Camp Half-Blood: The American Revolution

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= Sam

"Of course! That's what friends at war are for!" Sam smiled at him, then looked at the group of men off to sudden death. She wondered if she could really protect Henry as well as herself on the battle field. 'It's worth a shot.' Sam thought to herself.

As they trudged along the way, Sam wondered if she really had the courage to tell Henry her secret. It was the biggest secret she has ever had, and now she wanted to share it with someone other that Abby, who kept the same secret? 'Either it will be an accident,' she thought. 'or I actually muster the courage myself.' Sam sighed at the thought, shaking her head in disbelief of herself. 'Ya, like that will happen.'
= Henry
= random people that are overwhelmed by Henry's overwhelming happiness (not the sunshine kind thank godXD)

Despite the battle looming over the rest of the sane community like the black death, Henry couldn't stop smiling. He smiled when the cooks gave him his portion of the daily meal (a moldy bite of bread), when he was forced to sleep on the ground in a thin tent with a think blanket, and even when he got weirded out looks when he waved at people merrily. "Is that kid drunk of somethin?" One guy muttered to the other as Henry passed, something that would usually make Henry sad.

Henry didn't give a dam (pun!).

'I have a friend! I have a friend! I have a friend! I-' His chant in his mind stopped when he saw where they were: the outskirts of Boston.
= Sam

Sam was having a hard time within herself. She was trying to figure out ways to tell Henry the truth about her, but the all ended badly in her mind. Nothing was going to work. She often laid awake at night and passed on the food she offered. She had to tell Henry the truth, but she didn't know how.

She didn't realize the group had stopped until she ran into Henry, who was standing in front of her. "Sorry Henry, I wasn't watching where I was..." She stopped talking when she realized where they were.
= Henry
= Happy (the sunshine kind)

"We're here." Henry stated in terror. "We're actually here." His eyes were wide with fear, not believing this. He had spent the last couple days in a daze of happiness, and now it all seems unreal. How could they be marching to their likely deaths if he's been so...happy?

"Get moving runts!" Happy yelled at them, shooting them a glare with his unusual bright red eyes. "We got some Brits to fight!"

Startled, Henry hastily replied, "Yes sirry!"
= Sam

'Well,' One part of Sam's thoughts said. 'it was nice knowing me.'

'What are you talking about?' The other half of her thoughts said. 'We're going to wipe the pants of these guys AND survive!'

She tried to stop the inside conversation with herself so she could focus on what was important. Fighting the British army. The only problem was, she didn't have a gun to fight with.

"Um... Henry?" Sam whispered, trying to get her friend's attention.
= Henry

"Huh?" Henry had spaced out for a couple of moments, thinking about shiny objects until Sam broke his train of thought. "What is it?" He peered around the area, looking for something unusual that would cause any alarm to him. This teen didn't want to be ambushed by surprise British soldiers or something like that. "Did I miss something?"
= Sam

"No, but, um... Would you, by any chance, be carrying a second gun with you?" Sam felt bad about asking Henry the ridiculous question. Of course he wasn't going to be carrying a second gun with him! He's not that crazy. The only thing that could keep her alive would be a small knife tucked away in her pocket, but how was that supposed to help her distance wise? Was she just going to shout, "Wait! Don't shoot me! I want to talk to one of you guys about crumpets!" and walk right up to one of the British guys and stab them to death? Yeah, that plan seemed fool proof.
= Henry

Henry stared. "You don't have a gun?" He asked, flabbergasted. "How? I didn't even know it was possible to forget one." The teen figured it would be crucial to someone's survival, so it made so sense to him. The boy had checked his bags over and over to make sure he'd bring up his chances of surviving by having everything he needs.
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= Sam

"Yeah, didn't think you would." She stared ahead, wondering how she would keep herself alive.

Ideas ran through her head, but she knew they wouldn't work out in reality. She tried and tried, but it was hopeless.

"I'm screwed." Sam mumbled to herself. There was no way of getting a gun without being shot at herself. What she needed was a miracle, and pretty soon. She said she was going to protect Henry, and she meant it, but how was she going to do that if she couldn't even protect herself?
= Henry

As they made camp for the night, Henry wondered whether to give his gun to Sam or not. 'Is that a good idea?' He contemplated. 'I don't want to end up killing us both, so I'm going to need to be careful...hmmmm...' The teen stroked his invisible beard. 'I wonder what most people would do...'
= Sam

Sam lay awake, un able to sleep, wondering how she was going to keep both Henry and herself alive without a gun, but it was impossible. She would either get herself killed or Henry killed, and she didn't know which one would be worse.

