Cascade Falls

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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A shame to see you go, skull. Thanks for joining!

So, we should start to wrap up Jean's party and move on to the next day. I'm going to post either Saturday or Sunday night and it's going to take us to the next evening, at the bar's anniversary celebration. If you want to get one last post at Jean's, try to reply this week. If you need more time, just let me know and I'll hold off till Sunday night.
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Part of me never thought we'd see day one end, lol. But now we can get onto the intense stuff.
As much as I don't want to, I fear I will have to back out. Life has thrown a few curveballs and I am having a hard time finding time to get on here because of that. I apologize.
Thanks for letting us know.

Now that we're down three in the last two days, if anyone knows someone who might be interested in this sort thing, point them in this direction?
PS. I just have to ask, is anyone even enjoying themselves with this?
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We've spoken before, and you know I do enjoy the concept. Simply waiting now, for things to move along a bit ;)
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Did we have a map? I can't seem to find it. But I thought we did. I'll just be vague or something.

Found it, but vagueness was still required.
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If anyone else is looking for the map, it's on the overview page with its own tab. It disappeared from imgur once before, so if it's gone or anything just say so and I'll reupload it.
Hi there! I was hopping to join if you guys don't mind one more. Please tell me if I need to fix anything and sorry that's probably a tad too long. >//<

Name: Avery J. Howard
Age: 30
Physical Extras: He stands at 5'10", years of hard physical labor clear on his body be it from his calloused, scared hands that showed what dangers lied in carving tools, sewing needles, forgetting oven mitts and power tools. Little scars litter the palms of his hands and the pads of his fingers, a few even curving around the side of his hands and the heels of his palms. His shoulders are broad and body muscled. His line of work before included plenty of heavy lifting and at the worst had to hold his entire body weight up for long periods of time. His new line of work hasn't changed that much, he made everything in his shop by hand, and in the madness between where he has nothing to do and it's too early to sleep, the man found tasks to do. He weights in at 154 pounds. The calf of his left leg still bears the scar from a not so freak incident that in all involved a bet, a faulty ATV break and a homemade ramp. He has no piercings, though he does have one tattoo that he can't exactly figure out where it came from in all honesty, all he knows is he woke up in a strange bed with his chest stinging and when he looked he found a tribal looking Spade one the left side of his chest just bellow the collarbone.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Three Good Traits:
Nurturing: Avery cares very deeply, and genuinely likes taking care of others even if he doesn't say it all the times. It's clear in little acts. Contrary to what his family might have thought this wasn't simply a byproduct of raising a little girl.

Handy: At least in task that don't include a stove. He worked for years as a Handy man, and thus has made him a bit of Jack of all trades, at least in home care. He is good at repairing most things that can go wrong in a home from a leaky pipe to patching a roof. He also learned how to sew pretty early on. What could he do when he had a little girl crying to him over Professor Bearton loosening his arm in a tragic experiment gone wrong?

Passionate: He dedicates his all to everything he does. His won't let himself half ass anything. If he fix's the sink, the pipes are getting replaced. If he makes a doll it's getting dresses and shoes to match. He cleans the house? Well hope you don't mind waking up to a big man cleaning around you like this is completely normal. He puts his all into everything he puts his mind to. Half-ass isn't in his vocabulary.

Three Flaws:
Mother Hen: He tends to fuss and hover at times. He acts like a mother at times and be like "Here, move I'll do it. Go get a drink." Before taking whatever task you were doing and do it himself. He can almost suffocate you with attention if he isn't careful.

Overprotective (at times even a bit twistedly so): He's the sort if you have fallen under the line where he starts acting like a fussing mother hen over you, then you are likely going to see this side as well. He will practically pluck things out of your grip if he thinks you are going to hurt yourself with it. Let alone try to shelter harsh truths and realities. From where simply trying to make sure you don't get hurt or in trouble to where he's about to wrap you in bubble wrap and put you in the closet until he's finished getting all the glass out of the carpet. He'll do anything if it means protecting someone he cares about. A little blood on his hands means little to him when he get's to that point again.

Bullheaded: Once he gets something in that head of his there is no getting him to stop. It often leads to lost tempers or simple shutting out. Though one way or the other with your help or not it's getting done even if he has to do it all himself. If he believes in something there is no talking him out of it, something his sister has learn the hard way more than once in their life.


Place of Residence: Bardstown, Ky
Marital Status: Single but was dating.
- Mandy M. Howard (Sister, alive, 8)
- Angela Howard (Mother, deceased seven years ago, Was 39 at death)
- Tom (Father, Unknown, age, likely 50 years old)
- Lisa Howard-O'Neal (Aunt, Alive, age: 55. Mother's sister)
- Richard S. O'Neal (Uncle, Alive, age 56.)
- Nick Howard (Uncle, Alive, 46)
- Beck Hart (Ex Aunt, Alive, 48)
- Angel Howard (Cousin, Alive, 14)
- Ricky Jr. Howard (Cousin, alive, 9)
Occupation: Handy Man
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama


Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Toy Store owner/Toy maker.
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Three years
Have you ever tried to leave?: No
Have you ever been to the fence?: No

It was a frigid winter morning, but even so, a blond found himself in a pair of brown work boots and a thick jacket. Snowflakes clung to his hair and dark lashes like the frost on the first day of winter. At that moment he was reconsidering his life choices. To be more specific the reason he didn't stop the two extra minutes it would have took to put on an actual pair of jeans instead of running out in a pair of ball shorts he had fell asleep in. The breathable sleek material was doing little to protect his waist let alone other parts from the biting January wind. Though no sooner did that criticism cross his mind did another. She'd would have been out there, cold and alone in the first snow of January two minutes longer then she already was. The loud crunching of his boots breaking through the virgin snow was the only thing that broke the silence. Not even the birds he had shown her sang. No, they wouldn't be back until the start of spring. Ruby red cardinals and small little yellow birds were all that stayed behind, the only birds that still held a tune, but even now, they didn't sing.

