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Katherine & Elizabeth

Elizabeth crawled into the bed, lying on the side that was closest to the wall and stretching her legs out. She turned towards Katherine, patting the bed and smiling as she yawned. "C'mon. I'm tired and I'm sure you are too." Katherine chuckled, looking over at Elizabeth with a weird expression. "You know.. I was just having a stupid thought over here." Elizabeth looked over at Katherine, her eyes twinkling as she smiled. "What is it?" Katherine sighed, laying on her side and looking deep into Elizabeth's eyes. "I.. I never have slept in the same bed as another woman. I.. don't know your sexuality, so it's wrong for me to wonder." Elizabeth burst out laughing, kicking her legs on the bed as she closed her eyes. "I have no sexuality, really. I find women just as equally attractive as men. But for now, I'm into a man phase. You're okay. I think of this as a sleepover with a friend." Katherine sighed out a breath of relief, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep. "Good."

Christian & Annabelle

Annabelle and Christian had walked to a forest, sitting down and looking at the beauty that surrounded them. "Darling.. Can we go back soon? I'd like to get inside and sleep on a luxury bed." Christian laughed, snuggling his nose into the nape of her neck as he inhaled her scent. "Anything you want, my love." He looked towards the forest edge, his eyes narrowing as he smelled a werewolf scent. "I think that Adam guy is coming back." Annabelle tucked her head into his chest, gently nibbling on his neck as she closed her eyes and growled. "I'm not in the mood for prying, darling. You may want to have him leave soon." Christian looked down at her face, his eyes shining as he looked towards the figure approaching. "All in time, love. It's always a good thing to play along and let everyone get to know us." Annabelle nodded, nuzzling deeper into his embrace. "I'm sort of glad we got a chance to leave by ourselves again. It's been far too long since the last time." Christian nodded, grabbing her hands in his and rubbing his thumbs across the top of her hands. "It has. I'm so tired of foolish guards. I may be important, but I'm not a child. I know how to fight and how to take care of myself, dear." Annabelle nodded, looking up at Christian with a smile. "I've known this since the first day you turned me, darling."
He felt his eyes open, the light entering into his pupils. He had to close them at that moment when the pain came roiling in. It felt like his body was being pierced by multiple times and then those spears are being pushed and pulled. His body felt like it was on fire. When he tried to yell, no sound was coming out. It was if no air existed in him, but he was still alive.

Kalar opened his eyes, still in pain, and noticed that he was inside a plain, stone room. He looked down and saw his feet were not touching the ground. Just where was he? He tried to stretch his fee, but his muscles were not responding. It was as if ... he was a prisoner of his own body. With panic starting to set in, Kalar began reaching for his power, hoping to find something there. But, there was none. He was trapped there.
Soon after leaving Losland behind, the various intermingling scents of the town began to grow more and more faint, allowing Adam to better single out what he was looking for. It wasn't hard to find who he was looking for after that, and soon found himself walking a beeline towards Mr. and Mrs. Le Roi. As always, he traveled lightly, hardly making a sound as he moved through the forest. He didn't like to admit it, but he was in his element in areas like this. He could sneak up on almost anyone. As long as they didn't have a nose like his. By now though, he knew Vampires also had strong senses of smell, even if they weren't as good as a werewolves, so as he came closer, he didn't bother hiding his approach. If they were paying attention, they would know he was coming before he actually found them.

Coming out of the foliage, Adam spied the Le Rois, both looking in his direction. As he'd expected, they'd seen him coming. "Uh...hello again." he said with a wave, taking a few steps closer. He didn't get too close though. "Sorry to come out here and find you two like this...but...I had to ask you something." he continued, shifting his weight from side to side. "When we talked earlier, you seemed to tense up when I mentioned Katherine. I wasn't sure at first, I thought I might have imagined it, but I'm sure now. So..." he looked at Mrs. Le Roi, now fairly certain where he had seen her before. It had been when he had gone into Katherine's subconscious with Nicholai. The white haired little girl that Katherine had dreamed up. With the passage of time, she would look just about like Mrs. Le Roi.

