Cascade Falls

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Name: Jessica Christine Torres Gonzalez
Age: 24
Physical Extras: Jessica stands about 4'10" tall and weighs around 140 lbs. She's very curvy seeing that she's Spanish. Now yes, "parents" were from Spain, however she is very pale. So pale that she has to put sunscreen on just to go on a walk around the town. She has two piercings in her ears, both on her lobe, and she has a nose ring. She has a tattoo on her wrist, mid back, and ankle. She has a birthmark under her left boob that, depending on how you look at it, looks like a duck or an elephant. She has brown hair and stunning green eyes witch are unfortunately hidden behind a pair of thick frames. She has the worst eyesight in the world.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Three Good Traits:
Jessica is always open to making new friends. She likes talking to people and getting to know others. She really is a people person.
Music Lover: Jessica has always loved music. She loves to sing and she plays the piano very well. That was her one request upon getting her own place here in cascade falls, she wanted a nice piano she could play.
Caring: Jessica is a caring person. She is always looking out for others and putting others before herself. She doesn't like to see anyone in a bad situation or upset about something or anything. She will always be there for anyone whenever they need it.
Three Flaws:
Too Trusting:
Jessica doesn't like to see the bad in people. She believes that everyone has good in them. This unfortunately makes her an easy target and she is very easily manipulated.
Has Social Anxiety: While Jessica loves to make friends and talk to people, she always has this voice in the back of her head telling her that she's not wanted. She describes it as one half of her brain saying "This is great! You're out with your friends and you're all having fun and everything is perfect!" While the other saying "No one here actually likes you, you do know that right? They just invited you here because they felt sorry for you. You should just go home. There is no point in you being here." She struggles with it a lot and tries not to put herself in a situation where she could begin to feel that way.
Lazy: Jessica is incredibly lazy. She hates doing almost anything that requires physical activity or leaving her house. The only way you will ever get her out of the house is for work and maybe to go out to eat on a Friday or Saturday night. She would much prefer staying at home and eating take out on her couch.

Place of Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Marital Status: Single
Family/Children: **Ages all from 2007**
Mother: Anna Maria Santos Torres (43)
Father: Marcus Alexander Campos Gonzalez (44)
Older Brother: Juan Mateo Torres Gonzalez (18)
Younger Sister: Alejandra Nicole Torres Gonzalez (13)
Occupation: Waitress
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: George w. Bush

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Owns the town Salon
Family Children: **Current Ages**
Foster Mother: Valerie Marie Garcia (51)
Foster Father: Elliot Stephan Garcia (52)
Foster Brother: Parker George Garcia (26)
Foster Sister: Paisley Grace Garcia (26)
Foster Son: Lyle James O'Conner (16)

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: "8 years"
Have you ever tried to leave?: "No"
Have you ever been to the fence?: "No, however I've heard stories......but we're not allowed to talk about them....."

Jessica lay on her bed, flipping through her history text book. She was so sick of school. She couldn't wait for her senior year so she could be out of school and start her makeup career. Her sister Alejandra, peaked her head through the door and said
"Dinner is ready." Jessica sighed and slammed her book shut.
"Finally." She said and followed her sister downstairs to the dinning room where her mother and father, Anna and Marcus, sat at either head and her brother, Juan, sat next to Marcus. Alejandra took her normal seat next to Anna while Jessica took her seat on the opposite side of her father. Marcus gestured to Jessica and said.
"¿Va a decir que la gracia de esta noche ?" (Will you say grace tonight?) Jessica nodded
"Si papa." (Yes dad.) Everyone folded their hands and bowed their heads has Jessica spoke. "Señor, gracias por la comida que estamos a punto de recibir y bendecir a que las manos que han hecho . Gracias por su sacrificio y podemos encontrar todo lo que en el cielo un día. En el nombre de Jesús oramos, Amén ." (Lord, thank you for the food that we are about to recieve and bless that hands that have made it. Thank you for your sacrifice and may we all find you in heaven one day. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.) Once Jessica finished speaking, the rest of her family repeated "Amen" and they all dug into the food.

After dinner, Jessica and Juan were doing the dishes when Marcus came up to Jessica. He smiled at her proudly.
"That was a very nice prayer tonight niña." Jessica smiled at her father.
"Gracias papa." Marcus chuckled and ruffled Jessica's short hair before going back to the living room where the rest of her family sat. Juan chuckled and shook his head. Jessica raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"
"Nothing." Juan said "I'm just wondering what he's going to say when you tell him you're gay." Jessica quickly shush her brother and hit him with the towel she was using to dry the dishes.
"Be quiet huh! Mama or Papa might here you." Juan rolled his eyes.
"You're going to have to tell them sooner or later hermana." Jessica sighed
"Well then it'll have to be later...." She said. Juan shook his head and sighed.