He kept repaying the event over and over in his head. It had been a pleasant morning, as pleasant as could be. It had been the first morning since he had flown in. It had been so odd if he was perfectly honest. Aunt Lisa had met them at the gate, the bear of a man that was her husband peering over the crowed to spot him and the little girl who clung to his hand like a drowning man did a life line. Her little knuckles white as he led her to the middle age couple. What had been the largest surprise was that no sooner were they in arms reach he found himself in a bear hug by the large man. He could still remember how he could barely brush the toes of his boots against the polished linoleum. To say he had been surprised was a drastic understatement. The man hadn't so much as given him a pat on the back since he caught the blond with another young man on a date. Needless to say the right winged, bible thumping man hadn't been the most pleasant person on the planet after the fact. He should have just bought a ticket back to home then and there.

Though that hadn't been what started this whole mess, no it had been a middle aged woman, a careless word, and the woman yanking a stuffed bunny out of the hands of five year old little girl. Too old for dirty old dolls? Too OLD?! Who the hell did that woman think she was?! "Did I trust my instincts? Nawww, give then a damn chance I said." He muttered rubbing his hands together in a vain hope for warmth, a pink and multi-patch covered bunny tucked under his arm, long ears waving with each movement he made. "People change I said." He continued as he poked his head around a tree trunk only to be disappointed for the twentieth time that morning. "You're a fucking moron, Avery." He snorted, disdain clear in his tone. "Yeah, well, fuck you too."

Avery was a good man, or at least he liked to think he was. He did everything, everything he could for that sweet little girl. He dropped out of college, he took on a number of odd jobs and would work himself to the bone to get home on time to meet her at the bus stop. He gave up everything that was him to raise her, to raise Mandy, that little girl with the brightest blue eyes and that sweet smile that made working until he couldn't even stand worth it just so he was sure she was happy, fed and warm. He should have knew better. This family never changed. They were still the same uptight, entitled jerks they always were. The ones who shunned a single mother and her little boy, who had all but shoved a wailing one year old into his arms so they wouldn't be 'saddled' with his mother's mistake.

Now this. How dare they?! He raised her, he clothed her, he fed her. He was there when she was sick and he was the one who made those stupid little costumes for school plays. Then they had the adacity to say to her that when she comes to live with them, girls like her were too old for silly old dolls.

"That poor girl needs more structure." She sighed, shaking her head with that same disapproving look, that same damn look she gave her mother when he would so much as make a peep when he wasn't spoken too as a boy. "You're too young to be raisin' her, dear, we can give her so much more." She had crooned, making it sound as if it was some grand favor he should be grateful for.

"A boy your age needs to live a little."

"Don't….whatever, you bring home run off when they see her?"

"She needs a stable home, sweet heart. We can give her a real family. Do you want her growing up like you?"

Those words even now still stung. He had hopped they could had left it at that. A 'discussion' over a cup of coffee in the middle of the night. An ambush on a jet lag young man. He knew it was foolish to hope, and now all that was left was him kicking himself. Having soothed a little girls worries as he tucked her in, and told her she wasn't going anywhere she didn't want to. Then this….they needed to go and they needed to go now.

"Mandy! Com'on shorty! Miss Long-ears is awfully cold without yah." He called holding the repeatedly patched rabbit, the soft fabric clutched in his freezing hand, his knuckles white from holding it so tight. It's once pink fur now made mostly of patches of fabric. Pink poke-a-dots, green plaid, denim, all sorts of fabric made up the bulk of the doll. One eye replaced by a pink button and it was clear that most of it had been stitched together by hand. Some were puckered and sloppy while others neat and hardly noticeable. Four years of repairing little girls dresses, jeans. Performing emergency doll surgery, fixing the wheels on broken trains, and patching leaking balls. This doll was proof of what all that changed about his life. "Come on darlin', Bubby and Miss Long-ears needs one of your famous hugs." He called again peaking in a hollowed out log. Again no little girl. "Mandy May How-!" He had started to shout, feeling the blood starting to rush to his head as his panic started to evolve into something nowhere near as pleasant. He was brought short though as a sound caught his attention. A hiccup cut through him like butter stopping him short. The hiccup was soon followed by a shaking sob. It didn't take him long, stomping through the fallen snow with a whole new determination, the sound only getting louder and louder. He was nearly sent crashing into the new fallen snow, his glasses barely catching on the tip of his noes, calloused hand clutching desperately at the tree for support as he fought for balance, though it never quite came as he fell to his knees. The snow cut through his skin like a knife, sending a burning tingle up and down his skin. It bit at his bare legs and hand, but that didn't matter, it didn't even registered as an overwhelming sense of relief flashed through him as bright, teary blue eyes gazed at him through a veil of golden curls, her little body shaking and shuddering as snow continued to seep through her cotton panda Pajamas.

"B-bubby…." She whimpered before a damn seemed to break as she crumpled in on herself, wrapping her arms back around her knees as she sobbed into her knees, shaking violently. "P-please…d-don't leave…..please…" She whimpered shrinking more and more as if to disappear into the bare, dried out buses.

