Broomshield Academy

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The Slightly Villainous One
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy
Please see the second post for details - this post is a sticky so important points are easily reached on every page of the OOC thread.

So, as the title states, this is an RP about the daily life of young witch trainees in an all-girls school. It will revolve around the interactions between the characters (preferably those of romance), so if you're looking for magically-assisted yuri you've come to the right place! Most of the RP will span the free times, though, since lessons limit interactions.

The contents of the second post contains a summary of the School and the World.
Bellatrix Lyra (Belladonna) Sakamoto


[bg=#ffe6e9]"Just The Basics..."[/bg]

Bella, Ella, Trixie (More to be added as more are created)
2nd Year
(To Be Determined)

[bg=#ffccd2]"Who Am I...?"[/bg]

Outer Personality:
On the exterior, Bellatrix is a sweet and affectionate girl. She bears a love for adventure and nature itself that often brings her on spontaneous adventures to learn more about the world around her. However, despite her patience, never push her to her breaking point - For a kind girl, she knows how to give a very strong silent treatment.

Inner Personality:
Far past the gentle surface, a melancholic girl hides behind kind smiles and loving embraces. Prone to depression and anxiety, Bellatrix hides who she truly is behind a sweet smile. She often cries when she's alone for too long, and can't handle the thought of what she's capable of doing when no one is around to keep her on track. People who betray her or upset her make her shut them out completely, and she can go on for months on end with the thought of what had occurred.

Likes and Dislikes:
|| Likes || The Spring; Nature; Hiking; Picnics; Flowers (specifically Camellias); Tea; Sweets; Watching sunrises and sunsets; Being held; Having her hair pet; Classical music; Reading & Writing; Singing
|| Dislikes || Being alone; Ignorant/Inconsiderate people; Bitter food; Being suddenly touched; People seeing her cry; People who make fun of depression; Dirty rooms; Spiders; Broken promises; Remembering the past

Acrophobia (fear of heights); Arachnephobia (fear of spiders); Atelophobia (fear of imperfection); Autophobia (fear of being alone); Brontophobia (fear of thunder and lightning)

Romantic Preferences:
In a romantic relationship, Bellatrix searches for someone who is as loving and kind as she is. She possesses the secret desire to be protected by someone, so she may seek out someone who would act protective over her. Someone who wouldn't mind her love for adventure and the outdoors is also a must, but she would also be willing to compromise with some indoor cuddling. The girl also prefers to be with someone she trusts, meaning she could cry in front of them with no worry of ridicule.

Unfavourable Qualities:
The general person Bellatrix would avoid would be someone who doesn't consider the feelings of others, and who uses others for their own benefit. People who see depression as a joke are also more likely to be on her list of people to avoid, as well as people who tease her for crying or her kindness towards others.

Music Club(?)

[bg=#ffb3bb]The Darkness Behind The Smile (Trigger Warning)[/bg]

For the first five years of Bellatrix's life, they were as average as "average" could be. She was the youngest, with an eldest brother Caspian III and elder sister Aria looking after her all the time. Her parents, Juliette and Caspian II were also very loving towards her, although they didn't spoil her. Life was at its own normal pace... until her uncle Rome had moved in. Uncle Rome was known for some shady acts in the underground business that the children knew not of, however they did know that whatever Uncle Rome did - Caused one of the biggest arguments between their parents over the topic of whether or not he should live with them.
Although she was very young at the time, Bellatrix can recall her uncle doing strange things to her when he would believe she was asleep in bed. It took two years for her to realize that it wouldn't go away on its own - Instead, it got far worse. Afraid of her parents getting into arguments, she often kept these things to herself, and gradually they gave her nightmares and made the girl consider ending her life.
On a late night, Aria entered her room while Rome was making his visits, and that was when chaos rose in their once happy little family. Out of rage, her uncle threatened her sister's life in front of her parents' eyes, and not too long did her father engage in a physical fight with their uncle when he refused to talk things through. The three children would then start their morning in foster care, where Bellatrix wouldn't see her beloved siblings again.
The Sakamoto family wasn't the exact same as her blood family, however they were far safer. She lived with an elder sister named Yuki, and a little brother named Rin. The family was nurturing, but far more strict on curfews and grades. Although Bellatrix wasn't completely happy, she was just glad to be away from Rome. It was until it was decided that Bellatrix would be sent to schooling instead, and so it was decided: She would be sent to an all-girls' academy, where she wouldn't have to worry about family any longer.

Couple of things (nothing wrong with the character, she's accepted, I just want some clarification)

Firstly; for the phobias, are they all on the "phobia" level, or are they just things she's not comfortable with? How strong would her reactions be to being presented with them?