Jessica was about to climb into bed when her mother walked into her room.
"Oye cariña. ¿Te vas a la cama?" (Hey honey. Are you going to bed?) Jessica smiled
"Si mama." (Yes mom) Anna walked over to Jessica and gave her a tight hug.
"Jessica , tengo que hablar contigo de algo ." (Jessica, I need to talk to you about something.) Jessica raised an eyebrow curiously at her mother before sitting down on her bed. Anna sat next to Jessica and sighed deeply. "Hijita, I over heard you and your brother talking eairler." Jessica instantly tensed up. She couldn't bear her mother yelling at her. Not now. Not after they had been getting along so well. Anna sensed Jessica's worry and she wraped an arm around her lovingly. "Baby I just want you to know that I'm here for you. And mama loves you. I will always love you hija." Jessica looked up at her mother in confusion. Anna smiled sadly at Jessica "I know right now you're confused and you don't really know what's going on, but i promise you baby. Yo siempre te amo y siempre estaré aquí para ti. So if you ever need me or if you ever need to talk I will always be there for you." (I will always love you and I will always be here for you.) Jessica could feel the lump in her throat and did her best to keep herself from crying.
" Gracias mamá."
"Te amo bebé."
"Te amo." With that, Anna gave Jessica one last hug before leaving Jessica alone. Jessica let out a long sigh before climbing into bed and turning off her lights. She was so happy her mother was supporting her. She didn't know how her father would react but she was glad her mother took it well. She was even looking forward to school the next morning. Little did she know she wouldn't wake up in her normal bed the next day.
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Name: Lyle James O'Connor
Age: 16
Physical Extras: Lyle is about 6 foot and weighs about 152 lbs. He's lanky and skinny and very pale. He had light colored hair and piercing blue eyes. Lyle has gauges and has his cartage pierced on his right ear. He also has a septum piercing.
Sexuality: (optional)
Three Good Traits:
Lyle is very protective of the people he cares about. There are few people he cares about, but the ones he does care about he will protect with all of his life.
Romantic: Lyle is a bit of a hopeless romantic. He doesn't let anyone know it, but he's always on the hunt for Mrs. Right and he day dreams about her all the time.
Funny: Lyle's humor is a bit crude at times but he's a funny guy. He can make just about anyone laugh.
Three Flaws:
Lyle has been described as a love-able asshole. He's hard on the outside and he puts up a front that he's better than everyone, but once you actually get to know him you'll soon find out that he's the biggest teddy bear alive. But good luck getting to know him because you might run off before you get the chance.
Clumsy: Lyle is incredibly clumsy. He drops everything and anything. He trips over his feet, cracks in the pavement, the air. Never trust this guy with valuable or breakable things. Because it will be broken.
Closed off:
He doesn't open up to many people and he doesn't plan to. He likes to keep to himself. That way he won't get hurt.

Place of Residence: Seattle, Washington
Marital Status: Single
**Current Ages**
Grandmother: Eloise Grace O'Connor (50)
Mother: Darcy Jane O'Connor (25)
Occupation: Worked at an auto body shop
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: N/A
Family Children:
Foster Mother:
Jessica Christine Torres Gonzalez

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: "A couple months"
Have you ever tried to leave?: "No"
Have you ever been to the fence?: "No.....what fence?"

Lyle sighed as he reached up and punched out his number, finally, at 10 o'clock. Bob, Lyle's boss, smiled at him and patted him on the back.
"Great work today kid. Ya did a good job." Lyle chuckled.
"Thanks Bob. Hey I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta get home." Lyle knew his mom was going to flip out when he got home, but he hoped he could pacify her so be wouldn't get in too much trouble. Bob chuckled. "Yeah alright. Don't give your mom too much grief okay?" Lyle nodded
"Yes sir." Lyle was about to leave when Bob said
"You know kid, if you keep working like you did tonight. I might just give you a raise." Lyle smiled at Bob, before heading out the door.

It was a quick enough car ride home, turn left out of the shop and head straight for a mile then turn right into neighborhood and then left onto Dickens Drive and boom. Its right there. Lyle parked his car in the driveway and walked inside. He called out to his mother and grandmother
"Mom! Gramma! I'm home!!" Lyle hung up his keys on the key rack and slipped off his shoes. He plopped down onto the couch with a loud sigh. Suddenly he heard loud footsteps pounding down the stairs.
"Lyle James O'Connor where the hell have you been?!" Yelled Darcy O'Connor, Lyle's mother. She ran at him with her slipper in hand, ready to beat the living crap out of her son. Lyle quickly stood and blocked his mother's shoe.
"Woah mom! Chill out! I was at work!"
"At work my ass!" Came a familiar voice from the kitchen. In walked Lyle's grandmother, with a wooden spoon. "Your shift ended at 9 o'lock. Where were you for an hour?"
"At work Gramma. We were swamped so I had to work late. I promise. Bob can vouch for me." Lyle took out his phone and dialed Bob's number before handing the phone over to his mother.

