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"Yes puppy, I was mean to you because I wanted all your attention on me," he said chuckling lightly at Joey. "I believe I have to thank Mokuba for this," Kaiba said glancing at where his little brother had gone.

Bakura chuckled at how angry Marik was now, he smirked hugging Ryou to his chest and rested his chin on his Hikari's shoulder.

Malik kept walking his feet crunching leaves, he kept walking his eyes focused forward. If he was a cat his ears would be pulled back and his tail lashing.(you'll see how important this is later.)
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"Oh.."Joey looked at him while he crossed his arms."Funny way to show you like me Kaiba..i hated me."He smiled suddenly not really angry at the CEO he was happy it turned out like this that Kaiba didn't hate him but liked him.He nodded glancing to were Seto was looking at."I think..i need to thank him to but first." He turned,hugging Seto.

Marik clenched his hand into a fist.Glancing at Bakura.He was getting more angry by the minute."Just shut up thief its not that funny!"He really wanted to punch the spirit but he wanted to talk with Malik first.To him that was more important than hurting the thief.He shot Bakura a glare before following after his light quickly.
Seto blinked before hugging the blonde back, he chuckled gently running his hand through the blonde locks. He was rather surprised at how soft Joey's hair was, he smiled warmly.

Bakura was about to say something when he got an elbow to the ribs from Ryou who gave him an annoyed glare, "where you going?" He demanded following after the british teens.

Malik continued to walk not bothered by the arguing behind him. He crossed his arms as he kept walking ignoring his yami.
Joey smiled content to be held by the other."Oh and just to make things clear..i like you too...Seto."He let go looking down for a few seconds then turning to were Mokuba was hiding.He was Blushing faintly at actually admitting that to the CEO.

Marik caught up to his Hikari since he had ran a bit as well."Hikari i don't get why you're so upset!You should know i wont change my mind about the items since you created me with those thoughts to get it.i'm you.I only want to give you want you deserve and that's revenge and the items!" He grabbed Maliks arm trying to stop him from walking away."I only want to give you what you want..and that's revenge right?"
"I told you I don't want that anymore," he said, "why can't you understand that," he snapped pulling his arm free.

Seto chuckled, "you're so cute when you blush puppy," Kaiba said tilting Joey's chin up so he could see his eyes.
Marik narrowed his eyes."Then what do you want?!" He walked in front of the other glaring crossing his arms."If you don't want the Pharaoh gone then what?"

Joey blinked staring at the others eyes, he glanced to the side frowning slightly."I ain't cute Kaiba.And can you stop calling me a puppy?It seems really insulting."He looked back to Seto,his blush never fading since he was close to the other.
"But's how I see you, my sweet little golden puppy," he said running his hand through Joey's hair. He kissed the blonde lightly before resting his forehead on Joey's so he could still keep eye contact.

"I don't know, okay it's confusing. I just know I don't want to hurt my friends, I saw Ryou and Yugi after there Yamis left for the after world.(I don't know if this happened after battle city. But since this is an AU then it did happen.) They came back and now They're different," he said before turning and walking away from Marik.
Joey rolled his eyes after the light kiss though he wrapped his arms around Seto again."Well i don't know about you but i look like a human being not a puppy.But since you don't mean it in a insulting way..i guess ill get use to you calling me that.'He glanced away before looking back into Seto's eyes.

(it didn't happen straight away there was sub plots added before that time itwassosad but like you said its an AU.^^ i think it was meant to happen straight after battle city though it just..never went like that...)

Marik rolled his eyes."So the Pharaoh did go to the after life only to end up back here like Bakura too..Hmm.I still do want the items though!But there's something else i want that doesn't involve hurting the Pharaoh and his friends." He slowly smirked at Malik while he talked.
(For the sake of the plot, let's just say it happened, okay?)

Kaiba chuckled and kissed Joey again, he pulled the blonde closer. He smirked and gently nipped the blonde's ear before releasing him completely.

"What is that?" Malik asked frowning, he wondered what else Marik would want besides the other millennium ideas.
( Sure. )

Joey smiled when kissed but his eyes widened when Seto nipped his ear.When Seto released him he back a few feet away holding the ear that had been nipped surprised by the feeling."Don't go doing that Seto jeez! He glaring at the CEO be rolled his eyes and smiled again after a moment."You should go say thanks to your brother anyway." He looked downed point in the direction the young brother of the CEO ran off to.Blushing still.'I have to stop blushing!'