" you have a sister? Maybe a sister who was also attacked by a werewolf? Is Katherine your sister?"
Christian & Annabelle

Christian sat up as Adam approached, his eyes searching Adam's body for any signs of violence. Annabelle cocked her head at Adam's words, her body tensing at his question. Annabelle looked up to Christian, her eyes watering slightly. Christian nodded to her in a silent approval, Annabelle sucking in a breath of air before looking to Adam. "Yes, I did have a sister. Yes, she was attacked by a creature that my father described as a huge dog. I had a sister named Katherine, Adam. Though if this woman is my sister, there are chances she might not be." Christian squeezed her hand, smiling at her as the couple rose to their feet. "My wife... She and I have traveled far. We don't want to disturb a hurt werewolf with a hope that it could be her sister." Annabelle nodded, leaning her head against Christian's chest. "He's right. I do not want to risk a chance of dashed hopes. Therefore, I have a test question for you to ask Katherine. If she answers right, then she must be my sister. Ask her what her sisters name is." Christian looked to Adam his eyes boring into Adam's as he smiled. "Also.. Ask her to state her name. When you return to us we will tell you her name. That will prove who we are looking for." Annabelle nodded to Adam, waving softly as she leaned into Christian's embrace. Christian looked to Adam, a gleam in his eye."How do I rent a room? I am not used to these things. I usually have a servant do my biddings."
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As Mrs. Le Roi answered Adam's questions, he grew more excited. It was all fitting together nearly perfectly. There was too much for it to be mere coincidence. She had to be Katherine's sister. But Mrs. Le Roi wasn't quite convinced yet. Her husband spoke up then, saying that they didn't want to get their and Katherine's hopes up only for them to be wrong. So they posed Adam a request. They wanted him to ask her a series of questions that would help to determine if they were truly related or not. They wanted to know the name of Katherine's sister, and to also know Katherine's whole name. If it matched up, then they would know for certain.

"Got it. I can do that. It...might have to wait until tomorrow though. She's probably asleep by now. Katherine gets kind of cranky when you wake her up without letting her get a full night's sleep." Adam said with a sheepish shrug. He had already burst in on her once tonight, she likely wouldn't be pleased if he did it again. It was hard to say how Elizabeth would react either. Turning, he started to walk back to Losland, but stopped as Mr. Le Roi asked him an odd question.

Looking back, Adam blinked, as if uncertain if he'd actually heard his question or not. "You just...uh...go up to the Innkeeper and ask for a room. Then you pay the fee. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it." he said, scratching the side of his head. After that, he waved and started back to Losland. He wanted to get some sleep.

Assuming nothing crazy happened on the way, Adam would return to the Inn, and get to the 2nd room that he had paid for with this Inn, and promptly fall asleep in bed. It had been a very long day, and he planned on getting as much rest as he could. Tomorrow would be even longer.
Christian & Annabelle

Christian waved at Adam, thanking the werewolf as they walked towards the inn, slowly taking in the dark town. "I love the atmosphere here. You can just tell there are different creatures here." Christian snickered at Annabelle's words, his eyes glowing as they neared the inn. Christian figured that the werewolf had already went to sleep himself, her eyes narrowed as they entered the bar area. The innkeeper looked at them with a smile, friendly and enigmatic as he handed them keys. Christian paid the man, asking for a more private area of the inn. The man looked to Christian with a raised eyebrow, pushing a different set of keys to him. He motioned to the hallway near the counter, nodding to Annabelle as Christian thanked the man. They soon unlocked the door to their room, Annabelle's eyes widening at the grand furniture. "This must be from before the war, darling." Christian smiled, closing the door and locking it as he studied the artistry on the walls. "Yes, and it's very grand. C'mon. Let's get some sleep, my love."