Secondly; which kind of depression does she have? Is it the one where you're constantly gloomy or the one where you're typically OK besides having low self confidence and panic attacks?

Finally; what's stopped her getting treatment? I didn't specify it but this world is particularly good at treating mental illness since they have the means to do so in a very efficient manner (that's actually the only reason our current Earth can't deal with mental illness very well - we don't have the ability to magically induce electrical currents, so our only available methods have a bunch of ethical issues surrounding them)

And, as just a side note, maybe consider what got her interested in music? You don't have to, but I think it could make an interesting character point.
@Karakui Thanks so much! I hope my answers will suffice ^-^

So for the phobias, they are what they are - Phobias. They're things she can't handle, otherwise she's prone to anxiety attacks. An example of her reactions would be, say, being left alone when she doesn't want to be for a long period of time can cause her to hyperventilate or get dizzy. Other times, she could even feel sick.

It's mostly depression caused by PTSD, considering the fact that she went through a sudden and traumatic event. She doesn't have panic attacks, more anxiety attacks caused by her previously mentioned phobias or any triggers (mentioning her uncle, talking about rape, suddenly being touched, etc.) Her emotions are more likely to fluctuate if anything, so she could feel okay and suddenly something could trigger a memory of her uncle -- Causing her to close up inside, but still force herself to be "happy" in front of others. It's a natural instinct for her to do act as though nothing were wrong, since that's what she did when she was under her uncle.

That's her issue: She feels that she can't. I'm a Psychology major, so I often end up unintentionally assuming everyone else understands every reference I make - So that's my bad x'3
I incorporated the behavior of "Learned Helplessness" in Bellatrix, which is how it's called - The continuation of seemingly endless pain (emotional and physical) upon her, combined with her choosing to not help so she wouldn't have to worry everyone, it's just in her psyche. She never sought out help, because she feels it's a burden upon others to take care of her issues, when she believes her issues can never be fixed.
Did that make sense? I'm horrible at describing things, I'm so sorry </3

I actually do have what got her interested in music, I was just hoping to reveal that over the course of the Rp itself. However, if you'd like me to describe it in the character sheet then just let me know and I'll be more than happy to share! ^^
Ok so they are the full blown phobias. Cool

I understand that conditioned helplessness thing, but that only applies to therapy, surely? We have methods of surgically rewriting PTSD now, which would be much easier to carry out using magic, so would be much more efficient. It's literally as simple as a few sessions with a neurosurgeon and an nMRI scanner. Explanation, if you're interested: [spoili]So, as a psychology major you must be aware of how the nervous system functions, right? With synapses and whatnot. Well, if you trigger their PTSD while under nMRI scanners, you can map which regions of the brain are involved in it. Then, you attach microelectrodes to the regions and to the region of the brain that deals in the body's reward system and by stimulating both at the same time, you can get the brain to build synapses between the regions so that triggering the PTSD no longer has negative effects on the person but instead releases dopamine. Of course, you have to be careful cos if you go overboard you can make people basically get a natural high from triggering their PTSD, which could be dangerous if that PTSD involved something potentially harmful, but... [/spoili]

As for the music, I'd prefer you leave it as character development; I just wanted to make sure you'd thought about it :P

I do feel sorry for her though. Such a cruel creator!
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[fieldbox="Mys Bellyoung, plum, solid"]
[fieldbox="Mys Bellyoung, plum, solid"]
Mys is quite short, standing at around 4 feet 9 inches (145 cm). She has a very small frame, and looks like a developed child. Her hair is always slightly floating around her.

Mys Bellyoung



Behemoth or Roc (Roc is probably the most fitting)

Outer Personality:
Mys appears to be a rather short-tempered, stubborn individual. She is very knowledgeable of magic, but extremely incompetent, often messing up what would otherwise be very powerful spells. She is quite moody, almost always sporting a sour face. In her world, most everybody around her is incompetent, idiotic and an utter waste of space.

Inner Personality:
Mys' cynical outlook towards others is a result of her own projection. She is incredibly critical of herself, rarely pleased with anything she accomplishes. While she hides it well, she is easy to fluster, and often finds herself embarrassed or uncomfortable. Those she is fond of are often subject to even higher standards than normal, but she is more forgiving with them than others. She will loosen up more around those close to her, becoming slightly cheerier and open.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes- Pendants, gemstones, charms, watches, lava lamps, the color purple, the moon, old books, pancakes, wind, storms

Dislikes- Eggs, performing magic in front of people, children, comments on her appearance (good or bad), fiction novels about magic

Aquaphobia (fear of water, swimming, more specifically)

Romantic Preferences:
Someone innocent and accepting, perhaps even a little naïve.