A long, relived sigh left him as all the panic and anger seem to wash out of his body in a rush. She was safe, she was safe, and at that moment that's all he could care about, as he hurriedly unzipped his coat. The edges worn and frayed and it has seen better days, but the old brown coat did it's job, even after all these years. It was clumsy and painful but he stumbled back onto his feet, yanking the jacket off to leave him only in the t-shirt and shorts he hadn't even bothered to change out of when he had went chasing after her into the cold. Even as the winter wind bit and cut at his skin he wrapped the thick fabric around her tiny form, skipping her up into his arms as he pulled the hood over her head. He fussing and shifting until her entire frame was under the warm, brown fabric. "Shhhhh, it's alright, it's alright." He cooed, gently patting her back as he tried to sooth her, letting out a playful 'gack' when he felt her tiny arms latch on around his neck, hiding her wind burned nose in his shirt.

"I don't w-wanna stay with them."

"I know darlin', I know….I'm not goin' anywhere without yah...."


Name: Lexia A. Hart

Age: 26

Physical Extras: Without her heels Lexis stands at 5'4" though with her heels she can usually pass as 5'6" and weighs 120 pounds. She is has an athletic frame, lean from her morning runs that she is insistent on keeping up. She has no scars or tattoos to speak of though she does have her ears pierced. Freckles are spread across her shoulders and the upper parts of her arm like it is across her nose and cheeks. Her dark hair falls to the middle of her shoulder blades in loose curls. Her eyes a brown hazel, bright and inquisitive.

Sexuality: Straight.

Three Good Traits:

✺ Intelligent: You can trust this young doctor to know what she's talking about. An IQ of 140 with a photographic memory makes her a reliable source of information. Though it does make her a bit clinical and relying on facts and numbers at times.

✺ Resourceful: She can improvise at a drop of a hat. She fashion a manner of things in a pinch or find alternative uses. Lot of things she can do resourcefully when it comes to surgery and medical related emergencies she had learned from a discharged military doctor that worked in the ER when she was put on his rotation during her interning years. She often keeps this and that in her bag just in case because of the tricks he taught her. It's amazing how useful ducttape, box of sugar or cornstarch can be in a pinch.

✺ Always Tries: She doesn't give up easy, a trait that she thought would make her adept at her line of work. She will do all she can and not give up on you. Even if it looks bleak, she is going to try. Some call it blind optimism, she calls it counting in the statistical probability that is human resilience. Let alone even if she is horrible at it and knows it she is still going to try instead of shut down and refuse to even so much as give it a try.

Three Flaws:
✺ Cowardly: Lex is a coward, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She is easily frightened and intimidated. She's the first to look for an escape in a hard situation. It used to be a pastime for her roommate to see how high she could make her jump by sneaking up on her. So, even if she disagrees with something she can't bring herself to fight it, scared of what will happen if she doesn't do it, making her bow to someone's whims rather easily if they frighten her.

✺ Socially inapt: Her IQ and lack of interaction outside her family due to being home schooled as long as she could remember. The intensive lessons and tutors might have made it possible for her to graduate early and start pre-med at seventeen, but it also left her stunted in social events and situation most her age have experienced. Let alone she can come off harsh or insensitive when she meant to do anything but that. She tends to use old sayings or odds way of speech and use words overly large or complicated. She has tried to train herself and gotten help before she ended up in the town she now must call home. Though it didn't stick as well. She at times are lost on reading a person's emotions, even if she does try hard to be 'normal'. She feels everything despite her behavior at times. She cares, she feels guilt, she pities and she worries, she loves. Though it's often hard for her to express. Leaving her bumbling at times.

✺ Easily Frustrated: It's easy for her to get frustrated and impatient when things don't work. It might not stop her, but it frustrates her when the world seem to be crashing and breaking around her. Her frustration builds and builds until she can't any more at times, causing her to snap or lash out. She has even been known to break things or throw them at her worst. At her best? You find her face down on a desk muttering to herself while making hand motions as if she's having a conversation with the air itself.

Place of Residence: Rochester, Minnesota
Marital Status: Chronically Single
- Sarah Elizabeth d'Airelle-Hart (Mother, Alive, 47)
- Nathan Danial Hart (Father, Alive, 58)
- Christen M. Hart (Sister, deceased, 24)
- Alec A. Hart ( Brother, Alive, 22)
- Raoul L. d'Airelle (grandfather, Alive, 79)
- Amillia Lorel-d'Airelle (grandmother, Alive, 80)
- Amy O'neal-Hart (Grandmother, Alive, 82)
- Marcus Hart (Grandfather, Deceased, Died at age 74, would be 84)

Occupation: Doctor starting her first Rotation at The Mayo Clinic.
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Doctor
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Only two years
Have you ever tried to leave?: "It's likely not in my best interest." (No, she is frightened what might happen to her if she tried.)
Have you ever been to the fence?: "There's nothing wrong with a little objective curiosity, yes?" (Yes)

"Sloppy?! Are you blind or just ignorant?! Really, I must ask. Have you seen my stiches?!" A woman all but snarled, a long, nimble finger jammed hard into the portly man's chest. The dark blue scrubs crinkling under the force.