Nefarious Darkhart
He gently put his hands on her knees to hold her steady as she sat down in his lap. Then she mentioned Juju and he smirked. Daemon was going to get a confused look from this, Nefarious thought silently to himself. But oddly enough that didn't happen as old memories washed through Daemon's features. Nefarious noticed these little things. Many times it proved to be reliable in a fight. Nefarious listened intently to Daemon's and Luna's backstory to them parting.

Then he answered Nefarious and Nefarious nodded silently. Never liking the fact that he had to rely on others for protection. He never needed it before. Then again, before he was on his own and not against a potentially stronger enemy. That had control over a army of vampires. So he left it alone for now. He returned Daemon's hand shake with a firm one of his own. "Stay safe Daemon." he replied as he watched Daemon leave. He looked to Luna and shook his head smiling. "We'll keep the babies safe love." he replied to her.

Gerard Targonne
Gerard gave her a small smirk. Though it looked pitiful, he still achieved it anyways. He gently closed his eyes as she said he needed rest. "Sometimes there is a catch...and the catch often times means life-taking." he replied as she leaned down to kiss him on the cheek and he smiled weakly again. "Then you shouldn't try to find out. It's really gruesome. After every blackout when i wake up, I wake up covered in entrails and blood of the demons victims. Often times I wake up in the middle of it. And i feel horrified at what this demon has done to innocents. Luckily it cannot use my swords. If it did it would be worse. But both of them have enchantments on them to where evil cannot use them. They become mere wooden swords if used by evil hands." he replied as he took a peek at her undressing. He was a guy after all, too long it has been since he's seen a naked woman...well a live one that is. He quickly shut his eyes though before she turned around.
Adam didn't sleep well during the night. He couldn't relax, knowing what was going to happen to him soon. What little rest he did manage to get was often plaqued by bad dreams and nightmares, bringing him back to the waking world in a cold sweat. Lying in bed, he found himself missing Katherine. Partly because he wanted her for...embarrassing reasons, thanks to his almost out of control instincts. But also because...he wanted her nearby. He wanted to take her in his arms, and snuggle up beside her, as she had with him for the past several nights.

It was calming and soothing. At first it had been distracting in a pleasant way, and it still kind of was. But along the way he had gotten used to it, and sleeping alone reminded him of his lonely past.

Eventually, it came time to rise, and Adam got out of bed with a tired sigh. He felt like death. He went through his morning routine of getting clean, then left the room. Crossing the hall, he knocked on Katherine's door, yawning loudly.

"Katherine? Are you awake? I need to talk to you."

Luna sniffed the air, her eyes rising to the ceiling as she sighed. "Katherine's up at moving around. I wish I could go see her though." She rubbed her bloated stomach, smiling at the thought of the babies coming out into a world better than this one. "I hope our children come into this world happy. That they know we are fighting for them and trying to be good parents." She laid down on the bed, rubbing her stomach gently. "It seems my stomach is getting bigger everyday. I wonder how long this pregnancy will last, Neefie." She turned to him, kissing him gently as she realized how tense he was. "What's wrong, Neefie? You seem so tense. If it's about the bodyguards... We need them here. I can't rely on help from you if you're trying to fight others. They are trying to help us. Show some compassion." She looked over at him, holding him in her arms as she snuggled into his chest. "I wish things would get better. I want to just live a happy life with you and our children. Not this. I hate living this way. I mean, I'm glad to be around you. And to have you with me, at least that. But.. I don't want this life. This war destroyed everything we once had." She began to cry, looking towards the window with a sigh. "If only."


Isabel turned to Gerard, smacking him in the head with her staff as she growled. "I see there is a peeping tom here.... Is it you?" She waited for his reply, sitting down on the bed gently and shifting to make herself comfortable. "I wonder if this thing can get any more dangerous. That wasn't anything compared to what I've had to contain.. But if it gets worse I'll worry for anyone else here. Especially Luna." She picked up her bags, laying down on the bed and trying to cuddle with Gerard, keeping his hands and legs restrained. "I'd.. I'd rather have you restrained for a little longer. You never know if something happens to make that thing come out again. I hope you understand. But.. This isn't going to help anything if this things wants to leave your body."