After a long phone call with Bob, Darcy hung up and glared at Lyle.
"Bedroom. Go. Now." Lyle groaned
"You heard your mother!" Eloise chimed in. "Go to your room." Lyle rolled his eyes and stomped up the stairs to his room. Once there, he plopped into bed and fell right to sleep. The next morning, Lyle was full with regret as he found himself in a place unfamiliar. He was in a hospital, but it wasn't like a normal hospital. There was something off about it. He groggily sat up and looked around. Where was he. A small woman walked into the room with a warm, friendly smile, she wasn't wearing a nurse outfit.
"Hey Lyle." She said.
"How do you know my name?" The woman's smile faltered, but she continued to smile and "explain" everything to him. Lyle listened to the woman and the only thing he could think about was how much he wished he would have told his mother how much he loved her the night before.
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I'll take a better look at these when I get back.
Alright, now that I'm finally home.

@JessBuck size your pictures down to 250x250. It can be done pretty easily with imgur. If you need help, let me know and I'll do it for you. Dirt and I would like you to add onto your sample for Lyle. It's a little on the short side, and this is an adept and up group that's going to have a lot of longer posts. Try adding some more background details, focus less on the dialogue and more on setting the scene.
Okay so I'm trying to make the images smaller but I cant get them to exactly 250x250 I can get Jessica's picture to 250x372 or 168x250 and Lyle's picture to 250x374 or 167x250.
You are going to have to crop them to get them the right size.
Give me a moment and I will do it for you.

There you go!
  • Thank You
Reactions: neptune
Name: Jessica Christine Torres Gonzalez
Age: 24
Physical Extras: Jessica stands about 4'10" tall and weighs around 140 lbs. She's very curvy seeing that she's Spanish. Now yes, "parents" were from Spain, however she is very pale. So pale that she has to put sunscreen on just to go on a walk around the town. She has two piercings in her ears, both on her lobe, and she has a nose ring. She has a tattoo on her wrist, mid back, and ankle. She has a birthmark under her left boob that, depending on how you look at it, looks like a duck or an elephant. She has brown hair and stunning green eyes witch are unfortunately hidden behind a pair of thick frames. She has the worst eyesight in the world.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Three Good Traits:
Jessica is always open to making new friends. She likes talking to people and getting to know others. She really is a people person.
Music Lover: Jessica has always loved music. She loves to sing and she plays the piano very well. That was her one request upon getting her own place here in cascade falls, she wanted a nice piano she could play.
Caring: Jessica is a caring person. She is always looking out for others and putting others before herself. She doesn't like to see anyone in a bad situation or upset about something or anything. She will always be there for anyone whenever they need it.
Three Flaws:
Too Trusting:
Jessica doesn't like to see the bad in people. She believes that everyone has good in them. This unfortunately makes her an easy target and she is very easily manipulated.
Has Social Anxiety: While Jessica loves to make friends and talk to people, she always has this voice in the back of her head telling her that she's not wanted. She describes it as one half of her brain saying "This is great! You're out with your friends and you're all having fun and everything is perfect!" While the other saying "No one here actually likes you, you do know that right? They just invited you here because they felt sorry for you. You should just go home. There is no point in you being here." She struggles with it a lot and tries not to put herself in a situation where she could begin to feel that way.
Lazy: Jessica is incredibly lazy. She hates doing almost anything that requires physical activity or leaving her house. The only way you will ever get her out of the house is for work and maybe to go out to eat on a Friday or Saturday night. She would much prefer staying at home and eating take out on her couch.

Place of Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Marital Status: Single
Family/Children: **Ages all from 2007**
Mother: Anna Maria Santos Torres (43)
Father: Marcus Alexander Campos Gonzalez (44)
Older Brother: Juan Mateo Torres Gonzalez (18)
Younger Sister: Alejandra Nicole Torres Gonzalez (13)
Occupation: Waitress
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: George w. Bush

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Owns the town Salon
Family Children: **Current Ages**
Foster Mother: Valerie Marie Garcia (51)
Foster Father: Elliot Stephan Garcia (52)
Foster Brother: Parker George Garcia (26)
Foster Sister: Paisley Grace Garcia (26)
Foster Son: Lyle James O'Conner (16)

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: "8 years"
Have you ever tried to leave?: "No"
Have you ever been to the fence?: "No, however I've heard stories......but we're not allowed to talk about them....."