"Dr. Hart, I'm not criticizing your work, though how you spoke to that family?! That was just sloppy, they didn't need just the facts. They needed a sympathetic shoulder!" He hissed, slapping her hand away. The sound of skin hitting skin rang in the empty hallway, his large form towering over her, making the red drain from her face as she shrunk under his gaze, confusion flashing where anger had once been. "They needed comfort and all you did was tell them about the surgery. They said you brushed off their concerns, and just spouted numbers at them." He continued looking down at the freckled woman who now glanced down at the floor unable to meet his eyes. What most would have seen as and expression of guilt, it was the young woman running over the interaction again and again in her head. She had thought she had been doing well. Had she really brushed off their concern? The surgeon stared at her for a few moments longer before letting out a sigh that was nothing but pure exasperation and disappointment. "Just….just go take a break, I'll go smooth things over with the family. You're off my rotation for the next two weeks, you're going to be Dr. Anderson's problem until then." He muttered missing the look of disappointment that flashed across her features as she crossed her arms, clutching the rough blue material under her fingers. "I expect the next time I let you on one of my cases you've learned a damn thing. It's not all just about the skill, you understand?"

Lexia tried to look smaller under his gaze, nodding her head meekly in response. Digging her manicured nails into the fabric, clutch the scrubs as if it was her only life line in this storm.

"Do you understand me, Dr. Hart?" He stressing the word doctor, as if that title was in question.

"Y-yes, I understand I…..I apologize." She muttered, swallowing back a bite of anger that flashed through her at his condescending tone. He was one of the best neurosurgeons in this hospital, a mentor and she respected his skill like very few others she's worked with. It hurt that she had disappointed him yet again. She tried hard, she really did, but it apparently wasn't hard enough. She wasn't as sharp as she had been when she was an intern but it seemed her personality still didn't meet his expectations. Though there was no reason to speak to her like she was a fool. She hated it, hated when anyone got that tone with her. Speaking to her like she was an ignorant child playing at being a doctor. Yes she was twenty four years old, and yes that was young, but she didn't get here by luck. She worked hard, every day and night she worked hard. Practicing her stitches, her dexterity, studied. She tried so hard. She even been seeking help to help in this short coming. She wasn't a fold and didn't like being spoken to like she was one. Though that was him, she knew that she knew that was him, and she knew he was even crueler then this at times. She was getting off lucky, and with a small glimmer of hope behind that monotone expression, that he might actually have even an ounce of respect for her skill as well. What could she do about him speaking to her like this anyhow?

"Good, now go on." He grunted before turning on his heels to leave her along in the hallway.

It was a long but anything but quite walk down to the hospital cafeteria after that. The rush the chaos of a hospital. Nurses, doctors and interns rushing about. Filling the halls with chaos and sound, and to her of all things this was comforting. It kept her mind buzzing, pulling her from her thoughts of 'had I really hurt their feelings?' 'Did I make it frightening to them?' That faint guilt gnawing at the pit of her stomach even still. Though in that moment as the busy energy flowed around her, she could calm that weight in her chest and that burn behind her eyes as she watched them all move around her. For that moment she didn't feel like she was the only one, the only one to ever make a mistake. That she wasn't alone in something for once.

All of that sadly vanished when she found herself in the cafeteria, having bought a couple of apples and strong cup of coffee. She sitting down quietly at an empty table, glancing around at the other people and doctors that filled the room. Chatting, laughing, and smiling. A pang of envy flashed in her as she popped the top off her coffee, grabbing the packages of sugar and cream out of the containers in the center of the table. It wasn't long until the black coffee was a milky brown, it about seventy percent sugar and cream at that point before she popped the traveling lid back on and sipping on the still slightly bitter liquid. Her freckled nose wrinkling in frustration for a moment. No amount of sugar or cream could drown that bite out. She wanted to be one of those people, no matter how clam, collected, so at ease she appeared, she envied, she wanted to be just like them. Able to talk to someone about meaningless little things. Like a good book maybe, or a movie even. Something. Though she knew, the second she would trying to strike up a conversation, something would go wrong, it always went wrong and if she didn't simply bore then something would come out not quite right and someone would find insult. A sigh left her before she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

It took a second of shifting and digging before she finally pulled out a phone a simple black phone, though an uncharacteristically bright cartoon character sticker was slapped onto the back of it. It crooked and off center. A Happy smiling yellow duck that said 'You Quack me up!' It didn't look like it belonged for a reason. She hadn't been the one to put it there.

'Hey there good looking! What time U getting back? I got my check in today so I'm making dinner.'

Her roommate, she'd probably be a bit disappointed that her help hadn't added up to much. She was a social butterfly, always so good with people, and probably a little silly, but she was a nice girl. She liked her and for some reason Julia liked her as well. She was her first real friend she made when she moved out here to study. Her roommate her first semester at the dorms, and she had stuck with here ever since and Lexia? She had seen the girl through numerous boyfriends and girlfriends, broken hearts, nights spent burning an ex's things in trash can and giving hugs that she wasn't quite sure she was doing right after a little prompting. Though she was her firend, and she was the first person to try and help her. To act like everyone else. To understand something outside her books.

Her thumbs flew across the screen as she set it down on the table in front of her, picking up an apple to bite into, pink painted lips puckering as the sourness bloomed on her tongue.

'9;30 give or take traffic, rotation cut short. By the way it's you not U, you know that irks me.'

Her phone hadn't been down long before it vibrated again.

' But it's so cute when u r all gwump~ ;p Kay! I pick up wine, u tell me ALL about work. Got a 2nd incase it was bad.'

She never understood why she found it so cute. Let alone why she laughed like an overgrown child when the shorter woman ended up chasing her around the apartment after a rather frustrating conversation with the blond. Was that what having a friend was like?

'Well….blagh. and that would be wise, thank you.'

'Hah! Finally rubbing off on u~ Np btb. cu at home!'