Marik smirked widened as he suddenly pushed Maliks back against a tree they had just passed minutes ago.hands on the Hikari's shoulders but the hold was surprisingly gentle."Let me rephrase that.Someone i want."He paused for a few moments letting it sink into Maliks mind before actually saying who it was."You,Hikari."
Blush spread across Malik's face, he tried to push himself up against the tree. "What are you doing?" He asked getting flustered, he almost stumbled over the words.

"No need I saw everything!" Mokuba said smiling brightly while holding a phone. "What did I tell you about spying?" Kaiba snapped trying to take the phone, Mokuba laughed dodging his brother. "But it's fun and Noah helped," he said pointing to their green haired step siblings.

"I did no such thing, you called me and said it was important," the green haired teen said holding up his hands. "I'm innocent," he said, "it was Mokuba's idea," he said backing away.

(Can you tell I'm board?)
( No..not really o.o; not unless adding Noah is a sign?? D: why are you bored? )

Marik chuckled seeing the other blush and leaned very close to the other."Well i was going to.." He didn't finish instead his brushed his lips onto Maliks staying there for a few seconds before pulling away and stepping back while chuckling watching how his Hikari would react.

Joey head snap to the younger Kaiba eyes wide and mouth hanging open he was even more shocked than when Kaiba said he liked him and kissed him."You..spied on.. us...." His face was a normal color but it turn beet red as he tried to grab the phone as well."Did ya have to go and spy Mokuba!?That ain't cool man!"
(It's like 1:22 am here.)

"Aw but it's fun!" Mokuba whinned dodging both older males, he was quite easily smiling now. "Oh and I have a secret!" He said, "nope, nope, nope! Don't tell brother that one!" Noah said covering Mokuba's mouth. Mokuba glared at Noah before freeing himself, "why?" He asked, "I don't want to die," Noah responded glancing at Kaiba before smiling innocently.

Malik blushed worse, Marik had inches from kissing him. His light purple eyes were wide and he couldn't find his voice at the moment. He just looked away flustered badly.

(I drew a picture! The coloring isn't good but it will do.)


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( oh so that's why. o.o; )

Joey stopped in mid grab for the phone and looked at Noah raising an eyebrow."It can't be that bad that he would want to kill you..." He said this but he wasn't sure.He glanced at Mokuba wondering what it was but wouldn't ask.He didn't want to see Noah die that would be horribly even if he hardly knew the teen.

( Also that picture's nice ^^ like you said its not all colored but its ok. ))

Marik grinned."You really do look cute blushing like that Hikari.I might just have to kiss you fully next time." With that he vanished back into Marliks mind chuckling glad he had made Malik blush and speechless for once.
He sunk to the ground, he tried to calm his emotions and beating heart. 'What the heck was that?" He asked himself taking deep breaths.

"Mokuba I swear you say anything I turn you to stone...again," he said grabbing the smaller teen's shoulders with pleading eyes. "Now I'm intrigued, so what's this secret Noah?" Kaiba asked with narrowed, Noah gulped, "why nothing Seto," Noah said laughing nervously and backing away.

(I'm working on another one, yay!)
Joey crossed his arms his blush fading and was now more curious about the secrete."If it's nothing you wont mind telling? Though it's gotta be a big deal if you think you'll die by Seto." He glanced at the CEO wondering if he would kill his step brother,then again Noah did try and kill them all before so it wouldn't be a surprise if another Kaiba would to do it.

( cool ^^ )
(This one is harder then the last.)

"No I'm good," Noah said backing away, he practically dragging Mokuba with him so he wouldn't say anything either. "Noah what did you do?" Kaiba said sharply, "for one I didn't mean to and two it was also Mokuba's falt," Noah said laughing nervously again.
"It sounds like you either destroyed his office or damaged something important value to him." Joey laughed nervously picturing A blue eyes card ripped into two.'Man it better not be that bad..'

( oh ok.)
"If it was that he would lock me in that interface again, it's worse," he said frowning, "at least I didn't explode his computer again," he said. "That was funny," Mokuba commented, Noah was hiding behind Mokuba right now.


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( cool pic.^^ )

Joey frowned in thought wondering what could be worse."Eh..How is anything else worse than that?.." ' Maybe Noahs worry over nothing big but he does seem nervous.' "Don't you think it's better to say now than Seto finding out later? "