Jessica lay on her bed, flipping through her history text book. She was so sick of school. She couldn't wait for her senior year so she could be out of school and start her makeup career. Her sister Alejandra, peaked her head through the door and said
"Dinner is ready." Jessica sighed and slammed her book shut.
"Finally." She said and followed her sister downstairs to the dinning room where her mother and father, Anna and Marcus, sat at either head and her brother, Juan, sat next to Marcus. Alejandra took her normal seat next to Anna while Jessica took her seat on the opposite side of her father. Marcus gestured to Jessica and said.
"¿Va a decir que la gracia de esta noche ?" (Will you say grace tonight?) Jessica nodded
"Si papa." (Yes dad.) Everyone folded their hands and bowed their heads has Jessica spoke. "Señor, gracias por la comida que estamos a punto de recibir y bendecir a que las manos que han hecho . Gracias por su sacrificio y podemos encontrar todo lo que en el cielo un día. En el nombre de Jesús oramos, Amén ." (Lord, thank you for the food that we are about to recieve and bless that hands that have made it. Thank you for your sacrifice and may we all find you in heaven one day. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.) Once Jessica finished speaking, the rest of her family repeated "Amen" and they all dug into the food.

After dinner, Jessica and Juan were doing the dishes when Marcus came up to Jessica. He smiled at her proudly.
"That was a very nice prayer tonight niña." Jessica smiled at her father.
"Gracias papa." Marcus chuckled and ruffled Jessica's short hair before going back to the living room where the rest of her family sat. Juan chuckled and shook his head. Jessica raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"
"Nothing." Juan said "I'm just wondering what he's going to say when you tell him you're gay." Jessica quickly shush her brother and hit him with the towel she was using to dry the dishes.
"Be quiet huh! Mama or Papa might here you." Juan rolled his eyes.
"You're going to have to tell them sooner or later hermana." Jessica sighed
"Well then it'll have to be later...." She said. Juan shook his head and sighed.

Jessica was about to climb into bed when her mother walked into her room.
"Oye cariña. ¿Te vas a la cama?" (Hey honey. Are you going to bed?) Jessica smiled
"Si mama." (Yes mom) Anna walked over to Jessica and gave her a tight hug.
"Jessica , tengo que hablar contigo de algo ." (Jessica, I need to talk to you about something.) Jessica raised an eyebrow curiously at her mother before sitting down on her bed. Anna sat next to Jessica and sighed deeply. "Hijita, I over heard you and your brother talking eairler." Jessica instantly tensed up. She couldn't bear her mother yelling at her. Not now. Not after they had been getting along so well. Anna sensed Jessica's worry and she wraped an arm around her lovingly. "Baby I just want you to know that I'm here for you. And mama loves you. I will always love you hija." Jessica looked up at her mother in confusion. Anna smiled sadly at Jessica "I know right now you're confused and you don't really know what's going on, but i promise you baby. Yo siempre te amo y siempre estaré aquí para ti. So if you ever need me or if you ever need to talk I will always be there for you." (I will always love you and I will always be here for you.) Jessica could feel the lump in her throat and did her best to keep herself from crying.
" Gracias mamá."
"Te amo bebé."
"Te amo." With that, Anna gave Jessica one last hug before leaving Jessica alone. Jessica let out a long sigh before climbing into bed and turning off her lights. She was so happy her mother was supporting her. She didn't know how her father would react but she was glad her mother took it well. She was even looking forward to school the next morning. Little did she know she wouldn't wake up in her normal bed the next day.
Name: Lyle James O'Connor
Age: 16
Physical Extras: Lyle is about 6 foot and weighs about 152 lbs. He's lanky and skinny and very pale. He had light colored hair and piercing blue eyes. Lyle has gauges and has his cartage pierced on his right ear. He also has a septum piercing.
Sexuality: (optional)
Three Good Traits:
Lyle is very protective of the people he cares about. There are few people he cares about, but the ones he does care about he will protect with all of his life.
Romantic: Lyle is a bit of a hopeless romantic. He doesn't let anyone know it, but he's always on the hunt for Mrs. Right and he day dreams about her all the time.
Funny: Lyle's humor is a bit crude at times but he's a funny guy. He can make just about anyone laugh.
Three Flaws:
Lyle has been described as a love-able asshole. He's hard on the outside and he puts up a front that he's better than everyone, but once you actually get to know him you'll soon find out that he's the biggest teddy bear alive. But good luck getting to know him because you might run off before you get the chance.
Clumsy: Lyle is incredibly clumsy. He drops everything and anything. He trips over his feet, cracks in the pavement, the air. Never trust this guy with valuable or breakable things. Because it will be broken.
Closed off:
He doesn't open up to many people and he doesn't plan to. He likes to keep to himself. That way he won't get hurt.