Yup she was just doing it now to annoy her, though even so Lexia couldn't help but shake her head , sending her pony tail bouncing and an actual smile pulling across her plump lips.
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Hi there! I was hopping to join if you guys don't mind one more. Please tell me if I need to fix anything and sorry that's probably a tad too long. >//<

Name: Avery J. Howard
Age: 30
Physical Extras: He stands at 5'10", years of hard physical labor clear on his body be it from his calloused, scared hands that showed what dangers lied in carving tools, sewing needles, forgetting oven mitts and power tools. Little scars litter the palms of his hands and the pads of his fingers, a few even curving around the side of his hands and the heels of his palms. His shoulders are broad and body muscled. His line of work before included plenty of heavy lifting and at the worst had to hold his entire body weight up for long periods of time. His new line of work hasn't changed that much, he made everything in his shop by hand, and in the madness between where he has nothing to do and it's too early to sleep, the man found tasks to do. He weights in at 154 pounds. The calf of his left leg still bears the scar from a not so freak incident that in all involved a bet, a faulty ATV break and a homemade ramp. He has no piercings, though he does have one tattoo that he can't exactly figure out where it came from in all honesty, all he knows is he woke up in a strange bed with his chest stinging and when he looked he found a tribal looking Spade one the left side of his chest just bellow the collarbone.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Three Good Traits:
Nurturing: Avery cares very deeply, and genuinely likes taking care of others even if he doesn't say it all the times. It's clear in little acts. Contrary to what his family might have thought this wasn't simply a byproduct of raising a little girl.

Handy: At least in task that don't include a stove. He worked for years as a Handy man, and thus has made him a bit of Jack of all trades, at least in home care. He is good at repairing most things that can go wrong in a home from a leaky pipe to patching a roof. He also learned how to sew pretty early on. What could he do when he had a little girl crying to him over Professor Bearton loosening his arm in a tragic experiment gone wrong?

Passionate: He dedicates his all to everything he does. His won't let himself half ass anything. If he fix's the sink, the pipes are getting replaced. If he makes a doll it's getting dresses and shoes to match. He cleans the house? Well hope you don't mind waking up to a big man cleaning around you like this is completely normal. He puts his all into everything he puts his mind to. Half-ass isn't in his vocabulary.

Three Flaws:
Mother Hen: He tends to fuss and hover at times. He acts like a mother at times and be like "Here, move I'll do it. Go get a drink." Before taking whatever task you were doing and do it himself. He can almost suffocate you with attention if he isn't careful.

Overprotective (at times even a bit twistedly so): He's the sort if you have fallen under the line where he starts acting like a fussing mother hen over you, then you are likely going to see this side as well. He will practically pluck things out of your grip if he thinks you are going to hurt yourself with it. Let alone try to shelter harsh truths and realities. From where simply trying to make sure you don't get hurt or in trouble to where he's about to wrap you in bubble wrap and put you in the closet until he's finished getting all the glass out of the carpet. He'll do anything if it means protecting someone he cares about. A little blood on his hands means little to him when he get's to that point again.

Bullheaded: Once he gets something in that head of his there is no getting him to stop. It often leads to lost tempers or simple shutting out. Though one way or the other with your help or not it's getting done even if he has to do it all himself. If he believes in something there is no talking him out of it, something his sister has learn the hard way more than once in their life.


Place of Residence: Bardstown, Ky
Marital Status: Single but was dating.
- Mandy M. Howard (Sister, alive, 8)
- Angela Howard (Mother, deceased seven years ago, Was 39 at death)
- Tom (Father, Unknown, age, likely 50 years old)
- Lisa Howard-O'Neal (Aunt, Alive, age: 55. Mother's sister)
- Richard S. O'Neal (Uncle, Alive, age 56.)
- Nick Howard (Uncle, Alive, 46)
- Beck Hart (Ex Aunt, Alive, 48)
- Angel Howard (Cousin, Alive, 14)
- Ricky Jr. Howard (Cousin, alive, 9)
Occupation: Handy Man
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama


Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Toy Store owner/Toy maker.
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Three years
Have you ever tried to leave?: No
Have you ever been to the fence?: No

It was a frigid winter morning, but even so, a blond found himself in a pair of brown work boots and a thick jacket. Snowflakes clung to his hair and dark lashes like the frost on the first day of winter. At that moment he was reconsidering his life choices. To be more specific the reason he didn't stop the two extra minutes it would have took to put on an actual pair of jeans instead of running out in a pair of ball shorts he had fell asleep in. The breathable sleek material was doing little to protect his waist let alone other parts from the biting January wind. Though no sooner did that criticism cross his mind did another. She'd would have been out there, cold and alone in the first snow of January two minutes longer then she already was. The loud crunching of his boots breaking through the virgin snow was the only thing that broke the silence. Not even the birds he had shown her sang. No, they wouldn't be back until the start of spring. Ruby red cardinals and small little yellow birds were all that stayed behind, the only birds that still held a tune, but even now, they didn't sing.

He kept repaying the event over and over in his head. It had been a pleasant morning, as pleasant as could be. It had been the first morning since he had flown in. It had been so odd if he was perfectly honest. Aunt Lisa had met them at the gate, the bear of a man that was her husband peering over the crowed to spot him and the little girl who clung to his hand like a drowning man did a life line. Her little knuckles white as he led her to the middle age couple. What had been the largest surprise was that no sooner were they in arms reach he found himself in a bear hug by the large man. He could still remember how he could barely brush the toes of his boots against the polished linoleum. To say he had been surprised was a drastic understatement. The man hadn't so much as given him a pat on the back since he caught the blond with another young man on a date. Needless to say the right winged, bible thumping man hadn't been the most pleasant person on the planet after the fact. He should have just bought a ticket back to home then and there.