Katherine & Elizabeth

Katherine sat up in a jolt, sweat forming on her brow as she woke out of the deep slumber she had been in. She could hear a soft knocking on the door, her body aching for more sleep as she looked to Elizabeth. Elizabeth was breathing deeply, her body slowly glowing as she turned over in the bed. Katherine found her voice, looking towards the door as she raised herself up on her elbow. "Uhh.. Come in." She was relieved to see it was Adam as the door opened, her eyes fluttering for a moment before she fell back onto the bed. "What's wrong? I'm surprised you're not sleeping more." She realized suddenly that he was ancy, her eyes narrowing. "What's wrong? Are the werewolf hormones too much?" She raised her arms for a hug, looking to him with a smile. "You can have a hug."
Katherine's voice faintly reached his ears, and Adam slowly opened the door, walking inside. Katherine was sitting up in bed, looking as if she probably needed a little more sleep, and Elizabeth was sleeping nearby. Adam raised an eyebrow as he realized she was glowing, but let it go, looking at Katherine as she laid down again. She asked him what had brought him here, and as Adam glanced away, unable to hide how cagey he felt, Katherine seemed to understand right away. She always could read him like an open book. He nodded his head slowly as she asked if his werewolf half was the cause, then looked at her in surprise as she raised her arms, saying they could hug if he wanted. " me...?" he asked, hesitantly coming closer. She must have known how hard this was for him, and wanted to make him feel better.

Smiling a little, he lowered down towards her on the bed, though he didn't get on the mattress, putting his arms around her and holding her close. She was warm, and soft, and though her scent brought certain...urges rushing forward, he instead tried to concentrate on how nice it felt simply to be near her. It was soothing, and he felt himself begin to relax, if only a little. He let the hug last for a moment, then began pulling away, knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist forever. "Thank you, Katherine. I...I needed that..." he said sheepishly.

"A-anyway...I came here cause I wanted to you about something." he continued, pulling up a chair to sit by the bed. "This is going to sound weird, but just...stick with me on this." he said, thinking back on what Mrs. Le Roi said to him. "About your sister, could you...umm...tell me her name? I don't think you've mentioned it any of the times you've talked about her. know, I don't actually know your family name, would you tell me that too?" he asked, rubbing the back of his head.

Katherine smiled at the hug, her eyes closing briefly before he let go of her. "Not fully.. But I trust you enough." Her smiled disappeared as he sat down, pulling the chair close to the bed. She could smell the soap on his skin, her eyes looking towards the door as he asked her what Annabelle's name was. "Well, my sister's name was Annabelle Rae Valkyrie." She smiled at the thought, looking down at the floor. She scowled at him as he proceeded to ask her name, looking towards the window with a hint of sadness. "My name is Katherine Elizabeth Rose Valkyrie." She looked to him with a smile, her eyes rolling as she looked to Elizabeth. "I know what you must think.. But I never thought I would encounter another girl named Elizabeth. And yes, my two middle names are different. But I was and will always be the oddball." She grinned, looking to Adam with a puzzled look. "Why are you asking? Annabelle is most likely dead, Adam. Leave it be. I don't want to linger on the thought of her out there.. Especially when she probably isn't." She smiled tho, kissing his cheek and looking to him. "The werewolf side will quiet down soon. I hate seeing you this way, Adam."
Adam had been sure before that he was on the right track with Katherine and her sister before, but hearing her say it out loud made him even more certain. Eyes widening, he looked away, rubbing his chin at this turn of events. As she answered his second question though he returned his eyes to her, a small smile crossing his face. "Two middle names? You don't usually see that." he commented as she herself pointed out how odd it was. It was also kinda funny one of them turned out to be the same as Elizabeth's first name, although she was still asleep, so she didn't hear. Katherine asked why Adam wanted to know this all of a sudden, and he looked away with a shrug. "I just...uh...wanted to know. You'd never told me any of this before. It's interesting." he said, avoiding the question. Unlike yesterday, today Katherine seemed to think the odds of ever finding her sister were low, and wanted to not talk about her anymore. He wanted to talk to the Le Rois again first before telling Katherine the good news, so simply nodded his head.