She decided if she wouldn't figure out a way to get a gun to save both their lives, she would give hers up for Henry. She didn't know why she made that decision, only that once her mind was set about something, there was no turning back.
= Henry

Snuggling into his no-so comfy 'bed', Henry tried to fall asleep. But he was too distracted by the monsters flickering across his vision when his eyes were closed; they scared him half to death. Not to mention the fact that early in the morning they were fighting Brits.

Tossing and turning, Henry eventually fell into a restless sleep filled with magic and monsters and people in fancy greek clothing.
= Sam

As dawn approached, Sam got antsy. She couldn't stop thinking about the battle that would happen in a few hours, and how she might only have a few hours to live.

'At least his life would be spared.' She thought as the sun rose higher and the other men started to wake. How was she going to tell Henry the plan, if she was going to tell him at all? Also, does she want to tell him her big secret? What if she's destined to die today, she should at least make it count.
= Henry

Henry woke with a cry, screaming, "BAD OWL, NO!"

His roommate turned to glare at him for waking him up 15 minutes earlier than needed. "Sorry!" He whispered loudly. "I had a nightmare, you know." The teen gestured widely. "Those scary ones and all."

The guy started snoring in reply.

Yawning, Henry got out of the tent into the clearing, meeting up with the other militia men. He peered around for Sam, looking like a lost puppy in the process.
= Sam

Sam was sitting on a tree stump two feet away from the group of Militia men who awoke not to long ago. She was trying to think up of a way to tell Henry who she really was, and what she was going to do for him if needed, but the words wouldn't form on her tongue. They simply vanished in the back of her mind. She had no idea what she was going to say or how she was going to say it. She couldn't even think up of a reaction Henry might give her from the news. She was going into this blindly with no visible out come.

She sighed. It was either tell Henry the truth, or die as someone she wasn't.
= Henry

Henry spotted Sam sitting on a tree stump a few feet away. "Hi Sam!" He greeted him as he approached the place the guy sat comfortably in. Yet the teen couldn't help but think he was lost in though, for his eyes seemed to be far, far away. It reminded him of his dreams he had last night, dreams that felt so real and terrifying at the same time.
= Sam

'Well, it's now or never.' Sam thought as she stood to greet Henry. She felt like she had butterflies in her stomach. It was hard enough trying to figure out how to tell him without him around, but now that he was standing in front of her, she felt like she was going to melt from embarrassment.

"Um, Henry, we, uh, we need to talk about something." She looked at Henry in the eyes and wish she hadn't. Now she felt like there were rocks in her stomach.

'I'd rather have the butterflies.' She thought as she tried to think of what she was going to say to him.
= Henry

Henry approached the guy with a big smile on his face, happy to see his new friend. Nothing got rid of bad morning moods better than seeing Sam. "Did you sleep well in the tent things they set up for us?" He yawned, stretching. "Cause I did. But I sleep on pretty much anything so..."

Then the teen finally noticed the look on Sam's face.

The guy looked deeply in conflict, seeming to be at war with himself. Henry cocked his head to the side. "Are you ok? You seem a little out of it."
= Sam

Sam sighed. "No Henry, I'm not alright." The more Henry got closer to her, the more nervous she got, the more the words started to turn into gibberish in her mind.

"Henry, I-I'm not who you think I am. I'm not who anybody thinks I am. I..." She sighed again. She was never going to get the truth out.

'He might as well have the ability to ready minds because at this rate, I'll never tell him.' Sam thought with frustration.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and mustered all of the courage she had left to spare.

"Come with me." Sam turned around, heading father away from the group. If she was going to reveal herself, she didn't want anyone snooping around and telling everyone that there was a girl in the Militia.
= Henry

Puzzled, Henry followed Sam wherever he was leading him. "Where are we going?" He asked. Curiosity overwhelmed him, for the teen could sense how important this secret was to the guy. 'Wow, whatever it is must be big. Like, really big.' Henry hoped that the secret wasn't something bad he did in his past or something: that would be terrible.
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