Though that hadn't been what started this whole mess, no it had been a middle aged woman, a careless word, and the woman yanking a stuffed bunny out of the hands of five year old little girl. Too old for dirty old dolls? Too OLD?! Who the hell did that woman think she was?! "Did I trust my instincts? Nawww, give then a damn chance I said." He muttered rubbing his hands together in a vain hope for warmth, a pink and multi-patch covered bunny tucked under his arm, long ears waving with each movement he made. "People change I said." He continued as he poked his head around a tree trunk only to be disappointed for the twentieth time that morning. "You're a fucking moron, Avery." He snorted, disdain clear in his tone. "Yeah, well, fuck you too."

Avery was a good man, or at least he liked to think he was. He did everything, everything he could for that sweet little girl. He dropped out of college, he took on a number of odd jobs and would work himself to the bone to get home on time to meet her at the bus stop. He gave up everything that was him to raise her, to raise Mandy, that little girl with the brightest blue eyes and that sweet smile that made working until he couldn't even stand worth it just so he was sure she was happy, fed and warm. He should have knew better. This family never changed. They were still the same uptight, entitled jerks they always were. The ones who shunned a single mother and her little boy, who had all but shoved a wailing one year old into his arms so they wouldn't be 'saddled' with his mother's mistake.

Now this. How dare they?! He raised her, he clothed her, he fed her. He was there when she was sick and he was the one who made those stupid little costumes for school plays. Then they had the adacity to say to her that when she comes to live with them, girls like her were too old for silly old dolls.

"That poor girl needs more structure." She sighed, shaking her head with that same disapproving look, that same damn look she gave her mother when he would so much as make a peep when he wasn't spoken too as a boy. "You're too young to be raisin' her, dear, we can give her so much more." She had crooned, making it sound as if it was some grand favor he should be grateful for.

"A boy your age needs to live a little."

"Don't….whatever, you bring home run off when they see her?"

"She needs a stable home, sweet heart. We can give her a real family. Do you want her growing up like you?"

Those words even now still stung. He had hopped they could had left it at that. A 'discussion' over a cup of coffee in the middle of the night. An ambush on a jet lag young man. He knew it was foolish to hope, and now all that was left was him kicking himself. Having soothed a little girls worries as he tucked her in, and told her she wasn't going anywhere she didn't want to. Then this….they needed to go and they needed to go now.

"Mandy! Com'on shorty! Miss Long-ears is awfully cold without yah." He called holding the repeatedly patched rabbit, the soft fabric clutched in his freezing hand, his knuckles white from holding it so tight. It's once pink fur now made mostly of patches of fabric. Pink poke-a-dots, green plaid, denim, all sorts of fabric made up the bulk of the doll. One eye replaced by a pink button and it was clear that most of it had been stitched together by hand. Some were puckered and sloppy while others neat and hardly noticeable. Four years of repairing little girls dresses, jeans. Performing emergency doll surgery, fixing the wheels on broken trains, and patching leaking balls. This doll was proof of what all that changed about his life. "Come on darlin', Bubby and Miss Long-ears needs one of your famous hugs." He called again peaking in a hollowed out log. Again no little girl. "Mandy May How-!" He had started to shout, feeling the blood starting to rush to his head as his panic started to evolve into something nowhere near as pleasant. He was brought short though as a sound caught his attention. A hiccup cut through him like butter stopping him short. The hiccup was soon followed by a shaking sob. It didn't take him long, stomping through the fallen snow with a whole new determination, the sound only getting louder and louder. He was nearly sent crashing into the new fallen snow, his glasses barely catching on the tip of his noes, calloused hand clutching desperately at the tree for support as he fought for balance, though it never quite came as he fell to his knees. The snow cut through his skin like a knife, sending a burning tingle up and down his skin. It bit at his bare legs and hand, but that didn't matter, it didn't even registered as an overwhelming sense of relief flashed through him as bright, teary blue eyes gazed at him through a veil of golden curls, her little body shaking and shuddering as snow continued to seep through her cotton panda Pajamas.

"B-bubby…." She whimpered before a damn seemed to break as she crumpled in on herself, wrapping her arms back around her knees as she sobbed into her knees, shaking violently. "P-please…d-don't leave…..please…" She whimpered shrinking more and more as if to disappear into the bare, dried out buses.

A long, relived sigh left him as all the panic and anger seem to wash out of his body in a rush. She was safe, she was safe, and at that moment that's all he could care about, as he hurriedly unzipped his coat. The edges worn and frayed and it has seen better days, but the old brown coat did it's job, even after all these years. It was clumsy and painful but he stumbled back onto his feet, yanking the jacket off to leave him only in the t-shirt and shorts he hadn't even bothered to change out of when he had went chasing after her into the cold. Even as the winter wind bit and cut at his skin he wrapped the thick fabric around her tiny form, skipping her up into his arms as he pulled the hood over her head. He fussing and shifting until her entire frame was under the warm, brown fabric. "Shhhhh, it's alright, it's alright." He cooed, gently patting her back as he tried to sooth her, letting out a playful 'gack' when he felt her tiny arms latch on around his neck, hiding her wind burned nose in his shirt.

"I don't w-wanna stay with them."

"I know darlin', I know….I'm not goin' anywhere without yah...."


Name: Lexia A. Hart

Age: 26

Physical Extras: Without her heels Lexis stands at 5'4" though with her heels she can usually pass as 5'6" and weighs 120 pounds. She is has an athletic frame, lean from her morning runs that she is insistent on keeping up. She has no scars or tattoos to speak of though she does have her ears pierced. Freckles are spread across her shoulders and the upper parts of her arm like it is across her nose and cheeks. Her dark hair falls to the middle of her shoulder blades in loose curls. Her eyes a brown hazel, bright and inquisitive.