He turned back to her, blushing slightly as she kissed him on the cheek. "I hate it too. I hate feeling so...helpless. Even's all I can do to resist. The full moon isn't even in the sky yet...but my other half knows it's there. If I changed'd be the same as changing tonight. I'd be a mindless, rampaging monster." he said bitterly, pulling away from her, though he wanted to do anything but. Really, he just wanted to hold her again, but now he was afraid. Even if she trusted him, he didn't know if he trusted himself right now. "It makes me think...maybe it'd be best if I just went back to the way I was before. I can't hurt anyone...if I just stay away from people altogether."

Looking down at his hands, he frowned, and stood up. "I...I should go. I don't have much time, and there's...something I need to take care of before I leave. I wanted to see you at least one more time before I left though." he said, starting to walk away. "I'll see you later, hopefully."

Opening the door, he quickly left the room, letting out a deep breath. He tried to think of how much time he had before he needed to leave. He wanted to give himself enough time to get as far away from Losland as he possibly could. That meant he'd need to leave fairly soon. But first, he wanted to talk to the Le Rois, and settle this once and for all. So, he started walking, looking for their room.

Katherine could tell that Adam was hiding something from her, looking towards him with a lost look as he went towards the door, her eyes tearing up as he began to leave. "Wait! Adam!" He closed the door though, walking away from the room as she cried into her hands. She didn't really know why she was crying. She had fell for the werewolf. She cared about him, and the thought of him leaving sent heartbreak into her chest. The sadness settled there, her chest heavy as the despair followed. She quieted her crying for the sake of Elizabeth, not wanting to wake the hybrid with her sadness. "She closed her eyes, hoping that Adam could hear her mental plea for help as she got up and left the room. She ran around a bunch of hallways, her breath heaving as she spotted Adam. She was out of breath, limping towards him with a cringe. "Adam! Wait!" She didn't let him speak, running to him and grabbing his face. Katherine pulled him into a long kiss, her eyes red from her crying. "We.. We can work this out! I can come with you, Adam. I don't want you to leave me.. I don't want this to be the last time I see you." She hugged him, refusing to let him go. "Don't leave me. Please."
It hurt to leave Katherine like this. He had caught Katherine's plea for him to wait as he'd been leaving, had been too painful. The longer he stayed, the harder it would be to leave. So he'd kept going. Walking down the halls of the Inn, he tried to tell himself that this was for the best. He had to leave her behind. It was too dangerous. He'd be putting her and a lot of other people in danger. He just had to find Katherine's sister, and then get the hell out of Losland before it was too late. If only...he could just concentrate enough to try and sniff them out! Every time he tried, all he could smell was Katherine. Stopping, he pinched the brim of his nose in frustration. "What am I going to do...?" he asked, as if someone might suddenly give him the answer.

As it turned out, someone did have an answer. Hearing someone running down the halls behind him, panting heavily, he whirled around to see Katherine coming around the corner. She cried out for him to wait again, and this time didn't give him a chance to walk away. Even with a limp, she was still fast enough to get to him and grab onto him. Before he knew it, she had pulled him into her, and they were kissing. Fireworks went off in Adam's head, and he wrapped his arms tightly around her. They kissed for what felt like a long time in the hallway, and Adam wished it didn't have to stop. When they eventually broke off, Katherine continued to cling to him, and he noticed how red her eyes were, and the tears rolling down her cheeks. She tearfully begged him not to leave her behind, that she didn't want this to be the end. Looking down at her, Adam stroked her hair, trying to soothe her.