Place of Residence: Seattle, Washington
Marital Status: Single
**Current Ages**
Grandmother: Eloise Grace O'Connor (50)
Mother: Darcy Jane O'Connor (25)
Occupation: Worked at an auto body shop
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: N/A
Family Children:
Foster Mother:
Jessica Christine Torres Gonzalez

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: "A couple months"
Have you ever tried to leave?: "No"
Have you ever been to the fence?: "No.....what fence?"

Lyle sighed as he reached up and punched out his number, finally, at 10 o'clock. Bob, Lyle's boss, smiled at him and patted him on the back.
"Great work today kid. Ya did a good job." Lyle chuckled.
"Thanks Bob. Hey I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta get home." Lyle knew his mom was going to flip out when he got home, but he hoped he could pacify her so be wouldn't get in too much trouble. Bob chuckled. "Yeah alright. Don't give your mom too much grief okay?" Lyle nodded
"Yes sir." Lyle was about to leave when Bob said
"You know kid, if you keep working like you did tonight. I might just give you a raise." Lyle smiled at Bob, before heading out the door.

It was a quick enough car ride home, turn left out of the shop and head straight for a mile then turn right into neighborhood and then left onto Dickens Drive and boom. Its right there. Lyle parked his car in the driveway and walked inside. He called out to his mother and grandmother
"Mom! Gramma! I'm home!!" Lyle hung up his keys on the key rack and slipped off his shoes. He plopped down onto the couch with a loud sigh. Suddenly he heard loud footsteps pounding down the stairs.
"Lyle James O'Connor where the hell have you been?!" Yelled Darcy O'Connor, Lyle's mother. She ran at him with her slipper in hand, ready to beat the living crap out of her son. Lyle quickly stood and blocked his mother's shoe.
"Woah mom! Chill out! I was at work!"
"At work my ass!" Came a familiar voice from the kitchen. In walked Lyle's grandmother, with a wooden spoon. "Your shift ended at 9 o'lock. Where were you for an hour?"
"At work Gramma. We were swamped so I had to work late. I promise. Bob can vouch for me." Lyle took out his phone and dialed Bob's number before handing the phone over to his mother.

After a long phone call with Bob, Darcy hung up and glared at Lyle.
"Bedroom. Go. Now." Lyle groaned
"You heard your mother!" Eloise chimed in. "Go to your room." Lyle rolled his eyes and stomped up the stairs to his room. Once there, he plopped into bed and fell right to sleep. The next morning, Lyle was full with regret as he found himself in a place unfamiliar. He was in a hospital, but it wasn't like a normal hospital. There was something off about it. He groggily sat up and looked around. Where was he. A small woman walked into the room with a warm, friendly smile, she wasn't wearing a nurse outfit.
"Hey Lyle." She said.
"How do you know my name?" The woman's smile faltered, but she continued to smile and "explain" everything to him. Lyle listened to the woman and the only thing he could think about was how much he wished he would have told his mother how much he loved her the night before.
Both are approved. I'll get you added to the cast list real quick and I have a PM coming for you with some extra world info. We're still on day one IC, so come in however you feel like!
Welcome aboard @Jess Buck . Is there any chance you'd consider dropping the colored text for dialog? I find it really hard to read. Thanks
Really? That's actually why I do it, to make it easier to distinguish dialogue from description.
Oh I understand why it is done, I've just always found it jarring. Books don't have colored text for dialog and I read them just fine.
So, where is everyone at on posts? The IC has been quiet for a bit and I'm just wondering who's still with us? If you're stuck, say so and I'm sure no one will have a problem with bouncing some ideas around.

But, you know, I'd rather not have this die on the first page.
I am here, as you know. Just waiting on other people to post and such.
I know you are c:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Adelaide
Sorry to be nit-picky, but this is not the first time this sort of thing has happened in this RP and I just need to speak up. You just dictated what everyone else's Characters did. You told us what their reaction to your character's entrance would be, that's for us to decide. That's god-modding.

Jessica noticed everyone staring at Lyle. She smiled and gestured to him. "Everyone, this is Lyle. He's my new foster son." Lyle gave a small wave before bending down and whispering to Jessica.
"Why are they staring at me?" Jessica giggled
"Probably because your 16 and your 6 feet tall."
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