card, since being a Goth doesn't work unless you have it in you even a little bit. I myself do fancy the style, but Vlad would certainly look ridiculous with black eye-liner.

@Tart Remember, don't base your character around the Queen role. This is something they didn't know they would receive, besides, the ranks will eventually change. Other than that... I have always wanted to have a male queen =3 Will you fulfill my hopes or am I to wait until the next round?

Nice character, @firejay1 ! Dreda will make a nice addition to the group. I'm curious as to how she will interact with her fellow delinquent, Valentina. =)

And, may I simply state that I love your sheet, @Clear . The glow and the dark eeriness and those images. A piece of art right there, ladies and gentlemen, a piece of art. Nicholas is wonderful, especially because he reminds me a bit about Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7.
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Why does it matter what order the suits are in? The standard I know is Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, then Clubs, which is different from both. *laughs. Isn't it better just to leave it up to the GM?

Thank you for your compliment, but I don't really think she'll interact much with Valentina. Seems to me like Valentina's a real delinquent with delinquent friends to back her up. Dreda... more alone-ish I guess.

I also have to agree with you about Clear's charrie sheet for Nicholas! That thing is beautiful.

Last thing. I'm fairly certain Wicked's getting her character together soon, so when do we start? @Clear
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Personally I know it the way that @firejay1 does, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs.
Like in poker.

I don't care what order they're in though, I just felt to insert myself into this conversation because everyone else was. :O
Why does it matter what order the suits are in? The standard I know is Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, then Clubs, which is different from both. *laughs. Isn't it better just to leave it up to the GM?
o/ Co-GM right here. Just thought you should know.
There is great importance in the order of the suits, because depending on which comes after which different roles will be given out to the four characters in question.

Personally I know it the way that @firejay1 does, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs.
Like in poker.

I don't care what order they're in though, I just felt to insert myself into this conversation because everyone else was. :O
If it really is that way in classic poker, then may it be so. I shall do the necessary adjustments on the site.
@Headphones oh I know! His personality is very...conflicting....

And yes, I said HIS. ;P -wink wink, nudge nudge-
Then may we calmly await His, I mean, Her Excellence's arrival~

I'm fairly certain Wicked's getting her character together soon, so when do we start? @Clear
We must wait until Wicked has finished their sheet. If something were to go wrong, another roll may be in order.
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If it really is that way in classic poker, then may it be so. I shall do the necessary adjustments on the site.
Yup! At least, as far as I know!
I just did a quick google search to make sure I wasn't misleading you, and it seems my knowledge is correct.

(I really don't know much about poker, to be honest. A few family members tried to teach me to play when I was around seven or so, but I was never interested. When it came to games of such sorts, I was always much too busy with my chessboard to care. :P)
*laughs. I'm perfectly well aware that you're the co-GM dear, don't worry and get too defensive. *pets. but it certainly is true that this is Clear's game and so it's his choice. Once a choice is made, it'll be the same either way, after all. And as for my question to @Clear, I was asking relative to Wicked's CS arriving. Will we start immediately after she posts it and is accepted, or wait a bit longer b/c of IRL or formatting problems? And it was directed towards @Clear, since I think it's their choice, though I may be wrong.