"I don't want this to be the last time I see you either. I don't want to leave you. I never want to leave you..." he said, shaking a little himself, despite his own attempts to calm Katherine. Leaning down, his lips found hers again for a deep kiss, needing to show her how much he cared. He held her close as she hugged him, breathing in her scent. "...I want you to come. But...I'm scared..." It was hard to admit that, even to Katherine, but he wanted to be honest with her.

Katherine smiled tearfully after the kiss, Adam holding onto her tightly. "I.. I need you around. You don't hae to go far away, Adam. Go into the forest. Somewhere close. I need you with me." They kissed again, a dizziness invading her head as she sighed after, her eyes lowered as she listened to his words. "Will you come back? You can't say you love someone and leave. Especially not me. You have no idea how much I can help you, Adam. I can help you control that side. You're terrified to hurt people. But you never let anyone get close enough. My memories are returning. Of us. I can remember all the good times so far. I don't want that to end, Adam. And neither do you. So please.. Stay with me. I don't want you to leave. You'll never come back. I'll be here alone. Please.. Don't walk away from me."
Hearing how much Katherine needed Adam around was like music to his ears, and he smiled a little after he broke off their kiss again. She didn't want him to leave, and suggested he could go into the forest, stay close. He wasn't so sure it would be that easy though. She wanted him to come back, because she could help him learn how to control his werewolf half. "That...that would be great. To be able to not worry about losing control all the would be like a dream come true." he said, a bit of hope entering his tone. She chastised him for keeping people at arm's length out of fear, and he sighed. "Can you blame me...? Katherine...I've...killed people..." he said, squeezing his eyes shut at those memories, memories Katherine herself might have seen back when they were still linked together. He opened his eyes again though, when she revealed that her memories were coming back, specifically memories about him.

She was right when she said that he didn't want things to end, and he held her close. "Alright. I won't leave...but I still can't be in Losland when the moon comes up. It's too dangerous." he said, reaching out with one hand to tenderly wipe a tear off of Katherine's cheek. "Katherine, I promise, you're never going to have to be alone again. Not as long as I'm around. So...don't cry anymore, alright? We just...need to figure out what to do before the moon rises." he said, wishing it would be an easy problem to solve. Still, despite the worry, he was happy. He felt like he finally had Katherine back. Smiling, he whispered, "I love you." in her ear.

Katherine smiled at his words, looking to him with a small bit of hope. "If you leave.. Come back. I don't want you to run away and never see me again. If that is something you want to do.. Then go do it. But please. Remember who cares about you, Adam. I do." She hugged him again, grinning at his statement of loving her. "I.. I love you too. Oddly I do. Though I can't say why, I just know something is meant to be." She looked down the hallway, her eyes narrowed. "Why are you running around here? There's got to be a good explanation." She kissed him again, jumping into his arms and looking around. "Carry me back to my bedroom, please. I need a man's strong arms sometimes." She smiled, looking at him closely. "I've killed people too, Adam. Believe it or not, I have. I dont speak much of it, but it's a kill or be killed world. I intend to live longer." She ruffled his hair, smiling. "My caretaker would get a kick out of you."