Sexuality: Straight.

Three Good Traits:

Intelligent: You can trust this young doctor to know what she's talking about. An IQ of 140 with a photographic memory makes her a reliable source of information. Though it does make her a bit clinical and relying on facts and numbers at times.

Resourceful: She can improvise at a drop of a hat. She fashion a manner of things in a pinch or find alternative uses. Lot of things she can do resourcefully when it comes to surgery and medical related emergencies she had learned from a discharged military doctor that worked in the ER when she was put on his rotation during her interning years. She often keeps this and that in her bag just in case because of the tricks he taught her. It's amazing how useful ducttape, box of sugar or cornstarch can be in a pinch.

Always Tries: She doesn't give up easy, a trait that she thought would make her adept at her line of work. She will do all she can and not give up on you. Even if it looks bleak, she is going to try. Some call it blind optimism, she calls it counting in the statistical probability that is human resilience. Let alone even if she is horrible at it and knows it she is still going to try instead of shut down and refuse to even so much as give it a try.

Three Flaws:
Cowardly: Lex is a coward, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She is easily frightened and intimidated. She's the first to look for an escape in a hard situation. It used to be a pastime for her roommate to see how high she could make her jump by sneaking up on her. So, even if she disagrees with something she can't bring herself to fight it, scared of what will happen if she doesn't do it, making her bow to someone's whims rather easily if they frighten her.

Socially inapt: Her IQ and lack of interaction outside her family due to being home schooled as long as she could remember. The intensive lessons and tutors might have made it possible for her to graduate early and start pre-med at seventeen, but it also left her stunted in social events and situation most her age have experienced. Let alone she can come off harsh or insensitive when she meant to do anything but that. She tends to use old sayings or odds way of speech and use words overly large or complicated. She has tried to train herself and gotten help before she ended up in the town she now must call home. Though it didn't stick as well. She at times are lost on reading a person's emotions, even if she does try hard to be 'normal'. She feels everything despite her behavior at times. She cares, she feels guilt, she pities and she worries, she loves. Though it's often hard for her to express. Leaving her bumbling at times.

Easily Frustrated: It's easy for her to get frustrated and impatient when things don't work. It might not stop her, but it frustrates her when the world seem to be crashing and breaking around her. Her frustration builds and builds until she can't any more at times, causing her to snap or lash out. She has even been known to break things or throw them at her worst. At her best? You find her face down on a desk muttering to herself while making hand motions as if she's having a conversation with the air itself.

Place of Residence: Rochester, Minnesota
Marital Status: Chronically Single
- Sarah Elizabeth d'Airelle-Hart (Mother, Alive, 47)
- Nathan Danial Hart (Father, Alive, 58)
- Christen M. Hart (Sister, deceased, 24)
- Alec A. Hart ( Brother, Alive, 22)
- Raoul L. d'Airelle (grandfather, Alive, 79)
- Amillia Lorel-d'Airelle (grandmother, Alive, 80)
- Amy O'neal-Hart (Grandmother, Alive, 82)
- Marcus Hart (Grandfather, Deceased, Died at age 74, would be 84)

Occupation: Doctor starting her first Rotation at The Mayo Clinic.
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Doctor
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Only two years
Have you ever tried to leave?: "It's likely not in my best interest." (No, she is frightened what might happen to her if she tried.)
Have you ever been to the fence?: "There's nothing wrong with a little objective curiosity, yes?" (Yes)

"Sloppy?! Are you blind or just ignorant?! Really, I must ask. Have you seen my stiches?!" A woman all but snarled, a long, nimble finger jammed hard into the portly man's chest. The dark blue scrubs crinkling under the force.

"Dr. Hart, I'm not criticizing your work, though how you spoke to that family?! That was just sloppy, they didn't need just the facts. They needed a sympathetic shoulder!" He hissed, slapping her hand away. The sound of skin hitting skin rang in the empty hallway, his large form towering over her, making the red drain from her face as she shrunk under his gaze, confusion flashing where anger had once been. "They needed comfort and all you did was tell them about the surgery. They said you brushed off their concerns, and just spouted numbers at them." He continued looking down at the freckled woman who now glanced down at the floor unable to meet his eyes. What most would have seen as and expression of guilt, it was the young woman running over the interaction again and again in her head. She had thought she had been doing well. Had she really brushed off their concern? The surgeon stared at her for a few moments longer before letting out a sigh that was nothing but pure exasperation and disappointment. "Just….just go take a break, I'll go smooth things over with the family. You're off my rotation for the next two weeks, you're going to be Dr. Anderson's problem until then." He muttered missing the look of disappointment that flashed across her features as she crossed her arms, clutching the rough blue material under her fingers. "I expect the next time I let you on one of my cases you've learned a damn thing. It's not all just about the skill, you understand?"

Lexia tried to look smaller under his gaze, nodding her head meekly in response. Digging her manicured nails into the fabric, clutch the scrubs as if it was her only life line in this storm.

"Do you understand me, Dr. Hart?" He stressing the word doctor, as if that title was in question.