Unfavourable Qualities:
Mys cannot stand loud or hyperactive people, and openly looks down on the ignorant and/or unmotivated.

Student Council

Mys is the eldest daughter of a prestigious family of accomplished witches from Lithany (Lithuania + Germany). Her family originally intended to send her to the best school for magicians in Lithany, but she failed the entrance test. They cycled through the best schools in the neighboring countries until they reached Bripan. She failed the entrance exam for the most prestigious academy, but passed Broomshield's, and was accepted immediately. While none of the elders in her family ever said anything about it to her, her failures made her a poor mark on her family's legacy.

[fieldbox="Elspeth Tokinawa, palegreen, solid"]

Elspeth is 5 feet tall (152 cm), and is rather underdeveloped.

Elspeth Tokinawa



Not sure

Outer Personality:
Elspeth is a very shy person, tending to avoid social situations whenever possible. She has a lot of trouble speaking to others, and generally prefers to stay mute, sticking mainly to body language. Her social anxiety makes it hard for her to refuse anyone anything, and as such rarely goes against the wishes with others. Still, you'd be hard pressed to get her to speak openly with you. She is quite naïve, and will typically trust the word of others, making her easy to influence. But, it takes a lot of time and loyalty for her to feel truly comfortable around someone.

Inner Personality:
Despite her introverted and shy personality, Elspeth deeply needs someone to be dependent upon, both emotionally and from day to day life. She enjoys the company of those she is very close with, and loves to just sit in silence with the ones she trusts. While she is quite fond of familiarity, a part of her longs to experience the world and all it has to offer. However, she is afraid to express these sentiments to others, fearful they might belittle her for them.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes- Reading, colored pencils, shading, apples, chestnuts, walnuts, writing letters, strawberry jam sandwiches, tea

Dislikes- Watermelon flavored anything, public speaking, crowds of people, coffee, spicy or sour foods, summer


Romantic Preferences:
Someone calm and understanding, that she can depend on.

Unfavourable Qualities:
Elspeth greatly dislikes loud, show-offy or proud people.

Cooking Club

Elspeth is native of Bripan, hailing from a small, rural village just outside of Ashoto. She had only traveled outside of the village once, to visit Ashoto on a school field trip. The youngest of three by 7 years, Elspeth grew accustomed to playing on her own, her older siblings preferring to play with each other. She grew up a daddy's girl, finding more connection with her quiet and patient father than her outgoing and energetic mother. It was her father who initially knew of her ability, and her mother who insisted that she attend Broomshield. Reluctant to disappoint her mother (and by extent, the ladies in her mother's church and charity groups) Elspeth agreed, and left the village for the second time in her life.[/fieldbox]
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Right then, first to check who's still here...
@Bones. @Karo @PastelChaos @Justin The Mad Prince @digiexpert @Ailucia @Wicked_"Innocence"

Now, onto business:
- Currently we have 1 first year, 5 second years and 1 third year... is there anyone willing to move a character into first or second to balance it out a bit?
- I would also like more characters in general, aiming at at least 3 in each class. With my two (first and third) that should help balance it, though. Either way, does anyone have any friends who would be interested in this? Doesn't matter if you do or don't, just tag every username you know! The one who tags the most gets a free Like!
- The clubs will be quite important to this RP, and I would like every character to be in at least one club, so if y'all could agree on some, that'd be great! I'll make some proposals to get us started:

Student Council (reserved President for my third year)
Animatronics club (Involves using magic and technology to build machines for participating in Games - think robot wars but more dramatic)
Sailing club (why not make use of that awesome lake?)
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I would be willing to switch up a few things to be a first year or third year.
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I'll totally be a first year if balance is important.

Also we have two votes for a Cooking Club already!
Yeah I'm sorry going to have to drop this getting super busy with rl, sorry.
Aaand changed, I think 15 is young enough, or do I need to go younger?
Nope, 15 is fine. So we now have 3 first years (including my character), 4 second years and 2 third years (including my character) and the cooking club has 2 members, so one more and it gets a club room.
Edited Mys and Elspeth.
-_- now we have 4/2/3 XD Guess my second character shall be a second year then.
Wait, how did we drop to two second years? I know I changed mine to third, but we had four second years to begin with. I just went back and counted, we have three. Though I could have miscounted.
Ailucia and you have both switched to first year :D
Oh, you mean I switched Elspeth? Nah, she's always been a first year. I did put her in a club though.
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