Elizabeth & Aros

Aros woke up, looking to Tessa as he yawned. She was sleeping peacefully, his eyes narrowed as he sensed a being at the door. He quickly walked to the door, suprise hitting his face as he realized it was Elizabeth. "Lizzie.. What are you doing here?" He slipped out the door, closing his quietly as he tried to summon up the anger he had felt before. Elizabeth was in pajamas, her eyes gold as she looked towards Katherine's room. "I.. I just wanted to let you know that Michael hasn't and will never be anything to me. He means nothing to me, Aros. I love you. The way my father spoke of you.. He said you were the best. I wish you believed me." Aros wrapped Elizabeth into a hug, his eyes watering as he tried to hold his emotions back. "I've missed you. Your smell. Your hair. The way you speak. I've missed you. So much." Elizabeth smiled, looking at the door. "Is she..?" Aros nodded, folding his arms over his chest. Elizabeth frowned, her eyes seeming worried as she looked down at the floor. "Did you guys..?" Aros shook his head, kissing Elizabeth suddenly. "No. I meant what I said. You are mine."
"I'd never forget that." Adam said as Katherine asked him to remember who cared about him. He hugged her back as she held onto him, and when she told him that she loved him too, he practically grinned from ear to ear. He thought those might have been the sweetest words he'd ever heard in his entire life. It made him so happy, he felt as if he could dance a jig right there in the hallway. If he had known how to dance, that is. As it was, he let out a happy laugh, and gave Katherine the biggest kiss he could. After that though, she suspiciously asked him what he had been doing snooping around the Inn, wanting an explanation. "W-well...uh...I was...going to talk to someone about something." he said, cutting off as Katherine kissed him again. She jumped into his arms, and Adam blinked, catching her and holding her up.

Laughing, he started walking back to Katherine's room, carrying her in his arms. "Well, I definitely don't mind hearing that." he commented as she said she needed his strong arms. She felt so light and soft in his arms, he felt like he could hold her like this for hours. His smile faded somewhat as Katherine told him she'd killed people too, but it was a kill or be killed world. It was just something that had to be done. "Well...I still don't like's not me..." he said with a sigh. Katherine ruffled his hair, and he chuckled as she spoke of her caretaker. "Well...maybe I'll meet him someday."

He opened the door, carrying her in like a bride over the threshold. Looking around, he didn't seen Elizabeth anywhere, and judging by her scent, guessed she'd left the room. Maybe she'd gone to see Aros on her own. Laying Katherine down on the bed, he kissed her, then got on the mattress, nuzzling up next to her, and holding onto her warmly. "Is it ok...if I stay here like this for awhile...?"

Katherine giggled as she was laid down on the bed, Adam laying behind her and nuzzing his body into hers. "Yes, that's fine. It'd be nice to cuddle with you." She sighed, closing her eyes and enjoying the heat from his body. "You know.. I don't understand why'd you leave me if you love me. Protecting me won't do anything. I'll either follow you or do the same as you. So why try to leave?" She kissed him for a few minutes, looking towards the door as her black hair fell into her eyes. "I wonder what other powers I have now." She grinned, raising a finger and pointing to a candle, which suddenly caught fire and began to burn. "That.. is wicked." She smiled at Adam, turning to face him as she began kissing him again. "You're face is a kissing magnet. I can't help it."
Katherine said that Adam could stay with her in the bed, so that was just what he did. Grinning, he got closer, her scent filling his head as he cuddled up to her. She was so warm. After sleeping alone last night, having her back in his arms felt even more refreshing. She told him that she didn't understand why he would leave her, telling him that she would have just followed him in the end anyway. "I just...didn't want to hurt anyone." Adam said with a shrug. After that, she pulled him into a kiss, and for the next several minutes conversation halted. With everything that had gone on the last couple of days, being able to kiss Katherine again was like a gift, and he savored each one as the fireworks went off in his head. When they stopped to catch their breath, Katherine questioned if she had any new powers because of her change, and surprised him by suddenly lighting a candle on the other side of the room by pointing at it.

"Wow. Cool." Adam commented. He certainly couldn't do that. "Better watch where you point that thing." Katherine started kissing him again, and he held onto her tighter, growing lightheaded in a good way. "You won't hear any complaints from me." he said between kisses with a grin as she joked about not being able to stop herself. He didn't want her to stop. He knew he didn't want to stop. "So...think I'll be able to start sleeping in here with you again...?" he asked, shifting in bed a little so he was overtop of her, continuing to kiss her.
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