"Y-yes, I understand I…..I apologize." She muttered, swallowing back a bite of anger that flashed through her at his condescending tone. He was one of the best neurosurgeons in this hospital, a mentor and she respected his skill like very few others she's worked with. It hurt that she had disappointed him yet again. She tried hard, she really did, but it apparently wasn't hard enough. She wasn't as sharp as she had been when she was an intern but it seemed her personality still didn't meet his expectations. Though there was no reason to speak to her like she was a fool. She hated it, hated when anyone got that tone with her. Speaking to her like she was an ignorant child playing at being a doctor. Yes she was twenty four years old, and yes that was young, but she didn't get here by luck. She worked hard, every day and night she worked hard. Practicing her stitches, her dexterity, studied. She tried so hard. She even been seeking help to help in this short coming. She wasn't a fold and didn't like being spoken to like she was one. Though that was him, she knew that she knew that was him, and she knew he was even crueler then this at times. She was getting off lucky, and with a small glimmer of hope behind that monotone expression, that he might actually have even an ounce of respect for her skill as well. What could she do about him speaking to her like this anyhow?

"Good, now go on." He grunted before turning on his heels to leave her along in the hallway.

It was a long but anything but quite walk down to the hospital cafeteria after that. The rush the chaos of a hospital. Nurses, doctors and interns rushing about. Filling the halls with chaos and sound, and to her of all things this was comforting. It kept her mind buzzing, pulling her from her thoughts of 'had I really hurt their feelings?' 'Did I make it frightening to them?' That faint guilt gnawing at the pit of her stomach even still. Though in that moment as the busy energy flowed around her, she could calm that weight in her chest and that burn behind her eyes as she watched them all move around her. For that moment she didn't feel like she was the only one, the only one to ever make a mistake. That she wasn't alone in something for once.

All of that sadly vanished when she found herself in the cafeteria, having bought a couple of apples and strong cup of coffee. She sitting down quietly at an empty table, glancing around at the other people and doctors that filled the room. Chatting, laughing, and smiling. A pang of envy flashed in her as she popped the top off her coffee, grabbing the packages of sugar and cream out of the containers in the center of the table. It wasn't long until the black coffee was a milky brown, it about seventy percent sugar and cream at that point before she popped the traveling lid back on and sipping on the still slightly bitter liquid. Her freckled nose wrinkling in frustration for a moment. No amount of sugar or cream could drown that bite out. She wanted to be one of those people, no matter how clam, collected, so at ease she appeared, she envied, she wanted to be just like them. Able to talk to someone about meaningless little things. Like a good book maybe, or a movie even. Something. Though she knew, the second she would trying to strike up a conversation, something would go wrong, it always went wrong and if she didn't simply bore then something would come out not quite right and someone would find insult. A sigh left her before she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

It took a second of shifting and digging before she finally pulled out a phone a simple black phone, though an uncharacteristically bright cartoon character sticker was slapped onto the back of it. It crooked and off center. A Happy smiling yellow duck that said 'You Quack me up!' It didn't look like it belonged for a reason. She hadn't been the one to put it there.

'Hey there good looking! What time U getting back? I got my check in today so I'm making dinner.'

Her roommate, she'd probably be a bit disappointed that her help hadn't added up to much. She was a social butterfly, always so good with people, and probably a little silly, but she was a nice girl. She liked her and for some reason Julia liked her as well. She was her first real friend she made when she moved out here to study. Her roommate her first semester at the dorms, and she had stuck with here ever since and Lexia? She had seen the girl through numerous boyfriends and girlfriends, broken hearts, nights spent burning an ex's things in trash can and giving hugs that she wasn't quite sure she was doing right after a little prompting. Though she was her firend, and she was the first person to try and help her. To act like everyone else. To understand something outside her books.

Her thumbs flew across the screen as she set it down on the table in front of her, picking up an apple to bite into, pink painted lips puckering as the sourness bloomed on her tongue.

'9;30 give or take traffic, rotation cut short. By the way it's you not U, you know that irks me.'

Her phone hadn't been down long before it vibrated again.

' But it's so cute when u r all gwump~ ;p Kay! I pick up wine, u tell me ALL about work. Got a 2nd incase it was bad.'

She never understood why she found it so cute. Let alone why she laughed like an overgrown child when the shorter woman ended up chasing her around the apartment after a rather frustrating conversation with the blond. Was that what having a friend was like?

'Well….blagh. and that would be wise, thank you.'

'Hah! Finally rubbing off on u~ Np btb. cu at home!'

Yup she was just doing it now to annoy her, though even so Lexia couldn't help but shake her head , sending her pony tail bouncing and an actual smile pulling across her plump lips.
Look at these model citizens who haven't tried to escape :D You're approved! I'll get you on the cast list and you can jump into the IC whenever you feel like.
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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy! *bounces* Super excited to be a part of this, now to decide what I want to do with my first post.
I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with c: There's an event at the bar right now, so I think most characters will be there.
Heh, hope I don't disappoint, I think I have a idea of what I'm going to do, then probably send at least one if not both in that direction. ^.^

Thank you! I'm excited to see where this all goes.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Hello, people. I missed a lot of stuff, seems. D:
Sorry to see the people who've left go...hope life picks up for those of you having a rough time.

Been crazy on my end, but a post today for sure. :]
Can't wait for things to start gettin' interestin' in game<3

-casually tackles @neptune- As for you, you know my opinion, Nepty my dearie. ;] And it stands strong 150%; you know I'll speak up loud and clear otherwise.

On a final note~ Hullo to our newest! :D Pleasure to meet ya; excited to greet ya. Lookin' forward to your folks in the game. >]
Aw thank you! I'm super excited to join this! You guys all seem like such a fun lot so I'm so excited for it! =D I'm excited to see how this evolves and I'm already enjoying writing for my awkward doc and my southern boy.
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I know everyone was probably busy for Halloween and what not, but I hope to see some more IC activity soon c:
Exactly like that :D
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